Depressed Democrats Just Don’t Understand Why Americans Don’t Want Socialism


Looks like the Democrats are getting downright depressed:

U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold told a large crowd gathered for a listening session in Iron County last week there would likely be no health care bill before the end of the year – and perhaps not at all.

It was an assessment Feingold said he didn’t like, but the prospect of no health care legislation brought a burst of applause from a packed house of nearly 150 citizens at the Mercer Community Center.

“Nobody is going to bring a bill before Christmas, and maybe not even then, if this ever happens,” Feingold said. “The divisions are so deep. I never seen anything like that.”

Feingold reiterated his appraisal a bit later.

“We’re headed in the direction of doing absolutely nothing, and I think that’s unfortunate,” he said when asked about the plight of uninsured Americans.

Poor liberals. Instead of looking for change in the right direction with tort reform and other non-Socialist idea’s they dug in their heels and said “Socialism or bust!”

Well, we choose bust.

Now, we do want health care fixed by other means. We want tort reform, we want small groups to be able to band together and form larger qualified groups, ….there is plenty of things that can be done to lower the cost of health care. But Socialism is not the answer.

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Right on Curt, if they want socialism so bad, try another country.

dittos on the bust …

Simple enough Russ – we don’t want what you pack of con artists and extortionists in DC are trying to pick our pockets for. The whole danged bunch of you has been spending like a drunken gambling addict in Vegas on somebody else’s credit card. Just which part of ENOUGH is it you don’t understand?

Amen. But proof is in the pudding. We are going to be on Obama and Congresses asses like White on Rice to stop this fascist crap of healthcare and anything else they are planning.

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

I wouldn’t become complacent yet. Pharma is about to launch a $150 million ad blitz as part of their deal with the utterly transparent Obama administration. Yes, we have them on the defensive, but don’t stop the emails, telephone calls, and letters and don’t stop talking and otherwise communicating with your friends and neighbors. This is real democracy and it is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. It is thrilling that we really do have a chance of winning this thing. What we need now is to provoke a few giant scolds from our dear leader.


I won’t get giddy until it is off the table completely. Never let your guard down with these loons.

For the most part members of the state media choir are still singing their favorite song “How Great Thou Art” to Obama, but their numbers are getting smaller.

Some have deserted and have joined the “We The People” choir and are singing an old Lester Flat, Earl Scruggs bluegrass number that goes like this: Ashes of love, cold as ice, you made the debt, but we’ll pay the price. Our love is gone, there’s no doubt, ashes of love, the fire went out.

No doubt the poll numbers tanking for Obama concern him, but will not stop him from trying to shove as much Marxist/Socialist One World Government policy down the throat of patriotic Americans as possible before he is forced to resign, is impeached, jailed for treason, or defeated in the next election.

Obama cares nothing for the American people or the Sovereignty of our great nation, he cares only about himself and his role in bringing about a Global Socialist Government, with the elite ruling class (who know better than anyone else) what we, the poor dumb serfs need.

Suprise Obama!!!!! The “serfs” are not as dumb as you and your fawning media think.


It’s really good to see you posting.

Hope things are going well with you.

Thanks Aye, and everyone…am only able to be up a few minutes at a time..and when my “warden” is not watching.

Reminds me of that famous big old socialist, Richard Nixon…

The Nixon Administration proposes a National Health Insurance Standard Act that consists of two major parts. One part is a government-prescribed minimum amount of private medical and hospital insurance coverage financed by mandatory employer and employee payment of premiums, with a government subsidy of premium payments in specific situations. The other part is a sliding scale of government-paid benefits for families with earnings less than $5,000 per year

Unfortunately, the option seems to be Socialism AND Bust!

Yeah, shocking. Try living in DC, where no being a Socialist gets you looked at like you have two heads.

I just cam from the Jim Moran / Howard Dean Town Hall. It’s amazing how they keep repeating that Obamacare won’t bankrupt the country or lead to rationing. I’ll try to post something tomorrow.

We have to keep the pressure on – these folks truly believe in what they’re selling and aren’t going to stop any time soon.

The left has been after this for 6 decades, and they can see the finish line, only problem is that they woke the sleeping VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY. You’ve seen the pictures of the town halls, you know all those radical senior citizens, and those brooks bros. vigilante’s like Boxer saw in Florida, and those well dressed hoodlums. I laugh every time I hear someone from the left try to describe what an actual American citizen looks like.

Demoncraps please for your own good, LISTEN for a change and hear what we the actual American people want and don’t want, but you wont, so much the pity.

Tonight, I attended a NCFreedom Constitutional Townhall – in Raleigh, NC…est 350 in hundred in attendance.

We knew in advance none of the invited 3 Congressman or 2 US Senators would attend — they were “busy” elsewhere/or some didn’t even bother to rsvp. (Similar representation at this event as they give us in Congress.)

Passionate, engaged, attendees (well versed on subject matter(s) and contents of HR 3200) were recorded posing questions to the absent elected officials and the tape will be put on UTube.

Two citizens re-enacted Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine — in telling us what they thought about our current state of affairs in US — very touching — incorporating historic words.

There was a panel on stage including medical and legal experts that hosted a fast-paced debate. Topics-prompted by attendee questions/panel:
-The Fed – some recent events
-Dems have the majority and do not need Republican votes — why all the
hoopla/chatter/speeches/demonizing those who oppose them?
-Health Care Reform/Tort Reform/Med-Med/paying for Illegals Health care
We need reform/Not Obama Care…and discussed where to start/Trial-Testing
(Two of the doctors on the panel were no longer practicing and they discussed that they
were part of a trend AND if OC were enacted, they trend would accelerate!)
-The upcoming amnesty push – potential impact on health care
-Deficit spending/country virtually bankrupt, the need to audit the Fed (where that stands –
so far locked in committee)
-the “shadow government” – the Czars,
-Term Limits – Maximum – 2 terms for Senators/ 3 terms for Congressman. We discussed
John Adams theory of rotation of elected officials.
-2 area citizens introduced themselves as candidates for Congressional NC 4th District, to
a very enthusiastic crowd…current Congressman David Price is a poster child for term
limits…he only appeared in a townhall “hosted” by the local SEIU and thugs. “Mr” Price is a
Pelosi minion and all that implies. So 2010, NC-4th District Race has tangibly begun.
-The Sept 12 Peaceful Protest in Washington DC (Heard left is trying to organize counter

The meeting ended with a warning to stay vigilant, keep the pressure on Washington, and stay engaged beyond the meetings.

As far as Feingold’s Townhall declarations…
we know, the left employs Alinsky tactics, Senator Feingold could have been practicing…

Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose.

Feingold (safe seat with liberal voting Madison and Milwaukee populations) could be saying ObamaCare is indefinitely pending — to distract everyone’s attention. What he did not mention — 1) all the while work on OC conducted by Max Bauckus and others during this August recess, 2) The dems could pass the bill in Sept using “reconcilliation procedure” with 51 votes only.

President O’dumbo brings new meaning to the old phrase “Better dead than red”. If you don’t agree with his communist agenda he’ll find a way through medicine to kill you.

The average American doesn’t want a Socialist type of government but our leaders may disagreed with them on that. A large number of Ivy League elected officials have been exposed to a more classical liberal ideology than the average Joe. Here is an example.
Schumpeter was a classical liberal mathematitian and economist, and sympathetic to Marx’s theory that Capitalism will be replaced by Socialism. Shumpeter believed that the demise of Capitalism is a democratic mayority that will vote for the creation of a Welfare State(Free Health Care). Thus, destroying the Capitalist structure.
Furthermore, Shumpeter believed that Socialism will ensure the production of goods to meet the needs of the people(re-distribution of wealth) and that the innate tendencies of Capitalism such as conjecture fluctuation, unemployment and waning acceptance of the system will not matter in the long run.
Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greespan, was a student of Schumpeter at Harvard.

We have to be on guard now that E. Kennedy has passed. They will try to use this as a memorial to him. Don’t let them do this, ever!

are you people for real obama is certainly no socialist he is a typical capitalist apologist politician trying support the the capitalist class.he is trying to protect the the drug and health insurance companies protect their profits by forcing evrey body to buy over priced health insurance policies. what the the american people need is a comprehensive single payer system and that covers all health conditions, or the present system will bankrupt your economy, more and more americans will crossing the borders to canada and mexico for affordable healthcare. usa wake up capitalisim is bad for you health and health care

Au contraire @socialist.. Obama is emulating every historic socialist or communist regime by creating just two classes. One for the ruling class and financial supporters and friends, and the wealth distribution of the peons for everyone else at the bottom. Maybe you’d like to point out such a regime where the rulers lived the same lifestyle as the peasants they rule?

Perhaps you should examine your chosen political beliefs from historic events instead of ideological intent via mantras and propaganda.

And if you want an example of a bankrupt single payer health system, look in your UK back yard, please.

Are you this stupid not to understand what Socialism is when you see it in action from the POTUS? He is hardly a, “Captialist” as that is a person who works in the private sector of an Economy and Obama has never worked within the private sector professionaly in any means as he has worked with Public sectors such as Unions as a Laywer. His agenda is to further increase Federal employee numbers by roughly 2 million people (aka Socialism/Communism concept), which is a Public Sector of employement only monetarial resource to pay such employees is though taxation on Private businesses. And much to the contrary, Private businesses are collapsing instead of recovering. Businesses are folding, and people unemployed have ceased looking for work (the reason Unemployement has dropped), as such there is less wealth creation happening in the Private sector and with this means less tax revenue to pay for Federal employees. And lower tax revenues will make sustaining such a bloated Federal employee pay roll impossible and ultimately will collapse the system, as such has happen to the Soviet Union and what is now happening across the Euroepean Union’s various Socialist governments as private businesses relocate to nations like India and South American Nations that have pro-business laws.

And if you claim Captialism is bad for you, then don’t eat the food you buy or better yet don’t use the computer in your hands as that was built by a private business.

@us socialist:

more and more americans will crossing the borders to canada and mexico for affordable healthcare.

You mean like the Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams who underwent heart surgery in the United States?

Is that what you mean?

Or maybe you mean the customers of the Canadians that are running a successful businesses coordinating the travel and accommodation arrangements for people who wish to travel to the US for medical care?

Beyond dangerous or experimental treatments, I doubt very seriously that you can cite any examples of people heading to Mexico from the US for medical care. Feel free to prove me wrong.

Finally, as a subject of HRH, and a captive of the socialist system of the UK, you should know better than most of the horrors of the system in your homeland.

The long waits, the denied care, the premature deaths, the home dentistry with pliers, and the overall cataclysmic failure of your system is certainly no mystery to those of us on our side of the pond.

You shouldn’t have fooled yourself into thinking that you would be successful in your attempt to snow us.

Unfortunately, you managed to wander into the deep end of the pool.

@ socialist:

Simple question – You have some grand ideas about how the world should be and how it should be run. Have you ever lived in it, or ever had a real job in your life? Or are you one of the entrenched members of the Nonprofit/NGO industrial complex? Having lived in DC for ten years I’ve noticed that the people who have the biggest and grandest ideas about how the world should be have never actually lived in it

you people have a typical right wing nationalists, talking loud but saying very little, im no capitalist but ihave a far better understanding of the capitalist economy than you do, the american health system actually works against the interests of captital, in most other advanced captalist economies such as germany , france, us ally isreal , japan, I could go on all health costs are controled and regulated by the state, this is to spare private industries such as microsoft and general motors from carrying the the burden of the huge cost of health care benefits. this is a paticular problem in the united states which has instituted an employer sponsored health care system. so obama far from having a socialist agenda is only trying to readress the the balance between the productive industialised economy and the health care industry. so while the present system may benefit the health care industry the rest of the economy suffers, any self respecting capitalist would reject the present system and they would also reject obamas flimsy reforms which only benefit parasitacal health care companies and call imediatly for a single payer health care system which would not heap destructive health care costs on the most productive parts of the economy. i personally would replace capitalilsim with a world wide socialism where health services would be availabe democratically and unconditionally.this would mean the rejection of both the us employer sponsored system and the rationed care capitalist single payer model in the rest of the world.
steve the socialist

To us socialist, your comment is nonsense.

put aside your petty nationalism comrades countries are atificial capitalist constructs for the benfite of the minority capitalist class any thing bourght or sold is made by the working class that includes the food,and machines and unfortunatley the fire arms that kill our sons that go to war for private capital and its state lackeys. it is only when we have true democracy which means equal access to rescources and not this fake corporate popularty contest a choice between the same washing powder but with slightly different pakaging.we need to abolish the finanicial rationing system that is banks and money and produce for need not profit that would mean an end to a system that leaves millions to go without food, health care education, and human dignity. i am not a european or an american but a human being and we must be human beings before anthing else. workers of the world unite

Kansas Girl, do so love your spunk. However there is no common ground with a self-admitted UK socialist. Therefore, for any of us to waste time addressing a commie-loving foreigner here, on a six month old thread, is just CO2 that Al Gore can claim for his own…. LOL

So no need to feed the socialist pigeons (apologies to pigeons, BTW). Save your energy for our US progressives, and wish UK socialist a good dentist in his future.

Tempted to respond, but MataHarley you summed it up best. USSocialist, if you can answer my questions I am ready to listen to you.

I am not human. I am a tuna fish sandwich.

MataHarley, point taken. We have our hands full in the US to be sure.

this is why there is no futre for the american right wing because they lack a sense of political realisim, this beliefe that free market economy is viable is totally unrealistic the united states has never been a free market economy and never will be a free market economy,the united states is a military industrial complex and much of its key technologies rely on state intervention, for example it is common knowledge that the the internet was heavily sponsored by the us navy, most of the the key medical advancements were researched in us universities funded primarily by the state. the idea of seperating private enterprise from the state is a false one uterly bogus. your man obama is the most dangerous type of capitalist because he is a pragmatist but he needs to bring in mores state intervention if he wants to save us capitalisim from certain decline he needs to nationalise the banks to control waste. and to direct investement at the most productive parts of the economy such as education and manfacturing he needs to improve the the social security system to put money in the hands of the public rather than wasting it on tax cuts for the rich. the rich dont consume enough they shelter the money in tax havens abroad the rich have no sense of patriotisim they will make a buck in china at the expense of california if it suits them . you should stop listening to point less propaganda from the the likes of Glenn beck and fox news he is just another rich cretin trying to save on his tax dollars . the united states right now is a failed state because its the richest most technologically advanced state in the world but still allows many of its people to go without sufficient food or shelter, medical care,and education. then claims a monopoly on freedom but then locks up 2 million of its citiizens . There can be no democracy without democratic control and distribution of goods and services the usa could easily provide a good standard of living for all its people but chooses not to why?

@us socialist:


All those damned talking points in a such a small space with no paragraph breaks and only two capitalized letters.

Such skill. Such acumen. Such…well, I could say brains, but there isn’t any of that…so I’ll say vapidity instead.

How do you do it man?

As has been pointed out already…you really don’t have anything of value or substance to offer us here but we really appreciate the opportunity to point and laugh at you.

Truly we do.

Get your head out of the sand comrade that right wing fox nes fantasy world is stunting your growth. Turn off the tv propaganda. Glen beck is no sage

@us socialist:

News flash partner:

You’re not astute enough to know a sage even if one bit you on the ass.

PS: I don’t own a television…another theory shot to hell, eh?

@us socialists

If brains were wool all the Liberals/progressives/socialists/communists in the world would not
have enough to knit a pair of socks for an earthworm. The most glaring example of stupidity, pushing the same old agenda and policies that have failed time and time again.
In surfing the blogs i ran across one titled “F*** Conservatives”. I was going to post “F*** Liberals
but they and Obama are doing that well enough by themselves.

At least if something did bite me on the arse i live in a civilised country that would give me free medicle care i wouldnt have to mortgage my house hope your all paid up with your medical insurance mate.
Mind you with a name like yours you would probably leg it accross the border to mexico to ponse off the mexican national health system.

@us socialist

You just confirmed that you and most liberals are so mentally immature, you must have A NANNY from cradle to grave, since you are mentally incapable of taking care of yourself and your own needs…has anyone changed your diaper today? Seems you have a chitty disposition

us socialist, a more correct call sign for you might be- we is socialist, or us be socialist, or be us socialist, or socialist R us: I realize you have a political message, but you might find a more gullible audience with elementary children. Swimming with this crowd, for you, is like a minnow making ripples in a pool of sharks; a forlorn hope in the abattoir of political naivete and stupidity, awaiting the inevitable evisceration.

A hint for our brilliant political theorist: If you meant to say United States Socialist, use capitals; otherwise, we assume you are using the pronoun ‘us’; thus your call sign is appropriate for your inane diatribe that reads like it was written by a moron.

However, your drivel has purpose: it exposes the pathetic intellect of the Socialist sycophant and confirms Stalin’s condescension of the American Socialist, his beloved “Useful Idiots”.

look mate youve really hurt me with your insult im no liberal im a no compromise marxist. liberals are just capitalist lackeys. Gbama drinks in the same upper class bar as George bush. working class not allowed. Get your self a passport get to europe and find out about your history comrade our forfathers were slaves and we are still slaves untill we break free from mental bodage .

diaper? why you using 17th century english words this is the21st century pilgrim

@us socialist
my passport is current, I have been in most of the free countries of the world, and is all 50 states.
I served in Navy Intelligence from 1958-1967 and saw first hand what the Marxist ideology did to the people, but as stated above, some people are so mentally immature they need masters in order to exist.

your mistaken there are no free countries and there are no marxist contries the very fact that you need a passport proves the point. why do you have to have some goverment paper to see the world.? .What you saw was capitalism in all its ugly forms a system of organised theft Chinese capitalism,Soviet capitalisim, and United states capitalisim is all the same to me, did the Navy give you your freedom papers colony boy?

@us socialist:

Ummm…the fella who is lecturing about the use of 17th century words is the same guy who used the word “pilgrim”….how ironic.

@us socialist
I.I. D. I.N.
The Marxist formula for world dominion: Infiltrate, Indoctrinate, Demoralize, Intimidate, Normalization. Normalization is defined as government control of every aspect of your life. The only difference between Marxism and Communism, is method…Marxism by evolution. Communism by revolution.
AHHH but individual freedom by CHOICE…Independence and self reliance by CHOICE.

Passports are issued for matters of National Security, to keep out subversives and terrorists.

chihuahua get out of the colony Chihuahua and come to civilised europe dont worry if something bites you on the arse health care is free.

Complex things are woven for the sole purpose of deception, but the goal of intelligence is to render complex things simple.
simply put, us socialist’s ignorance is so transparent, and his indoctrination is so complete, I would have more success educating a horse apple. So i will waste no more time on a lost cause.

@us socialist:


So confused you are.

First, we kicked the ass of George III way back when and sent his Red Coats home cryin’ to their Mums, thus we are no longer a colony.

Second, nothing in life is free, including your supposedly “free” health care. You pay for it each and every day. You’re just not smart enough to recognize it.

Third, if we, as a country wanted to be like Europe, we wouldn’t have kicked the ass of George III way back when. (See point one above.)

SoCIALIST you stil think healthcare is free? realy nothing is free in todays world you pay some other way and you do not realise it if not at the same it in your future

By the way, us socialist is now living in the filter.

We’ve chewed the flavor out of him and now he’s nothing more than a worthless distraction dragging down the IQ average of this site.

AYE are you sure he is not preparing the next3 pages of propaganda?


It is said that ignorance is BLISS, and insanity is a STATE of mind: may us socialist forever be BLISSFUL in his STATE