BREAKING NEWS!! Shocking Proof that Obama Was Not Born in Hawaii.

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Are you ready for President Slo-Joe Biden?

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Blogger Robb Allen has found incontrovertible proof that President Obama was not born in Hawaii and is thus unqualified to serve as President of the United States.

Here’s the shocking evidence:

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It’s a joke people!

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OK OK OK ….!!!

Actually, who _would_ be president? I’m not sure Biden would be – you vote for a ticket, not for the individual, don’t you? If Obama was ineligible, wouldn’t the whole Democrat ticket be invalid? (Of course, I _have_ seen it postulated that the primary reason that Biden was nominated as VP was to serve as insurance for Obama…!)

On the real side, here’s a very good article on the different types of Hawaiian birth certificate at the time of Obama’s birth, and why they allow the question of eligibility to arise:

OMG! President Pelosi? I’ll be back, gotta pack. I’m moving to Mexico.

I’m not a fan of Obama and would love to find that his eligibility of office is in jeopardy. However, this purported fax proves nothing. It could have been typed on any computer, printed then faxed, and scanned. As this page does not have any date/time info of the fax nor is it signed by the official who supposedly typed it. So until those items are available I would have to call this fake.

When did Senator Kennedy win passage of the bill that established the HMO’s?

It was 1973…….
“in 1973 when President Nixon signed the HMO Act”

No wonder he can’t remember what happened on his shift over a decade ago, and HMO’s didn’t even exist then.

@ mooseburger
Wrong answer Moose, thanks for playing.

In 1958, Kaiser added Hawaii to its original three regions in Northern California, Southern California, and Oregon.


The conspiracy is aaaliiive.

So until those items are available I would have to call this fake.

zomg, you’re being serious, aren’t you?

How old were you in ’04, out of curiosity?

Tam… I’m flabbergasted. I am still floored that BOTH sides think my little joke was meant to be real.

It’s like the Dan Rather incident never even happened…

@ Robb Allen
I thought it was hil-air-ious. I’m just shocked it hasn’t showed up on Lou Dobbs yet.

Anyone born in Hawaii should be a British subject – just look at their flag. Except you can keep Keanu Reeves;)

Ha! Calling Little Green Footballs!

As soon as I started reading it I thought of Dan Rather and the Bush military memo that he tried to foist upon us. LOL….

@ Robb Allen

Dan who?

I keed! I keed!

But seriously, I’m one of the folks who think there’s something going on and recognizes some pretty significant inconsistencies… but I haven’t drawn any conclusion one way or another …other than that I think it’s clear the President is hiding something… because that would be foolhardy at this point. The problem is of course that people like me who have questions are drowned out by the louder voices.

I mean I can’t even ask a question or point out an inconsistency in the most measured tone possible without being labeled a birther (which isn’t true) on par with flat earthers and 9/11 truthers…which I find extremely offensive.

I wish there were a way to ask my questions without it devolving into…well, what it always devolves into. I’m pretty sure some of my questions are answerable…as in there’s documentation to resolve the question conclusively one way or another…but again…how can we get there when the people who do that kind of research is so turned off on the issue thanks to the kooks?

At any rate…I loved your joke. I don’t understand how people didn’t recognize it immediately for what it was representing. Did they sleep through the whole kerfuffle in 2004??

Mary Beth,

My personal feelings are that there is an inconsistency on his BC that might be embarrassing for Mr. Hope Incarnate. Possibly his father didn’t sign it, or his religion is listed as Pastafarian or something. I do not doubt his citizenship.

The other feeling is that he is in an elected position, the highest position we have. He has NO expectation of privacy. I think he should be required to cough up the certificate.

My biggest problem with the whole kerfuffle is that none of it really matters. The ROI on the effort to get him to produce it simply isn’t there. The media will cover for him, and by the time you could do anything about it it’ll be 2012. My suggestion is to work hard to put opposition into Congress for 2010 so that he can’t just breeze through then put someone worth a damn against him in 2012.

Final thought – If there was even the slightest chance that his citizenship was in question, do you not think Hillary Clinton and her millions of dollars wouldn’t have ferreted that out?

The birther movement won’t get the support of House Republican leader John Boehner, R-Ohio.

“Birthers” are critics of President Obama who suspect that he was born overseas, like in Kenya, home of his father. Obama has said he was born in Hawaii. The question is blazing on blogs and talk radio because the president’s original birth certificate hasn’t been produced, though Hawaii officials confirm it exists.

The distinction is important because Article II of the Constitution requires a president to be born in the United States (and be at least 35 years old).

Meeting with reporters Wednesday, Boehner was asked if he planned to make an issue of Obama’s birthplace.

“No,” the laconic Ohioan replied.

Did he have any reason to believe that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii?

“No,” Boehner answered.

This was clearly a topic the congressman didn’t want to dwell on.

Obama promised openness:

Obama Promised Openness, But Still Keeping Secrets:

Then …

Hawaii: Obama birth certificate is real:

If so, then show it! Obama has a very odd an perverted idea of what openness is. Obama is exceedingly hostile when it comes to being honest; he will smile all the while he’s telling lies and more damned lies.

No wonder polls show that Obama is falling in popularity: Only a LESS THAN 30% strongly approve rating.

But the real horror is this:

Radio talkers canned for Farah interview
Obama eligibility issue does in Louisiana co-hosts

Don’t the Obamaites who intimidate others realize that this is a democracy. If they want to differ in opinion they can call in to the talk shows and air their feelings. But in reality it is those Obama minions that Conservatives, and decent people everywhere, must fight. And, remember that it is, after all, the Obama lies, obfuscations, and non-openness that are causing uncertainty about his qualifications.

I thought we were in the United States, but it seems that even the FEAR of Obama and his minions is enough to induce some through scare and intimidation tactics as in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez, an avowed SOCIALIST-COMMUNIST!

Obama, show American your real CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH and make all of your school and relevant personal records public. Better yet, DOWN WITH OBAMA. DOWN AND OUT WITH OBAMA!

OK, OK it took me a minute, but the “sugar coat” language rang a bell. Clever idea. Somehow I DON’T think the media will react quite the same way with THIS president. Just a guess of course.

I knew it was a joke from the start. Obama wasn’t born, he was found under a rock.

gaffa sez… “… Except you can keep Keanu Reeves…

Sorry Gaff… he legally belongs to Lebanon via fluke in time of birth. Mom is English. Dad is an American of Hawaiian and Chinese descent. Mom, in the film biz, happened to be working in Beirut when she met the Dad, who abandoned them after three years.

However, he’s an extraordinary talent, and I.. personally… will be happy to “keep him”.