Obama Admin: Your Babies Are Killing The Planet

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Forget about the birthers, and the nutty claims that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

More and more, we are hearing from people who might best be described as anti-birthers. Their claims have nothing to do with long- versus short-form Hawaiian birth certificates. Instead, they advance a simple proposition: that the birth of each additional American child is a kind of calamity for the environment.

The most recent example of anti-birth thinking comes from Paul Murtaugh and Michael Schlax of Oregon State University. In a study called “Reproduction and the carbon legacies of individuals,” they suggest that if you truly care about the environment, it’s not enough to trade your SUV for a Prius, use the right lightbulbs, or limit your lawn to organic fertilizers. To the contrary, you need to start thinking about something way more important: i.e., having one less child.

The “basic premise,” the study reports, is that “a person is responsible for emissions of his descendents.”

Yes, that’s right…they’ll pay for an abortion to kill a baby, and they’ll pay for cancer patients to kill themselves instead of getting chemotherapy, and that’s how the Obama Admin plans on saving the planet and the economy: less Americans=less cost

The president’s science adviser, John Holdren, appears to share Mr. Murtaugh’s worries about too many Americans. In a 1973 article, he argued that “210 million [Americans] now is too many and 280 million in 2040 is likely to be too many.” He concluded that we should encourage women to have fewer children.

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The Nazis called it eugenics.

well that might be great if we started to off the welfare people or just glued their legs shut, but, i think they are forgetting that less people also means less taxes to pay for their stupid social programs. what a bunch of over educated ass wipes.

Please Messrs. Holdren and Murtaugh, you first. Lead the way. Lead the way.

QUOTE: “To the contrary, you need to start thinking about something way more important: i.e., having one less child.”

Why is that being preaced to us, when it should be preached to the many illegal immigrants from Mexico in the United States that are spitting out a kid every nine months?

QUOTE: “Yes, that’s right…they’ll pay for an abortion to kill a baby, and they’ll pay for cancer patients to kill themselves instead of getting chemotherapy, and that’s how the Obama Admin plans on saving the planet and the economy: less Americans=less cost”

So why is it they will still give free money to illegal immigrants from south of the border?

Infanticide and euhthanasia. Great selling points on Obama Care. I’m sure that will sell well at Town Hall meetings. It’s a damn shame that dumb slut from Kansas did not keep her knees together 48 years ago.

Retro-active abortion? Yes lets start with the DNC, Obama, Emanuel, Axelrod, Pelosi, Schumer & Reid. Have them report tomorrow for some potassium cyanide. Those are the Americans we can live without. Lets start out with less of Them.

Ah, yes, it appears that at least part of the liberal legacy has to do with Thanatos (death). But, once one realizes how negative they are it fits. I do agree with ThomNJ, they should be the first. Since its their belief then they should follow thru on it or be considered hypocrites. I know that it is a mistake to judge a book by its cover but the picture that I have seen of John Holdren indicates to me that he is what used to be called a “crackpot scientist”. Totally intellectual & useless as well. They are such legends in their own minds, & not anybody else, that they will amaze and/or rule the world. Surprise, surprise. It reminds me of the quote attributed to Winston Churchill regarding the boffins (scientists) that he consulted with during WWII. Namely, too stupid to be able to pour sand out of a boot even with direction on the heel.

Typical. The loony left labels conservatives who want control of our borders and lawful immigration “Nazis.” But it is the left, specifically the current administration, that appoints a Mengele-like “science czar,” John Holdren, who advocates forced abortion, mass sterilization programs, eugenics, and a “Planetary Regime’ with the power of life and death over American citizens. Evidently, once the left has used the illegals for their votes, they plan to prohibit them and everyone else they deem “unfit” from procreating. Then, after they’ve fulfilled their usefulness as an underpaid work force, they can be euthanized along with the rest of us.

Robert R. McCall, Jr. I reckon my question is just why Obama has surrounded himself with these useful idiots. Radical for real, controversial for sure but as you stated, lacking the good sense that God gave a crowbar.

Global Warming is junk science, Climate change has occurred since the Earth’s creation and is ongoing regardless of life here. One may as well try to stop the tides or stop the change of seasons than dispute that. Between Abusive Taxation and Nutcake Enviro Regs, American Industry will be extinct in the next decade. Every piece of Obama’s favored Legislation is destroying America.

Obama seems to follow a pattern described by L. E. Ikenga.


“I call these men, who appeared all over Africa in the wake of independence, African Colonial politicians (ACP’s). They were the direct offspring of the European Imperialists, imposing radical European leftist political theory on tribal cultures. ACP’s and their unscrupulous followers were able to almost completely destroy many African cultures.

For the most part, these ACP’s were intellectual frauds, completely unworthy of the honors bestowed upon them. But they sounded and looked good; so the people listened to them. With their fancy Oxbridge degrees, grandiloquent speeches given with perfectly accented “Queen’s English”, finely tailored European suits, and fabled family histories, ACP’s took the masses by storm.

ACP’s convinced their constituents that they were as dumb as baboons and did not have what it took to make good decisions for themselves and for the future. They made Africans feel embarrassed about their entire histories and conservative values. They persuaded Africans to follow the “European way” of doing things, and assured that this blueprint for progress was one that could not fail.”

Ok, so America voted American Idol instead of common sense. Perhaps 53% of Americans are dumb as baboons then. Entitlement mentality snares fools easily. Obama Care has a cost in quality of life and freedoms that once surrendered never come back.

Obama has surrounded himself with Idiots. Period.

Honestly, I’ve read so many different things about the healthcare bill it’s impossible to say exactly what it will do especially since no real plan has been presented. My gut tells me that whatever they come up with not be as good or as bad as has been opined by the media.
Philosophically, I believe healthcare is a right and the system as it functions now doesn’t work as well as it should. A one-payer system wouldn’t work in America but I do believe a public option is a good idea. It works for Federal workers and our vets.
Right now my girlfriend is not working so she has no healthcare. Her unemployment is about to end but even before that she couldn’t afford the Cobra plan they offered. She’s basically put off all of her health issues until she finds a job. There should be something in place for people like her and for people who work part-time and do not get health benefits from their employers.
I don’t know what the answer is. I like the idea of co-opts but will that help those in rural communities who lack the density to negotiate better rates?

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

That, for anyone who is still clueless, is a quote from the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, AKA, friend of Hitler. I’ve written many times that that it’s no coincidence that the majority of Planned Parenthood Clinics are in black neighborhoods, or, that half of the entire black population of the US has now been killed by “black genocide”, aka, abortion.

But to be really fair, everyone, self included, who ever used or currently uses contraception has contributed to our death culture. Before 1930, contraception wasn’t even legal in the United States (Comstock Laws). Most today think it’s only a “Catholic thing”, when in reality, it’s only the Catholic Church and some Orthodox Jews who have not “caved with the culture.” Do the research if you don’t believe me.

As the famous papal encyclical, Humane Vitae, that divided much of the Western World prophesized,

“Contraception, because it is wrong, will have many bad consequences, especially upon society.

We know for a fact that had it not been for the acceptance of the birth control pill, Roe v Wade would not have become law. Had “abortion” not been legal, consequently, desensitizing” the culture, embryonic stem cell research, which to date, unlike adult stem cells, has not produce a single fruit, and would never have been permitted.

And now of course, we slide right down the slippery slope into a national health care with mandatory euthanasia and abortion (FOCA disguised), the soon to be overturned Dickey Amendment (mark my words on THAT one), and if that isn’t enough horror for one sitting, fetal farming will soon follow (making/’growing’, humans for “spare parts”).

Yep, every CZAR and Obama appointee is just about in place, from Holdren, the radical junk scientist who got it wrong with Paul Ehrlich,

Despite his strong scientific credentials, he advanced theories in the 1970’s and 1980’s that have become the paradigm of ideologically motivated junk science. He and his collaborators (such as co-author Paul Ehrlich) predicted world-wide famine as a consequence of over-population by the late 20th century, and they advocated radical coercive public policies to avert catastrophe. These predictions were explicit, public, and were published under professional imprimatur. Obviously, the predictions were wrong. Dr.Holdren’s predictions are an exemplar of scientific incompetence


to Cass Sunstein, who if he gets his way, will put an end to the use of animals from medical research to Kentucky fried Chicken. Even worse, he has a good chance of making it to the SCOTUS! The list goes on, as it’s no big secret that the APPOINTED CZARS, who answer to no one but Obama, range from professed communists to convicted felons to the epitome of radical and cronyism.

For everyone who loathed the pro life movement, best to think again. I often warned it will be YOU we will be fighting for next. That, BTW, is why “social issues” DO matter in the GOP.

As for “killing the planet” that would be US, certainly not “overpopulation.” One of the many problems with a “sans sin, san ‘suffering’, moral relative, pleasure seeking, indulgent, new age, Oprah/Olsteen , ” culture is that we can’t recognize evil until it’s too late.

The trains are ready to leave the station, we should be worried, very worried, as many still won’t believe it until they actually arrive. And when they do arrive, many in horror will say, “How did I never see it coming.”

James there IS something in place for your girlfriend; extension and reduction of COBRA. If I remember correctly, the government is picking up the tab for about 75% of COBRA for I think, at least 18 months to 3 years. She needs to contact her last HR department.

Is it any wonder between that and extended unemployment, many have stopped looking for new jobs? Meanwhile, the self employed business owners like myself pay through the nose. I’m happy to help out the least among us, but hard not to see, “It’s starting to look a lot like welfare, for everyone but the ones working.”

I don’t know anyone that has been laid off that isn’t looking for a job because of unemployment benefits. Do you know how much they get? At most $400 per week – max. You can’t live off that in Chicago.  That’s a quarter of her salary but the bills are pretty much the same.
For anyone looking for a job it is much harder because there are so many more people out there to compete with. So instead of taking 3 or 4 months to find a job it may take about a year.
And the government does pick up something for Cobra (which I’m sure you are against them doing) but again, when you’ve lost 75% of your income survival mode kicks in and keeping a roof over your head and food in the fridge comes before shelling out money for healthcare.
It’s not easy on anyone right now and imagine it will be this way for a couple of years.

Well James, let us introduce you to one… one of FA’s token leftists, “Real American Patriot”, or CRAP as we call him.

CRAP informed us he has on unemployment since Sept 2008, and blames Bush, of course. He also says that unemployment exists so he doesn’t have to take a lesser paying job.

CRAP is not alone in that mentality, even if you don’t find them in your circle of friends and acquaintances. Needless to say, after the lip service we gave him for that attitude, he’s not been back (July 6th).

Or perhaps he finally took one of those lesser paying jobs since the unemployment free ride would be drying up, depending on his state of residence. He’s probably run out of extensions by now.

Hmmmmm….. I guess those thoughts should have crossed the minds of the Obie voters last November.

*CRAP is “ENTITLED” or believes He is and drinks the Kool Aid daily.
*Health Care is not now a Right nor has it ever been.
*COBRA, Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance and such are PROGRAMS.
*Without Supplemental Coverage, Medicare and Medicaid have Co-Pays. All PROGRAMS have Premiums.
*Even Indigents can get care.
*The Indian Health Agency is Free but the care is sub-standard and underfunded and you must be Qualified to reside on a BIA Reservation where Life is crap.
* There is No Free Health Care worth a tinkers damn and No Free Lunch. Someone pays for it.  You Kulaks like me pay.
Team Obama’s “Medical Experts” are “Professionals, as the old Groucho Marx  quote goes, “If You don’t believe it, wait til You get the Bill!!!”

PROGRAMS will break America because there are too many and poorly managed.

America, Wake Up!
You are about to get fooled again!

Notes on the IHA. Can You say Government Single Payer?

GAO: Indian health agency still losing equipment
Indian Health Care’s Broken Promises
I’m very sure that You don’t want that Program but You will get a “reasonable facsimile” from Program Health Care. Anything the Government runs gets corrupted, meets few needs, costs too much on a Cost vs Benefit factor and and is MisManaged.
“That can’t happen to Me?” Yes it can if Obama Care gets rammed up your backside. Believe that Folks!

Funny! The left has so long claimed to be champion of the little people. Now they want to kill them off. (Except of course for the unborn, they’ve always been for killing them off). If you’re old, gotta go. Got aids, count the days. I say start with Congress first. Start with the Speaker and work your way down.

@ james manning
You’re a little mistaken there sir. Federal employees don’t have a single payer system. Federal Employee Healthcare Site As for the VA, you don’t wanna go there. I suffered a training accident while in the Air Force. That’s what they call it anyway. After Hell Week, we upset our instructors and had to run Heartbreak Hill. The thing had a 60º slant, I swear it. We had to run up and then turn around and walk down. After the 1000th time, (or at least it seemed that way), I turned to walk back down and turned my ankle. I ripped three ligaments in my ankle. The docs took great care of me at Lackland AFB, it has a great hospital. But I had to wait till I got to my permanent station for surgery. Once there, the closest Ortho Surgeon was at a VA hospital. It was like walking into a WWII movie. No thanks. If you want VA coverage, join the military and retire. I’ll pass thanks.

This goverment and country is morally bankrupt.

We allow infanticide, abortion, assisted suicide for the terminally ill.

Check this out. A program at HUD called HOPWA http://www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/aidshousing/programs/ allows the housing costs, defer foreclosure, day to day costs, medical treatment, and utilities to be paid from HUD housing fees for individuals with HIV/AIDs.

There are no other programs in the U.S. where you can use Federal money from HUD for ‘cost of living, utilites, and medical expenses’. NONE. Accept this one.

People that are dying from natural causes get the assistance of the Goverment to commit suicide, but if you have gotten HIV/AIDs from drug use, sexual activity, or lifestyle– then all heck…..we will open the Federal checkbook and give you money we won’t for any other people that are dying.

Remember the old, ill, handicapped are a financial drain on the system so the goverment will help them ‘exit life’. But people with HIV/AIDs are worth much much more and are allowed to drain the system.

Next time you close a mortgage loan ask for money for utilities and medical treatment in the future and that noise that follows will be laughter. Say you are dying, you will hear laughter. Say you have HIV/AIDs……’ca-ching’ $$$$.

Think of how discriminatory this is……

We are all equal, some are just more equal than others.

Is anybody beginning to feel dirty just reading these Democrat proposals?

TRICARE is what the military has and can be a major pain in the ass to work with. When I came down with pneumonia years ago at Fort Jackson they could not treat me there at the base hospital because I was “too sick”. So they put me on an ambulance and rather then send me to one of the local hospitals in Columbia, an aprox 15 min drive, They sent me to Eisenhower medical center which is in Fort Gordon GA. That drive was about an hour and a half. Eisenhower is a nice enough hospital and the nurses there were great but Eisenhower is a training hospital and when your a lone spec4 surrounded by brand new shiny butter bars who think your the greatest thing since slice bread becuase they get some “REAL TRAINING” it does get to be a tad uncomfortable.
It is true that under TRICARE that I don’t have to pay a dime to go see a Doctor as long as there is a TRICARE hospital nearby. But get stationed anywhere away from one of those facilities then get sick or hurt you are going to pay 75% of your health bill becuase TRICARE doesn’t pick up the bill from any hospitals that don’t belong to there network. The caveat being that said sickness or injury doesn’t occur in the line of duty.
The VA hospitals are a nightmare and the poor staff at one is overworked and under appreciated. They just don’t have the time to give each and every patient the one on one care there illness or injury deserves. As a Medic in an out aways area of VA I often have to find creative ways to make things be LOD so I can send my guys to a local hospital and the Army picks up the tab, rather then send them to a VA hospital, still an hour away from us, and sometimes I have to be REAL creative.

So, Obama-care is like a bad prequel of Logan’s Run.