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American voters will WISH to follow the lead of the German people. The question is, will they be permitted to! Will fraud and intimidation at the polls be so breathtaking as to make a republican sweep impossible? Obama’s atty. general, Eric Holder has already made it clear that the intimidation of voters by Black Panthers with billy-clubs is perfectly acceptable. When joined by ACORN, SEIU and other thugs, will voting become a truly dangerous matter? Actual American had better be prepared for anything. The left has power and will NOT give it back without a real fight. A CRIMINAL fight, that is.

It’s sad when elections in Iraq can be considered safer than voting in America.

@OLDPUPPYMAX: I’m a bit concerned about ACORN being taken out of the equation a little early because it will give the current administration time to set up some other thug organization to steal the election. Had ACORN not stolen, by intimidation, the primary caucuses, this wind-up toy wouldn’t be in the WH today.

I doubt we’ll have any ACORN or Black Panthers here but NO ONE will stop me from voting. I don’t even trust a mail-in ballot anymore. I will show up physically and be very proud to vote any Democrat on the ballot out of office. Presently, it looks as if Boxer is vulnerable….oh Joy! I will not quibble over any Republican on the ballot against her or for the Governor’s spot. Anyone would be a thousand times better than his enablers. I voted straight Republican last time for the first time in my life because I saw him for who he is. No one could be worse.

I can’t vote a third ticket at this time (although I’d like to) because it is too vital to take the power away from the Dims. They’ve shown how irresponsible their tactics and policies are. I won’t siphon one vote away from the goal. A third party becomes viable during more stable times.

Some conservatives here in America cannot wait to elect their own Frau President!

@URI: I like a lot about Sarah but she has to take time to put solid ground under her feet. I doubt she will run as a third party although I hear some people hoping for that. Wrong timing and as we know, timing is everything for success.

@AnnMonterey: I have seen nothing to indicate former Gov. Palin would consider a third party run. She’s smarter than that. I agree, she needs to take her time and build on the solid base of conservative support she already has.

I would like to have a woman president come from the GOP. When the time is right.

i can’t wait until sara runs.

me too sue…

@AnnMonterey: What else is out there? There is no strong GOP leader better than her right now. Palin has the charisma. Romney cannot do it, he is smart but has no charisma. Huckabee has no chance. Even in California the GOP cannot even get a decent candidate to run for the Governor seat and take advantage of the situation.
I do think that Marco Rubio could be someone with a future. He should have run for the Governor seat of the State of Florida and not the Senate. Another interesting character is the future GOP Gobernor of Virginia, very charismatic leader but needs more exposure in the media.
As to create a third Party, then we are going to have 16 years of Obama. A Third party would only make the Democratic Party stronger. They are praying for that!. I hope Palin will not do that.
Remember, what helped the marxists get to power was the fact that they created these weird alliances with all these useful idiots(Lenin uses that term) like the environmentalist, muslims, gays, blacks, pro-abortion women, hispanics, poor and the Bush haters.
Keeping one strong GOP, that’s how we get to defeat this Administration. The aim is to make this country Free Again! In the meantime, only time will tell about Sarah Palin’s future.

This is probably good news for Germany. However, we should remember that her Christian Democratic party had to join with the Social Democratic party in order to win the elections. The coalition alone could cause some obstacles in the future, but there is also the fact that about half of the country did not vote for her (obviously, it was slightly LESS than half).
Granted, that could end up not truly mattering. But in a country split over a broken economy, policy questions and heated tax discussions; thigns could be moving pretty slowly for Merkel if she’s trying to push for more tax cuts, union reforms, etc.
There is an interesting video on her reelection at It’s short, well-made and worth checking out if you have a few minutes:

@URI: Well, I agree on most of your points. I would be very dismayed if Sarah split off into a 3rd party. But as mentioned earlier, she’s smarter than that. I, for one, would love to see her in the Senate in 2010; a chance to put to rest all those set-ups they blind-sided her with during the last campaign. She started that when she resigned as Governor. You are right, there’s no one who has the charisma but she needs something more solid; I’m not trying to compare but that’s all the dope-in-office brought to the table and look what a disaster that is.

0zer0, using his so-called charisma (somehow I am immune), with those groups you mentioned convinced them he was bringing the same agenda to the table as the King of Charisma, Bill Clinton, and that’s what they were all enthralled with. Say what you will about Clinton, he has the ability to speak very clearly, never condescend (as the present poseur does), and educate his listeners on the policy or issue he’s speaking about. People hang on his every word and walk away feeling he has translated complicated topics in way they understand. That’s what Sarah has to do. She has to speak in complete, clear, concise sentences. She had a tendency to wander but it seems to me, at least reading segments of her Asian speech, that she is correcting that. There’s a vast array of knowledge she needs to own…as she shows when she speaks on energy. If the GOP was really smart, they’d provide experienced, learned tutors for her and get the other guys out of the way.

You can hardly blame her for not being prepared for the campaign but this time she has to be completely together in every way to withstand the attacks they will throw at her. She won’t have to convince you or me. It’s the people who were bamboozled into thinking her an uneducated hick who will have to see the lie of what they were fed. And, hey, after her book comes out, I doubt the GOP will have to provide her with a wardrobe although I do hope she will do her shopping at Saks and Neiman’s! She always looked great.