U.S. President Barack Obama (R) and his wife Michelle Obama give treats to local school children on Halloween at the White House in Washington October 31, 2009. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst (UNITED STATES POLITICS)
U.S. President Barack Obama (2nd R), his wife Michelle Obama (2nd L) and her mother Marian Robinson (L) greet local school children on Halloween at the White House in Washington October 31, 2009. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst (UNITED STATES POLITICS SOCIETY IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Besides local children, the Obamas also entertained those of military families as well as White House staff.
Apprently, every day is Halloween dress-up for these zombies, who never see an occasion where it is inappropriate to protest:

Members of the protest group Code Pink taunt local school children with chants about the war in Afghanistan as the children and their families arrive for a Halloween reception by U.S. President Barack Obama and his family at the White House in Washington, October 31, 2009.
U.S. President Barack Obama greets children during a reception for children of military and White House staff families for Halloween at the White House in Washington October 31, 2009. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst (UNITED STATES POLITICS HEADSHOT)
Stay safe, have fun….trick or tweet…..and distribute YOUR OWN candy!
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Happy Halloween and good to see you back with us yonason!
Wonder if that’s the 1000 pound pumpkin shipped to the WH from the pumpkin grower in Wisconsin. Or did the FLOTUS grow it.
I don’t see any white kids there. Is this a case of racism? Just wondering. If it were all white kids at a GWB function, the left would be screaming to high heaven about racism. Guess the left wants it both ways.
Hi Missy. I’ve sort of never left, because I check in on my favorite blogs regularly.
It’s jut that I need a lot of time lately for other things, some of which are more important than posting to blogs (and still aren’t progressing as rapidly as I had hoped), though they are much less fun than posting.
Anyway, I’m not really “back” yet, but thanks for making me feel welcome. It’s nice.
I’m not going to sweat a customary ordeal that every president does. It’s nice of them, and the kids most likely had a great time.
-Is it an event for the camera? Most certainly.
-Are the people invited for cynical and political reasons? I don’t doubt it for a second.
Regardless, if I were the prez, I would have a party for the staff’s kids too.
It’s those freakin code-pinkers that I reserve my wrath for… but they can’t do anything about the usual collect of freaks that hang out at the gate 24/7, nor would I want them to.
THEY are so screwed up that they left Afghanistan after hearing from the women who live there… who are BEGGING America to stay (and fight harder to boot) yet these ugly wench’s stand there opposing their only chance at being human in their own country, flinging their filth at kids who nothing about the subject, and parents who are only thinking of how happy their kids are tonight.
Too bad these bitches will never see that the First Amendment that I, my son, and millions of others would fight and die for, (even for them), will never come to pass for the women of Afghanistan if they have their way.
Or maybe they do see it, but don’t give a damn….
I think it’s the latter.
Forgot to include this photo of Darth Gibbs:
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs (L) and his son Ethan dress as Star Wars characters during a reception for children of military and White House staff families for Halloween at the White House in Washington October 31, 2009. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst (UNITED STATES POLITICS)
I think there might actually be a white kid in the crowd! Oh, It’s Gibbs’ son.. I think I see one in the middle of the crowd to the right of the picture??
Seriously- regardless i agree with you Wordsmith.. This is a pretty normal thing to do for presidents and isn’t worth getting one’s pants in a wad.
@Madalyn: I wondered the same thing, Madalyn. There are more pictures on http://michellesmirror.blogspot.com and I don’t see any white kids. Maybe they were there but didn’t get the photo ops so as to convince the black population that the country has no place for the whites anymore. We’ll see about that. Hopefully on Tuesday. It looks as though Georgia is ready to elect a new white governor. Let’s hope they get rid of John Lewis next time he comes up for election too.
Whooops! There IS a white kid there. But notice, no pic with the Racist Resident. Is Gibbsy a joke as Darth Vader? Hahahahaha. Hardly.
Am I the only one who sees it as tacky to project colors onto the WH? I don’t want a pink WH or an orange WH. No respect for its status. But what would the Pop hip-hoppy-rap low class President know about that?
Okay, guys, need help here.
Was talking to my sister in Ga. early this morning. She was watching the news in bed, (the foot-hacking- doctor “whore”), anyhow, she about spit up her spleen when she saw footage of the White House Trick or Treat photo-op and there was a “black” child in white-face standing in front of Obama for treats. I am not kidding here.
Anyone else see it? She didn’t quite take in the whole context of the kid’s ‘costume’, but said the look on Leader Obamao’s face was “WTF?” when he came face-to-face with the kid.
Would love a link to that pic.
As to celebrating Halloween, whatever … I’m waiting to see how the couple/family that has been said to not celebrate Christmas plans on handling that holiday.
Was the kid moonwalking? 😉
Well, I saw kids like that with Stephen Harper. The thought of reverse “black-face” did cross my mind. I dunno….
I’m okay with Hannukah….Ramadan dinners….but I will crap me a silly if there’s any mention of Kwanzaa to be celebratin’!
Freedom Eden has a post up with more photos and a knit-picking with the AP over the claim that the Obamas passed out candy to 2,000 kids when they apparently had only passed out candy for half an hour, with other staffers doing the rest.
But again, I don’t want to make more out of this than is warranted. Kids had fun and got to spend Halloween at the White House. PotUS and FLotUS did what presidential families do.
More photos at the White House blog (not much though).
I believe this is the great big punkin’ you were referring to:
Aye Chihuahua –
Dude, I believe when they are THAT big it’s no longer called “carving”.
It’s murder.
@Aye Chihuahua:
Thanks Aye, the pumpkin story caught my eye because it came from a town in Wisconsin where my niece lives. I guess the man that raised it became interested in growing pumpkins for competition only four years ago and managed to come up with that whopper. Quite the green thumb!
Ok…not trying to be mean. Just a bit more partisan fun. By way of Huffington Post:
Ok, this one’s kinda cool:
3rd one down (guy behind Meow-shele) … who came dressed in one of Bobby Byrd’s old KKK outfits?