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I agree with your comment on the death of the black family. I think this is one of the most important issues facing our country right now. Just last week week, a postman was killed right down the street from me from a 19 year old kid. Yes, the kid was black. The gun accidently went off and killed the postman. Where were the parents? Nowhere to be found. How are these kids supposed to learn? Its not cool to care about school.

Obama is a racist for telling Paterson to withdraw now.

The war on poverty, and taking the father out of the family, has destroyed the black and white families alike.

It’s what statists do … Pursue their power.

Morgan Freeman proves he is a true American and a solid intellectual. He is spot on in his analysis, and the race card, as he calls it, is too often as a substitute for reason when presenting an ill formed liberal idea. Liberalism has done more harm to the black community than any band of fools in sheets ever could.

Liberals may have the best of intentions (or actually, they may not), and it’s too easy to point at the goofballs in the KKK and lay blame, but the truth of the matter is that those types represent a former threat, and are nothing more than a red herring at this point.

If you took all of the Klansmen in the U.S. and put them in an NFL stadium, it wouldn’t be full. Now round up all the thugs (black, white, yellow, brown, whatever), you couldn’t fit them all in the stadium AND the parking lot.

In short, liberal policies have resulted in a legacy of fatherless homes, illiterate children and thugery. Murder, drugs and broken lives. Intentions be damned, at least you know where you stand with a Klansmen.

I present that current liberalism is nothing more than a modern form of the plantation; here’s a little welfare in exchange for your vote! We know these policies only enslave people to the government.

And Obama should tell Peterson not to run, but not because he’ll hurt the party. Obama should’ve told him to step aside because he’s not capable of running the state government in New York. Just that simple.

White convervatives can no longer be racist. Why?

We have been told for years “that while whites can be “racist,” other groups are “incapable of racism due to power difference.”

If this is truly the case, then the only ones that can be “racists” are the ones in power, which today are the liberals.

Morgan Freeman is right. As long as people are labelled, they will be viewed by that label and not by the “content of their character”.

How many times do we have to celebrate “the first”? The first woman, the first African-American, the first African-American woman, the first Hispanic, etc., ad naseum. As long as we continue to distinguish the gender or race, we will not move past the labelling and on to a colorblind society.

Who provides the most labelling of the people in the news (except for when the person is a Democrat)? The media. The media are the ones holding us back by exacerbating and flaming the racial and gender discriminatory feelings. Since 2000, the media has become more and more the propaganda arm of the DNC.

So, the media and Democrats are the primary movers and shakers that want to keep tension between the races and sexes. They are the ones that always distinguish the race or gender of a purported victims, indicating that primary reason they were victims is because of the race or gender.

As someone I read this weekend pointed out, most large cities in the country have been controlled by Democrats for a couple of generations or more. How are these cities doing in racial equality? When will the Democrats fix these problems? How long to they need? They have virtual total control, what’s slowing them down?

Number of Blacks killed by whites between 1860 and 1960 is approx 3500.

Number of persons (both Black and White) killed by Blacks last year was over 8000, over 80% of them, other Black men.

(Tuskegee Institute)

What if Sharpton (et al) all treated this statistic as a wake-up call to focus on actually FIXING the problems instead of PROFITING from it?

“It is 2009, and a black man has reached the most powerful position in this country.”

Huh!!………I didn’t know George Soros was black…….


I will be blunt. It will be over when he steps down as the being the first marxist President of the United States and Blacks began to seriously ask themselves who they really are and want to be in the American society and culture.
We need to get rid off these stupit racial description that we fill out to get a job, to go to the Doctor. Who cares that I am a Hispanic Jew?. Ask me for my level of education and my income level and that should be enough! And everybody born in this country legally should be an American, that’s it.
I demand the same thing from all the Latinos too. There is no country in South America that has sub-racial categories or ethnic groups classification. There are no Arab-Argentinian. In Brasil where they had slavery as well,, there is no Afro-Brasilan or no German-Brasilian today, they are simply Brasilians and very patriotic. . In Colombia there is no African Colombian or in Uruguay. People are just what their passport says. The day we can get rid of the idiotic race classification , a lot of souls will began to heal.

Race relations has been booted back (by president O’Dumbo) to at least the 50’s, maybe even the 1850’s.

It was pathetic to see Obama’s defenders trot out the “you can’t say that about a Black man!” line. What they are really saying is that IN THEIR MINDS Obama is not capable of defending his policies on their merits — since we have to presume they agree with the policies on the merits, it must mean that they think Obama isn’t up to the job.

So the irony is that Obama’s critics are willing to treat him like any other President, and his defenders treat him like a hot-house flower… or maybe like someone who they fear advanced through his career on the basis of affirmative action.

So remind me – just who are the racists?

It’s a two-edged sword.

The people who play the race card are wrong, regardless of their place on the political spectrum.

Consider Michael Steele. The man actually went on Meet the Press and said that he found it “curious” that Obama would call upon one of only two black governors to step away from reelection. He followed that up by wondering aloud how the “black leadership” would react to it. That’s playing the race card, plain and simple.

Now, the people who attack as “racist” mere criticism of Obama’s policies are every bit as wrong. Let me say that again; the people who attack policy criticism as “racist” are every bit as wrong.

Finally, you get the fringe. If you don’t disavow the fringe, it subtracts from one’s true (and entirely reasonable) criticisms. When the head of Tea Party Express characterizes the President as “welfare thug” and “racist-in-chief,” there’s no policy criticism there. When the protester carries the sign referring to Obama as a pimp (the “long-legged Mack Daddy” signs) or names him a “lyin’ African”–both were seen at the 9/12 march–they need to be disavowed. Those with rational, principled criticisms need to say “we aren’t part of that.” That’s true whether the fringe is left or right…

I believe the death of the black family is a direct result of LBJ’s so-called “War on Poverty”. Mothers with children on AFDC (Aid to Families of Dependent Children), married or unmarried, were not allowed to have the father in the house. It perpetuated the welfare mentality; have more kids, get more money. It also destroyed the black male sense of worth. Unintended consequences. Not feeling sorry for people victimized by this thinking…many pulled themselves out of this quagmire and found a way to independence, but we were swimming in this low-life thinking from the 70’s on. We have LBJ’s social engineering to thank for a lot of this.

Here’s an interesting article on racism.

Monday, September 21, 2009
If They Talk Long Enough, A Truth Slips Out

I just love it when New York Times columnists accidently tell the truth. Especially when they expose themselves in the process. Take Bob Herbert’s column today, for example.

First he explains that Jimmy Carter spoke one of the 10 great truths in America when he charged anyone disagreeing with the Obama Doctrine with racism. He even describes Carter’s statement as a Homer Simpson “doh!” moment: if you don’t see racism in the emotional agitation against the President, you,sir, are an idiot and a liar. Then he turns around to remind us that St. Jimmy himself:

(… During his presidential campaign in 1976, … blithely let it be known that he had no problem with residents “trying to maintain the ethnic purity of their neighborhoods,” and he tossed around ugly terms like “black intrusion” and “alien groups.” He later apologized.)

Hmmm. Can apologizing make you not a racist? He maybe needs to apologize some more if that’s the case, as he’s the only one I’ve ever heard call Obama a “black boy.” And it just seems to roll off his tongue.

Herbert has inadvertently exposed the truth that non-racists everywhere have always suspected: those who scream “racist” loudest and most frequently, who see racism no matter where they turn, are usually the biggest racists in the room. I reach this conclusion because pretty much everything else in Herbert’s column appears to be angry accusations of racism hurled in the direction of the other party.

But hey, read Herbert’s column yourself and tell me who you think is stirring up racism for their own purposes.

@wesmorgan1: “Long-legged Mack Daddy” is a phrase coined by a Harlem minister, whose name escapes me at the moment. He obviously despises him.

I am waiting for 0zer0 to disavow the fringe. I won’t hold my breath.

The Long-Legged Mack Daddy minister of whom you speak is Harlem’s Reverend Manning. He himself attended the 9/12 TEA Party in Washington, DC, carrying a sign calling Obama a Long-Legged Mack Daddy: http://angrywhitedude.com/?p=2461

Mason Weaver also appeared, saying, “I thought you might want to hear a Black man speak to you without a Tele-Prom-Ter.” http://www.breitbart.tv/black-speaker-at-dc-rally-mocks-obamas-teleprompter-dependence/

@stuiec: Yes! I watched a lot of Reverend Manning tapes on youtube during the campaign but couldn’t retrieve his name from the old memory bank. Good for him on appearing at the Tea Party!

I loved the black guy who said he was looking for racists but hadn’t found any…was that Mason Weaver as well?