The 9-11 call has come out in the Gates incident and it vindicates the caller.
DISPATCH: What’s the exact location of your emergency?
911 CALLER: I’m calling from Ware Street in Cambridge. The house number is 17.
DISPATCH: What’s the address again?
911 CALLER: Sorry, it’s 7 Ware that’s W-A-R-E Street.
DISPATCH: The residency is 7 Ware Street, right?
911 CALLER: No, it’s 17. I’m sorry. There’s a woman who’s talking next to me but it’s 17. 1-7 Ware Street.
DISPATCH: What’s the phone number you’re calling me from?
911 CALLER: I’m calling you from my cell phone number.
DISPATCH: Tell me exactly what happened.
911 CALLER: I don’t know what’s happening I just had an older woman standing here and she had noticed two gentlemen trying to get in a house at that number 17 Ware Street. And they kind of had to barge in and they broke the screen door and they finally got in. And I went over to have a look and I got closer to the house a little bit after the gentlemen were already in the house. I noticed two suitcases. I don’t know if these are the two individuals that actually work there, I mean, who live there.
DISPATCH: You think they might have been breaking in?
911 CALLER: I don’t know because… I have no idea.
DISPATCH: You think that possibility might have been that? What do you mean barged in? Did they kick the door in?
911 CALLER: No, they were pushing the door in like… um… like the screen part of the front door…
DISPATCH: (indiscernible)
911 CALLER: I didn’t see the key or anything I was a little bit away from the door but I did notice that they…
DISPATCH: What do the suitcases have to do with anything?
911 CALLER: I don’t know, I’m just saying that’s what I saw.
DISPATCH: Is it an apartment they broke into?
911 CALLER: No, just the first floor. I don’t even think it’s an apartment. It’s 17 Ware Street. It’s a house. It’s a yellow house. Number 17. I don’t know if they live there and just had a hard time with their key. I noticed that they kind of used their shoulder to try to barge in and they got in. I don’t know if they had a key or not because I couldn’t see from my angle. But, you know, when I looked a little closely that’s what I…
DISPATCH: Are they Hispanic? Are they still in the house?
911 CALLER: They’re still in the house I believe, yeah.
DISPATCH: Are they white, black or Hispanic?
911 CALLER: Um, well, they were two larger men. One looked kind of Hispanic but I’m not really sure. And they other one entered and I didn’t see what he looked like at all. I just saw it from a distance and this older woman was worried thinking someone’s breaking in someone’s house and barging in and I… she interrupted me and that’s when I had noticed, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have noticed it at all, to be honest with you. So I was just calling because she was a concerned neighbor, I guess.
DISPATCH: Okay. Are you standing outside?
911 CALLER: I’m standing outside, yeah.
DISPATCH: Police are on their way. You can meet them when you get there. What’s your name?
911 CALLER: Yeah, my name is (says name).
DISPATCH: Alright they’re on their way.
911 CALLER: Alright, I guess I’ll wait. Thanks.
Glad to hear she is vindicated but she still has had to retain a lawyer. That in itself will give a good example to people….don’t get involved. People breaking into a house? Let em’ do it…ain’t worth the grief.
Then the dispatch traffic, some of it anyways, has been released:
You can hear Crowley calmly say the man in the house is being uncooperative and that he states he lives at the location.

See author page
Is that ALL the tapes they have to release?
I just want to know how this is helping my kids?
OH OH!…us-charity.html
“That was NOT the Henry Gates I knew.” — Barack HUSSEIN O’Blunder (stock excuse #3542a)
“My support for him was a real boneheaded move.” (stock excuse #25)
See also here,…
… and be sure to watch the Chris Rock video on how to NOT get your *** kicked by the police.
“Whalen — who has not spoken publicly — said she only saw the backs of the two men and did not know their race when she made the call. Murphy said Whalen, who works nearby, called because she had been aware of recent break-ins in the area and wanted to correct “misinformation” suggesting that she placed the call because the men on the porch were black.
My Response:
Publication of Ms. Whalen’s name plus the already-known address of Prof Gates has made her and her home obvious targets for the expression of Black resentment in the Boston/Cambridge area, of which there is no shortage. Her susequent denials of mentions of race during her call to 911were simply post hoc efforts on her part to avoid such expression. She may have proceeded from the frying pan into the fire, however, by “[speculating] that one of the men — who turned out to be Gates and a black car service driver — may have been Hispanic.”
“Contrary to published reports that a ‘white woman’ called 911 and reported seeing ‘two black men’ trying to gain entry into Mr. Gates home, the woman, who has olive colored skin and is of Portuguese descent, told the 911 operator that she observed ‘two men’ at the home,” Murphy’s statement read.
“It was very clear that she wasn’t sure what the men’s race was,” Haas said in an interview with The Boston Globe Sunday night.Haas said Whalen, after questioning by the dispatcher during the 911 call, speculated that one of the men — who turned out to be Gates and a black car service driver — may have been Hispanic.
My Response:
I fail to see the influence of Ms. Whalen’s Portugese ethnicity and “olive colored skin” on the establishment of truth. Unless, of course, “white women” are thereby left untouched by the sword of racial bias.
Anyone interested in breaking into Henry Gates residence need not worry about being caught. Ain’t no one gonna be fool enough to report it.
Help me out on this one. The Cambridge City Mgr. and Mayor are forming a committee to study this incident for the purpose of enriching the community of Cambridge so as to make it a better place for all. Wonderful. My only question is will they also be reviewing the teachings of Gates. Will any of his racist remarks see the light of day?
One other thing how about they release all of the radio traffic relating to this call. Is it possible that Gates rantings may show that he may not be the intelectual scholar he purports to be?
@yonason: Yep, I hear Gates is now at his house on Martha’s Vineyard. Note to the guys who broke in previously: The coast is clear.
Yes, indeedy. I hope the Cambridge Mayor will ask Harvard why they are supporting a Race Baiting Business with Gates as its COO. He and his friend 0fraud0 are real throw backs. You sure wouldn’t know that we’ve had 40 years of civil rights legislation and affirmative action by listening to these two racists. And what hypocrisy, considering the positions affirmative action provided them.
I’m really baffled that the neighbors didn’t know that such a “well-heeled” individual as Harvard Professor Gates lived in the house in their neighborhood.
I suggest that Prof. Gates work on his “community outreach” to his neighbors of all colors.
Crowley’s report says he talked to a white woman (later identified as Whalen) outside the Gates’ residence and she told him she saw two black men. Whalen’s attorney says Whalen never talked to Crowley- never. Either Whalen or Crowley is lying, or else Crowley talked to the elderly neighbor who initially asked Whalen to call the cops and Crowley just assumed she was Whalen. So far, not too good for Crowley.
I think that policeman was lured in by Prof. Gates to raise a racial tension at the White House. What a coincidence that President Obama knows him, and I bet Michelle Obama knows him from her years at Harvard. It is Prof. Gates that used race against the Policeman not the other way around. A small distraction that President Obama needed against his health care reform that probably will have hard time before it passes, and that even if it does.
It looks like Obama needs to add a few new wings to that skeleton closet of his.
For those who refuse to belive gates is racist or a race pimp, I say look at this.
“Racist White Institutions” by Henry Gates.
But wait, there’s more!
“Meet the man at center of Obama’s race controversy
Gates immortalized communist, linked to radical black activists”
It is Harvard university that is racist . The street that Prof. Gates lives on is now mostly section 8 city owned units that Harvard U. sold to the city of Cambridge under duress due to pressure from “affordable housing’ groups. There are approximately 30+ units with many teenage gang-banger types who are related to or are residents across the street from Prof. Gates’ home. It is a “black” block ant the University is all too aware that there have been multiple arrests and incidents involving residents and their guests in the 16-26 Ware street locale. They put gates there on purpose instead of a white or Asian Prof. and their families. Furthermore it should be noted that President Obama more than likely at Professor Gates urging reached out to Ms. sweet to “ask” the President what he “thought” about the incident. It was an obviously White House planted question Planned out beforehand by Obama. Gates. and most probably Ma.Gov. Patrick Duval. It is what I call a “spirit trap”, A question planted to suck the spirit out of the intended subject of the press conference- govt. run health care. It was a diversionary tactic to avoid admitting the looming failure of the entire plan in question. For Obama and co. the cure was worse than the poison! Will any “news reporter” have the courage to ask if the question posed by Ms. Sweet was discussed beforehand with the White House/ Pres. Obama and Prof. gates & Ms, Sweet? I do not think so!
@blogforce one:
Could be…
O’Bluster may have been prepped for the question…
And it looks like Sweet may have been in cahoots…
Regardless, they are all a waste of time, foolish at best, maliciously deceitful at worst.
The only person who did racial profiling in this whole thing – was the old lady who called 911.
Apparently, to her, when black people are seemingly breaking into a home in broad day-light – it MUST NOT be their own home.
Why do we give agency to people who call 911. Her observation was biased and ultimately incorrect. Yet the framework of confusion thereafter was set and spiraled out of control enough to provide the illusion that either Skip Gates or Sergeant Crowley were at fault.
Crowley did his job. Gates had a right to complain. It was the old lady who we are forgetting who made all of this mess happen. Read this:
You obviously haven’t listened to the 911 tape………race was NEVER mentioned.
You and Obama should know some of the facts before you shoot yourself in the mouth.
Too busy to bother getting the facts, I see. I also see that your ignorance of the facts doesn’t stop you from forming an uninformed opinion.
“As you can decipher from the audiotape the woman who called Cambridge Police NEVER referred to intruders as black.”
But now that you know better, you won’t be making such a fool of yourself again, …right?
Hey, Mike, here’s an embed for you…
Daniel, you are sooo right. Last time I heard, no one breaks into a house in broad day-light. It especially doesn’t mean anything when they are forcing entry. Everything could have been easily resolved if it was legit.
I have had to break into my own house several times. If the cops showed up, I would be grateful that my neighbors were watching over me. But obviously its racial profiling and nothing more. I agree, lets blame the old lady. I.E. Obama was wrong with his statement, so ‘we concede, everyone did what they were supposed to, it was really the old lady’s fault’. That is always the lefts way of saying ‘you’re right’… Concede to a draw and blame a third party.
You should take the few seconds to actually listen to the tape which is posted here for your convenience, with a transcript. The woman who called is clearly neither old nor aware of race.
While Gates may have legitimate feelings about racial profiling in general (I see it all the time), if it he had not been the one breaking into his property, he would not have cared about the color of the intruders skin and would have been grateful for Crowley’s response.
Obama put his foot in his mouth, and admitted as such. Hey, they all get a beer out of it – except for the concerned citizen who totally did the right thing.