Rob wrote about the murders of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian back in 2007, which still gets many hits. People want to know about this case and find out if justice will be served.
Well it was today….with little media fanfare, unlike the Duke case which fit the particular narrative our media wants to present:
A Knox County jury today put torture-slaying alleged ringleader Lemaricus Davidson on the path to death.
With a sweeping set of guilty verdicts on all murder counts, the five-woman, seven-man jury set the stage for the state’s bid Thursday to seek Davidson’s life as punishment for the January 2007 deaths of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
“The people of Knox County are the ones who took care of our kids today,” said Deena Christian, mother of Channon Christian.
“We finally have the justice our kids deserve,” said Mary Newsom, mother of Chris Newsom.
Jurors also found Davidson, 28, guilty of the kidnapping and robbery of the couple, rejecting defense claims the pair went willingly to Davidson’s Chipman Street house.
They also deemed him guilty of multiple rapes of Christian, 21. They were unable to conclude whether Davidson raped Newsom, 23, and instead returned lesser verdicts of facilitation of Newsom’s rape.
Never did hear Sharpton or Jackson come out in disgust about these murders….wonder why?
The jury of five women and seven men deliberated about four hours before returning its decision this afternoon to a packed courtroom.
“The punishment is death,” the jury foreman said.
The victims’ families gasped at the verdict, but Davidson showed no reaction. Criminal Court Judge Richard Baumgartner admonished those in the courtroom to control any outburst.
“The murder was especially heinous, atrocious and cruel,” the foreman said, reading from the verdict form.
Most honest reaction in the blogosphere so far comes from Ace:
But don’t worry. He’ll become a poet on death row and soon Paris will declare him an honorary citizen.

See author page
This was a hate crime if I ever saw one. We’ll never see that, either.
I’m glad the jury did the right thing with this one. I can’t imagine the pain these families have been through.
These POS’s can’t be taken off this planet fast enough.
Jackson and Sharpton are in the business of perpetuating only their definition of victimization, and in their diseased minds, no other exists. They can’t be take from our midst fast enough either.
Thanks for posting this, sheriff. I had been wondering how the trial was progressing…Of course we now await the inevitable “racist jury/other” meme a-la Jamal.
Pat, you’re wrong, it’s only a hate crime when it’s perpetrated on a minority.
Whites need not apply.
Abortion, as I see it, is a horrible practice and procedure. However, those 5 animals certainly make an argument in favor thereof. Perhaps a “very late term” abortion should have been performed earlier in their lives.
This incident was not just a misstep during otherwise worthy lives. How can one human derive pleasure from the suffering of another?
I would like to see the non-expunged criminal records on each of the 5. I’d bet that the perps should not have been on the street in the first place.
He’s on his way to the needle.
Death is to Kind of a sentence for these miserable pieces of crap !! They should be taken out and raped every day for the rest of there lives not given a bed and three squares a day.
Abortion?? It’s not to late to “Abort” them off this planet!! Good riddance, the difference between these cretins and a rabid dog is…. a rabid animal doesn’t have the ability to reason right or wrong, decency vs. depraved savagery, compassion vs unbelievable INHUMANITY!!!
one more thing that ought to be at LEAST offered…. if they want the option, let the PARENTS of those killed “push the button”…..
This is such a sad story in many respects. First, the poor couple who endured such pain and fear at the hands of a group of vicious, sadistic cowards. Second, the lack of media coverage outside the area of the crimes. You hate to say it however, it seems pretty self evident that the media felt that the lives of two people was less newsworthy because they were white. I believe it’s deeper then that. Had the perpetrators also been white I believe that there would have been far more widespread however since they were black a decision was made to underreport it. I’m sure that I’ll be accused of being a racist however I assure you that I’m not. My heart goes out to the families of the victims and to the parents of the criminals as I’m sure they also feel the horror of their sons actions.
Please bring the defendants found guilty to my house this afternoon. After checking the wind to make sure the smell does not bother my neighbors, I will dispatch them quickly….or not…..
Then with a clear conscience can I go out and celebrate real “justice” with dinner and a beer.
Any court district which cannot expedite and complete all appeals and proceed with an execution within 5 years (yeah …I know that’s too long) should have all the judges and lawyers involved be disbarred……….. The taxpayers should not have to keep these scum alive any longer than necessary…..
OK, the gang “leader” was sentenced to death — something many of us will never see in our lifetimes. The other pervert was sentenced to prison — but for how long? Is he eligible for parole?
What of the other 3 who participated in this heinous torture?
Please stay on-top of this as none of these criminals should ever breath a breath of “free air”.
Only 3 of the five were sentenced!
click this link:
Latalvis Cobbins can appeal his life without parole, in about 10yrs. and very well could get out!…
i know it seems unfair but it can happen!…he got on the stand and testified, which actually helped him, because people wanted to hear his voice and show some kind of remorse for what he did,and at least apologize….People in East Tn. are so forgiving and understand people to a certain extent.
this case is so horrible, and unbelieveable….. i get so angry at these people for what they did, I want to shoot them myself!….but it cant bring anyone back, so we have to look at like maybe God needed those two kids in heaven with him, and Im sure they are well taken care of up there too!
@Hankster58: Precisely my point. If the leftists in the US can support abortion, even late term abortion, why would they not support the death penalty and just think of it as a “late term abortion” at whatever age the guilty SOB happens to be? Why is it okay to take the life of a fetus and not an animal like any one of those five? That is insane. Why not save the babies and send animals like this to their grave immediately? It is backwards. Take the life of an innocent fetus but refuse to take the life of a horrendous murderer that is a cancer on society…. How can any human not see the difference? Which deserves to live? The innocent unborn or a Cobbins? Someone has to explain that warped logic to me.
Temujin said..””It is backwards.””
This Sir, is how I basically see all Liberal “logic”…. BACKWARDS!!! WE see law…. THEY see how to circumvent it…. We see truth…. they are the masters of the lie…. We see RIGHT…. they revel in the wrong….We FIGHT crime…. they seek to “excuse” it!! Today, the difference is, Up is now down.. Black is white, right is wrong.. etc etc… the MAIN difference between us and them in this is.. WE have the backing of the Founders ideals… Washington, Jefferson etc… and of the nations history…. AND the Official rulebook, the CONSTITUTION !! They have???
They have.. “I WANT”!!!
I am an african-american woman, and I came across this case on the internet about a year ago. The details of this case still haunt me til this day. I’ve seen references to Sharpton and others, and i have to say, I’m in agreement. What happened to these two young people was horriffic. The people that committed AND stood by and watched this awful crime should be tortured like these two young people were. The details in this case took my breath away. ANIMALS!! I’m sorry that they were all black, because they are truly a burden to every decent black person on this planet. Not sure of why this case didn’t receive more media attention, but it should have. I doubt that ANYONE would come to the defense/aid of these monsters.
I say, take color out of this case completely, and just look at the facts. Two, young innocent lives were snuffed out, without rhyme or reason. Completely unprovoked, for no reason at all. If the details of this case don’t pull at your heartstrings, then something is truly wrong. My heart and prayers still goes out for the family of Shannon and Christopher, and I hope their murderers burn in Hell.
how could this not be a hate crime? one would have to have to hate in their hearts to commit such bhenious acts. what kind of people raised these monsters?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Sedate all of these murderers, buckle them in, and SHIP THEM OFF TO THE MOON TO DO PHYSICAL LABOR. THEY OWE IT TO SOCIETY FOR THE CRIMES THEY’VE COMMITTED. We don’t owe them a comfortable cell block, tv, libraries, rehab, phys ed, food, etc., WE DON’T OWE THEM ANYTHING! And please don’t tell me it’s too expensive…can you put a price on this young womans’ head???!!!!
SR North you are absolutely correct about the whole twisted double standard for what is considered a hate crime. National media has lost credibility on my book.
BWD…whether you are really a black or not(i think you’re a white liberal,trying damage limitation)we need segregation back.tyo save the channons,anns,eves,laurens,megans and little emilys.and the easiest way is…enter a white area if you’re black and pop……’re gone.and lets get real mean,stop giving money to help africans(would they help us…..of course not),show them the power,deny the blacks the green.
OVER THE TOP… all we NEED, is a REAL JUSTICE system,… REAL PUNISHMENT.. and REAL COURTS… and things would get better. Since Liberals run everything now.. it’ll never happen
@David Brickner:
I’m in the UK, but would gladly assist, and then buy you a beer in celebration Sir.
Took SIX YEARS!!! Why? Whatever happened to the right to a SPEEDY TRIAL???