Ahhhhh, here’s that “transparency” on display once again:
A well-known Democratic strategist in Virginia is blasting the White House for placing anonymous quotes in the Washington Post in a pre-emptive effort to blame Creigh Deeds for what might be a loss in the state’s upcoming gubernatorial election.
David “Mudcat” Saunders, who gained political fame helping Democrat Mark Warner reach out to rural voters during Warner’s successful 2001 gubernatorial bid, told CNN Friday that trying to blame Deeds is “bulls**t” when Democrats around the country are “just tired of politics.”
~~~In a story published Friday, a senior administration official told the Post that the Deeds campaign ignored their advice to embrace the president, which the official claimed would have boosted the Democratic candidate’s lackluster support among the African-Americans and young voters who supported Obama in 2008.
Saunders rejected that argument. Embracing Obama – who does appear with Deeds on ads running in some parts of the state – might not have hurt the candidate in Democratic-leaning areas, he argued, but with the contentious economic debates going on in Washington, the presidential stamp of approval wouldn’t have turned him into an instant frontrunner. In southwest Virginia, he said, embracing the president would have been a “devastating” political move for Deeds, who is trailing Republican Bob McDonnell in the polls.
“They’re making the assumption Virginia is a blue state, and it’s not,” Saunders said of the administration. “It’s not a red state either. The very best that can be said about Virginia is that it’s light purple. For them to say if he had listened to us they would win, that’s chickens**t. That’s Monday morning quarterbacking.”
~~~“It’s a goddamn shame when our center of government, the White House, won’t talk on the record. I discount all of it,” Saunders said of the Post article. “It’s a lack of courage. And it goes against transparency that Obama told us last year was going to come out of the White House. Anybody who makes anonymous quotes out of the White House should be fired.”
Ch-ch-change baby!

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Oh, I don’t know, seems this administration is becoming more and more transparent…..people are starting to see right through them 😉
He ain’t seen nothing yet.
He’s trying to figure out how you convince everyone its their imagination after he has crapped his trousers.
“a senior administration official told the Post that the Deeds campaign ignored their advice to embrace the president, “
I’d say Deeds ran away from Obama as fast as he could knowing it would be the kiss of death. He’s going to lose anyway, but it would have been worse.
The true colors (not skin which is a Heinz 57 variety) of the O’Dumbo administration are now showing. Yesterday O’Dumbo’s bitch (he’s dragged her around with him for years and it’s not M.O.) threatened the CEO’s of American corporations with the statement ‘they had better get some better protection’. Who provided the millions that got O’Dumbo elected and the millions he has in the bank in his own name? Any CEO who now provides financial support to any democrat should be suspect as a leader of any company. Like a tribe of hungry cannibals, democrats eat their own.
In answer to Scrapiron’s last sentence:
Not to mention all the rest of us — check out Breitbart on Drudge — Obammi HUSSEIN is giving millions of our tax dollars to mooslem technology development – apparently a ‘campaign’ promise given in the cairo speech to his bretheren
remember this when ya pays your taxes — how’s that deficit and job recovery going? —
Actually the only possible good that may come out of this admin is a real put down of the demo-commie-crat party — but as I write this I realize that the very next election cycle – 2 years – the average IDIOT American voter will put them back —
I left out — remember this when ya buy your gas — don’t we give the desert theives enough at the pump?
Is this for the Mooslem technology development in IRAN? Huuummmm?
They been importing the SOB’s and ruining the university technology depatments and engineering workplaces – with mooslems for 50 years — you would think they wouldn’t need any more help — theives – theives – theives — and the last 4 inhabitants of the WH have all been enablers — to the point they got their man in the WH —
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by Obama and his Chicago cronies.