“I Pledge!” An Alternative [Reader Post]


So the Obama Administration has prepared what can only be described as a liberal propaganda video, tempered with some vaguer platitudes yet sprinkled with every color in the ethnic rainbow, and spiced with sage wisdom about “the united funk of funkadelica”, trading in “obnoxious” cars for hybrids, and not flushing after going pee-pee.  And our kids will be forced to view it during school next week.

It also includes Obama-mantras about “being the change” (whatever that means).  Anthony Keidis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers actually pledges “my service to Barack [kisses one bicep] Obama [kisses the other bicep].”  The video ends with the group of celebs pledging to be “a servant to the president and to all mankind.”  All the celeb video screens then morph into the iconic poster of President Obama.

For the custodians’ sake, let’s hope they show the video before lunch.

Truth be told, buried in the 4-minute video are some good things about being nice and helping neighbors and the needy in our communities.  But to my knowledge, no one has asked for equal time to present alternatives.

So I will fill the void.  If I knew how to work the equipment, I’d make my own video.  Since I don’t, here is a pledge that I’d prefer our children take:

I pledge to respect, listen to and obey my parents and elders because they have life experiences, wisdom and knowledge that I need to learn and which will guide me almost invariably to make better decisions.

I pledge to learn how to read, and read voraciously, because understanding the written word is critical to succeeding in life.

  • I also pledge that when I grow up, I will vote for government officials who will read the laws and regulations they propose before voting on them, and I will not abide their laziness, double-speak, vagueness and condescension.

I pledge to learn mathematics because I will need to use it every day as I grow up and into adulthood.

  • I also pledge that when I grow up, I will vote for government officials who know how to add and, much more importantly, subtract so that they will reduce taxes and government spending, size and growth, and stop running up humongous deficits that will make life harder on me and future generations.

I pledge to listen to my teachers because they are eager to prepare me for my future by working with me in the classroom.

  • I also pledge that when I grow up, I will vote for government officials who will carry forward the principles they hold but also listen and respond to their constituents’ desires rather than dictating to us what we need.

I pledge to learn about the history of our great nation and its Judeo-Christian heritage, the wisdom of its founders, and the blessings that have flowed from our shores to the rest of the world.

  • I also pledge that when I grow up, I will vote for government officials who will know our founding documents, interpret them as written, understand they were meticulously designed to limit government power while recognizing our religious traditions, and strive to exceed the high standards our founders set.

I pledge to support strong national security against our enemies because it is one of the few things the federal government is truly in the best position to handle.

I pledge to support our soldiers, sailors and airmen, and our law enforcement and emergency responders, as they carry out their duties to secure, protect and defend the liberty and freedom God has graciously granted us.

  • I also pledge to work against those who denigrate our troops, micromanage their every move, equate their actions to the thuggary and merciless violence carried on by other regimes, and fail to provide them with the best available equipment, weapons, health care and living conditions.

I pledge to be a good friend, reliable, truthful and caring, placing the needs of others ahead of my own.

  • I also pledge that when I grow up, I will vote for leaders who act not out of political expediency or lust for power or personal gain but instead for the best interests of our nation and with a strong desire to find solutions to our problems that don’t involve increased government intervention, regulation and control.

I pledge to care for our environment because of its beauty, wonder, resources and its evidence of God’s creative hand.

  • I also pledge that I will not genuflect to hypocritical celebrities lecturing me about the evils of global warming (or cooling), gas guzzling cars, plastic, incandescent light bulbs, and meat as they fly around in Gulfstream jets, take Hummer limos to and from appointments and dine on wagyu steaks with political allies.

I pledge to conserve energy and our natural resources because it is important not to be wasteful.

  • I also pledge not to place the needs of animals over people, or limit the use of our resources or technologies simply because environmental activists use the parts of science they find most appealing to push their alarmist agenda items in Chicken Little-esque fashion.

I pledge to honor the sanctity of life by working to ensure policies and resources are in place to protect it, especially for the most vulnerable among us—the unborn and young, and the infirm and elderly.

I pledge to welcome immigrants from other nations who come to America through legal process seeking better lives and wanting to work hard to legitimately achieve the American Dream.

  • I also pledge that when I grow up, I will vote for governmental officials who are committed to securing our borders and deporting illegal immigrants who flout our laws, even if their intentions are otherwise honorable.

I pledge to treat with respect and dignity people of different races, creeds and cultures who intend no harm to my nation and her traditions, communities and families.

  • I also pledge that when someone of another race, creed or culture wrongs me, I will not in jump to the conclusion that they are a racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, or any other epithet, and will not use such incidents for cheap publicity or to push an agenda.

I pledge to behave both publicly and privately in ways that meet or exceed high standards of ethical conduct.

  • I also pledge that when I grow up, I will vote for and support those government representatives who do likewise and tirelessly oppose those who don’t.

Finally, I will never to be a “servant” to anyone, especially not the president or any other government official.  On the contrary, I recognize that our leaders are in office to serve us and represent the best interests of us and our nation.  Therefore, I pledge to serve my country joyfully and selflessly, as an equal member of our society and without a political agenda, by seeking out and serving the needs of my family, friends, neighbors, fellow churchgoers and community.

And I don’t need President Obama, the federal government or self-righteous celebrities to tell me how to do it.

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Most Churches, Parents, the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts taught those traditional American values better than the America hating Marxist Punk from Chicago, The Current Socialist Sec of Education or Bill Ayres could ever imagine. This is 100% BS. This is a cheap political ploy. Role Players or Celebrities for Hire from Hollywood have the Values of a pack of wolves.

I’m not buying into any of this crap.

EXCELLENT pledges!

WOOT, More school-house indoctrination!

I do believe, as millions do, that Obama has simply gone over the edge. Obama’s vanity will be his downfall.

Two things about the video in question and mentioned in the first link of this great post:

1. the video actually had it’s first run around January (can’t recall if it was just before or after the Inauguration)

2. The BHO Hollywood BJ vid was written and produced by Demi Moore and her third boob (present in the vid)

Blogged about it in Jan so must of been right after the inauguration

Celebrities Who Have Torn Down Bush For 8 Years Suddenly Want To Serve Their President


I can only imagine the loudly vocal outrage if a “pledge” video, especially the arm kissing, were made during and for Pres. Bush …

And that POS Ward Churchill called “who” Little Eichmanns???

Dude …

this is amazing and i could not have said it better myself. thank you for a thoughtful and thought provoking pledge.

Excellent values. I am glad to have read your post. Just goes to show what we all are having to do with what has happened in our country since BO became the POTUS. Got lemons, make lemonade!

I think BO “IS” feeling the squeeze lately too! 🙂

I will not have to watch cartoons for a month after reading these posts. I’ve never seen so many clichés, oxymorons, and double standards in one location before.

1) The mess we have today is due to the people that have been in the positions of power and not the government itself.

2) Those persons in those positions of power lacked the necessary ethical and moral foundations needed to do what is right out of personal greed.

3) We are in need of a “unified”, “educated”, and “committed” generation that is not afraid to accept responsibility and action in order to keep this country successful tomorrow.

In Summary:
This country needs a cultural overhaul. Too many “Americans” are out there trying to under mind authority, playing armchair quarterback, and will only commit to an agenda that leads to their personal gain because they are busy watching out for number one. “We” are acting like a throng of spoiled children not wanting to take ownership of our nation’s issues. Some call it avoidance of responsibility; I call it a lack of dedication to your country and its leaders. I’d give back my taxes in order to correct the errors of my elders and retain what we have here in America… would you?

We need to own up, buckled down, and solidify our selves in order to secure a successful future in tomorrow’s world. If you do not wish to unify as a nation then like you said, “It’s is a free country”, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out. I didn’t vote for Obama but I sure as hell am going to stand behind him as our leader because we are going to do one hell of a job of either doing it right or wrong.

News Flash:
This may come as a shock to some folks but the Government consists of and is run by people just like YOU! It is not an entity in itself.

News Flash:
This may come as a shock to some folks but the Government consists of and is run by people just like YOU! It is not an entity in itself.


Try telling the “government” that …

Please get it on video when you confront Nancy Pelosi, etc …


@EOAN…thanks for providing a liberal moment laugh..I won’t have to view any MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, et all, video wrap-ups tonight…
So EOAN, hows all that hopey-changey stuff, bi-partisan, post-racial America, ocean levels lowering, transparency-thing, every-country-will-NOW-love-America, no taxes for middle-class, responsible spending, no extending military duty assignments…now working for you ???

Bite any Conservative pinky fingers off tonight?

There was a lot of critique on this video during debut, Andrew Breitbart’s critique was very apropos…but never thought it would be used beyond January…Harpo studios hosted the making of this Demi Moore-Ashton Kutcher creation that was featured on Oprah’s pre inagural show…(I don’t watch Oprah but read about all the promos/dinners etc the Big O initiated to celebrate her pal’s election.)

Breitbart – Jan 19.2009…

One of the harder-hitting passages included…
Twenty years ago AIDS was the number one cause for the Hollywood left. Remember the trendy red ribbons at all the self-aggrandizing awards shows? Hollywood has moved on (dot org) to better blame-your-fellow-American causes…

Actually, EOAN, one of the major reasons we’re in this mess with a criminal enterprise in control of 60% of both legislative houses and the executive branch is that we’ve “under minded” government for way too long. It has nothing to do with idiot celebs kissing their inked biceps, or promising to not use plastic bags at the grocery store. And pledging allegiance to POTUS, be he The One or Otherwise, will kill us long before it can ever help us.

Didn’t Charles Manson start out by “indoctrinating” his subjects? At least Charles Manson didn’t focus on pre-kindergarten. Do we see a parallel here? Mind control is devious at best, evil at worst. Charles Manson and Barack Obama in the same mold?
Just asking

EOAN, the Current Bad Choice that the Voters made is selling You a rats bunghole for a gold wedding ring, a cup of stale urine for lemonade and will soon having you living in an economy that rivals that of Somalia.

Go back to Organizing for America with the back of my hand across your face.

Ok Bucko?

If anyone sees Ashton Kutcher asking around for someone to help, could you send him over to mow my lawn? My ankle hurts, but I’m afraid if I go to the doctor he might cut off my foot ’cause it’s so darn profitable.

When it feels better, and when I see the sweeping results of all the earnest blood, sweat and tears these celebs are just about to gift humanity with, I’m sure I’ll be moved to follow suit.
I just want them to show me how it’s done.

eoan: I’ve never seen so many clichés, oxymorons, and double standards in one location before. ….

…. yada yada

woof… and thank you for adding so many more cliches, oxymorons and “soaring” empty rhetoric to the fray, EOAN. Did you get the Big Zero’s 3rd string writers for that one? Or come up with that BS yourself.

I might like to point out that few of us have a problem with the structure of US government, as laid out by our Constitution, Founders and Framers. However it has gone way beyond that as a bloated behemoth, with corruption running rampid in both parties. So your elementary lectures about “we the people” are ill-placed among a large constituency of Constitutionalists.

I, personally, vote every election, EOAN. Funny… those same corrupt people end up as career politicans. Could that be because voters are lazy, uneducated, and easily manipulated with catch phrases and promises of utopia? Or perhaps because it’s big money that gets the politician get elected in our world? Most likely both.

But I sure do my part to stay abreast of issues. I’m not so sure I can say the same about others when you see voters’ post polling interviews, and they can’t name the Veep, Speaker or know the three branches of government. Honestly, “too stupid to vote” comes to mind far too often of late.

I’m going to give Leo kudos for his ideals on his pledges. He sounds young to me and, frankly, it’s quite refreshing. So, for EOAN, I’ll temper Leo’s supposed “oxymorons” with my less than honeyed tongue and acerbic old age outlook with a pledge that’s less idealistic, and more realistic. And I’d wager a guess that EOAN won’t be able to label this one an oxymoron or cliche.

I pledge to continue to stock up on ammo, or buy a reloader.

“I call it a lack of dedication to your country and its leaders.”

1) There is no lack of dedication to America here. We have veterans, former public servants, etc.
2) Our “leaders” serve US and not the other way around.
3) We are trying to help the leaders of this country do things right, but they have decided we “peasants” just need to shut up and let them do what they know is right for us.
4) You come across as ignorant and full of obama kool-aid

I pledge to stock up to a few thousand rounds for each caliber of firearm I have.

I also pledge to make it legal to hunt hollywood celebutards provided they are hunted in the same manner baby seals are.

Hi All,

*Just finished reading the replies to his post*…… *cricket..cricket* In laymens terms this means im giving a blank stare to some content of there replies. A good portion of them have no rational behind it or agreed with what I posted but wanted to assign a scarlet letter to “Obama” and “The Govornment”. Granted there was some (not all) that did seem to have some structured thought. But again, there is a lot of misguided hatred and mistrust floating around. Let’s try to dig deeper into ourselves to find the rootcause of why we are saying what we are saying.

Hard Right and Madalyn,

Let me just borrow your posts and change the vergable slightly to provoke a little thought on your ends. I’ll wait to see what replys come back before I post why I’ve done this.

Modification of Madalyn’s Post:
“Doesn’t Religion start out by “indoctrinating” their subjects? At least Charles Manson doesn’t focus on pre-kindergarten like our churches do. Do we see a parallel here? Mind control is devious at best, evil at worst. Charles Manson, Barack Obama, and Religion in the same mold?
Just asking

Hard Right’s Post:
I also pledge to make it legal to hunt hollywood celebutards provided they are hunted in the same manner baby seals are.

Does this mean we get to start hunting down followers of organized religion in the linear world proposed in Hard Right’s post?

This is with the assumption that Hard Right is referring to the term “baby stealer” in the context of Obama reaching out to our nation’s youth. I may be wrong. Also, please keep in mind that nothing I’m saying is meant to be personal. It’s ok to criticize thoughts, not people.

Bravo Leo! This lays it out in plain terms who we are and what we stand for.

EOAN: But again, there is a lot of misguided hatred and mistrust floating around. [towards government]

That is a healthy and *very* American concept, EOAN.

“The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” – Edmund Burke 1729-1797

“Aided by a little sophistry on the words ‘general welfare’, [they claim] a right to do not only the acts to effect that which are specifically enumerated and permitted, but whatsoever they shall think or pretend will be for the general welfare.” — Thomas Jefferson 1825 to W. Giles.

“…There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. … Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing.” – Daniel Webster, June 1, 1837

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” –Thomas Jefferson

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” – Plato 429-347 B.C.

“No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent.” – Abraham Lincoln

“All government, of course, is against liberty.” – H. L. Mencken

“Liberty has never come from government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance.” – Woodrow Wilson

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Power intoxicates men. It is never voluntarily surrendered. It must be taken from them.” – James. F. Byrnes

“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they suppress.” – Frederick Douglass

EOAN – Sorry to burst your poisonous bubble. Religion is not something that is required by the government. It is obvious that if you do not do what your Messiah wants you to do, he will send his goons after you. (Can we say “fishy” emails?) Therefore, it is not voluntary. I have never seen an adult forced to go to church. He has made it perfectly clear if you are not with him, you are a “racist”. Isn’t it ironic that if you voice your opposition to him or his minions, you are a “Nazi, Teabagger, or racist”. For some reason, the left is the only ones using the race card. How come? His Green Czar calls Republicans a**holes ON TAPE. If we so much as say he is doing a bad job, we are the terrible, horrible people who are unamerican. Sorry, you people have it backwards. We are the patriotic Americans.
My opinion and I state it proudly


“baby stealer”

Someone mentioned John Holdren?

Let’s all get a message to the president that he should open his speech on Tuesday — to the kids in public schools — with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. That’s the Pledge school kids should be reciting!


You mean the pledge where Obie wouldn’t put his hand over his heart?

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

All the more reason he should do it. Or, he needs to hear the CHALLENGE to do so.
What sort of explanation could he possible give to not lead the kids in reciting it?

I Pledge by Ashton Kutcher….to be a better neighbor???


@Aye Chihuahua
His Presidency was not pledging allegiance to the flag as it was American and not Chinese Communist Flag….we should be watching to see the ceremony he conducts over the Communist flag flying at the White House — in 2.5 weeks…will he be handing over the keys to our country on that day?

I like your post MataHarley,

It is very nice and good references. It helps put into perspective that it is a good thing to be wary, not just a blind follower, and question things. However, no where does it say to jump to radical conclusions.

I like the notions asking a question and having an intellectual conversation about an individual’s possible agenda as apposed to, “Let’s grab our torches and pitchforks!”

As far as the national school address. I’m really finding it hard to question a national leader for good nature act/deed like giving an address to children about valuing their education and having solid ethics and morals. He literally has nothing to gain from this action. Hell, Regan did the exact same thing and no one said one negative word about it.

I feel embarrassed for my country in the eyes of the world on this one.

Eoan, say what? While it was meant as satire, how could you possibly misunderstand what I said?
Make it legal to hunt hollywood morons provided they are dispatched with clubs- by clubbing.

Comparing religion to manson and obama’s efforts to indoctrinate? Just start college, did we? You parrot your professor well. Sorry, manson and obama were and are indoctrinating with nefarious purpose. Those who teach their kids religion are teaching them their beliefs and there is usually no malicious intent involved.

As for trusting govt….


EOAN: As far as the national school address. I’m really finding it hard to question a national leader for good nature act/deed like giving an address to children about valuing their education and having solid ethics and morals. He literally has nothing to gain from this action.

I do believe that the issues we all have… including me.. is not that our POTUS is addressing our school kids. Hang, that would be a treat for any and all school children

… but for content of that address to our children.

This is all about content, EOAN. And the content in Obama’s school lectures is about pledging to support *him*… not the nation, not the Constitution, but *him* personally.

Detestable. Despicable. And not in the least unexpected from a man of this inflated self-import and political design.

As long as he and his off-the Constitutional-map czars are in charge, I will “question authority” to the max, EOAN. I will also stay well armed and supplied with a “live free or die” mentality. We must beware this Obama version of “change” because… if done the way he desires, and including brainwashing our children into adoration for him as a leader .. it will be the final nail in the coffin of the US as we know it for Constitutional structure and individual liberty.

And I am “unanimous in this”….

I am utterly amazed this sort of thing doesn’t jump out at the average person. Just what President in the past has stooped this low? Demanding personal “support” and adoration from our youth, instead of to our country and ideals?

ADDED PS: ANd if you think you can just say “Reagan” or “bush”, you’d better provide quotes in their speeches that advocated support for the individual over the country. Take your time… I’ve got all the time in the world until Obama’s health care dictates I die.


Your perspective and response is very interesting. I never thought it would go in the direction you took it *looks over in right field somewhere and smiles*. Goes to show how different individuals are.

I’ll explain my reason for putting religion in place of Charles Manson in your post. This is the one where you are insinuating that Obama may be attempting to institute some sort of mind control, much like “Charles Manson”.

I was showing how the general response to religion is:
Religion + mind control + indoctrination = OK and generally acceptable because the ethical foundation is a good one (regardless if there is or is not a Messiah), and we are talking about children, not adults, and “yes” children are forced to go to churches.

Let’s say for arguments sake that Obama’s message to our youth is some form of mind control *makes spooky ghost noise* (although I can’t fathom how). If it is a good message trying to get kids to develop good a moral/ethical foundation, value education, and take pride in their country (because we are going to need it to stay competitive globally) then why complain about the action. Now this is about the Obama address to our nation’s children ONLY.

I’d just follow up with one question after this. Did you feel/react the same way when Regan addressed our nation’s youth with this same message?


In response to your most recent post.

MataHarley’s Quote:
“This is all about content, EOAN. And the content in Obama’s school lectures is about pledging to support *him*… not the nation, not the Constitution, but *him* personally.”

My response:
I’m having trouble finding where it asks the youth to pledge their support to “Obama”. Can you help me with this? I can only see where it asks to support the president. Again, if you drag this action out over time, it will not benefit him in the slightest. These kids are not going to be voting in the next election nor will they even be part of America’s work force. The only person I can possibly see benefiting would be his predecessor (whoever that will be).

EOAN – You didn’t see where the kids were supposed to pledge to “him”? You should have been paying more attention. Because of the outrage, it was changed. Keep on chugging.
My opinion

Hard Right,

Thank you for stating the root cause of your resistance. You do not “trust” the “government”. Does this mean anyone who takes a government job, a neighbor, friend, family member, even our Soldiers? I’m being sarcastic of course, a little humor (prior service myself).

My point (high level of course) is that by saying you do not trust the “government” that means that you do not trust your fellow Americans. Where has all the morality gone and what is wrong with today’s American culture where we can no longer trust a fellow countryman. Hell, people seldom stop to help someone stranded on the side of the road now days.

How do you or better yet “we” fix that problem? If Hard Right was President would we be treating him the same way? How and when will we as a nation come to trust individuals holding political offices?

My worry is at that our American culture will continue to deteriorate and we “our nation” will spend our time squabbling amongst each other like a bunch of pessimists while our nation crumbles around us.

Eoan: I’m having trouble finding where it asks the youth to pledge their support to “Obama”. Can you help me with this? I can only see where it asks to support the president.

Ask not what your courtry can do for you, but what you can do for your country… *not* your President. “I can only see where it asks to support the president” And the name of that President is??

You do not appeal to children to support a person… a politician. You appeal to them to support an ideal, the founding concept of our country. Get the difference?

Again, if you drag this action out over time, it will not benefit him in the slightest.

Indoctrination begins young, and is inbred into a child. There is a difference between a politician attempting to elevate himself to a loftier stature, and a parent teaching their own children their beliefs. Your attempt at an analogy using religion is not only absurd, but extremely offensive to assume a politician can or should have the same influence in a child’s life as the parents.

However the “benefit” is not only indoctrination, or a future voter. Figured out how toys advertising works yet? Happy Meals for MickeyD’s? You drive it into the kids, who then nag the parents insistently… begging for the toy. How about the recent incidents where schools have wanted the kids to inform on their parents? That’s part of the Alinsky/social justice curriculum which has been entwining itself in our public schools since the late 60s. And the heart of Obama’s “community organizing”.

We have nurtured several generations of “me”… what can the government do for *me*. We’ve raised generations of youth who find it more convenient to blame others for their actions… never responsible for their own mistakes. They were abused as a child, held back by society. We are becoming a nation of victims, believing they are endowed with entitlements.

So you are right about one thing on this nation’s culture. it does need changing… or perhaps reverting. Citizens being torn apart by their sense of entitlement and politicians, feeding the frenzy… turning American against American for their political advantage.

For you to say to us that we need to change our culture indicates we both agree. However I’m doubtful that the “change” you and I deem necessary bear any semblence.

My point (high level of course) is that by saying you do not trust the “government” that means that you do not trust your fellow Americans.

No Eoan… not at all. But congratulations on making my above point about how a politician and party have made you turn on fellow Americans, and how indoctrination has worked it’s magic on your mindset. You explain away corruption of those in power by blaming a nation of citizens. Most especially those who disagree with you.

What this distrust of government really means is that we do not trust the corrupt officials holding office. My neighbors, family and friends (comprised of all political stripes) are not part of that corruption and power. Would be hard to hold them responsible for a power hungry, big spending Congress, and White House occupants bent on destroying all the founding fathers wrought.

But I will personally add that I do not trust my fellow Amercians to get off their duffs, educate themselves enough to make a wise decision before pulling a ballot lever. With voting comes responsibility… a responsibility that apparently all too many Americans consider irrelevant and unimportant.

Wow. Yet another straw man/exaggeration of my position.
Newsflash, some “Americans” are not worthy of trust.
Trust is generated by actions, not words. Obama’s problems and that of the dems are an example of this. They do NOT have our interests at heart and have proven this repeatedly.
We are also seeing too many Reps showing they are too much of the “beltway” and disconnected from the average person. The result is that they represent the “ruling class” culture they inhabit and not those who elected them.

You want to believe people are inherently good. I have learned the hard way some are, but it’s the ones who are not you must watch for.
Little FYI about my youth. I associated with people as they gradually became gang members, drug dealers, robbers, drug users, and in a couple cases…corpses. I have been around people who got off on terrorizing others, who enjoyed inflicting pain and suffering on the innocent. You know what? They are only half as scary as those like Van Jones, Ayers, Rahm, and obama, etc. Why? Because they (the scum) were up front about who they were and even they knew what they were doing was wrong.
Obama and his cronies have no such insight or understanding. They feel it is their right to force their utopian views onto the rest of us for our own good and have no qualms about using the hammer of government to do so. In too many cases, the term sociopath seems to define them all too well.

Our founding fathers knew of such men and how they thought and acted. They understood that they would seek and use ultimate power in order to carry out their plans and tried to limit their ability to do so. Sadly, an almost bovine segment of the populace has allowed them to do that which they tried to prevent. We are dealing with those consequences today.
Questioning authority is hardly bad provided it’s out of genuine concern and not political gain or power.

Just a couple of recent links about using children – basically as informants and/or political operatives.

Doctors cross examining children on the drug or alcohol habits of their parents.

Science Daily article about power of children in influence at point of purchase moments.

Then you might consider that the AGW crowd and their ability to revise public curriculum is designed to get children to influence their parents on the issue of global warming. Do the children go home and chastise their parents for not recycling? For buying incandescent lightbulbs?

Perfect example of how children are being used to affect parental behavior and opinions is this marketing by Ford Escape…. a young girl too “embarrassed” to have her dad drop her off close to school in an SUV.

Hybrid SUV Commercial
by maxsilvestri

Fact is, EOAN, using children is a favorite trick of many a political agenda. To have a sitting POTUS promote his position in office, and thereby himself, over supporting the concept of free thinking (to agree with him or not), freedom and choice in this nation, is nothing short of appalling and despicable.

Well, lets be a bit more blunt… or “Hard Rightish” if you will *winks* now that I’ve visited the Great OZ.

Censorship is not American, nor is it legal. If parents do not wish to have their kid watch then they should just send a note… much like the sex ed class! lol.. Too funny, I don’t want to have my kids miss out on seeing it because a minority group is trying to push their view onto others and stop everyone from seeing it. Get the point?

If we look to a more realistic side in reference to which Obama would most likely affect within this young child demography in his requesting children to help the president it would be young black children without male role models (sounds racist but if we look at statistics it is this group getting incarcerated more than any other). To be rather blunt I’d rather have these children become indoctrinated to serve their country (or “Republic”) rather than become gang bangers and criminals!

I have more objectives for the group.

A) Lets rally to keep children out of organized religious group until they are 18 to keep them from becoming indoctrinated because they’re too young to decide what the right religion for them is or if they even want to be religious!!

B) Let’s lobby to change the Pledge of Allegiance because it uses a reference to the “Republic” and not the country!

• I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the “Republic” for which it stands.

EOAN, can you possibly be this under-educated to our country and it’s history?

A few notes for you:

The pledge of allegiance *is* to the country as a “republic” because we *are* a “republic” and not a democracy. Go back to your American History classes, please.

“Organized religion” is a parental choice… not a political choice or voting issue. Butt out of families’ personal lives. And while I’m not particularly religious (that is a very personal issue, after all) when it comes to “organized” religion, I’ll fight you to the death on any family’s ability to raise their children as they… not *you* or the “government”… see fit. And that, also, is *very* American.

Lastly… INRE your comment: ” … I’d rather have these children become indoctrinated to serve their country (or “Republic”) rather than become gang bangers and criminals!

A one time video from the Big Zero… aka “the won”… is not likely a lasting influence beyond a few hours. These children will become “indoctrinated” to something other than gang bangers and criminals by local influences and daily occurrences. Obama is irrelevant in every day lives.

He, however, will be *very* relevant as soon as these non-indoctrinated children grow up and find that the only thing that *does* pay is crime…. thanks to anti-achievement/capitalist legislation, salary controls, and punishment of excellence by this man (and his Congressional cronies) who only appreciates the excellence of himself, and not others.

Thanks for the good conversation, laughs, and thought provocation. I probably have Hard Right throwing his chair at the computer screen right now but it’s all good. In all honesty, this is going to be interesting to see where it all goes. Let’s hope everything works out for the best because it obvious that no one really knows what is really best for this country right now. It seems we are just taking shots in the dark (playing armchair quarterbacks for some) and hoping to hit a “Hail Mary” to pull ourselves out of a very big rut. Unfortunately it’s my generation that will have to suffer the consequences and work to fix it. A sincere thanks all you baby boomers for the mess you left us, we do so enjoy a good challenge.



In addition to EAON’s remedial studies regarding our form of government, a refresher course on the first amendment would also be helpful.

EOAN: A sincere thanks all you baby boomers for the mess you left us, we do so enjoy a good challenge.

As a “baby boomer”, I’ll say that yup… I definitely must apologize for my “love the one you’re with/why don’t we do it in the road” generation. We were definitely stellar at music, and really suck at governing.

But then, when you never let go of a utopian dream that can only exist without the present of mankind and all their flaws, you end up with a nanny government, trying to mandate mankind being “utopian”. Must be too many drugs….

On the other hand, when I see some of the snippy, “me generation” brats coming up… maybe I shouldn’t feel so bad. Afterall, the damage done couldn’t happen without their selfish attitudes and help in electing the guy who’s going to be tipping the balance to American bankruptcy because they want everything for free.

So enjoy your golden years… when they come. They will likely be no better than mine. And I assure you, this was not of my choosing.