Previous Reports of Congressional Profligacy were Understated [Reader Post]

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House doubled request for VIP jets over Obama Administration request

Four executive jets are not enough for Madam Speaker, she requires twice that number.

Opposition Emerges to House’s Jet Spree
The Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON—Bipartisan opposition is emerging in the Senate to a plan by House lawmakers to spend $550 million for additional passenger jets for senior government officials.

The resistance to buying eight Gulfstream and Boeing planes comes as members of both chambers of Congress embark on the busiest month of the year for official overseas travel. The plan to upgrade the fleet of government jets, which was included in a broader defense-funding bill, has also sparked criticism from the Pentagon, which has said it doesn’t need half of the new jets.

I should hope so.

In this time of recession bordering on depression one would hope that Congress would fly commercial, thus pumping money into the airlines, vice taking flight crews and service crews away from the Air Force in time of war.

It’s not like they couldn’t afford the money out of their own pockets.

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Careful there buddy your likely to get reported to ‘Obama’s Snitch Squad’, suggesting Congress Critters “*It’s not like they couldn’t afford the money out of their own pockets.”
Speaker Pelosi is of the opinion the money is greener on the taxpayers side of the fence 😉

buy the planes. load up the entire congress. take them to where ever they want to go. do not let them back into the US.

I sent the below letter to all my politicians in both houses of Congress. I suggest you send a letter to ALL of yours.

I am hoping any politician who votes for private jets for themselves will not be elected at the next election. I am guessing the millions of people who have lost their jobs will find it ironic that politicians think they should fly on private jets. Jets that the Air Force says they don’t want. Things like that don’t seem to bother politicians any more.

If politicians were REQUIRED to fly on commercial jets the airline industry would be safer. You might consider the safety changes that have been suggested since the Lockerbe bombing. We should do what Israel has been doing for years. They haven’t had a highjacking or bomb for years.

You might also require ALL maintenance employees to be able to read English. I can see why you don’t want to fly on a plane that was repaired by someone who can’t read the instructions. Are these some of the reasons members of Congress don’t want to fly commercial? Are you one of the politicians who don’t want to be around the “smelly” public?

Please use common sense and not buy ANY planes when we will be going into many TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in debt, businesses are closing, people are loosing their jobs, and Federal revenue is going DOWN.

According to Fox News, Pelosi’s plane order will be canceled. Guess she’ll have to get a little more mileage out of that clunker broom of hers.

In 2006 Nancy Pelosi demanded a plane of her own and it set a precedent. Give a dem an inch and he/she will take a mile. Before Nancy got her plane congressmen and women had to fly commercial. But she was too good to do so and now she wants planes for the other dems also. On the other hand if subversives made the no fly list, then surely most of the dem congresscritter would qualify. Wasn’t Ted Kennedy on for some reason or other? This hoopla is all set up for a totaliterian state. For the haves and the havenots. Our betters get freebies like this along with cadillac healthcare and gigantic expense accounts and the electorate who sent them to congresss get nothing but flack. The president and congress are acting like there is no recession/depression just like they acted like there was no threat from terrorists during the Bush years. Heads in the sand and/or fingers in the ears singing la-la-la.

I do hope the republicans who sat out the election and especially the ones who voted for Obama are happy with their choice. Gosh, they sure did teach the GOP a lesson didn’t they? Couldn’t be bothered to vote for an American and a war hero with policy differences but they sure did well voting for a communist who is determined to take away our freedom and make himself a dictator in the guise of Stalin.

The dems think they still have a mandate because they think the 52% still support them. I hope this is not true. For the sake of our country.

@BarbaraS: “This is all set up for a totalitarian state.”

This all reminds me of the former Soviet Union. I’m sure they have plans for “VIP only” shopping in hard currency stores when/if the dollar tanks. And don’t forget the “Key Ladies” on your next vacation. You’ll have to turn in your key to and retrieve it from the “Key Ladies” on your floor. They then notify Obamabots stationed in nearby rooms that the contents of yours is free to rummage through/investigate.

“Obama’s snitch list”

@Rodney G. Graves:
“*Shouldn’t all upstanding champions of liberty want to be on that list?”

Your are absolutely right sir ….. Maybe if we make the list we could have badges and stuff..