Obama Has Saved America! [Reader Post]

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Thank God! Oops, I mean, thank Obama. The economic crisis is almost over, the ‘war on terror’ is a thing of the past and, by his own words, Obama and his administration have saved America from catastrophe.

President Obama used the occasion of a 1/10 of 1% drop in the nation’s unemployment rate to claim both success and validation for his economic policies. He has valiantly brought America back from the brink of the economic chaos that was caused by his predecessor. But as is often the case with Obama, the devil is in the details.

In July, 247,000 jobs were lost. Inquiring minds question how the unemployment rate could experience even a slight drop when the stats show Americans are still losing their jobs. John Lott gives us the answer:

“The reason is simple — the number of people who stopped looking for work rose dramatically.  637,000 additional people no longer consider themselves looking for work. This is by far the largest drop in the number of people who consider themselves in the labor force during the last year – almost twice the 358,000 increase in the people who left the labor force during June.”

Using Lott’s calculations, our actual unemployment rate stands at 16.3%, not the trumpeted 9.4%. Obama would have us believe this is good news. Our president would also have us believe his claim that the $1.2 trillion health care reform proposal is just the ticket to jump start the economy. (Hey, didn”t he just say he already jump started the economy?) I digress…

Now I’m not an expert, but I question how adding unsustainable debt to a record deficit to supposedly fix a non-problem is going to deliver us from financial Armageddon. But Obama says he can add 12 million illegal aliens and app. 25 million uninsured Americans to government health care rolls and this will somehow result in cost savings.

Oh, and despite his own words to the contrary in 2007, Obama now assures us that the public option proposal most assuredly won’t put private insurers out of business. Whew.

Since we all know Obama doesn’t lie, Americans will, once again, just have to accept the word of our Organizer in Chief. Hey, he’s entitled to some slack. After all, he just ended the war on terror.

That’s right. A mere six months after taking office, Obama has officially ended the war on terror. From now on, Obama has decreed that we’re only at war with Al Qaeda. All our brave warriors in Afghanistan can relax now that global jihad has been vanquished.

How did Obama accomplish this amazing feat? He did it in the Democrat’s time honored way. He merely redefined the terms.

‘Jihad’, ‘war on terror’ and ‘global war’ are no longer acceptable terms. They have been banished from the polite society the liberals, oops progressives have claimed as their own exclusive province. Case closed.

When I look back at all of Obama’s accomplishments of the last six months, I feel pretty stupid for not voting for him. Had I know he had the unique ability to actually redefine reality to his own specifications, I wouldn’t have spent so much time dwelling on his criminal cohorts, his socialist buddies and his terrorist ‘acquaintances’. I would have had blind faith in him and not pointed out his utter lack of any real accomplishments, experience or character. Boy, do I feel silly.

I’ve decided that I’m finally going to jump on the Obama bandwagon – right after I check out the pig that just flew right by my window.

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The current unemployment rate in Deltona, Florida is at 13%. In Flagler, it is about 15%.
After a trip to the Midwest, the unemployment in areas like Alabama and South Arkansas must be in the 20%. How can 9.4% be real?. And the stock market has a rally on this data?.Uhmmm.

There’s lies and damn lies, we now have a new category, it’s called Odumbo’s lies. This guy believes in why tell the truth when a lie will do.

It’s worse than that. Obama wants to add 47 million uninsured people and 40 million illegals to government insurance with only Americans paying for it. His plan exempts himself and his administration, congress, the unions, the bureaucracy in Washington and any of his cronies like choice members of the democrat party. After adding 87 million more people with no more new doctors than the usual graduates and not allowing hospitals to expand, he expects these facilities to insure prompt treatment for all. Of course, these 87 million people can be offset somewhat by the elimination of the elderly with his suicide squad.

This health plan is a recipe for the making of thousands of democrat millionaires. Don’t think for a minute that the dems won’t make money for their cronies on this. They have done so on every program they control. Just look at how their cronies made millions on Fannie Mae and Freddit Mac. I have felt for a long time that the dems have made money on SS and Medicare. They were, after all, in change of congress for decades and became entrenched in these programs. In fact, they became entrenched in all government programs which is why they pitch such a fit when eliminating a program is proposed. Somewhere in each program is one or more dems making a fortune.

I fear this health plan will pass. The dems in congress recognize that Obama is their gravy train par excellence and will back him up in all his inniatives.

By definition a spendthrift/spendaholic can’t “save” a thing. Instead of the White House, he should be in a 12 step program somewhere — preferably Kenya.

How can you tell when the the O is lying?
You need a baseline of truth telling to compare to.
We’ll never know.

You know the funny thing I wondered about was the 247,000 jobs that were lost and 28,000 jobs that were gained and how they ended up a net gain towards the unemployed percentage of 9.5%. Forget all that BS about people not looking for work anymore so they don’t count. They are unemployed too. If you made $247 working for me and I gave you $28 and told you that you had just gotten a raise, you would kill me! Yet the LSM (left stream media) prints this crap as if anyone will believe it. No way.

Just a day or so ago President Obama talking about ‘his !!!’ Health Care Plan said:
“I don’t find Canadians particularly scary.”

Hey neither do I ….. its the Canadian government run health care being forced on America thats scary.

Why does Obama have to try to make everything an anti-person thing.

Funny how Obama has fixed everything until he’s called on it. Then, it’s the republican’s fault, he inherited the mess, and republicans just need to shut up and get out of his way.
The sooner we all realize this, the better off this socialist, (oops sorry, can’t say socialist anymore, it’s the new “N” word) nation will be.

Obama is again slowly but steadily whittling away at any and all believability, if he ever had any. But this is not new. Obama is always telling lies opening and repeatedly. Obama knows that many people don’t check his “facts”, usually contorted.

It should also be mentioned that the unemployment rate in some areas, or states, is higher than the average.

It’s important to recognize that Obama is neither a moral or responsible person. That’s why the label of Socialist fits Obama’s wicked demeanor.

These new “Quotes” remind me of how the Third Reich used to inform thier people that the Army was successful in accomplishing a Stretegic Withdrawl, which in reality was a Retreat. Simply use another word and repeat it often and soon it will be taken as the truth.

Well I reckon I only have one question and it is complicated.

Who is going to Save America from Obama, Communist Social and Economic Justice, ACORN, the Unions, Czars that are not held accountable to the Taxpayers, Unconstitutional Mandates, reverse racism, Crap & Trade and the Tax hikes that you had better know are coming to pay for all of those Agenda driven items that the Majority of Americans never asked for and deeply resent having to pay for that package.

This is worse than the Carter Years in terms of the Economy, Gummint meddling in the Private Sector, Gummint meddling in Health Care, a deficit that beats every record in the History of the World and arrogant Socialist Tax Cheat Punks thumbing their noses at the Constitution.

Obama has not saved anything. He spent everything he could get his Kenyan hands on in his first 90 days in office. He reminds me of every green Lieutenant that I ever trained, freshly commissioned and overly impressed with the authority but lacking in responsibility.

Supplies came in today. Vidalia onions, Watermellons and Idaho potatoes. Grilling some beefsteak for my Hands tonight and adult beverages will be served. My postings here will be light tonight.

So Who is going to save US from Obama?