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Add some supporting info from my July 19th post, Obama follows Romney/Kennedy’s MA healthcare of cliff…

While Larry W and a few others keep talking about France, and the opposite extreme compares O’healthcare to Canada/UK, Romney care is the template used by Kennedy and ilk when starting from chicken scratch to remake.. not reform… US health care. And this is based on the fact that MA mandated coverage. They did not, however, put in a “public option” and utilized private insurers.

This is also one of the major reasons I have no support, and will never have, for Romney.

The sad part is that there are statewide reforms that are covering more people. Indiana has created a market-based system, but the Obama administration is refusing to allow it to move forward:

The key word in all of this is “Mandates”. As soon as the state or US government starts adding mandates to the required health insurance the game is over. Imagine a car you wanted to purchase and only had so much money. With mandates it would have to have every option that the gov. specified, even though you might not want or need them. This of course means that you might not be able to afford it any longer. Thats too bad because you have to buy it anyway!

I would say that the system in Massachusetts is more accurately described as a corporate takeover of healthcare sponsored by the government.

The net effect is a huge transfer of money from people to corporations through premium payments and through taxes that subsidize the insurance plans. And keep in mind that 30% of this money goes to administration, advertising, the complicated paperwork of billing, and profits – not medical care.

@Laura: Right you are about the high overhead of these state run plans. But add on the legal costs we endure with the current lack of any effective tort reform and the overhead is at least 40%.

None of these isues are being addressed by the Democrats health care “reform” legislation.

I personally think that Obama would not have been made president if he had been white. But since he is black, and we all wanted to make history by electing the first ever black president, we voted for him. We didnt all consider the issues. We didnt really think about his platform, we just wanted to make history. Now, Obama is still new to his office, and yet he is already working for this healthcare reform, that is literally a death penalty for some people. Simply because they stand the less chance of surviving…however, have you not heard of miracles?? Miracles can occur. And we shouldnt try to be God by letting people die, when we may have the power to save them. In addition, how dare Obama call on religious leaders, when he is for abortion is now also for death penalty?!

I think that we should all stand together and firmly tell Obama to “revise” his plan. For this plan is nothing more than a death penalty to our beloved ones.

Here’s an advance “transcript” of Obama’s health care speech.

Obama Health Care Speech Advance Transcript

Dan: I imagine the speech will be something quite similar to what you suggest, even if we have to read between the lines. I’m preparing a set of viewing aids to help readers appreciate the speech. Stay tuned!