PJTV’s Steve Crowder gets a Job!


A few weeks ago I posted the above photo on Flickr. It was taken at a recent healthcare forum in Philly and I titled it: “A Paid Protester – Note Who Sponsored the Sign”. The title ruffled the feathers of a Philly photographer who left a series of comments on my Flickr account trying to disclaim the idea of a paid protester. When I steered him back to common sense with my replies, he lamely tried to paint my Sheepdogs as paid hacks. If I had a dime for every time that false accusation was laid down, I would be a well paid hack – at their expense!

Lo and behold, PJTV’s Steve Crowder went on a job interview with California’s premier liberal activist organization – much like HCAN (see photo above) – where he found he would be paid handsomely for being a grass root activist (see photo above). That’s not all he discovered, you have to watch the video to see what a professional astroturfing organization looks like.

Under the fold…

Wow, being paid $33,000 clams to stand at a busy public space with a sign (see photo above). Not a bad gig at all, if it weren’t disingenuous and hurtful to the public welfare. I wonder if Madame Speaker would like to recalibrate her statement regarding astroturf activists or will she just blame the CIA..again.

Being closely involved in a grassroot organization since 2007, I have seen first hand what a small group of determined, UNPAID individuals can do; indeed, it may be what saves this country.

Oh, I did capture a video of the woman pictured above – not sure I’d want her deciding health care benefits for this nation – especially since she does not know her data all that well:

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You’re absolutely right Skye…we’ve seen what grass roots organizations can accomplish

“Wow, being paid $33,000 clams to stand at a busy public space with a sign (see photo above). Not a bad gig at all,”

Our tax dollars at work.

As the video states…(fill in the blank) underestimated 😉

Gee, a leftist who is ignorant of the facts? Shocking.

i don’t think this revolt is all conservatives, their are so many that i am hearing say that they feel duped. they are pissed now because they were lied to and they want blood.

Think of it this way .. 25 Americans voted. 12 voted for McCain and 13 voted for Obama. That’s the way the number shook out in November.

Now factor in voter fraud, the conservatives will have to pick up 2-3 votes not just one and the official results will be still be something like 13 (R) to 12 (Obama).

The funny thing is that the conservatives just need to concentrate on not shooting at each other. I’ve seen the Huckabee, Palin and Romney people already sinking their knives in each other. We gotta cut that out and just make sure we never run a RINO again.

Luva, I think you are correct. This isn’t just those of us who identify ourselves as conservatives, this is genuinely an American groundswell.

When large portions of the population recognize there is a threat, Americans inevitably come together. This is not Republican or Democrat, it’s just We the People. As much as the forces driving these changes would like to deny it, it is simply that.

Great story. I wish i could get it to go viral …

So is it true that Steve Crowder actually took the job, or not?