Liberal Dems are refusing to accept the “Blue Dog” compromise!
Next time President Obama blames Republican for bucking health care “reform” we can all get a good laugh. Dems are so split on the issue that it seems unlikely that any compromise will hold up. For everyone who rejects massive government intrusion into the health care of every American that’s good news!
Liberals gag over health deal
7/29/09House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spent half of Wednesday finalizing a deal with the Blue Dogs — and the other half quelling a brewing rebellion among progressives who think conservatives have hijacked health care reform.
Liberals, Hispanics and African-American members — Pelosi’s most loyal base of support — are feeling betrayed after House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) reached an agreement with four of seven Blue Dogs on his committee who had been bottling up the bill over concerns about cost.
The compromise, which still must be reconciled with competing House and Senate versions, would significantly weaken the public option favored by liberals by delinking reimbursement rates to Medicare.
“Waxman made a deal that is unacceptable,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), one of about 10 progressives who met repeatedly with Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Wednesday.
“We signed a pledge to reject any plan that doesn’t include a robust public option, and this plan doesn’t have a robust public option,” he added.
By sundown Wednesday, the outcry from the left had become so loud that Waxman was forced to scrap a scheduled markup of the compromise measure. He rescheduled the meeting for Thursday morning and convened a mass question-and-answer session for a deeply divided Democratic Caucus — a meeting that is expected to be extremely contentious.
Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall of that meeting?
Dems are damned if they do compromise and damned if they don’t. In short, they’re DAMNED!
With the far left it is their way or the highway. There is no compromise amongst Statists unless they threaten the conservative Dems with ‘digging up stuff’ to harm their reputations if they don’t fall in line. I see the blue dogs giving in eventually.
What amazes me is how Republicans always bend over backwards to ‘reach across the isle’ when we are in control and we compromised some great ideas.
Now the Statists won’t let conservatives sit at the table for ANY THING and especially their Marxist ideas like this health care bill.
I really hope when we slam them in 2010 and hopefully in 2012 we will be more concerned with doing what is right for our country instead of making ‘reaching across the isle’ a priority. There is no way to reach across the isle with Marxists and if we do that means we will have to abandon great ideas totally. There is no compromising with the left.
The Obamacare policy is, take two cyanide calsules and call me in the morning.
Frankly, the mistake that Team Obama made these last few weeks is to focus the public’s attention on his healthcare package. They were perfectly content in their “ignorant bliss” up till then, and he had to go and get their attention. When you’re messing with somebody’s personal business, it’s best not to tell them about it.
Reminds me of the Rumsfeld attributed (actually Jed Babbin) quote … “going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion“. Obama should leave the accordion at home.
The new meaning of “bipartisan” is the left and right wings of the Democratic party.
Cut pay to doctors?
Restrict their ability to order tests and restrict their ability to protect themselves?
No tort reform?
Gifts to trial lawyers?
Democrats SUCK
Lobbyist: Sneak trial-lawyer tax break through Congress
@drjohn: You notice that Dems absolutely REFUSE to even consider tort reform that would be one of the biggest steps government could easily take to reduce the cost of medical care.
The doctors are going to have to get smart and start doing more to represent themselves and lay out some campaign contributions to get these Dems defeated.
I always find it interesting that opponents to health care reform argue that it will be the “death to all of us” or “it will restrict our choices” or “medical decisions will be made by bureaucrats”.
It is the current unregulated capitalistic private insurance companies who are actually fulfilling their worst nightmare right now. “Death to us all” – private insurance companies are literally killing patients right now by denying lifesaving care like in the case of Cigna’s denial of Natalie Sarkisyan’s care.
“It will restrict our choices” which is exactly what our private insurers are doing. I have private coverage myself as a medical professional through my hospital who employs me. I’m restricted to a list of doctors I can see and also to only 4 hospitals in the local Tampa Bay area and if I seek medical care outside of this my insurer will put a majority of the financial cost on me so if I want somewhat affordable medical care I’m forced into their restrictive measures.
“Medical decisions will be made by bureaucrats” – in the private insurance market medical decisions aren’t made by myself or my doctor but rather by bureaucrats (executives and internal business analysts) from my private insurers when they decide what is covered and what is not.
Healthcare reform would put a stop to all this and I’ve actually researched for hours on what the best way to achieve this is. Here’s my solutions –