Conservative Values Winning Out In NY-23 Race…Support Rising For Hoffman Fm Local Republican Officials

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Just a heads up on more good news on top of my earlier post on the Hoffman race.

The National Republican Congressional Committee appears to be backing off and conceding defeat while more and more Republican officials are jumping ship and backing Hoffman. Couple more signs for ya?

Guiliani is sending his adviser to help Hoffman AND Michael Steele seems to be seeing the light.

Question….if the local Republican officials are now backing Hoffman, where does that lead Newt’s assertion that he is backing the RINO because that’s what the Republicans want in the local area?

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What we can learn from the way Newt has acted is that the Dems are just as stupid. They don’t respond to the voice of the people any more than Newt does. If we capitalize on this flaw in their approach, we can make some large gains. For example, if they ram this health care bill through and the public reacts negatively we can run real conservative opponets against them instead of the Charlie Crists of the world. The moderates are going to be fed up with spending and mortgaging their kids future and will be ready for someone to offer an adult alternative. The secret is running fiscal conservatives and down playing the social conservative venue. We can still mantain our values but not make them litmus tests. Hoffman will be the poster boy for this attack.


Figures. The geniuses who brought us mclame and scuzzy realize they’d beter jump on the bandwagon while they can.

Actually, I was laughing at Steele saying that either Dede or Hoffman was a GOP “win”, HR. Lawdy… seeing it in print *still* makes me roar.

Don’t get me wrong. I genuinely get Steele’s delicate position of not been seen as opposing the local GOP “choice”… if it was a “choice”. But on the other hand, he has the national health of the GOP in his hands, and Dede’s like the swine flu sans a Tamiflu shot.

So yup… I can see his best effort to speak his desires for Hoffman over Dede is to declare either a “winner” for the GOP. However when even traditionally more left-leaning NY’ers toss the woman over a political cliff in favor of a third party conservative, it’s not a “win”…. it’s a hard learned lesson in reality.

Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t. Shakespeare, Hamlet, II:2

The GOP just cooked its goose and have gotten the last penny or the last minute of volunteer time they will ever see from me. Loose Zipper Newt, Tin Man Steele, Braindead Boehner and Mindless Mc Connell just guaranteed this lifelong once loyal republican voting conservative will not be with you ever again. Beltway idiots you will have likely lost a conservative distict to the leftard dems with your dysfunctional habit of supporting RINOS & DIABLOS because you think liberals will vote republican if you field leftist idiots as the party’s candidates.
Hey GOP do all us conservative voters a favor and crawl back down the hole you have dug for yourselves and die! You deserve that fate and please do it quickly so we can organize a Conservative Party.