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Yes the Republican Party will be stronger without the liberal candidates who try to pass themselves off as Republicans. I hope the GOP takes note that most folks out here want conservative representation, less government and more personal freedom. We want candidates that work hard for the American people, not to get re-elected. The thing that most politicians do not seem to realize, is when they do what is best for the people, they will be re-elected as a result. Too many see re-election as the goal.

I find it refreshing that she did the right thing. This kind of suspension doesn’t obviously happen very often. I have no idea if her motives were pragmatic due to the polling and her stated desire to do what’s right for the community, but I’ll take her at her words and just say thanks.

This should be a time of real reflection in the upper reaches of the GOP machine. I hope they don’t react to this and fight against the tide and instead embrace the conservative movement and start laying plans to support and stand up good candidates that conservatives and the tea party mindset can enthusiastically support.

And I say AMEN to both posts….

This is getting very interesting indeed! Whatever her goal is, it did take courage and humility to suspend her campaign, so she deserves credit for that. But, it is curious that she didn’t endorse Hoffman. Fox News says Chairman Micheal Steele stated that the RNC will support Hoffman financially.

I just hope she doesn’t end up pulling an Arlen Specter in the near future!

Yes, she withdrew, perhaps it is better to withdraw than suffer an humiliating defeat. It was dignified, however by not endorsing Hoffman, Scozzafova confirmed her Liberal sympathies. Thus if the Conservative Revolution comes to fruition, she has in effect, eliminated herself from being a major player in the new Republican Party, an ignorant move despite her personal proclivites. If she would have embraced Hoffman and thrown her support towards him, she could still be a Player in the new emerging Republican Party.

There is an obvious message for all moderate and Liberal Republicans, it is not a small group that is redirecting the Republican Party it is a political high tide of anger, the public has its blood in a slow boil. They are long past the point where condescending Republican leaders can offer soothing reassurances.

Like hunting Grizzlies and Bull Moose in the rut, it is best to deal with them before they get their blood up and on the rampage. The American public is now on the rampage and they want their country back. Reaching across the aisle and being buddy-buddy with Pelosi, Biden, and Obama will earn you no votes with the American public at this stage!

None the less, the writing is on the wall, this scenario will only need to be played out a few more times before even the Republican leadership realizes the force of change that is happening all around them. This is a backlash resulting from the revulsion of the current Marxist Administration and the seemingly impotent resistance from our Republican Legislators and Leaders.

@SoCal Chris:

Now come on you two! What did you expect her to do? She released her supporters so they cold support Hoffman. That’s extraordinary. I don’t know too many politicians who would do that. She probably is hurt that Hoffman took what she saw as her opportunity to become a member of congress.

Besides, her endorsement of Hoffman could be the kiss of death. Hoffman doesn’t need it.

Last Saturday, 10/24 post on
a lighthearted blog for Sarah…of the same family as (hilarious commentary on MEshill’s fashion sense) (because without TOTUS there is no POTUS)

Madame 45 the Huntress

“It is a well known fact that Madame is a huntress. She can take down a caribou or a moose with the best of them. In fact, Field and Stream Magazine called her a hero. Sadly, I’m not allowed to go with her or the rest of the family when they go hunting. It’s too cold, and they don’t want me to malfunction.

I must let you know that Madame is also a huntress in the metaphorical sense, too. She not only hunts caribou and moose; she sometimes hunts donkeys and RINOs. One day she just may hunt the gators that infest the sewers and swamplands that infest Washington D.C.. This week, she decided that she was going to do a little RINO hunting when she endorsed conservative candidate Doug Hoffman on Thursday. Madame isn’t against Rs, but she really doesn’t like it when they act like RINOs. Just like she said on Thursday:

Doug Hoffman stands for the principles that all Republicans should share: smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense, and a commitment to individual liberty.

Political parties must stand for something. When Republicans were in the wilderness in the late 1970s, Ronald Reagan knew that the doctrine of “blurring the lines” between parties was not an appropriate way to win elections. Unfortunately, the Republican Party today has decided to choose a candidate who more than blurs the lines, and there is no real difference between the Democrat and the Republican in this race. This is why Doug Hoffman is running on the Conservative Party’s ticket. (emphasis LOTUS)

Now I don’t know if you can make chili out of RINOs or if Madame simply wants to mount the RINO on the wall, but she certainly wants them to act like conservatives. Back in August of 2008, Madame had this to say, ” The GOP needs to live the planks of its platform, not just offer lip service. ” I don’t know if Madame will return to electoral donkey hunting after doing some RINO hunting, but if she does, she certainly knows what to do.”

@Mike’s America:

Besides, her endorsement of Hoffman could be the kiss of death. Hoffman doesn’t need it.

That is most likely a true statement and one I hadn’t thought of. As I said in my earlier comment, I believe she deserves credit for doing what she did. It’s all such a different scenario it’s a little hard to wrap my brain around it for the moment, but I’m glad she stepped up to the plate and did the right thing. We shall see what happens, eh?

@SoCal Chris: I’ve been around this game for decades now and I’ve never heard something like this in all those years:

It is increasingly clear that pressure is mounting on many of my supporters to shift their support. Consequently, I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so. I am and have always been a proud Republican. It is my hope that with my actions today, my Party will emerge stronger and our District and our nation can take an important step towards restoring the enduring strength and economic prosperity that has defined us for generations.

It would be ungrateful, to say the least, to criticize Scozzofava for not doing more.\

P.S. When I first heard that Scozzofava had “suspended” her campaign it reminded me of when John McCain did it just before walking into the trap Obama, Pelosi and Reid had set back in Washington with the financial crisis bailout. Wouldn’t it have been wonderful if McCain had decided to permanently withdraw and let Palin take over?

Sarah certainly led the way on Hoffman; Pawlenty and others followed. Finally, today Newt, Huck and the other good ole boys fell just like Dominos. I like Huck but I don’t believe he will ever be POTUS. There are other positions he could fill though. Newt needs to stand back.

Endorsements are mostly pointless, voters rarely follow them. In the end, that would be a contest of advertising budgets.

I believe, in this instance, that is incorrect.

Two Words….SARAH PALIN !!!!


I believe she was a gamechanger (buzz & money) on this…..all of the other endorsements were just icing on the cake.

Anyone care to guess which politicos/groups will be adding her contact info on their roladexes and cell phones?

@Timothy: Yes, I agree. I, for one, had never heard of Doug Hoffman before, had you? Sarah, has so far, stayed completely true to herself and that is what people are attracted to and want in their leaders. We don’t have to agree on every point but we want to hear their truth from them. Not like the flim flam man we have now. 0zer0 wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the ass. In order to know the truth, you first have to know yourself…and he doesn’t have a clue. The joker has many identity issues.

M A the kiss of death, seems a little too extreme, but I trust your word that these are original developments. If Perot would have given his support to Bush a few days before the election, I doubt if we would have suffered through the dynamic duo for eight years.

It’s true endorsing another candidate is more symbolic than tactical, but how does Hoffman feel towards Scozzafava, if she had offered her support, there would probably be a place for her on Hoffman’s staff, and it is not too late. For sure there is the enmity from having a congressional seat yanked from beneath you as you were about to sit down; but politics is politics and you must be practical. The Republicans in Scozzafava’s district have rejected her for the simple reason that she has been too Liberal and Hoffman appears to be a staunch Conservative. He is not some charismatic stage persona like Fearless Reader, he is a Conservative and that is all. Being petulant and refusing to endorse the conservative over a Democrat is only petulance and hurt feelings. I would have the same feelings, but saying to your constituents to vote your conscience is fair, true, but she had three choices, vote your conscience, vote Republican, or vote Democratic.

Many of us feel you should vote your conscience, and in today’s political climate this makes sense, yet if we can salvage the navigation of the Republican Party, victory will be that much more assured. If nothing else besides one congressional seat, this race is making the Republican leadership pay attention at every level. This movement will not be denied, the sooner the Republicans realize the situation, the easier the road will be and the sooner we can depose this Marxist in the White House.


I just found out that Sarah Palin’s Political Action Committee, which solicits contributions from fellow conservatives, gave the maximum $4800 to Sen. John McCain’s senate re-election campaign. Personally, I can understand that, but some of our friends who have been roasting Newt Gingright alive the past week might have a problem with it.

But it does show that Sarah is not out to destroy the GOP.

@Skookum: I can’t imagine Scozzofava would want a place on the Congressman’s staff. There aren’t that many really good jobs on a freshman congressman’s staff anyway. It’s possible, and indeed likely, that others in the NY state GOP went to her and offered her something to quit. We don’t know.

As for Hoffman, the following is posted on his web site:

Our Republican opponent, Dede Scozzafava, today suspended her campaign and told her supporters they are free to support anyone they would like. We would like to acknowledge the class and dignity with which Mrs. Scozzafava conducted her campaign and thank her for her continued service to our great state. She deserves our respect and appreciation.

M A it looks like Hoffman is more than just a Conservative, he has class and dignity as well. He will be a breath of fresh air and an example for the rest of congress.

“Our Republican opponent, Dede Scozzafava, today suspended her campaign and told her supporters they are free to support anyone they would like. We would like to acknowledge the class and dignity with which Mrs. Scozzafava conducted her campaign and thank her for her continued service to our great state. She deserves our respect and appreciation.”

Yes, the offer of a position from the NY GOP is a more likely scenario.

The contribution to McCain was probably a gesture of thanks, for without McCain, Sarah would still be a corruption fighting Governor of Alaska that no one had ever heard of. I remember hearing her name mentioned the first time for me, a caller mentioned Sarah’s name to Rush as a possible running mate for McCain and Rush said, “She is too much of an unknown.” That was in the early days and I am sure it can be verified, but that is the way I remember the situation. Who had heard of Sarah Palin outside of Alaska? Very few of us, that is for sure.

AnnMonterey, thanks for the Huntress material. I am an old time bush ape that will disappear into the mountains about the time this political nightmare runs down. One way or another. I prefer a horse to a truck and a rifle to a grocery cart and a fly rod to an ink pen, so your material warmed my heart more than you will ever know. I was always looking for a female hunting and fishing companion, but there just aren’t that many out there; well actually, I have never met one and then Sarah came on the scene, wow! Of course she is taken and will probably be in the WH in a few years so that wont work. It isn’t my kind of neighborhood. I seemed like a good deal to me, I cook, take care of the horses, set up camp, catch and clean fish, pack up the horses, shoe the horses, I am good at finding the right place to cross wild rivers and I am so warm at night I rarely need more than one blanket, even in the 40 below; but there were never any takers. Oh well, its too late now, I have snow on the roof year round now, so I will just watch Sarah and daydream a little. Oh, in case you wondered I am from two days North of the border, two days by truck, one month by horseback. Not the border with Mexico.

For Timothy — Yes, let’s see what Sarah can do for America. Most of us can agree there is little difference in the 2-party system in regards to doing what the people want instead of what they want.

I’m ready for a 3rd party & many of them did quite well in the European elections earlier this yr. when the people showed their protest to the established parties.

I’m encouraging others to just read that new, underground book just out where a small town in America stands up to federal tyranny & ends up starting the 2nd American Revolution. Now, what a concept that is these days. It’s powerful & a must read if you want a book that has current problems facing us & what other Americans are talking about (Revolution). Just read it & prepare for the nxt 3 yrs. Great Read!!

@CabotAR suggested that : ” Most of us can agree there is little difference in the 2-party system in regards to doing what the people want instead of what they want. “

Sorry, but I profoundly disagree. All you have to do is look at the principled opposition our GOP team in the House and Senate have put up to Obama’s big schemes like Cap and Tax, Stimulus bill and now health care. At every step of the way the GOP has put forward real alternatives to these big taxing/big government partisan Democrat plans.

GOP House and Senate leaders openly acknowledge that they made a mistake in the Bush years by going along with the big spending plans that are anathema to conservatism. Yet, you would throw them out for the hope of a fantasy that some third party movement would succeed?

A third party would destroy what strength we have now. It’s one thing to have a successful conservative challenge in a single congressional district and quite another to do it on a nationwide basis.

As I have said on previous threads, Ross Perot handing the 1992 and 1996 elections to Clinton should have taught people a lesson. But it appears that is not the case.

If you think the damage that false hope caused during the Clinton years was bad, just wait to what happens if Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s power remain unchecked.


@Mike’s America: I couldn’t agree more. This is not the time to attempt to mount a 3rd party challenge. I don’t believe Sarah will do that. A 3rd party is a good idea when the situation is not so dire. We have to concentrate on retiring Nancy, Harry and 0zer0.

What I keep in mind are the myths that are pressed into service by the competition.

Such as…many Democrats harped on the message that Hillary Clinton was too polarizing to garner the nomination or win the election. When it came right down to it, HRC would have won the primary had the DNC not given it to 0zer0 at the Rules and Bylaws committee in May. It was disgusting. Now I understand. The left had their agenda all worked out for a socialist take over and they decided that it was time to install a useful fool through white guilt and black turn out. My point is…in actuality, Hillary as a polarizing figure within the Democrat party itself was a lie. I heard this repeated constantly before the election…now…not so much. Don’t believe what they say, only examine the results to see the agenda.

So when we hear all sorts of messages about Sarah, just keep your own counsel and don’t go along with any myth in the making. I think many of the male members of the Republican party are ready to savage her out of sheer greed and ambition. My wish for Sarah still is that she take a role as King/Queen maker and make her mark on the national stage showing her good sense and judgment; I’d love to see her in the Senate or take on a cabinet appointment so she could be ready to be POTUS. She needs more seasoning. We see what happens when someone is pushed in too soon. She did exactly the right thing resigning as Gov of Alaska. And when she is ready to run again, if she chooses her time right, she’ll be the first woman POTUS. She’s a true Independent but if she wants to run under the Republican banner, I’m for it.

@Skookum: Where are you in AK?

AnnM, I have never been to Alaska. I am one of those dual passport guys, from Northern Canada. It is easy and legal with the right genetic composition and almost as good as being an Indian for crossing that particular border. Currently, I reside in the desert, a concession to my profession not my heart. I am counting the days until I retire and head North to disappear in the mountains forever. However, if we don’t beat back this Socialism and turn this economy around: I may as well have spent my life where I was happy, because all those decades of sacrifice and work will be for nothing.

It’s true some of the provinces experiment with Socialism, BC is the worst with Ontario running close for second; but I have never heard it suggested, excluding the Quebec Qua, that a Liberal politician wasn’t genuinely striving to work for the benefit of Canada and maintain its sovereignty. Besides, it is hilarious when Parliament gets into an heated argument and throws rolled up papers at each other. They insult each other with a formal politeness, great fun indeed.

A Canadian Liberal and an US Liberal are of completely different species, I am a Canadian Conservative as well, but I like to give credit where credit is due. Unlike Obama who gives our money to his loyal big businesses and starves the general population and small business with the credit garrote to bring us to our knees in submission.

It has been a dream to sail through the Queen Charlotte’s and on to Alaska, I love to watch the whales and the big coastal grizzlies; but a lot depends on how many Americans are content to remain deluded by the Marxist in the White House. It is our job to be as creative as possible with our limited skills on these keyboards and to do our part to expose this fraud with the Marxist Agenda.

God Speed AnnM, good luck with the next few months and years, don’t lose faith in the American people, some are merely lost and bewildered in the pointless forest of indecision and stupidity, like Fearless Reader.

@Mike’s America:

She released her supporters so they cold support Hoffman. That’s extraordinary. I don’t know too many politicians who would do that. She probably is hurt that Hoffman took what she saw as her opportunity to become a member of congress.

She released her supporters but seems maybe not to hoffman:

During the day Saturday, she began to quietly and thoughtfully encourage her supporters to vote for Democrat William L. Owens.


Sarge, this seems to be an indication that Liberal Republicans are Liberals first and Republicans second. This is significant and can be use to illustrate some of the basic problems within the Republican Party. I’d say the problem is not really RINOS, an ambiguous term at best, but an infiltration within the party by Liberals. It is not inconceivable that Liberals would infiltrate Republican ranks in Red states for ease of election and to break party unity, a process they may have accomplished with consummate skill.

@Mike’s America:

I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so. I am and have always been a proud Republican.

So much for her “I am and have always been a proud republican”. Here’s what she has to say today:

It is in this spirit that I am writing to let you know I am supporting Bill Owens for Congress and urge you to do the same.

I don’t think it’s going to be a matter of the NY GOP giving her some sort of job, looks to be more of a chance that she’ll be getting a job from the NY DEM party. Over 900,000 dollars to Dede for her campaign from the GOP, and they can’t see why donations are down to the national party, and donations are up to the conservative running.

So 2 questions I have, 1) will the GOP somehow recoup their money, or is it just been flushed down the drain? and 2) If Owens pulls this out (yesterday before Dede’s anouncement, Hoffman looked to be the winner, but was still close), will Dede take the blame or will the GOP blame the third party conservative?

TCOTreport has several good articles on the NY23 race, one in particular explains how Dede got the nomination:


Sarge, this means the Republican Part just spent over $900,000 supporting a Liberal. The Republican Party is due for a major overhaul.

are you people all from another world or reality.reading your take on things I think a distant reality from another time and place. Here’s hoping DEDE’s supporters vote for the democrat just because she was forced out by her own party and you claim things about the dems look what you do to your own.And by the way IMO palin needs to be tried for her many violations in her home state and stay out of other states problems.Ny would be much better off at any rate.IMO she was as corrupt as any form the great state of Alaska.

Sarge thanks for your references, it is obvious Scozzafava is devoid of principle. This type of Republican is a malignancy that has caused Republicans to be distrustful of the party. Hopefully, the leadership realizes the need to clean up this infection of Liberalism within the party if we are to be successful in 2010 and 2012. The prescription is clearly written, it is a formula for success, but backing a few more Rinos will guarantee failure when victory is there for the taking.


I’m a bit confused here, hellian. Dede supporters were voting for a democrat, unfortunately, she had a “R” behind her name. If you would do a little research, the Dem candidtate, Owens, was throwing ads out there that she was further left than Owens. Can you tell me who the other republican candidate was that forced her out? She had the backing of the RNC, RNCC along with the money that goes with it.

As for Palin, do a quick search on FA and you’ll see that every single complaint, EVERY one, was pretty much tossed out as being $hit. She’s done nothing wrong, and now can fight back on the smears. If she’s so corrupt, guess how many complaints have been filed since she left? If you guessed NONE, you’d be right. Guess how many complaints have been filed against her successor? If you guessed NONE, you’d be correct again. All the complaints and smears (still being leveled by you, with no back up) mean nothhing, because that’s all they were was smears and it was against Sarah Palin. No logic, no fact, just the fact she SCARES the poop out of the left. She is no longer Gov. of Alaska, so where she goes or who she endorses should mean little to the left, remember, she a quiter, washed up, a has been LOL! I love it when the folks on the left get their panties in a knot over Sarah, one of the many reasons I lover her!



Thanks, I agree with both you and Mike on the direction of the GOP. I think a “retooling” rather than a “new factory” (i.e third party) would be the best route to go. We need to quit letting the Dems/liberals/progressives define how the GOP should be made. Get the core principles as the foundation, if if you can at least agree with those, by all means come on in under the tent. We may not agree on all issues, but if we can agree on smaller government, lower taxes, strong military and personal responsibilty, they by all means come on in. My tents big enough, so don’t expect me to add more rooms to entice you in. You will never get a 100% consensus on all issues out there on every single issue facing the US, but that’s what makes us great.



I’d say the problem is not really RINOS, an ambiguous term at best, but an infiltration within the party by Liberals. It is not inconceivable that Liberals would infiltrate Republican ranks in Red states for ease of election and to break party unity, a process they may have accomplished with consummate skill.

Skookum, what you wrote here were my words verbatim per a discussion I had today with someone! I was saying how it may be possible that we have ‘infiltrators’ in the Republican Party, literally. I know it sounds conspiratorial, but this whole episode with her endorsing Owens is just so strange to me. Very discombobulating for my poor brain. I was going to wait until there was a direct quote from her to say anything more, and it seems she gave one.

For me personally this is not disheartening but proves how important it is to know the voting record of those we vote for, no matter what letter is after their name. I think and hope in this case, this is an exception rather than the rule (pertaining to Ms. Scozzofava). But, we’d do well to always know their voting record nonetheless.

hellian, it would have been much better for NY if Palin would have not endorsed Hoffman and the Republican party would be stuck with another Rino fouling up the works. A Liberal dream, having Liberal Republicans in both Houses. Yes I can see why you wet yourself when Palin showed up, it is too funny. Like the little o man says, there is going to be a whole bunch of wee weed men in the near future, so don’t feel bad, get used to it, buy some plastic panties.

AFsarg but palin piicked and the state paid their salary how elsewere they going to vote if they wanted to keep their jobs. I know Owens is far more to the right than DeDE is, but the stab in the back by the republicna party was uncalled for.They could have had minds of their own instead of following lock step with a far right fringe canidate..She has done very well for her constituents so far.It seems to me from what I have read that people were put in a position that the had to stop supporting her or lose any real support from the republican party.

Maybe some of you should read the book Rebublican Gomorrah by Max Blumenthal It migh give some of you some insite, and It shows your thinking that you lower your self to name calling.Everyone is thankful for Palin At least as far as the dems are concerened. The republican party not so much.She lost them the presidency after all. Also reading a book by Frank Schaeffer,crazy for God.Read and learn a little,educate yourselfs

We need to get rid of these troyan horses that are pro Obamistas running as Republicans. The purge has began in New York. Sarah pulled one on Romney and Huckabee!
(These duo is very questionable to me)
I think the next one for the GOP is Christ vs. Rubio in Florida. Christ is an OK guy but too liberal, controversial and the trust is no longer there. That stimulated hug with Obama did him in.
Rubio is going to win in Florida for sure.

The person urging us to “educate youselfs” is the same person who has multiple misspellings and capitalization errors in their most recent post.

I’ll be sure to rush right out and take your political advice.


By the way, if you think that Palin lost the election for the Republicans then you’re fooling yourself.

Exit question: If, as you say the Dims are “thankful for Palin” then why is it that the entire Leftist establishment is in constant spasms over her?

Did not realise the spelling police were on board. I’m used to tweets so some spelling mistakes are allowed to bad so sad


Several things…

First of all, your ability to mangle the language makes anything you say sound stupid. You want us to “educate ourselfs”…

Dood. Really.

Second of all…no wait. there is no second of all. Learn how to use our language, or go back to the 3rd grade, because your abuse of it, turns our stomach and forces us to ignore everything you say.

What I have determined, through my own personal-translator, is that what you have to say is almost as ignorant as your knowledge of English syntax and usage.

Begone ye, to the dwelling of idiocy. Never to darken our doorways, refrain thee from our portals.
A box of hair has a more pressing imputation to our collective cognitive abilities.


I know Owens is far more to the right than DeDE is, but the stab in the back by the republicna party was uncalled for

I’m still at a loss on your thinking that she was stabbed in the back by the republican party? Did she not have the endorsements of the RNC? the NRCC? Did they not also dump almost a million dollars into her election coffers? Maybe you could clarify for me?


Muchas Apaches, So cal I am legally deaf so there is no chance that I overheard your conversation. Since we are both brilliant gentlemen of the internet, I think it is highly possible those Marxist Liberals have seized the opportunity to infiltrate our ranks with sour bellied traitors. Don’t let this idea slip by SoCal, you and I might be more cynical than most; but occasionally we cynics are Right. The evidence is obvious with Sarge’s references, be diligent my patriot friends, our country needs us cynics right now.

Full speed ahead Gridley, damn the torpedoes. Admiral Farragut.

I think hellion must be drinking or he is a blithering idiot.

Yes, pertaining to this particular situation (Ms. Scozzofava), I guess you could call me a cynic. I consider myself a realist, though, and one who simply wants to know the truth. Something about this scenario just wasn’t adding up for me, thus my comments.

Other than that, Skookum, we should all call ’em as we see ’em, eh? 😉

Precisely So Cal, like the election of Obama, there is something radically wrong with this situation. Cynics are often ridiculed, but cynics often arrive at the truth or are the impetus for the truth. There are some major problems within this country and within the Republican Party that need to be fleshed out, if we are going to defeat this Marxist threat. Remember, if McCain were in the White House the problem would be even more virulent and more difficult to determine. That is the only advantage of having Obama in the White House, it necessitates a thorough house cleaning to once again rally those of Republican values, for without the support of the base we will never overcome the cult of personality and the multiple voting advantages of Acorn.