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M A this story is astounding, not because the administration lied, no one but Communists and morons believes them now, but for the simple fact that the AP blew the whistle. These guys carried the water, soap, and the Obama colors for over a year now, is it possible the state controlled media is beginning to doubt the wisdom of backing such an incompetent buffoon?

Even the die hard Progressive Marxists can see the shallow minded, leaky vessel in the White House, they will all begin to bail sooner or later. It is amusing to watch, however like Rahm stated, “Never let a crisis go to waste;” obviously he is ignorant for publicly stating such a self-defeating statement, however he is correct in theory. Conservatives must be prepared to seize the advantage, when the used car lot known as Obamalot begins to crumble. The counter punch is one of the most effective punches and they are missing with everything they throw.

Hopefully our leadership and statesmen are loaded for bear in the near future. Our time is near!

@Skookum: Wouldn’t it be nice if the AP did the same thing for the health care bills now before the House and Senate BEFORE they are voted on?

None of these bills meet the criteria Obama insisted they have and yet Dems will vote for them anyway.

It sure would be nice if someone would tell Seniors who rely on Medicare Advantage that they WILL NOT be able to keep the insurance plan they currently have no matter what Obama said.

Just think of the job creation that would have occurred if just a portion of the $787 billion had gone to tax relief for small and mid sized businesses, specifically relief from payroll taxes. Absurd.

Fill in the blank, (It isn’t Obama in the original text)- “To tell the truth, ______ is a dangerous man in a free country. He seems to me to have the makings of a tyrant.”

Lucien Bonaparte (1775-1840) Brother of Napoleon I. Letter to Joseph Bonaparte, 1790.

Tyrants must begin in an inauspicious manner, otherwise they would be shut down early. Gain the public’s confidence and tighten the screws as you gain their trust. A system that is similar to starting young horses.

Unfortunately horses are unbelievably gullible and trust humans to the point of absurdity. Thus civilization has been built upon the bones of horses. The labored for man in agriculture, transportation, and war. They have been victimized and used in a manner similar to the way that Communist leaders of the last century used humans. Human bones and horse bones provided the rebar of the first half of the last century.

M A that was a tangent, but I or we can only hope that the integrity of journalism wins out over the pusillanimous nature of the AP sycophants. They, the journalists, if they really are freedom loving Americans, could do America a great service if they would expose the truth.

Will there be a purge as a result of calling the administration on those recovery figures?

If they (AP) or a sister publication of their stature decides to make the break and stop being a propaganda organ, they could be instrumental in bringing down this corrupt administration before irreparable damage is done to our great country.

TJ as I struggle in my business to keep from losing everything, there is seldom a day that I don’t think about the Audacity of spending that money to enrich the Obama cronies while we are left with the tab and the possibility of bankruptcy; and that little pimp in the White House poses for the gullible.

Excuse my language, but sometimes I need to let off steam.

@Temudjin: But that was a Republican idea and as such, was rejected by Obama….His definition of bipartisanship means you have to agree with him.

Mike, Humana tried JUST HINTING that would be the case, and some companies released a report somewhat to that effect. Now the dems are trying to strip away their anti-trust protection.

Liberal fascists in action.

This is OT. Humana had the Tri-Care South contract for about 13 years. Suddenly they lost it this time around. Care to guess to who? United Healthcare. You know, the company connected with Dems AND the White House. Get this, Humana has won it’s appeal over the decision. It seems there were discrepencies between the criteria laid out and that used to award the contract. Shocking I know. Most ethical WH/Congress evah!

M A, Obama has a creed, “Don’t be obstinate, do it my way!” This is a form of Fascist bipartisanship. Don’t deny the man his due credit, he is willing to let you agree with him. We must learn to appreciate concessions, crumbs, and crap from this man if we are to get along.

Fill in the blank from a section of a letter.

To tell the truth, ______ is a dangerous man in a free country. He seems to have the makings of a tyrant.

If you guessed Obama, you were close. It was actually a letter written by Lucien Bonaparte (1775-1840) referring to his brother Napoleon I, in a letter to Joseph Bonaparte, 1790.

Although, it can easily refer to our Fearless Reader.

“When a great many people are unable to find work, unemployment results.”

Calvin Coolidge, (1872-1933) Damn, I wish I would have thought of that one.

@Skookum: That’s a thought… Obama as Napoleon:

M A that is rich! He looks the best in the red robe. Thanks for the laughs!

This Napoleon Complex should be analyzed.

The jobs which are created are a bit fiction where actuallt there will be no place for job.

Watch out Couric/CBS and AP….you might make the enemies list if you keep this up: