80% Of Those Who Voted For Obama Support Legal Concealed Carry Of Firearms [Reader Post]

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That was not a typo, nor an exaggeration. Overall, 83% of voters favor concealed carry.

Oh. My.

Zogby/O’Leary Poll Reveals Majority of Voters Will Oppose Senators Who Vote to Confirm an Anti-Second Amendment Supreme Court Nominee

Strong Majority of Independents, Democrats and Obama Voters Support the Right to Carry a Firearm

…Judge Sotomayor does not believe the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms” and the right to self-defense are fundamental rights of all Americans. Specifically, Judge Sotomayor believes the Second Amendment only applies to the federal government and does not apply to the States, as indicated by her recent testimony and past rulings.

Zogby/O’Leary asked voters:

“Would you support or oppose a U.S. Senator who voted to confirm a Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court who does not believe in the right to keep and bear arms and the right to self-defense?”

Fifty-two percent of American voters would oppose the re-election of any Senator who votes to confirm a Supreme Court nominee who does not believe in the right to keep and bear arms. Only 26 percent of voters would support such a Senator.

Among Independent voters, 57 percent would oppose such a Senator, and only 17 percent would support. Forty-nine percent of young voters (age 18-29) would oppose a Senator who votes to confirm a nominee who does not believe Second Amendment rights apply to all Americans, and just 31 percent would support such a Senator. A plurality of Hispanic voters (42 percent) would oppose such a Senator, and only 28 percent would support. A large percentage of Hispanics (30 percent) are not sure. A majority of union members (54 percent) would also oppose, and 29 percent would support.

The Right to Carry a Firearm

An amendment that would have permitted law-abiding gun owners with concealed-carry permits to carry their firearms across state lines recently fell short in the Senate. Although the amendment received a majority of votes (58-39), a filibuster-proof 60 votes were required for passage.

Zogby/O’Leary asked voters:

“Currently, 39 states have laws that allow residents to carry firearms to protect themselves, only if they pass a background check and pay a fee to cover administrative costs. Most of those states also require applicants to have firearms safety training. Do you support or oppose this law?”

An overwhelming majority of Americans (83 percent) support concealed-carry laws, while only 11 percent oppose them. A majority of Independent voters (86 percent), Democrats (80 percent), young voters age 18-29 (83 percent), Hispanic voters (80 percent), and those who voted for President Obama (80 percent) support the right to carry a firearm.

The sub-headline is too modest. 80% of voters cannot agree as to whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. 83% is an overwhelming majority.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is a sea change in public opinion.

Hat Tip: Say Uncle by way of Glen “Instapundit” Reynolds.

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The Second Amendment is part of the Constitution, and I will not vote for any Senator that votes for anybody that does not believe in the Constitution. In fact I don’t believe there are very many Senators and Congressmen that believe in it either. It’s time to throw them all out.

Naturally the government owned MSM will do its best to make certain voters don’t know anything about this radical leftists beliefs. Hussein is a radical gun-grabber, yet he was able to lie quite effectively about his 2nd amendment beliefs with 24/7 media backing!

Boxer says she can tell that they’re fakes, because they’re too well dressed.

This proves it for me .. the Code Pink, ACORN and MoveOn.org folks just have no fashion sense whatsoever.

Hmm, I can’t find a reference to the poll on Zogby’s site, and I can’t get any more info than what is on the news release from O’Leary. I was curious to see how many persons were polled and where, etc. I was dying to see the results from New Jersey. Is this for real? (Or am I doing something wrong?)


Here is a little more info, but still not as detailed as you are looking for.

Thanks, Aye – I did find that, but that is about it.

kinda funny, some of the biggest gun nuts i know claim to be dems. just wish we could get ahold of the ammo.

Judge Sotomayor does not believe the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms” and the right to self-defense are fundamental rights of all Americans. Specifically, Judge Sotomayor believes the Second Amendment only applies to the federal government and does not apply to the States, as indicated by her recent testimony and past rulings.

Unless you know of a Supreme Court decision where the 2nd amendment was incorporated into the 14th, then it’s not a fundamental right in the legal sense – pure and simple. The closest you’ve got is the 9th circuit appeals decision which is a major judicial overstep – the appeals court is not entitled to update the Constitution, merely to interpret precedent. This is the same kind of legislating from the bench that made the 9th circuit so well known; and now you’re demanding it from a SCOTUS nominee?

I’m in support of incorporation, in short order the Maloney decision will make it up to the Supreme level and likely become a fundamental right. But it’s absurd to demand that Sotomayor should have legislated precedent in this decision, when even Scalia avoided doing so in Heller. A little judicial background would go a long way…


The Bill of Rights far predates the 14th Amendment and was an agreed upon requirement to be incorporated into the Constitution before the 1st constitutional Congress was allowed to even vote on ratifying the Constitution. Nor did the 14th Amendment take away any of the protection of those rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Get your head out of your ass and learn how to do your research properly. Read the Federalist Papers, the Anti Federalist Papers. and the writings of the founding Fathers which were quite clear on this issue. The Supreme Court recognized what we knew all along (that the Second Amendment portion of the Bill of Rights is an individual Constitutional Right.) Learn the historical facts instead, of constantly spewing your delusional, idiotic fabrications. You are beginning to sound like a rabid psychotic.