Drip. Drip. Drip.
Breitbart has been brilliant on this. Absolutely brilliant.
Release little pieces at a time. Give ACORN time to dash out and tell some lies, then expose those lies with more video. Then, after waiting for the media frenzy to die down, release some more tapes to stir things back up again.
Remember when ACORN was first exposed and they tried to tell us about the cities where this expose failed? They claimed that those cities included Philly.
Hmmmm….not so much it seems.
Roll the tape:
go get em Breitbart!!
Time to refill the popcorn bowel!!
As Fox News continues to be marginalized by the White House and the Popular Rule in the interest of promoting state-run media as well other more favorable outlets, a great disservice is being done to the institution that is the Press. Our Founding Fathers respected this institution enough to include the RIGHT that protects it in the same Amendment as religion. They fully understood the importance of a free press and its ability to prevent tyranny from ever coming to our shores.
I am not saying that the work of Giles and O’Keefe should be thought of as transcendent or even patriotic, but I am absolutely stating that they should be commended for their efforts in every way imaginable. If their work inspired one person to engage in similar behavior to expose corruption, fraud, or mismanagement of government resources – at either end of the political or ideological spectrum – then they have done this country and the institution of the press a great service and we owe them our thanks.
Don’t expect a show. the truth is already out: they got kicked out of the office, nothing illegal happened, and they were told that they could not be helped. It was on the news. didn’t you see it? What are you going to believe: a little video, or the people (themselves) telling you what actually happened. I’m going with ACORN on this. They have always been a place of trust, truth, and justice.
Holy Toledo! They may call this tabloid journalism, but the ” muckrakers” did pretty much the same thing, for that matter, so has 60 minutes.
awesome – thank you James, Hannah, and Andrew.
talk about an effective cross-examination w/o a law degree….
Brillant! I see cockroaches running from the light being shown.
CNN, MsNBC, Washington Post, Media Matters, ABC, CBS, NBC, any others who are letting cockroaches foam around….
Iam #4, are you serious, you believe Soros’ Media Matters and Acorn crooks instead of your own eyes? What a delusional world you exist in!
Liam left off the /sarc tag.
Delusional? Apparently you don’t believe Obama when he talks. CNBC, ABC, NBC, CNN are all /real/ news channels and they never reported this. How about you use /your/ eyes to see the truth that it never happened!
Ha, kidding, like Aye said, left off the sarcasm tag. Sometimes I feel like the blog needs more drama so i ‘forget’ the sarcasm tag to see who bites (pro and negative). Sorry, just in a weird mood today.
I tried to view the video but every 5 seconds it paused for 5 seconds before continuing…
is this local or is Democrat dipstick tricks…which they are very good at having seen it in 5 different state where I’ve lived??
So what did he actually accomplish? Acorn is sooo last year. Why not actually take his camera into a Wall Street board meeting or tea party organizer office? Maybe then we can findout what is really going on? Instead of blasting this young lady for simply trying to help them without passing judgement.
Guys, for all who don’t know, the video is edited because James and Hannah are seeking approval from Acorn to air the unedited version of the video, with the Acorn worker admitting she’d help sneak under age girls from South America to the US for prostitution.
On the Big government website, James has said:
**UPDATE 2:24 PM EST** We muted the audio of the ACORN employees on the video released today due to ACORN’s legal attack upon us. We call upon ACORN to state publicly now that it has no objection to the public release of any its employees oral statements to us. If they are interested in the truth, why wouldn’t they do so?
@Spin Hater: [sarcasm] you are soo right… why does it matter. Acorn has no bearing on anything or anyone. [/sarcasm] Despite all the intricate dealings with obama etc.. and blatantly lying on national television. It means nothing. Typical leftist: devalue the important, and then point out anyone that cares as being petty. Tea party organizer office? Do you smoke drano? Good one. No wonder your party is so easy to expose.