The Left Wingers 10 Great Unanswered Questions

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Sure, left wingers can come up with talking points, and soundbites, but over the past few weeks I’ve noticed that there are 10 core questions that most on the far left cannot seem to answer with any substance. Pass em on, try em out, and enjoy the mindfreak.

  1. If all the world hated America because of George W Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq….then why was America attacked on Sept 11, 2001; 2yrs before that invasion?
  2. Why has Al Queda been trying to exterminate every American for the past 17yrs?
  3. Did you want Bush to fail in Iraq, or did you want America to succeed?
  4. Given that Osama left Afghanistan in 2001, and Al Queda was largely destroyed in Afghanistan in 2002, how did the Bush Administration “take its eye off the ball [Afghanistan] by invading Iraq” in 2003?
  5. What caused the great recession of 2007?
  6. How have Democrats ensured that we don’t have another $13 TRILLION dollar Great Recession?
  7. If FOX, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, etc are examples of right wing propaganda…then what is an example of left wing propaganda?
  8. If Republicans lie, and all politicians are liars, then what are some lies told by Democrats?
  9. Since President Obama’s Israel/Palestine talks have failed, and he’s been unable to stop Iran’s nuclear program, and since he’s completely clueless on what to do in Afghanistan…what is PLAN B for keeping Israel from bombing Iran and starting a regional-possibly a world war?
  10. Obama’s a quarter of the way done with his presidency. What will history record as his greatest accomplishment?

btw, I could come up with more, but these were my top 10. Anyone who thinks they have one that deserves being on the list, please, please, please feel free to suggest it. I probably won’t add it out of sheer laziness, but I think we’d all love to see em.

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1) If there are truely 49 million Americans (not Illegal aliens) without insurance, why does the Senate Finance committee plan only cover 30 million?

2) If the need for coverage is so urgent that the final bill can not be open for debate and review for even 7 days (should be 30), why don’t any of the benefits kick in for three to four years? I thought this was so urgent.

3) Why are ‘fees’ on insurance companies that will be passed on to the insured not qualify as taxes on the middle class.

4) How can forcing the states to spend more on Medicaid not be figured into the cost of the legislation? That would be like telling the states they are responsible for the cost of deploying their National Guards to the war zones?

15) If the Patriot Act and NSA wiretaps were such a violation of our civil liberties under the Bush Administration, why do they persist to exist under the Obama Administration?

3001) if obama is so cool, why does he suck so bad?

If Gitmo was a blight on America why did the Dems state they would close it when they came into office and it is still open and running like before a year later?

1. The “world” was not responsible for the attacks of September 11, a small group of terrorists was. There was a great out pouring of support from the world following those attacks. This was largely undone through the clumsy diplomatic efforts of the Bush adminstration. His father, George Herbert Walker Bush (R), did a much better job in garnering worldwide support to take on Saddam.
2. I’m not sure that extermination is their goal. Their main goal appears to be to drive the United States out of the Middle East. There are probably many who would like to establish a worldwide Islamic state, but that’s not extermination. As for the reason, it’s commonly accepted that they are religious fanatics.
3. I for one wanted Bush to succeed. Saddam was in constant violation of IAEA and UN resolutions with only occasion evidence of any attempt of compliance. He should of been removed from power. A better diplomat (GHWB) could have done a btter job getting the world’s support. A better Commander-in-Chief would have had a better post invasion plan for insuring security.
4. Fighting a war on two fronts is tricky enough, but this was fighting two seperate wars. Iraq became a much bigger priority and Afghanistan seemed to have been ignored. I think the fact that there has been little progress in Afghanistan after seven years speaks for itself.
5. Housing bubble.
6. They haven’t. A finance reform bill is in the works, but I believe it may be too soon to even know what reforms are really needed.
7. MSNBC, Shultz, Olbermann, Moore.
8. Number of uninsured Americans, Bush’s tax cuts caused economic collapse
9. I disagree with the premise of this question. Your expressing opinions here not facts. As far as dealing with Iran, all options are still on the table.
10. ARRA of 2009

1. Where have all the war protesters gone to now?

2. Why was speaking up against Bush Patriotic but now it is non-patriotic and/or racist?

3. If Obama was poor growing up how did he travel the world so much. When i am poor I can’t even drive to town.

4. Are they ever going to cover the Edwards scandal like they do fake or minor republican scandals?

5. If musicians and movie stars are so in line with the Democrats why do they enjoy using capatilism to pawn off their crap work? Why not give away your music for free or take pay cuts for movies so the real workers can make some dough like the extras or the stage hands?

6. favorite taken from a Thomas Sowell quote If you think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication how do you think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it

How come Cindy Sheehan had the moral authority to protest the war in Crawford, Texas but not in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts?

@Fit fit #5:

1. The “world” was not responsible for the attacks of September 11, a small group of terrorists was. There was a great out pouring of support from the world following those attacks. This was largely undone through the clumsy diplomatic efforts of the Bush adminstration. His father, George Herbert Walker Bush (R), did a much better job in garnering worldwide support to take on Saddam.

You failed to address item #1: It’s often said how America’s standing in the world was hurt by Bush; the left whined and wailed about how we were now hated because of Bush. Scott points out that anti-Americanism was alive and well before Bush ever took office. It’s not a recent phenomenon.

Believing it was only a “small group of terrorists” at war with us is the mistake we had pre-9/11 in our law enforcement approach to dealing with the metastasizing threat. The world’s terrorist problem is broader than just “al Qaeda”. It is more than just Osama bin Laden. We are dealing with a sizable jihad movement. I don’t believe the majority of Muslims are out to make us convert or die at the point of a sword. But I do believe 1 or 2% of 1.5 billion who are a problem, is still significant.

Andrew McCarthy:

It’s become fashionable for pundits to confine the threat of radical Islam to a relative fringe of disgruntled takfiris and rationalize that if we could only eliminate them all would be well. But that fringe represents only a strain of the virus.

In July 2007, our intelligence community released findings of a National Intelligence Estimate that indicated jihadist ideology had become so extensively propagated in the West that the mediating influence of terrorist organizations like al Qaeda was no longer essential in order for radical cells to spring up and interconnect. Naturally, these local operatives are spurred, in part, by local and regional issues. But, though the mainstream press recoils from this reality, such local issues are fitted to an ideological framework that is global, hegemonic, and more about the ultimate triumph of fundamentalist Islam than, say, a Palestinian state, Kashmir, Danish cartoons, economic inequality, or whatever this week’s complaint is.

The jihad, moreover, is about much more than terrorism. Terrorism is one method of extortion, but is far from the only one — though it makes other methods in what Robert Spencer aptly calls the “Stealth Jihad” far more successful.

@ Fit fit

Where have you been? Nice post. Just a few things:

1. The “world” was not responsible for the attacks of September 11, a small group of terrorists was. There was a great out pouring of support from the world following those attacks. This was largely undone through the clumsy diplomatic efforts of the Bush adminstration. His father, George Herbert Walker Bush (R), did a much better job in garnering worldwide support to take on Saddam.

Totally different circumstances. It’s much easier to rally support from the world when one country invades another. To get the UN and the world to agree that Iraq had violated agreements over and over and over and that it was time for action is a completely different situation.

2. I’m not sure that extermination is their goal. Their main goal appears to be to drive the United States out of the Middle East. There are probably many who would like to establish a worldwide Islamic state, but that’s not extermination. As for the reason, it’s commonly accepted that they are religious fanatics.

I can probably buy this. If we completely packed up and left the ME and removed all support for Israel, it would most likely end any conflict with the Islamic extremist. It’s just not a viable option.

3. I for one wanted Bush to succeed. Saddam was in constant violation of IAEA and UN resolutions with only occasion evidence of any attempt of compliance. He should of been removed from power. A better diplomat (GHWB) could have done a btter job getting the world’s support. A better Commander-in-Chief would have had a better post invasion plan for insuring security.

With the exception of GHWB being a better diplomat, which I covered in #1, I agree. Except I think Dubya was a pretty good CinC in all respects except having Rumsfeld as SecDef. (*queue verbal lashing by Wordsmith in…3…2…1)

4. Fighting a war on two fronts is tricky enough, but this was fighting two seperate wars. Iraq became a much bigger priority and Afghanistan seemed to have been ignored. I think the fact that there has been little progress in Afghanistan after seven years speaks for itself.

You and I have had this discussion before. History will have to judge. I still think it was one of the most brilliant strategic moves ever made. You don’t. We’ll have to agree to disagree.

5. Housing bubble.

Agreed. You just left out the Community Reinvestment Act for the catalyst. I will agree that the banks hold some responsibility for caving to Congress and then offering insane mortgages to protect their interests. But Congress is primarily responsible for the whole deal.

6. They haven’t. A finance reform bill is in the works, but I believe it may be too soon to even know what reforms are really needed.

Nancy Peluda was supposed to make everything right when they won the House in 2006. She’s done nothing but make things worse. Now the pay Czar is going to end up driving the best and brightest from the very instituitions where they are needed most. I’ll agree that crazy bonuses need to be reined in, but how do you keep the very people that can make these financial instituitions solid without paying them. They’ll just go somewhere else. Now Schmucky Schumer wants to enact pay caps for all publically traded companies. WTF?

7. MSNBC, Shultz, Olbermann, Moore.

You left out: Couric, Maddow, Andrea Mitchell, and some others. But that was pretty good.

8. Number of uninsured Americans, Bush’s tax cuts caused economic collapse

Nice start.

9. I disagree with the premise of this question. Your expressing opinions here not facts.

Nice dodge. What part is opinion? OK, saying he’s clueless about Afghanistan may appear to be opinion to some, but everything else seems pretty solid to me. Israel is most likely going to attack the Iran nuclear facilities in December. Nothing Obama has done has turned the tide in Iran’s zest to obtain a nuclear weapon.

10. ARRA of 2009

BWAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, I couldn’t stop myself. Unemployment has shot up way above thier projection of 8% if ARRA was enacted. In what world is that considered a success? They expect unemployment numbers to remain high through the end 2010. That from Obama’s own people.

Fit fit,

“4. Fighting a war on two fronts is tricky enough, but this was fighting two seperate wars. Iraq became a much bigger priority and Afghanistan seemed to have been ignored. I think the fact that there has been little progress in Afghanistan after seven years speaks for itself.”

I don’t disagree, but this was perfectly predictable and indeed expected to some extent. Those who follow such things may recall the debate after the cold war on how much we could draw down our forces. At the center of this debate was the Two-War strategy used as the basis for the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). This stated that the US military needed to be capable of fighting and winning two major regional conflicts at the same time. Those who wanted to achieve a larger “Peace Dividend” (mainly the Democrats) argued that a Win-Hold-Win strategy was sufficient. That is to say: we should have the ability to win a regional conflict while, at the same time “holding” in a second conflict, then pivot to win the second war. This is the strategy used to allow the force cuts during the Clinton administration. Once the decision to invade Iraq was made, it was almost inevitable that the Afghanistan conflict, which by its nature (due to both geographic and human terrain features) would necessarily be a lower intensity and longer conflict, would become the “Hold” conflict in the Win-Hold-Win scenario. This strategy has worked so far, although the Iraq war dragged out longer than anticipated and has allowed the Afghanistan conflict to heat up more than desirable, but it is not yet lost. The forces are now becoming available and it is time to “pivot” and win the second conflict.

I apologize for being a bit long-winded here, but this has been obvious to me for a long time and I haven’t seen anyone (especially our message-disabled former administration) describe it properly.

XXIIV. If torture is always wrong, in all situations and cases, then why are you still talking?

Why is Obama?

How do you get elected with zip?

Is there a flaw in our Constitution that allows for a charismatic buffoon Marxist to dismantle our country?

I will have another glass of wine, while you smart guys give me an answer to these questions.

Long live the Republic and the sooner Israel blows that little rooster to Hell the better off the world will be.

From Paul Hollrah @ UTFSM:

What passport did you use when when shuttling between New York, Jakarta and Karachi in 1981?