Michelle Malkin Pummels Point Home On The View


Yes, I know…it’s The View. Kinda like scratching fingernails on a chalkboard but Michelle Malkin did an OUTSTANDING job of getting her point across and leaving the 3 stooges dumbfounded today:

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Don’t f**k with MM!

I LOVE MICHELLE MALKIN!!Those View crones make me want to projectile vomit.

Excellent, Michelle! I no longer watch The View. Joy, Whoopi and Sherry (WTH is she doing on Tee Vee?) are the epitome of deaf, blind and dumb. Babs is simply embarrassingly predictable. Actually all four are. They are in a deep state of denial and they will never be awake.

Poor Elizabeth. She needs her own show.

“But what about Bush…..” the mantra of all those idiots. Who cares about Bush, he is not in office spending America into the toilet. How about they first answer the questions about how Obama has lied and then you can bring Bush up.

Oh my gosh, that was awesome! I thought Joy Behar was going to pass out if she didn’t get to attack Bush one more time.
Hello, Joy….wake up! Instead of acknowledging the tremendous FLAWS in Obama, and the broken promises – her only response is to say, “What about Bush? What about Bush?”

The Intellectual Dishonesty of liberal lemmings is unreal.

ah Michelle… that was like shooting guppies trapped in a plastic bowl. LOL

My favorite, however, was the applause when it was announced *everyone* in the audience was getting a Malkin book to take home. Probably one of the best promos she could have done, and one of the best educations they’ll receive. Too bad it couldn’t be teamed with Liberty and Tyranny for a double whammy.

Michelle Malkin accomplished an almost impossible task to get her points across on The View, without yelling over people, with a smile on her face, all while having to navigate around Joy Behar’s complete stupidity. I know Michelle was prepared and ready, and did an excellent job.

If they ever made a movie based on these three + Barbara it would infringe on one already released. But maybe they could get away with a takeoff on the title. Dumb, Dumber and Dumerest. The old volumes of the Encyclopedia of Britannica do not contain enough descriptive words to express the just how classically stupid these woman are.

Good question Ann Monterey. Why doesn’t she have her own show?…

The three stooges may not have been listening, but it is obvious by the applause at the end of the segment that the audience was. Michelle took full advantage of her “teachable moment,” cramming it full to overflowing with good, solid information and bringing the disinfectant of sunlight to the corruption of the current administration. You go, girl!

Michelle is, as she has always been, a woman of integrity, class and brains. The half wits from the View couldn’t tie her sneakers let alone win a debate with her.

i hate that show so much i almost didnt watch the clip, glad i did. mm is so respectful she made that joy look like a hick, loved it.

MM was rude on the view. If you have a valid comment you do not have to act the way she did. And we do need to remember the events that have taken place in the last 8 years. We are still paying for a war (two) that costs 12 billion. And corruption what about outing a US a spy, what about lying to the American people? MM is someone out just to make a buck and believes if she yells loud enough what she says is true. Oh by the way I voted for McCain.

Lulu, you should change your name to dum-dum. We fought the wars we needed to fight, NO spy was outed by Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld, and the only ones that lied and to continue to lie to the people are loons like you. If you had an ounce of intelligence you would understand voting for McLame doesn’t mean you aren’t a lib or at best suffering from BDS.
Now please, go learn some facts about the things you posted on before you go and spray more stupid onto this site.


We are still paying for a war (two) that costs 12 billion.

So what’s Obama doing about that?

And corruption what about outing a US a spy,


what about lying to the American people?

Specifics, please.

MM is someone out just to make a buck and believes if she yells loud enough what she says is true.

Was she yelling?

Oh by the way I voted for McCain.


Malkin was rude?? By gawd, what an odd perspective. I suppose Joy was the delightful hostess? You picked an apt screen name, Lulu… You sure know how to spin them whoppers.

Perhaps you’ll look at the below graph and explain to us all how we are massively in debt for two wars that are between 3-4% of the GDP for the entire five year conflict. A conflict, I might add, that those Americans being held in Iranian custody must be happy to have had happened, because Saddam sure wouldn’t be lifting his pinkie to help get them out. ’tis ever so nice to have an ally stashed inbetween Iran and Syria. But I guess you didn’t think of that, eh?

And while you’re at it… see that really *big* fat line to the far right? That 9 trillion figure? That’s the spending the Big Zero and his Congressional comrades-in-destruction have spent for 2010-2020 in mere months. Spend out out of bankruptcy… right. Try that yourself and see how far it gets you.

Maybe you… who’s whining about the Iraq costs which are pittance by comparison and have added mightily to our national security (remember that ally in the middle of Iran/Syria bit?), will let us know how all those filthy rich and evil Americans will be paying that spending bill off. Take your time. Google your brain cell out. We’ll wait patiently for your cogent response and fuzzy math.

Mata Harley 16 great visual.
Much too complex for lulu. It would take Chris Mathews with his tingly leg hours to explain this, even after he turned it upside down.

Lulu: MM did not shout but she did hold the floor despite their attempt to overwhelm her. She knows what she’s talking about without a script or teleprompter. I became a fan beginning with the fight in the 90’s against illegal immigration. As a former life long democrat, I voted for McCain/Palin too…mostly because of Sarah because the Obama alternative was too horrible to contemplate. You see, I grew up after the 60’s and I recognize what that mind set is all about. You can’t be a mature adult and still believe in that crappola.

Michelle took no prisoners here. Rude? Absolutely not. Unapologetically forthright and persistent in getting her point across while dismissing the interruptions by Joy and Whoopi? Yes.

This is what we need to see more of from our conservative friends who are in the public limelight–just sticking to the topic, not wavering from it and not being silenced by the liberal media personality interviewing them who incessantly (and quite rudely, if you want to talk about who’s rude) try to talk over them through the entire interview.

Joy: “…went into a war that was uncalled for…”

I get so infuriated when I hear any liberal call the war in Iraq, “unwarranted, unjust, illegal, wrong, uncalled for, blah-blah-blah.”

Can anyone hear tell me exactly what UN resolution we are supposedly in violation of?? By what basis are they making these claims? I’m so sick of their ignorance.

Have those idiots forgotten that we we’re attacked??

I know this wasn’t exactly the point of this post but that typical, moronic, liberal rhetoric from Joy sent me over the deep end. Liberals…


Was the war legal?


Have those idiots forgotten that we we’re attacked??

Let me guess….Saddam was behind 9/11. That’s like blaming Thailand for Pearl Harbor.

The TARDs just can’t deal with the facts, hence their collective grip on reality is tenuous at best…

What is both insanely annoying and at the sametime somewhat hilarious is how they whine and stamp their feet in child like tantrums when their faces are rubbed into the reality of the day…

Is there a better example of this than Joy Behar?

I have a question, can anyone explain to me what Behar is given the description of, “comedian”?

Its sort of akin to calling Jon Stewart an unbiased historian…

She did indeed do a great job. You all know I’m not a Bush fan, but I find the “what about Bush” argument embarrassing. Long ago, when my parents didn’t let me do something I wanted to do, my “but Johnny down the street does it” argument didn’t go over too well.

At least Whoopi stated it was just her opinion and left room to be wrong, especially knowing that Malkin was so well prepared. The rest… well, I give them credit for even having her on the show. And I don’t agree she was rude – I don’t know much about her, but she is obviously no Anne Coulter. She’s very respectable here.

As for the subject at hand, yes the cronyism is disturbing. What is even more disturbing is the pool the President, any President, has to choose from. Are any qualified candidates for positions who don’t have skeletons in their closet? How do we attract honest people to politics? Is it possible? Might we do well to require Congressional approval of Executive appointees, the same way we do SC judges? But then isn’t it all about favors and paybacks anyway?

On this subject, it seems to me we’re in the same boat no matter who’s in charge, which is what I think Whoopi was trying to ask.

Having watched and read Michelle Malkin throughout the Bush presidency, I find it laughable that Behar would even get into the “what about Bush” mode. Malkin has been quite critical of President Bush, so much so that she lost the support of many on the right side of the aisle after Harriet Miers, Dubai Ports, prescription drugs and a few more, she was pretty relentless.

Malkin is articulate, well schooled and honest about what she goes after. It was obvious that at least two from the View didn’t bother to do any research whatsoever on Malkin. They walked right into the buzz saw because they were either too lazy to do their homework on a scheduled guest or thought they could bully their way through the “wing nut” interview, or both. IMHO Behar’s ego is her worst enemy, she has yet to realize that she lost whatever she thought she had a long time ago.

Long ago, when my parents didn’t let me do something I wanted to do, my “but Johnny down the street does it” argument didn’t go over too well“…

Funny thing but my old man didn’t buy that argument either…

He’d always come back with that old saw, “if Johnny jumps off the bridge does that mean you should too?“…

Damn but I hated that bit of logic…:-)

Neil, I COMPLETELY agree with your thought here. I think it’s time we start battling against the liberal media brain fog that many, many people are in and refute it the same way you just did. I have a confession…I have cow-towed before to some folks who say something negative about our mission in Iraq, fearing verbal insults. I wasn’t agreeing, but I didn’t counter it either. No more. I will now gently but firmly correct them.

The argument of “Sadaam didn’t attack us on 9/11” has always amazed me anyway. He repeatedly violated 16 UN Security Council Resolutions, http://www.milnet.com/wh/sect2.html, and was considered a viable threat to the U.S. and allied nations with the manufacturing and use of weapons of mass destruction–period. So, the argument that Sadaam didn’t attack us reminds me of a hypothetical situation. You are relaxing in your living room, watching American Idol, or some dumb thing. Suddenly, your front door is bashed open by home invaders. While you are trying to defend yourself from them, someone else, a different thug, is yelling at your back door, threatening to break in. So, since the first set of thugs is who literally broke into your home, and is the most immediate threat, does that mean you just ignore the person yelling at the back door? O.k., maybe not the greatest analogy, but that’s what it has always reminded me of.

So, as Michelle Malkin has set a great example to no longer be intimidated by the leftists approach of if-you-say-it-enough-times-it-makes-it-so brainwashing, we should, too, dispel their lies.


Yes a somewhat interesting analogy. I would say that Saddam was out back yelling at neighbours than directly at the US’s door. Either way the point is that it’s perfectly fine to deal with the guy yelling but it’s seperate from those different guys who smashed down the front door. Because if the guys who smashed down the door didn’t do that – does that mean you wouldn’t of dealt with the yeller? What you don’t do is confuse the two.

MM for the win. The sad part tho, after she left the stooges (View hosts)  thought they won. QQ

I think Malkin comes across well but the discussion by the very format of this TV show wasn’t very focused. Did it really shed any light? Seemed to be to be pretty much hot air.

Gaffa #21:

Let me guess….Saddam was behind 9/11. That’s like blaming Thailand for Pearl Harbor.

Actually, a better analogy would be “blaming Germany for Pearl Harbor”.


SoCal Chris #26:

The argument of “Sadaam didn’t attack us on 9/11″ has always amazed me anyway.

What you should ask your friends, Chris, is whether or not President Bush ever said Saddam did attack us on 9/11.



I watched the clip, though I never watch the show. I was entertained and delighted to see MM repeatedly bitch-slap those three fools.


You are exactly right, Wordsmith. President Bush didn’t ever say that. What disturbes me is how ridiculous the argument was, dismissing completely that Sadaam was a threat worthy enough of his removal. This is the statement from the Bush Whitehouse Archives in answer to that:

While President Bush has made clear that Saddam Hussein was not connected to the 9/11 attacks, his decision to remove Saddam from power cannot be viewed in isolation from the attacks. It was clear to President Bush, members of both political parties, and many leaders around the world that after 9/11, we could not risk allowing a sworn enemy of America to have weapons of mass destruction, as intelligence agencies around the world believed Saddam did. The Administration went to the United Nations, which unanimously passed Resolution 1441 calling on Saddam Hussein to disclose and disarm, and offered Saddam Hussein a final chance to comply with the demands of the world. When he refused, the President acted with a coalition of nations to protect the American people and liberated 25 million Iraqis.




We invaded Iraq for mostly different reasons. SoCal already explained, Saddam and his regime were a definite threat to America and allies so I wont elaborate any more… but, we do know that that country had very strong ties within the al qaeda network (the group that pulled off 9-11). How do I know this? Because, I was there, Gaffa. Since our presence in Iraq, there network, leadership and countless amounts of resources (i.e. weapons caches, IED making facilities, etc) have been crushed.

So, yes… I believe in the cause of the war in Iraq. And guess what? Had we not taken him out when we did, there’s a very good chance he would have acted up AGAIN in the future like he did back in 91.


we do know that that country had very strong ties within the al qaeda network (the group that pulled off 9-11). How do I know this? Because, I was there, Gaffa.

You were in Iraq just before 9/11?

Gaffa, I hate to be the one to point out your obvious stupidity with your comment:

“you were in Iraq just before 9/11”?

May I remind you that the ISG (as in Iraq Survey Group) and supporting troops were there and witnessed both documents from Saddam’s regime, and witnesses verbally, that give us a history of what went on before we were there? For example, one of the early, and best books, on the ISG Harmony/ISG docs was written by Ray Robison. Another one who “was there” and witnessed the truth when they uncovered the evidence.

… shooting fish in a barrel…

Was this the survey that cost a billion dollars and found that Saddam had ended his nuclear program and had abandoned his biological weapons?

I’ll take a look at the Duelfer Report later to see what ‘strong ties’ the Saddam Regime had with the Al Qaeda network before 9/11 and get back to you. It will be interested to see what Saddam knew and contributed to the 9/11 attacks.

In a word, Gaffa… No.

Duelfer report? You are so woefully ignorant, it frightens me that you’ve ever weighed in on any thread with Saddam/AQ/jihad movements thread in the past.

So thank you now for prequalifying yourself as completely clueless as to the Pentagon VI reports, the ISG and Harmony documents, and what they have revealed from Saddam and his regime’s own words. They have only been posted on this blog countless times, over and over again. Apparently, you have never clicked on a link and read a noun and verb of the source data and translations of the multitude of documents confiscated in the wake of Saddam’s desposition.

I like you Gaff… but frankly you are an utter buffoon, and an embarrassment considering how many times you’ve pontificated on this blog about source information that you’ve never once explored out of laziness. I am so flabbergasted at your lack of interest in education, that I have absolutely nothing more to say. Your opinions on this subject in the future are to be called out as nothing more than idiocy from the uninformed.


I’ll ignore your cheap shots for now – and I’ll go through Curt’s links over the weekend. It may surprise you but I don’t follow every FA post nor does it seem I (or many else on here or otherwise) have the time and ability to track down as much info you are able to (e.g. the Palin ethic complaints). Good for you (no sarcasm intended). However when looked at detail – statements based on cited ‘evidence’ can ‘sometimes’ be overblown in its interpretation and the relevant parts need separating from those that are irrelevant etc. For example the sorry piece of cr*p that was the Downing St Dossier. I’m not disputing that there are separate reasons for the Iraq War – and I’m not disputing there were Al-Qaeda links with Saddam but my belief in what I have seen is the links were tenuous – certainly compared to other countries (e.g. Saudi Arabia) which remain intact. Nevertheless I will read those links and dig deeper and get back to you on my thoughts.

Meanwhile check this out…

Prince Turki al-Faisal. [Source: Publicity photo]Bin Laden, recently returned to Saudi Arabia, has been placed under house arrest for his opposition to the continued presence of US soldiers on Saudi soil. [PBS Frontline, 2001] Controversial author Gerald Posner claims that a classified US intelligence report describes a secret deal between bin Laden and Saudi Intelligence Minister Prince Turki al-Faisal at this time. Although bin Laden has become an enemy of the Saudi state, he is nonetheless too popular for his role with the mujaheddin in Afghanistan to be easily imprisoned or killed. According to Posner, bin Laden is allowed to leave Saudi Arabia with his money and supporters, but the Saudi government will publicly disown him. Privately, the Saudis will continue to fund his supporters with the understanding that they will never be used against Saudi Arabia. The wrath of the fundamentalist movement is thus directed away from the vulnerable Saudis. [Posner, 2003, pp. 40-42] Posner alleges the Saudis “effectively had [bin Laden] on their payroll since the start of the decade.” [Time, 8/31/2003] This deal is reaffirmed in 1996 and 1998. Bin Laden leaves Saudi Arabia in the summer of 1991, returning first to Afghanistan


If what Posner is saying is true then why isn’t US at war with Saudi Arabia?

MM is four times (or more) the journalist that Matt Liar is. He was clearly over his smarmy liberal head.

I never ever watch the view because it is far too unbalanced, and very much like watching a horrible 1970’s women exploitation prison movie without any of the good parts. Joy is a lobotomized Democratic talking-points/blogger parrot that the show could well do without. Whoopie, although also a rabid left winger at least sounds like she is intelligent. Hasselbeck can be a bit much sometimes, but at least she argues her side with honesty, which the other “hosts” do not.

Keep Elisabeth and Barbra (or Whoopie, but not both,) and replace the others with libertarian and a REAL moderate, (or perhaps a nun with a yardstick,) and maybe, (maybe,) I and others would consider watching the show. As it is now it is little more than a liberal henhouse with a token Republican to make it appear balanced.

@GaffaUK #40:

I’ll ignore your cheap shots for now – and I’ll go through Curt’s links over the weekend. It may surprise you but I don’t follow every FA post

I was actually thinking the “similar” thing, as Mata. You don’t have to have followed “every thread” to have come across a mention here of the Iraqi Perspectives Project with links to relevant posts and source itself. I was quite flabbergasted too that you’d “run to the Duelfer Report” (soooo 2004) which explored the issue of wmd search not “’strong ties’ the Saddam Regime had with the Al Qaeda network before 9/11”; rather than to the more recent Pentagon-funded study that examines some of the translated documents from the Harmony Database. I think FA is one of the great repositories of information and alnaysis when it comes to Saddam/al Qaeda/wmd/intell.

As for Saudi Arabia, they have definitely been a problem in exporting wahhabism and creating a breeding ground for extremism and terrorism. But they have also since, joined “with us, not against us” in the war on terror and have been a strong partner and ally since 9/11 in the capture and killing of al Qaeda operatives. The Saudi government is just as threatened, probably more so, by al Qaeda, as we are. From May 2003 through Feb 2006, their cities have experienced terror attacks at the hands of al Qaeda. The Saudis, in return, have been aggressive in a multi-pronged approach to dealing with them, including public awareness campaigns, legal reforms, educational reforms, and religious moderation.

Just last month, they tried 323 of 991 al Qaeda suspects under Islamic law by judges schooled in wahhibism….live by the Sharia, die by the Sharia…

Your opinions on this subject in the future are to be called out as nothing more than idiocy from the uninformed.


Anyone wonder why I now choose to ignore “the blunder from down under”?

But he’s a brithead….not an aus… 🙁

He lives in Aussie land now.

First, Gaff… do not confuse the Duelfer horse manure with the ISG/Harmony docs, which were original documents confiscated after the fall of Saddam (what we could get before they destroyed it, anyway). There is still, to date, only a small percentage translated. But what has been translated (plus more) was first covered by Ray Robison, former ISG member in Iraq, in his book, Both in One Trench. It was published Nov 2007.

March 2008, the following year, the Iraqi Perspectives Project released their five volume report, linked here at FAS, with analyses of Saddam’s relationships with the jihad movements based on the documents’ translations. (not just AQ, since AQ is an ever morphing “association” of terrorist movements). When originally linked via ABC, they labeled the PDF the Pentagon VI report.

“Volume 1 examines the relationships between the regime of Saddam Hussein and terrorism in its local, regional, and global context. Volumes 2 through 4 contain the English translations and detailed summaries of the original Iraqi documents cited in Volume 1. Volume 5 contains additional background and supporting documents.”

I suggest you read about Saddam’s use of the jihad movements as an unofficial state weapon back to after the first Gulf War. I also highly recommend Robison’s book, as it a primer on the big players in that region of the world, and their relationships. Quite the eye opener in itself.

INRE your “cheap shots” comment. May I remind you of your snippy come on first? ala

I’ll take a look at the Duelfer Report later to see what ’strong ties’ the Saddam Regime had with the Al Qaeda network before 9/11 and get back to you.

Not only a snipe of a phrase you delivered, but you are clueless as to the Duelfer Report’s purpose… THat being to report on their findings of the WMD program status (not Saddam’s relationship with jihad movements in the region) in Iraq immediately after Saddam’s deposition. The Duelfer report was released Sept 2004. A completely different report on a completely different subject, and all done prior to translation of the Saddam regime documents.

Considering the focus of that document is the WMD status, it’s unlikely you’ll find anything about Saddam’s long term relationship with Zawahiri, and the other jihad movements. You might as well be looking for what happened to Mr. Spock in the text of Alice in Wonderland.

@Aye Chihuahua #45:

He lives in Aussie land now.

Oh, yeah….I think I vaguely remember him mentioning somewhere about living in the land of Auz…

My excuse is,

I don’t follow every FA post nor does it seem I (or many else on here or otherwise) have the time and ability to track down as much info you are able to

, Wordsmith & Mataharley

Trouble is with forums – is that info isn’t succinct. For example with Curt’s first link with the discussion between Scott and James – there are over 7000 words and yet most of that is about semantics over insurgency and people like Abu Abbas etc – yet little if any hard evidence of any strong connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein regime before 9/11. Certainly nothing of an operational relationship. As a lay person wading through such tangents isn’t helpful.

Yep – and I know you guys HATE wikipedia but read this page…


A lot more succinct and direct specifically about the different reports and puts it in context. Interesting that the Harmony database takes up only 2 lines and indeed it found evidence that al-Qaeda jihadists had viewed Saddam as an “infidel” and cautioned against working with him.

Anyway I’ll continue wading through the 77 posts etc – but really to speed things up – let me know specifically what on that wikipedia page do you disagree with. Either way it’s scary that about 70% of americans believe Saddam was behind 9/11 where so many reports conducted under the Bush admin have shown there was no cooperative effort between Saddam and Al-Qaeda. A sporadic meeting here and there doesn’t add up to squat.


Tell me you’re joking. Aren’t you? Wilkapedia is not a fact verified information database. Wilkipedia entries are written by anonymous web-heads and are sometimes chock full of inaccuracies, wrong data, bias and even outright fabrications, and this is ESPECIALLY true for any Wilkapedia entry of a political nature. If you are relying on Wilkapedia for your research in political discussions you might as well be doing all your fact finding by going to a seance.

@GaffaUK #49:

Trouble is with forums – is that info isn’t succinct. For example with Curt’s first link with the discussion between Scott and James – there are over 7000 words and yet most of that is about semantics over insurgency and people like Abu Abbas etc – yet little if any hard evidence of any strong connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein regime before 9/11. Certainly nothing of an operational relationship. As a lay person wading through such tangents isn’t helpful.


Curt said he was reminded of the great conversation/debate Scott and James had. Their conversation ranged through a number of issues. You can always sift and skim, you know?

Yep – and I know you guys HATE wikipedia but read this page…


A lot more succinct and direct specifically about the different reports and puts it in context. Interesting that the Harmony database takes up only 2 lines and indeed it found evidence that al-Qaeda jihadists had viewed Saddam as an “infidel” and cautioned against working with him.

Let me help you out, into why FA’s entries are superior to wikipedia’s and any media article you’ll find out there (these will be specific, so you won’t whine about having so much reading material to sift through for specifics):

Pentagon Report confirms Saddam’s Regime supported al Qaida
. Excerpt:

the report itself is packed with evidence of operational ties between Saddam’s regime and various groups that are components/participants/elements/members of the network. For example the report confirms that Egyptian Islamic Jihad was supported by Saddam’s regime at a time when 2/3 of the al-Qaida network’s leadership (2/3 of the leadership prior to 2003 was comprised of members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. The report is also packed with examples of Saddam’s regime recognizing, supporting, and working with Egyptian Islamic Jihad; i.e. with 2/3 of al-Qaida leadership.

McClatchy reported the “findings” as “no smoking gun” and other such misleading conclusions on what the Iraqi Perspectives Project determined in regards to “operational” Saddam-al Qaeda links. The reporter, however, was leaked some supposed bullet points and reported without ever bothering to read the actual 1600 page report (something which Scott and I think Mata actually ended up doing).

Scott recommended looking at the exclusive summary and key judgment section, and that alone contradicts the MSM, in how they characterized the study. Scott comments:

This is interesting because in many ways it is CONTRARY to what the McLatchy reporter claims. He claims there was no “operational relationship,” and that’s only partially true because the report does say Iraq was a state sponsor of terror, and did have operational ties to various groups-including Islamic radicals (another thing the reporter got wrong), and if we look closer anyone who knows anything about AQ knows that 2/3 of its leadership stemmed from Egyptian Islamic Jihad of which there’s plenty of evidence (FBI even confirms this) that Iraq supported EIJ . The report also suggests that Iraq sponsored other AQ affiliates, and it sounds like those groups were the forerunners of the AQ in Iraq coalition which was in Iraq before the war (and before they renamed themselves Al Queda in Iraq).

Honestly, just reading the the summary that I linked to makes it sound like
1) Almost all of the repeated claims from the right re regime ties are correct-NOT wrong
2) the McLatchy newspapers report is a COMPLETELY incorrect characterization of this report

The distinctions that differentiates one Islamic terror group from another are not always clear-cut. The boundaries can get easily blurred, with Islamic holy warriors melting in from one terror cell to the next. You have Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which is Zawahiri’s previous group, Ansar al-Islam (a group that belongs to Osama bin Laden), Jemaah Islamiyah, and abu Sayyaf, which is essentially al Qaeda in the Philippines, for instance.

Saddam’s Files, They Show Terror Plots, But Raise New Questions About Some Media Claims

Mark Eichenlaub:

All this capability would be meaningless, of course, if there were no intention of using it. The authors make clear that Saddam was willing to conduct anti-American terrorism, saying: “Evidence that was uncovered and analyzed attests to the existence of a terrorist capability and a willingness to use it until the day Saddam was forced to flee Baghdad by Coalition forces.”

Instead of squabbling over who is and isn’t a member of al-Qaeda and what the requirements of a “link” or “connection” are, this report details Saddam’s broad support for (and sometimes direction of) a multitude of terrorist groups targeting Americans and American allies. Based on the Iraqi Perspectives Project, Saddam’s Iraq did not just use terrorism against America and her allies but took advantage of “the rising fundamentalism in the region” as an “opportunity to make terrorism . . . a formal instrument of state power.” Because of Saddam’s removal, which came at considerable cost in American blood and gold, a “formal instrument” of state terrorism is no longer secretly plotting to kill Americans. The American public deserves to know what a threat was removed for that price.


Either way it’s scary that about 70% of americans believe Saddam was behind 9/11 where so many reports conducted under the Bush admin have shown there was no cooperative effort between Saddam and Al-Qaeda.

That bit of surveying is outdated, now so please don’t say it. Thanks to media distortions on the topic and propagating the myth of “no ties”, I challenge that most people have been made dumber on the issue, and less informed.

I did a post which might explain why 70% of Americans connected Saddam to the events of 9/11, when Bush never made any such statement. Part of it is media reports during the 90’s that made such connections; another part is media misrepresentation and distortions in quoting Bush officials.

When McClatchy preemptively (mis)”reported” on the Iraqi Perspectives Project before the release of its executive summary, what did the rest of the media outlets do? Cite and parrot McClatchy, thereby perpetuating the distorted and flawed reporting. It actually prompted the USJFCOM to release all five volumes.

No Ties Between Saddam and Al Queda Network of Terrorist Groups:

Mark Eichenlaub has an outstanding overview of the recent Old Media reporting on the latest investigation into the depth of ties between Saddam Hussein’s regime and the Al Queda network of terrorist groups. His article highlights in perfectly plain sight just how a single, biased writer will bite on a rumor from a single anonymous source about a report that hadn’t even been revealed, and then a total falsehood becomes propagated by the Old Media. When the actual report came out, anyone and everyone reading it could see that it listed innumerable documented and confirmed connections between Saddam’s regime and the network of terror groups called, Al Queda.

“Media swings and misses on IDA’s Saddam report”

The storm began (as noted in Stephen Hayes must read piece) with a McClatchy news piece titled “Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam, al Qaida.” The leak-based story essentially summarizes a 94 page report down to a single, unrepresentative phrase. For the record it should be noted that once the report was made available to the public it was revealed that its author’s actually say on page ES-3 that their report is not exhaustive (contrary to the early news report) stating that the list of Hussein era documents are “not an exhaustive list” beause some were in the possession of other U.S. government agencies.

This story was followed by headlines of a similar bent. Steve Schippert’s sample of some of the more prominent headlines provides readers with what the story’s narrative looked like a few days ago:

ABC: Report Shows No Link Between Saddam and al Qaeda
New York Times: Study Finds No Qaeda-Hussein Tie
CNN: Hussein’s Iraq and al Qaeda not linked, Pentagon says
Washington Post: Study Discounts Hussein, Al-Qaeda Link
AFP: No link between Saddam and Al-Qaeda: Pentagon study

And within hours the (mainstream media) die had been cast. Saddam was not linked to al Qaeda went the theme.

This one is definitely worth the read. Think about what it shows: NO ONE in the McLatchy Newspaper chain of editors, no one at ABC, no one at the New York Times, no one at CNN, no one at the Washington Post, no one at AFP, and no one at any of the blogosphere sites that posted the original article actually read the report. NONE. Old Media/traditional media outlets are supposed to be special because they have armies of fact checkers yet no one in any of these armies ever saw the actual report. The actual report contradicts the original article at almost every turn.

Is there a fact checker anywhere, or have these outlets collapsed into rumor parrots? Were it not for spellcheck, I wouldn’t have been surprised if a spelling error from the original made it to all the outlets. Would you?

More reading and clicking:

Saddam’s regime was in fact harboring Al Queda groups and leaders, meeting with Al Queda groups and leaders, and more.

Thomas Joseclyn fires the first shot at sinking the “no connections” lie that the Democratic Party has deliberately created and perpetuated for their political gains at national expense. Naysayers will point to the source as partisan, but the article cited gives plenty of quotes in proper context for one to form an unbiased opinion, and to see with clarity that the real misleading regarding the war in Iraq, hasn’t come from the Bush Administration’s 6months of pre-war rhetoric, but from the Democratic Party’s leaders and flag bearers over the past 66 months.

Trouble is with forums – is that info isn’t succinct.

I apologize if that wasn’t succinct enough for you. It’s an unfortunate circumstantial fact of life that becoming better informed sometimes requires some extensive reading, don’t you know?

Of course, if you want us to be really “succinct”, how about this:

There were ties between Saddam’s regime and the al Qaeda network.

Succinct enough for you?

Bush never said Saddam had a hand in orchestrating the events of 9/11, but there are connections between Saddam and al Qaeda.

Can you understand why the first half and the second half of that sentence, isn’t a contradiction? That they are two different arguments put forth, with the first one being a strawman?


I apologize if that wasn’t succinct enough for you. It’s an unfortunate circumstantial fact of life that becoming better informed sometimes requires some extensive reading, don’t you know?

The “blunder from down under” wants microwave education and knowledge.

After typing in saddam hussein al qaeda connection in the FA search function I found a wealth of info. Such as:

This by Scott, same as what Word posted, but always read the comments, there’s always more:

No Ties Between Saddam and Al Queda Network of Terrorist Groups

No Ties Between Saddam and Al Queda Network of Terrorist Groups

This by ChrisG, might be a bit too much info for Gaff to take in in one sitting:

Why Iraq

Why Iraq?

Every time I go into the archives I wind up spending a lot of time, bookmark a lot of stuff to return to and always, always find things I’ve never seen before such as the following from one of Curt’s past posts:

Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, a 37 year old Iraqi citizen, was a greeter at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia in August 2000 (I know, sounds kinda like wal-mart but apparently greeters are quite common in Southeast Asia). How was he hired to be a greeter? Ahmed had told associates that he had been hired by contact’s in the Iraqi embassy. What’s unusual is that it was this contact, not his employer, who told him when and where to report to.

In late December of 1999 the CIA, NSA and The State Department all received intelligence that indicated there would be a Al-Qaeda meeting in Malaysia in early January of 2000. The NSA had intercepted communications from those tied to the 1998 Kenya/Tanzania embassy bombings. The information was incomplete but did contain the names of three people, Khalid, Nawaf, and Salem.

The CIA and Malaysian intelligence set up a joint operation to track the meeting. They got many photographs of the principals arriving. Principals such as Khalid al Mihdhar (A known al-Qaeda associate), Nawaf al Hazmi, Yazid Sufaat (another known al-Qaeda associate) and Ramzi bin al Shibh. An interesting note about Ramzi, he would later brag to be the “coordinator of the holy tuesday operation” (9/11).

Ahmed was told to work the day these guys showed up. After greeting these fine folks Ahmed didn’t go back to work but left with them to the meeting. The meeting ended on Jan 8th and Ahmed quit on the 10th.

The purpose of this meeting? The planning of attack on the USS Cole and 9/11. Malaysian and American intelligence bear this out. Don’t believe it? Then guess who was on flight 77 on 9/11? Nawaf al Hazmi, his brother Salem and Khalid al Mihdhar…that’s right, the same folks photographed upon their arrival for the above meeting.

On Sept 17th, 2001 authorities in Qatar arrested Ahmed and found a huge amount of information on high level terrorists with strong ties to al-Qaeda and indirect links to Iraq.

Among his contacts? Zahid Sheikh Mohammed, the brother of 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Musab Yasin, the brother of the 93 WTC bomber Abdul Rahman Yasin. Interestingly Musab was harbored by Iraq for a decade after the 93 bombing.

Want more? When he was arrested he had the telephone number for Mamdouh Mahmud Salim. The number was to the desk of Taba Investments, one of the best known front companies used by Osama Bin Laden.

So you have a known Iraqi citizen being paid by the Iraqi embassy in Kuala Lumpur, attending a meeting by known al-Qaeda members, some of whom later turn up on one of the planes on 9/11. After 9/11 he is arrested and found to have information on some high level al-Qaeda contacts who have direct links with Iraq. Add all this up and what does it tell ya? Maybe Iraq had links with al-Qaeda after all.

The Truth On The Iraq/al-Qaeda Connections

All the above is not even a drop in the bucket when considering all the work and research the FA team has done about Iraq, every one of the writers on this blog has contributed a wealth of accurate, well studied information. We can’t even say they forget more than we will ever know, because they don’t forget, ever. It’s extremely foolish to go up against them.