Quote of the Day

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“As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that America gave him the White House based on the same credentials.”
-Newt Gingrich, hat tip to CJ and Marcus, A Soldier’s Perspective

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So so true. A quote that will never be heard on the MSM.

Marcus – no one could say that better than you just did.

Marcus is not only spot on, he is also a real patriot and a hero.

Marcus, first of all thanks for your service. Secondly you are spot on my friend. It’s not only obama to be held accountable, in fact it’s not his fault he doesn’t know any better. Who is at fault is the MSM and the fact that they did not do their jobs. They are the ones who America needs to blame.

Fight the good fight my friend, obama is screwing up so bad that there is hope that four years does not turn into eight. Also, when Republicans gain strength in the legislature the tide will begin to turn.


Do you have the permalink to the quote? I couldn’t find it on ASP’s site.



I did not vote to give the mullah obamaham the White House but
almost EVERY ONE of our liberal minded friends are very sorry
they voted for this poser, and that is quite a statement. In just a few
words Newt summed up the entire train wreck up quite well. I sent the
comment on to the stupid demosocialistacrat politicians who are
in the process of ruining my home state just like their uncle Obama
is wrecking our entire country.

Thanks for clarifying, WS!

Newt can be rather annoying at times with his practiced intellectualism but he is spot on about Obama.