The treachery of the Democrats is beyond belief! With what they did in Massachusetts to keep the Dem seat in the senate and this underhanded crap on the health care bill they are at risk of becoming the party of TREASON! Harry Ried and his under the table medicaid deal to spare the tax payers of his state the increase in taxes required to fund the federal mandate to put more poor and middle class people on the program, is so fundamentally evil that most people will think it is a Republican lie. There is nothing too low for these people.
Like earlier defeats of GOP amendments that would prohibit rationing of health care or cuts in medicare Democrats have rejected every GOP solution which would have made this a bipartisan solution. Remember that next time Obama claims we are lying about health care reform.
Or the next time he claims the GOP aren’t offering solutions and alternatives. It baffles the mind that there are people out there who think he’s been reaching his hand out for bipartisanship support. His concept of that is to woo the Olympia Snowes to rally around his agenda. Not for him to meet them anywhere near the middle.
STOPTHEPRESSES (put your money where your mouth is) HEALTH CARE SOLUTION
1) Will have public option- the option for members of the public who want to insured the uninsured, to put their money where their mouth is.
2) Would create over 3 billion dollar a year fund to insure the uninsured.
3) Will keep the government out of the health care business
4) Allows for other reforms, such as, tort reform, purchasing of insurance across state lines, competition, etc.
People who want health reform can donate $30 each per year to pay for the uninsured, which will create a 3 billion dollar a year uninsured fund.
217 million U.S. adult citizens
50% want to insure the uninsured = 108 million x $30 = 3240,000,000 dollars
To sign up go here, and click PUT YOR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS HEALTH CARE SOLUTION SIGN UP and do your part
Mr. Gray
15 years ago
If republicans were interested in actually offering meaningful health care reforms, they wouldn’t have waited for Obama to put it on the table. Obviously the Republicans are more interested in poletics than public service. the only offerings from the Republican party are thinly veiled attempts to cater to the Insurance company lobbyists. The Democrats need to grow a backbone and forget about bipartisanship because there hasn’t been even a shread of support from the republicans on any of this. Give us the single payer system or at least the public option and let them cry about it later.
Funny how they critisize “entitlement programs” as they cling to their medicare benefits…
@Rovin: I did a report on that very subject last week. If the Dems follow that path it really puts the lie to their claim of an open and transparent process.
-prevent medicare cuts
-prevent health care rationing
-cap costs of any proposed legislation
-control lawsuit abuse
-enforce provisions banning illegal aliens
-prevent use of federal dollars for abortions
-etc., etc., etc.
How is any of that catering to insurance company lobbyists?
The fact is that the GOP has a host of alternatives and health care solutions which they have been OFFERING FOR YEARS. But Democrats are in charge and they have been refusing to allow any of these issues to become part of the current legislation.
@Mike’s America: Come on, if the GOP has been offering heath care solutions for years, then what was their exscuse when they controllled the white house and congress for all those years? Are you saying that these last few months of democrat control are what stopped the noble GOP from executing their selfless cause of covering the uninsured? Wait, I’m sorry the GOP proposals dont actually adress any real problems besides satisfying the selfish “just dont take what’s mine” sentiment of the republican group. GOP solutions alone are not sustainable and we all know it.
What about rapidly inflating health care costs under the current system?
What about Isurance companys not covering and dropping sick people?
What about small business not even being able to buy insurance?
What about the 30% overhead of the Insurance Industry?
We don’t need Heath Insurance Companys at all. Sometimes it comes down to American People vs. Capitalism. Let us have a single payer system, and I think we can figure out somewhere else in our economy to spend our $200-$900/mo. Maybe when there is not as much profit in the treatment, we may actually find some cures.
If we just look at problems in this country without the Partisan Blinders, and this uncontrollable urge to retain a nostalgic version of America that cannot exist today and maybe never was, we might all have a better life. America is a dynamic and ever changing country. Although many are not pain-free, The only changes in our history that we don’t look back at as favorable and neccessary, are the ones perpetuated by greed or the free market you so worship.
The top 1% in this country have more wealth than the bottom 95% combined. Go free market capitalism!!!
I get it. You HATE insurance companies. I would also guess you hate pharmaceutical companies, energy companies and every other big industry in the U.S. with the exception of GM and Chrysler which your union buddies now control.
The fact is that the majority of Americans are satisfied with their health coverage. Would they like to see it cost less? Sure they would. So why do Democrats stand in the way of meaningful lawsuit reform?
And does anyone REALLY believe that health insurance will be cheaper and cost less in the long term under Obama Care? Show me a government program that’s EVER delivered on that promise.
Spare the me rest of your redistributionist/socialist screed. American capitalism has created MORE prosperity for more people around the world than all your do gooder government programs combined.
What’s more… the rich who you so freely bash pay 95% of the bill.
Don’t give me any more of your socilaist crapola. It’s old, tired and STUPID!
Steve In Tulsa
15 years ago
Mr Gray:
The democrats have controlled congress for almost three years now… What planet are YOU on?
How about rapidly inflating costs due to no tort caps? If the doctors insurance goes up to pay claims that have no cap then your cost to see the doctor goes up. John Edwards and ambulance chasers like him are the biggest inflators of cost in the health industry.
How about allowing the same tax breaks for individuals that companies get?
How about the Fed ALLOWING competition across state lines?
How about you not calling people names and inventing straw men? It is easy to win arguments when you invent or distort what your opponent says. It is not so easy to actually debate. Perhaps you will try to debate from now on instead of attacking the straw men your party sets up for you? Like the “Republicans want you to hurry up and die” that your congressliars keep trying to sell to peoplewho know better?
Johnny From SC
15 years ago
@ Steve from Tulsa,
I agree with Mr. Gray. There are ways that we can lower heathcare cost and cover more citizens ( not illegals ). However; tort reform isn’t the only way. I personally pay nearly $7200 a year for family heathcare coverage. Personally, I’d gladly pay slightly higher taxes if I could simply cut that in half. But I don’t see anything coming out of the GOP that even slightly resembles healthcare reform that would help anyone other than the insurance industry. As you and your party continously bash Pres. Obama what y’all do seem to see or don’t want to see is that he doesn’t need bi-partisanship to get this passed. Bush/ Cheny would have pushed this throuh with only a partisan vote if they actually cared about the citizens they are suppose to be serving. But Pres. Obama even though he has the votes he needs to pass a bill he is trying to stick with the plan he ran on. In order to move this country forward we have to agree on something. He doesn’t want to alianate the GOP in big decision’s that will effect the entire country ( example: war in Iraq).
However; I do agree that there does need to be tort reform. I think that these frivolous lawsuits need to be stopped. For example: The guy that tried to sue McDonalds because he put on alot of weight becuase he said that he was addicted to their food, and the lady that aslo sued McDonalds cause she didn’t realize their coffee was hot. But simply tort reform isn’t gonna do anything to lower premiums. It would just allow the insurance companies to retain even higher profits because their not having to pay bogus lawsuits. But do you honestly think that they would lower their premiums? I’ll answer that one for you. Hell No!
People that are willing to pay for affordable healthcare should have the option to do so. Personally I’ll can live with the public option. But I’d prefer single payer. But The GOP killed that thought immediately. Tell me Steve in Tulsa. Why is that?
And don’t tell me that you don’t want the goverment running our healthcare system. I’ve seen the Tea Parties half the people at them look like the already collect medicare.
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
Thanks, Mike, for the research on this, and on the call to action. You can always be counted on to encourage action to be taken, not just being readers only.
@Johnny From SC: Since you and “Mr. Gray” are writing from an identical IP address we can only conclude that it is easy for you to agree WITH YOURSELF!
How would you like it if I posted comments where I totally agreed with myself?
Obviously, you’re not the brightest bulb in the box and yet you cannot comprehend how those of us who disagree with you MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE A CLUE!
Drop it socialist sock puppet!
We don’t need no stinkin’ George Soros clones here!
@SoCal Chris: Thanks SoCal. I’ve been trying to stay on top of this issue even as what is really happening is being hidden from view. I can only tell you from my own experience working for a U.S. Senator is that your letters and calls DO make a difference. My job with former Senator Alphonse D’Amato was to answer many of these letters.
Just as important as contacting your reps. and senators is the writing of letters to the editor. My local paper published my last letter and they may publish yours as well. Even if they don’t you have put them on notice that their readers have conservative opinions on these issues which command respect.
We can all do something more than just complain.
Mr. Gray
15 years ago
@Mike’s America: Johnny and I are not the same person… I know you are not the brightest bulb in the box, but try to comprehend how 2 computers connecting from the same office building could have the same IP address. I don’t need to pretend to have anyone to agree with me. My statements stand on their own. If I needed people to co-sign my statements, I wouldn’t come here to the spin-factory to enlighten the Republican Kool-aid crew. I get my information from all sources (including Fox News and conservative print and web media) and use critical thinking to develop my opinions and views. I don’t trust big corporations and wall street just like you don’t trust big government. I believe that in just the last year, my thinking has proven to be the wiser. But of course you blame the housing market crisis on the middle class family that wanted to buy a house that they didn’t deserve, that they didn’t deserve, not the investors that made millions trading mortgage derivatives.
Anyone who doesn’t like government is welcomed to visit Somolia. They have virtually no government and the only true free market system on earth. Let me know if you want to stay.
Johnny From SC
15 years ago
Mike’s America,
I guess in your America people do have split personalities and have to lie to get people to believe your crap. Mr. Gray is a friend of mine. He pointed out this crap to me and I responded to it. I DO agree with him. But you can think what you want. It’s obvious that most of you or simply pasting comments from your party leaders Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh. Hell you’re probably one in the same. But who knows you maybe So Cal Chris, Missy, Steve in Tulsa. Honestly; I could care less. But while insulting peoples intelligents let me question yours.
Check this out. These are the folks that your party is organizing or encouraging. Lol. Wow. I hope you actually know what a socialist is. I might give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you do. Naw, I won’t even give you that.
While you’re asking for people to take action. Other than insulting people that don’t agree with your logic. What actions are you taking? Are you demonstrating your right to bare arms at a healthcare rally?
The only way you two are coming from the same office building is if your building is a headquarters for ACORN. In which case, your opinion hardly matters. Especially so since this identical IP is not coming from a corporate site but from a CHARTER IP.
Sorry, but I’m not buying the charade.
Fakes, fonies and fools. We’ve had our fill.
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
Sounds like Johnny might have been watching Michael Moore on Sean Hannity last night–almost word for word the same sentiments.
I wonder if the owner/manager of Piedmont knows that one, perhaps two, of his/her employees are posting on political sites during working hours rather than generating sales/revenue for the company that they are employed by.
Hmmmmm….I wonder.
Johnny From SC
15 years ago
@ Mikes in America,
That was funny. Lol.We do work in the same office. However; like most of your statements you’re wrong.
Acorn. Lol wow. You’re still talking about Acorn? Mike I think you’re a fool, and a phonie ( correct spelling ). However; I don’t think you’re fake . I do believe that you’re a real dumbass though. Since our debate has turned to name calling. I guess you went to the Joe Wilson school Of Debate.
As you stated you’ve had your fill. I’m sure you have. Cause you’re definitely or full of something.
15 years ago
Aye Chihuahua, wow… that is low to attempt to use your position being able to read IP addresses to injure someone who is offering an opinion here. Are you the “what people do at work police”?
I don’t watch Hannity. If I want to be lied to I’ll go to a strip club.
15 years ago
@Chihuahua You put personal information online about someone’s work. Since when is that acceptable?
Johnny From SC
15 years ago
@ Aye
It’s so nice to hear from you. Well; I guess I can lie to. Funny of you to notice. Don’t worry about it Blast. Everything is cool here. But; I guess Mr. Aye is just upset that his followers rather throw insults that tell me something meaningful. I only visit this site for to get perspectives from both sides not just the left. If you base everything on party ties you’re bound to vote in the wrong person.
The information that I posted is available for anyone who is smart enough to know how to get it.
15 years ago
Chihuahua, I am not surprised that you would make excuses for your behavior and not correct you it. Poor form. Totally bankrupt.
Mr. Gray
15 years ago
@Aye Chihuahua: Interesting. I recognize that tactic right out of the republican playbook. “lets dig up anything we can use against our political opponents” You should tell everyone how you heard we were PALLING AROUND WITH TERRORISTS!!
I beg your pardon….did I at some point give you the impression that I give a damn what you think?
Once your racist opinions were exposed here, through your own words of course, you became less significant than dog feces scraped from the bottom of my shoe.
Every court needs its’ jester….every village needs its’ idiot.
You, sir, provide us with someone to point and laugh at. For that, I thank you.
The sock puppet duo is gone now so it’s back to you…center stage.
15 years ago
@ Chihuahua, I never said I was perfect… I do however think you have been so abusive to me and others, so the animist is set here, we can just agree to hate each other. Which is fine by me.
The liberals will be ratcheting up the rhetoric now that they have seen their “hope and change” turn out to be one big government take-over of private markets. They know this lunacy is being rejected by a stong majority of the country. And they know the House will be turning Republican again because of their foolish spending spree. It’s gonna be a turkey shoot.
15 years ago
Staunch defender of liberal sock-puppets everywhere. But seeing that he can’t defend his own positions worth a damn, I see it as a step up.
One could smell it in the air, that Blast was excited about having 2 more (wait… ONE more) co-believers to help him recite what he thinks he’s “learned”, but to no avail.
Halloween comes early to Americans!
The treachery of the Democrats is beyond belief! With what they did in Massachusetts to keep the Dem seat in the senate and this underhanded crap on the health care bill they are at risk of becoming the party of TREASON! Harry Ried and his under the table medicaid deal to spare the tax payers of his state the increase in taxes required to fund the federal mandate to put more poor and middle class people on the program, is so fundamentally evil that most people will think it is a Republican lie. There is nothing too low for these people.
@Inspectorudy: You didn’t really expect Dems to play by the rules did you? The rules are only there for the rest of us to follow.
Or the next time he claims the GOP aren’t offering solutions and alternatives. It baffles the mind that there are people out there who think he’s been reaching his hand out for bipartisanship support. His concept of that is to woo the Olympia Snowes to rally around his agenda. Not for him to meet them anywhere near the middle.
STOPTHEPRESSES (put your money where your mouth is) HEALTH CARE SOLUTION
1) Will have public option- the option for members of the public who want to insured the uninsured, to put their money where their mouth is.
2) Would create over 3 billion dollar a year fund to insure the uninsured.
3) Will keep the government out of the health care business
4) Allows for other reforms, such as, tort reform, purchasing of insurance across state lines, competition, etc.
People who want health reform can donate $30 each per year to pay for the uninsured, which will create a 3 billion dollar a year uninsured fund.
217 million U.S. adult citizens
50% want to insure the uninsured = 108 million x $30 = 3240,000,000 dollars
To sign up go here, and click PUT YOR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS HEALTH CARE SOLUTION SIGN UP and do your part
If republicans were interested in actually offering meaningful health care reforms, they wouldn’t have waited for Obama to put it on the table. Obviously the Republicans are more interested in poletics than public service. the only offerings from the Republican party are thinly veiled attempts to cater to the Insurance company lobbyists. The Democrats need to grow a backbone and forget about bipartisanship because there hasn’t been even a shread of support from the republicans on any of this. Give us the single payer system or at least the public option and let them cry about it later.
Funny how they critisize “entitlement programs” as they cling to their medicare benefits…
Hey Mike, you might want to add this little shenanigan to your summation.
@Rovin: I did a report on that very subject last week. If the Dems follow that path it really puts the lie to their claim of an open and transparent process.
@Mr. Gray: How is proposing amendments to:
-prevent medicare cuts
-prevent health care rationing
-cap costs of any proposed legislation
-control lawsuit abuse
-enforce provisions banning illegal aliens
-prevent use of federal dollars for abortions
-etc., etc., etc.
How is any of that catering to insurance company lobbyists?
The fact is that the GOP has a host of alternatives and health care solutions which they have been OFFERING FOR YEARS. But Democrats are in charge and they have been refusing to allow any of these issues to become part of the current legislation.
Thanks for the “heads up” Mike. I’ve been away from FA for far too long.
And I might add to Mr. Gray’s contention of who’s doing the CATERING:
Obama Paid Off AMA Directly to Win Endorsement of Socialized Medicine
White House declines to disclose visits by health industry executives—-
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington sent a letter to the Secret Service asking about visits from 18 executives representing health insurers, drug makers, doctors and other players in the debate.,0,1752248.story
@Mike’s America: Come on, if the GOP has been offering heath care solutions for years, then what was their exscuse when they controllled the white house and congress for all those years? Are you saying that these last few months of democrat control are what stopped the noble GOP from executing their selfless cause of covering the uninsured? Wait, I’m sorry the GOP proposals dont actually adress any real problems besides satisfying the selfish “just dont take what’s mine” sentiment of the republican group. GOP solutions alone are not sustainable and we all know it.
What about rapidly inflating health care costs under the current system?
What about Isurance companys not covering and dropping sick people?
What about small business not even being able to buy insurance?
What about the 30% overhead of the Insurance Industry?
We don’t need Heath Insurance Companys at all. Sometimes it comes down to American People vs. Capitalism. Let us have a single payer system, and I think we can figure out somewhere else in our economy to spend our $200-$900/mo. Maybe when there is not as much profit in the treatment, we may actually find some cures.
If we just look at problems in this country without the Partisan Blinders, and this uncontrollable urge to retain a nostalgic version of America that cannot exist today and maybe never was, we might all have a better life. America is a dynamic and ever changing country. Although many are not pain-free, The only changes in our history that we don’t look back at as favorable and neccessary, are the ones perpetuated by greed or the free market you so worship.
The top 1% in this country have more wealth than the bottom 95% combined. Go free market capitalism!!!
@Mr. Gray: Nice little cut and paste job.
I get it. You HATE insurance companies. I would also guess you hate pharmaceutical companies, energy companies and every other big industry in the U.S. with the exception of GM and Chrysler which your union buddies now control.
The fact is that the majority of Americans are satisfied with their health coverage. Would they like to see it cost less? Sure they would. So why do Democrats stand in the way of meaningful lawsuit reform?
And does anyone REALLY believe that health insurance will be cheaper and cost less in the long term under Obama Care? Show me a government program that’s EVER delivered on that promise.
Spare the me rest of your redistributionist/socialist screed. American capitalism has created MORE prosperity for more people around the world than all your do gooder government programs combined.
What’s more… the rich who you so freely bash pay 95% of the bill.
Don’t give me any more of your socilaist crapola. It’s old, tired and STUPID!
Mr Gray:
The democrats have controlled congress for almost three years now… What planet are YOU on?
How about rapidly inflating costs due to no tort caps? If the doctors insurance goes up to pay claims that have no cap then your cost to see the doctor goes up. John Edwards and ambulance chasers like him are the biggest inflators of cost in the health industry.
How about allowing the same tax breaks for individuals that companies get?
How about the Fed ALLOWING competition across state lines?
How about you not calling people names and inventing straw men? It is easy to win arguments when you invent or distort what your opponent says. It is not so easy to actually debate. Perhaps you will try to debate from now on instead of attacking the straw men your party sets up for you? Like the “Republicans want you to hurry up and die” that your congressliars keep trying to sell to peoplewho know better?
@ Steve from Tulsa,
I agree with Mr. Gray. There are ways that we can lower heathcare cost and cover more citizens ( not illegals ). However; tort reform isn’t the only way. I personally pay nearly $7200 a year for family heathcare coverage. Personally, I’d gladly pay slightly higher taxes if I could simply cut that in half. But I don’t see anything coming out of the GOP that even slightly resembles healthcare reform that would help anyone other than the insurance industry. As you and your party continously bash Pres. Obama what y’all do seem to see or don’t want to see is that he doesn’t need bi-partisanship to get this passed. Bush/ Cheny would have pushed this throuh with only a partisan vote if they actually cared about the citizens they are suppose to be serving. But Pres. Obama even though he has the votes he needs to pass a bill he is trying to stick with the plan he ran on. In order to move this country forward we have to agree on something. He doesn’t want to alianate the GOP in big decision’s that will effect the entire country ( example: war in Iraq).
However; I do agree that there does need to be tort reform. I think that these frivolous lawsuits need to be stopped. For example: The guy that tried to sue McDonalds because he put on alot of weight becuase he said that he was addicted to their food, and the lady that aslo sued McDonalds cause she didn’t realize their coffee was hot. But simply tort reform isn’t gonna do anything to lower premiums. It would just allow the insurance companies to retain even higher profits because their not having to pay bogus lawsuits. But do you honestly think that they would lower their premiums? I’ll answer that one for you. Hell No!
People that are willing to pay for affordable healthcare should have the option to do so. Personally I’ll can live with the public option. But I’d prefer single payer. But The GOP killed that thought immediately. Tell me Steve in Tulsa. Why is that?
And don’t tell me that you don’t want the goverment running our healthcare system. I’ve seen the Tea Parties half the people at them look like the already collect medicare.
Thanks, Mike, for the research on this, and on the call to action. You can always be counted on to encourage action to be taken, not just being readers only.
@Johnny From SC: Since you and “Mr. Gray” are writing from an identical IP address we can only conclude that it is easy for you to agree WITH YOURSELF!
How would you like it if I posted comments where I totally agreed with myself?
Obviously, you’re not the brightest bulb in the box and yet you cannot comprehend how those of us who disagree with you MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE A CLUE!
Drop it socialist sock puppet!
We don’t need no stinkin’ George Soros clones here!
@SoCal Chris: Thanks SoCal. I’ve been trying to stay on top of this issue even as what is really happening is being hidden from view. I can only tell you from my own experience working for a U.S. Senator is that your letters and calls DO make a difference. My job with former Senator Alphonse D’Amato was to answer many of these letters.
Just as important as contacting your reps. and senators is the writing of letters to the editor. My local paper published my last letter and they may publish yours as well. Even if they don’t you have put them on notice that their readers have conservative opinions on these issues which command respect.
We can all do something more than just complain.
@Mike’s America: Johnny and I are not the same person… I know you are not the brightest bulb in the box, but try to comprehend how 2 computers connecting from the same office building could have the same IP address. I don’t need to pretend to have anyone to agree with me. My statements stand on their own. If I needed people to co-sign my statements, I wouldn’t come here to the spin-factory to enlighten the Republican Kool-aid crew. I get my information from all sources (including Fox News and conservative print and web media) and use critical thinking to develop my opinions and views. I don’t trust big corporations and wall street just like you don’t trust big government. I believe that in just the last year, my thinking has proven to be the wiser. But of course you blame the housing market crisis on the middle class family that wanted to buy a house that they didn’t deserve, that they didn’t deserve, not the investors that made millions trading mortgage derivatives.
Anyone who doesn’t like government is welcomed to visit Somolia. They have virtually no government and the only true free market system on earth. Let me know if you want to stay.
Mike’s America,
I guess in your America people do have split personalities and have to lie to get people to believe your crap. Mr. Gray is a friend of mine. He pointed out this crap to me and I responded to it. I DO agree with him. But you can think what you want. It’s obvious that most of you or simply pasting comments from your party leaders Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh. Hell you’re probably one in the same. But who knows you maybe So Cal Chris, Missy, Steve in Tulsa. Honestly; I could care less. But while insulting peoples intelligents let me question yours.
Check this out. These are the folks that your party is organizing or encouraging. Lol. Wow. I hope you actually know what a socialist is. I might give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you do. Naw, I won’t even give you that.
While you’re asking for people to take action. Other than insulting people that don’t agree with your logic. What actions are you taking? Are you demonstrating your right to bare arms at a healthcare rally?
The only way you two are coming from the same office building is if your building is a headquarters for ACORN. In which case, your opinion hardly matters. Especially so since this identical IP is not coming from a corporate site but from a CHARTER IP.
Sorry, but I’m not buying the charade.
Fakes, fonies and fools. We’ve had our fill.
Sounds like Johnny might have been watching Michael Moore on Sean Hannity last night–almost word for word the same sentiments.
@Mike’s America: “Headquarters for ACORN” now that was funny.
I wonder if the owner/manager of Piedmont knows that one, perhaps two, of his/her employees are posting on political sites during working hours rather than generating sales/revenue for the company that they are employed by.
Hmmmmm….I wonder.
@ Mikes in America,
That was funny. Lol.We do work in the same office. However; like most of your statements you’re wrong.
Acorn. Lol wow. You’re still talking about Acorn? Mike I think you’re a fool, and a phonie ( correct spelling ). However; I don’t think you’re fake . I do believe that you’re a real dumbass though. Since our debate has turned to name calling. I guess you went to the Joe Wilson school Of Debate.
As you stated you’ve had your fill. I’m sure you have. Cause you’re definitely or full of something.
Aye Chihuahua, wow… that is low to attempt to use your position being able to read IP addresses to injure someone who is offering an opinion here. Are you the “what people do at work police”?
How exactly am I “injuring” anyone Dudley?
I’m simply asking questions.
@ So Cal Chris,
I don’t watch Hannity. If I want to be lied to I’ll go to a strip club.
@Chihuahua You put personal information online about someone’s work. Since when is that acceptable?
@ Aye
It’s so nice to hear from you. Well; I guess I can lie to. Funny of you to notice. Don’t worry about it Blast. Everything is cool here. But; I guess Mr. Aye is just upset that his followers rather throw insults that tell me something meaningful. I only visit this site for to get perspectives from both sides not just the left. If you base everything on party ties you’re bound to vote in the wrong person.
Just ask So Cal Chris.
Sorry. You’re wrong again.
The information that I posted is available for anyone who is smart enough to know how to get it.
Chihuahua, I am not surprised that you would make excuses for your behavior and not correct you it. Poor form. Totally bankrupt.
@Aye Chihuahua: Interesting. I recognize that tactic right out of the republican playbook. “lets dig up anything we can use against our political opponents” You should tell everyone how you heard we were PALLING AROUND WITH TERRORISTS!!
Mr. Gray/Johnny From SC….you are using the same IP address while changing your usernames. I do not tolerate sockpuppets….buh bye
I beg your pardon….did I at some point give you the impression that I give a damn what you think?
Once your racist opinions were exposed here, through your own words of course, you became less significant than dog feces scraped from the bottom of my shoe.
Every court needs its’ jester….every village needs its’ idiot.
You, sir, provide us with someone to point and laugh at. For that, I thank you.
The sock puppet duo is gone now so it’s back to you…center stage.
@ Chihuahua, I never said I was perfect… I do however think you have been so abusive to me and others, so the animist is set here, we can just agree to hate each other. Which is fine by me.
@Johnny From SC: Number 18
Couple questions. Having only responded to one of your inane posts, just wondering, why the shout out?
Why demonstrate a right to bare arms at a healthcare rally? Tees, tubes and tanks are legal, this isn’t the ME.
One quick note:
The liberals will be ratcheting up the rhetoric now that they have seen their “hope and change” turn out to be one big government take-over of private markets. They know this lunacy is being rejected by a stong majority of the country. And they know the House will be turning Republican again because of their foolish spending spree. It’s gonna be a turkey shoot.
Staunch defender of liberal sock-puppets everywhere. But seeing that he can’t defend his own positions worth a damn, I see it as a step up.
One could smell it in the air, that Blast was excited about having 2 more (wait… ONE more) co-believers to help him recite what he thinks he’s “learned”, but to no avail.