PotUS Confused by TotUS Confused

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I know someone who skipped out on class to attend President Obama’s speech at MIT on Friday (she’s a fan).

I suppose she remained unphased by his dazed teleprompter failure (Hat tip: Freedom Eden):

Maybe TotUS grew confused- in HAL 9000 fashion– as to the purpose of the MIT trip:

Elizabeth Williamson reports on President Barack Obama’s remarks in Boston.

President Barack Obama flew to Boston today for a speech at Massachusetts Institute of Technology about energy and the economy, or energy and jobs, or about energy and climate change legislation.

From the beginning, the White House press corps speculated that Obama’s trip to Cambridge was less about energy news than about two high-wattage fund-raisers he was scheduled to attend afterward: one for Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, and one in Stamford, Conn., for Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut.

Aboard Air Force One enroute to Boston, reporters asked spokesman Bill Burton what president’s “main energy message” was.

“The president is going to talk about the importance of investing in innovative energy technology, how it can create jobs and help this economy grow in the 21st century,” he said.

“Sounds like the same message that’s been out there for a while,” a reporter said.

“It’s an important message, and the president is going to continue to talk about things that can help grow the economy,” Burton said. “There are few things in this administration that are more important than creating jobs and getting this economy on track.”

Another reporter asked if the president would use the speech to “talk about the need to push forward on energy legislation, climate change legislation, pending in the House and Senate?”

And Burton said no, “This event is more about jobs and the economy, and specifically some of the investments that we’ve made.”

But a few minutes later, Burton corrected himself: “I just read the remarks more closely. The president will, indeed, address comprehensive legislation that helps to make renewable energy a profitable kind of energy in America. He’ll talk about it how can create millions of jobs, combat global warming…I also didn’t mention earlier that Sen. Kerry is on the plane,” referring to Sen. John Kerry (D., Mass.).

A reporter ventured: “And so after initially refusing to talk about the energy legislation, he’s…I’m kidding.”

And another reporter: “This means that the speech is largely a push for the climate change legislation….”

Burton: “No, no, I wouldn’t say that. It talks about the importance of investments in order to create jobs in this field of, you know, innovation and finding ways to make clean, renewable energy. But definitely gets into comprehensive energy legislation.”

After a minute or so, he tried again: “He talks about its importance and he’s urging all of us to work hard to get it done.”

Um, okay.

Does this Administration understand anything it’s doing?

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It’s like listening to a three-year-old explain why the cat has no whiskers.

And these clowns are supposed to be the smartest of the smart. They continue to talk in circles because they don’t know what they are talking about. Reminds me of the old adage ” it’s better to keep you mouth shut and let people think you are stupid, then to open it and remove all doubt.”


Lets face it. This Pretender has been scripted since his first Elected office, was given a pass in College, as Editor of the Harvard Law Review He authored nothing. No College transcripts, no Thesis published. He is someones Tool. W/o the teleprompter he can’t remember how many States are in the Union even.

His Marxist agenda and upbringing is not American nor are his base values. He is lost without the script, surrounded by unscrupulous folks and hiding something. I just don’t trust him or his toadies as far as I can throw the Washington Monument.

Is it a disgrace to think that an incompetent Marxist boob is in the White House and oe of the two major parties backs this Marxist agenda? Are Americans so brain fogged that they refuse to admit we have made a grievous error in electing a Marxist? Did we only have Presidents in the past, who were Americans first and foremost? How can this stage persona do so much damage to our country so quickly without the citizenry rising up to stop this destruction?

I want to know about those dang cat whiskers!

LOL, literally! 🙂

The other day I told someone about Sarah Palin appearing on Oprah next month, and one of her first comments while laughing was, “yes everyone can see what dumb things she’ll say”. After I ever so gently but firmly corrected her media brainwashed moment about how NOT dumb Sarah Palin is, and how she didn’t say she could see Russia from her front porch, I should have reminded her how bumbling the Big O is without a teleprompter (or, teleprompter failure in the case of the video above). I’ll have to remind her next time I see her!

Oh, one more thing, in my humble opinion, I always thought President Bush gave better speeches WITHOUT reading from a prepared speech, or teleprompter. Why? BECAUSE HE KNEW WHAT THE HECK HE WAS TALKING ABOUT BEFORE GIVING THE DOGGONE SPEECH. It wasn’t just on paper, but in his heart and mind!!! Okay, breathe…breathe…

I’d rather have the Mission Accomplished banner than 7 states I don’t know about. Been to 47 states and wouldn’t visit the three in the Northeast if someone else paid the bill. Hoping to find a may with the other 7 on it. The Dumbest pesident in history has shown you what Socialized medical care is like. Can’t even provide flu shots when everyone else has ‘accomplished’ it.

What was that vapid jackass going to discuss with MIT students? The proper crawl speed for a teleprompter?

This idiot needs to go away. How long before 2012 again?