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Obama and the Media need to ride with police officers on the night shift sometime and see what the police have to put up with.

I;ve been one for 35 years and when you are alone on a burglary call the hair still goes up on the back of my neck when arriving on the scene.

And any reasonable person, after forcing their way into a house, wouldn’t be surprised that neighbors may have called in a burglary call. Any reasonable person would of cooperated with the police knowing the possibility existed.

The possibility:


While there has been no discernible spike in reported house-breaks throughout the city of Cambridge, the area surrounding Gates’ home did see an increase in burglaries this year.

Gates lives on Ware Street on the border of the “mid-Cambridge” and “Riverside” police districts.

Read: Cambridge Crime Report (.pdf)

According to Cambridge police, at least nine similar weekday break-ins were reported in this border neighborhood in the first quarter of 2009.

Police say most of these were in the daytime and the robbers got in by prying open front doors.

It looks like some are taking it out on Gates’ neighbor for being racist:

It seems that a neighbor saw Gates and his driver attempting to unjam the door of his home and decided to call the cops. Two Black men, one of whom was a middle-aged guy in a sweater and using a cane must have looked like a burglars to Lucia Whalen, a Harvard fundraiser and the neighbor who reported this “burglary-in-progress.” There is little doubt in my mind that Professor Gates was wrongfully arrested. I believe that the Cambridge police acted too swiftly based simply on Whalen’s highly questionable account.

Many in the blogosphere have opined that Gates was racially profiled. The most disturbing part of this, and it is something that we all have to deal with as people of African descent, is that profiling by civilians like Whalen can result in such dire consequences. When Whalen reported Gates and his driver (he was returning from a trip abroad), she did not see her neighbor and a companion. In her mind, Gates and the driver were just a pair of suspicious Black males.

In the coming weeks, much of this troubling incident will focus on the interaction between Gates and the Cambridge police officers who entered his home. I believe that the media would be remiss not to focus at least some of their attention on Lucia Whalen, the woman who initially called 911. Her racism was the catalyst that put all of these other events in motion.

Word, that is a dispicible article. Attack the person who dared to report them. Why SHE must be a racist too! The goal is to silence/punish her. Writers like that have no idea how racist they are. I’ve had liberals tell me to my face that minorities can’t be racist since they have no power and racism is about power. It reminded me of blasted’s attack on me in another thread.

Curt, I’d also like to point out the “flying Imams” tried this tactic when they attempted to sue the people who reported them. It’s not about racism or bigotry. It’s about using the race card to crush/intimidate possible reporters and gain more power for themselves.

Looks like Gates took lessons from Obama’s White House Chief on how to set up charities.
Liars , cheats and thieves the whole damned bunch. Another thing Obama better watch out who he is calling stupid, if it wasn’t for stupid people he wouldn’t be president

Daily Kos:

We now know that the woman who made the call is Lucia Whalen, a fundraiser for Harvard Magazine. The fact that this woman might not recognize her neighbor and colleague is slightly troubling at best, and she made a mistake that was almost certainly based on her own prejudices.

Yeah, imagine that: a white woman trying to help her black neighbor’s home from being robbed. What a bigot!

Anyone know exactly where her house is located in relation to Gates’ house?

From a distance, it’s possible all she could make out are the backs of two men fidgeting with a door. What could be immediate, noticeable, identifiable traits? Skin color. Gender. Clothing.

And leave it to race profiteer Al Sharpton to weigh in with his golden nuggets:

“This arrest is indicative of at best police abuse of power or at worst the highest example of racial profiling I have seen,” Sharpton said. “I have heard of driving while black and even shopping while black but now even going to your own home while black is a new low in police community affairs.”

THis absolutely hits the mark: ” This is nostalgia for racism and our president probably suffers from it as well. “

Obama has been playing that race card his entire life.

And as for Gate’s “charity” I wonder if we will find it’s the same sort of shake down scheme which keeps Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and ACORN in clover?

These grievance mongers and race baiters are all the same. They’re like trained seals which learned that all they have to do is bark to have the trainer toss them a fish.

@Wordsmith: Al Sharpton knows a thing or two about racial profiling. It was his gang in New York that fanned the flames of the Twanna Brawley hoax where a white police officer was wrongfully accused of abucting and abusing Twanna who was actually just out having a good time with her boyfriend and didn’t want to catch hell from her mother for being a hoe.

I am a Black American in America and Gates, Obama, Sharpton and the other race-baiters do not speak for me. I’m 70 years old and I have met, seen and befriended all kinds of people. I don’t hate anyone and I don’t have a ‘we wuz slaves’ chip on my shoulder. I have had contact with both white and black police officers through traffic encounters and friendships. I don’t generalize about any group of people but I would hope that when your posters are expressing their amazement at the stupidity of Misters Gates and Obama that they don’t include me in whatever generalizations leap to their minds.


We have the 37th worst quality of healthcare in the developed world. Conservative estimates are that over 120,000 of you dies each year in America from treatable illness that people in other developed countries don’t die from. Rich, middle class, and poor a like. Insured and uninsured. Men, women, children, and babies. This is what being 37th in quality of healthcare means.

I know that many of you are angry and frustrated that REPUBLICANS! In congress are dragging their feet and trying to block TRUE healthcare reform. What republicans want is just a taxpayer bailout of the DISGRACEFUL GREED DRIVEN PRIVATE FOR PROFIT health insurance industry, and the DISGRACEFUL GREED DRIVEN PRIVATE FOR PROFIT healthcare industry. An insurance bailout is all you really get without a robust government-run public option available on day one.

These industries have been slaughtering you and your loved ones like cattle for decades for profit. Including members of congress and their families. These REPUBLICANS are FOOLS!

Republicans and their traitorous allies have been trying to make it look like it’s President Obama’s fault for the delays, and foot dragging. But I think you all know better than that. President Obama inherited one of the worst government catastrophes in American history from these REPUBLICANS! And President Obama has done a brilliant job of turning things around, and working his heart out for all of us.

But Republicans think you are just a bunch of stupid, idiot, cash cows with short memories. Just like they did under the Bush administration when they helped Bush and Cheney rape America and the rest of the World.

But you don’t have to put up with that. And this is what you can do. The Republicans below will be up for reelection on November 2, 2010. Just a little over 13 months from now. And many of you will be able to vote early. So pick some names and tell their voters that their representatives (by name) are obstructing TRUE healthcare reform. And are sellouts to the insurance and medical lobbyist.

Ask them to contact their representatives and tell them that they are going to work to throw them out of office on November 2, 2010, if not before by impeachment, or recall elections. Doing this will give you something more to do to make things better in America. And it will help you feel better too.

There are many resources on the internet that can help you find people to call and contact. For example, many social networking sites can be searched by state, city, or University. Be inventive and creative. I can think of many ways to do this. But be nice. These are your neighbors. And most will want to help.

I know there are a few democrats that have been trying to obstruct TRUE healthcare reform too. But the main problem is the Bush Republicans. Removing them is the best thing tactically to do. On the other hand. If you can easily replace a democrat obstructionist with a supportive democrat, DO IT!

You have been AMAZING!!! my people. Don’t loose heart. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy saving the World. 🙂

God Bless You

jacksmith — Working Class

Republican Senators up for re-election in 2010.

* Richard Shelby of Alabama
* Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
* John McCain of Arizona
* Mel Martinez of Florida
* Johnny Isakson of Georgia
* Mike Crapo of Idaho
* Chuck Grassley of Iowa
* Sam Brownback of Kansas
* Jim Bunning of Kentucky
* David Vitter of Louisiana
* Kit Bond of Missouri
* Judd Gregg of New Hampshire
* Richard Burr of North Carolina
* George Voinovich of Ohio
* Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
* Jim DeMint of South Carolina
* John Thune of South Dakota
* Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas
* Bob Bennett of Utah

Let me be clear….

Wordsmith in no way, shape, or form, bears any relation to “jacksmith”. I am more related to David Adams.

I would hope that when your posters are expressing their amazement at the stupidity of Misters Gates and Obama that they don’t include me in whatever generalizations leap to their minds.

David, you can be assured that those of us under 40 years of age will not do that because we are, by and large, not bigots. This is because we have been steeped in a curriculum and popular culture of disgust for prejudice and stereotyping our entire lives.

This is probably one reason why Gates’, Sharpton’s, and Jackson’s stereotyping of a white police officer who was investigating a suspected crime in progress so amazes us with its stupidity and is so offensive to us.

@jacksmith: Show me. Prove something other than that you can spew a bunch of numbers and drivel. Then tell me why it is my responsibility to provide health care to anyone besides myself and my family.

120,000? If that number meant anything at all, it would be less than .04% of the population. That many people probably die because they are too lazy or stubborn to go to a doctor. In fact, doctors kill more people than that out of negligence.

Friggin’ Elsworth Toohey himself has come to FA for a visit.

you sound like a “seminar” blogger…drop in rhetoric that sounds more like a rant on an unrelated topic. But then that is what seminar bloggers do. Strangely — similarly worded rants (coincidence?) are all over the place…

If you were really educated on the topic, well-read, you would be aware that Democrats are fighting Democrats (at this point in time) on this legislation — problem seems to be what is being said publicly does not match what is in the proposed blank check bill — both the House and Senate Version. Shame on the press for not exposing…but really go ahead and pass the bill — you have the votes! (Maybe Al Franken can come out and reminisce about some medical tv show to make everyone all warm and fuzzy about this Democratic proposal)

However, why the fuss — iWon has enough votes to pass the bill without any Republicans?
So, save your seminar blogger time and ask Ms Pelosi, Mr Reid, Mr Emanuel, Mr Obama why don’t they just go ahead and vote on the blank-check health care bill? GO AHEAD….THERE ARE ENOUGH DEMOCRATIC VOTES IN BOTH HOUSES TO PASS THIS THING.

I would give links here to the Patients’ Choice Proposal (by Republicans Congressional Members), Dr Gray’s Patient First Proposal, Newt Gingrich proposal, Heritage’s Proposal…but you are too busy dropping in these talking points all over the net…

Hey, did I remember to say — GO AHEAD AND HAVE THE DEMS VOTE ON IT — What are you waiting for??? Looking for cover cause you know what is really in this “health reform” proposal?

Very well said. Obama said Republicans are holding the passage of bill up, what hog wash, the Democraps don’t need one single R. vote, utter rubbish.

Maybe Prof. Gates keeps his ‘spare cash’ in the same place as Congressman William ‘cold cash’ Jefferson and Gates got himself all bent out of shape when a cop showed up.

WORDSMITH, would make for one of the worst neighbors imaginable! He either would not make the call or would be so obtuse when and if he did call that the cops wouldn’t come anyway. Years ago in Miami when I was a single airline pilot I asked my neighbor to watch my house while I was away on long flights. I got home a day early due to a reroute and climbed into my bed at about 11:30 pm. I have always been armed and had a pistol in my bedside table. I also had a combinatio lock on my front door that I had given to my neighbor just in case. All of a sudden my bedroom door flew open and two “White” guys in cutoff sweat shirts, beards and bandanas around their heads burst in weilding a Glock and a pump shotgun. Being half awake I started to roll towards my side table but was stopped by a loud “Cops, freeze now”! I did and realized that they both had their shields around their necks on chains. Needless to say I was pissed and terrified. I could have shot one of them or been killed by them. I got out of bed and apologised about being home early but it never crossed my mind to curse them or belittle their mothers. It turned out they were undercover cops who happened to be near by when the call went out and they offered to respond. Think about Gates in the same situation. And no, I didn’t accuse my neighbor of being anything but a good neighbor.


Hey Jack,

I really do hope that you will swing back by to try and back up some of the spatter that you left us with earlier.

Thirty seventh in health care?

Really? That’s laughable.

What standard was that ranking supposedly based on jack?

I’ll bet you don’t know.

As others have said here, the Republicans don’t have any power to stop this legislation.

The success, or failure, of getting this legislation written and passed by the two chambers of Congress and then to the desk of the president lies completely with the Dims.

Of course, you didn’t know that either did you jack?

The remainder of your breathless blather and spittle flecked spew isn’t even worthy of my time.

You claim that Obama is doing a “brilliant job of turning things around”.

I find that to be more than a bit amusing because, in actuality, the bastard son of a Kenyan bigamist and an underage Kansan hippie that currently lives in the White House has succeeded at nothing beyond running the US economy right to the edge of an unrecoverable state.

One final note. The quote that you attribute to Thomas Paine was never said or written by him.

I went through your whole post.

Turns out you don’t know jack.

One final note for jack in the box:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

See the pretty red line?

See the pretty green line?

See how the red line is higher than the green line?

Yeah. That’s a problem for O-Bum-Looker.

Apparently Lucia Whalen isn’t a neighbor.

Check out other stuff at The Root. (Hat tip: Amy Proctor).


WORDSMITH, would make for one of the worst neighbors imaginable! He either would not make the call or would be so obtuse when and if he did call that the cops wouldn’t come anyway.

Christ…my reputation’s being mugged in broad daylight, and not a single FA soul rose to my defense while I was away?! What kind of clingin’ to guns ‘n religion community is this?!!!!! I smell racism!!

So – do feminists and domestic violence experts agree that if the man of the house shouts at the cops that everything is cool so get out, the cops should simply leave?

This is an odd comparison. For a start the implication is that the ‘man of the house’ shouts at the cops that everything is cool AFTER responsing to a domestic violence call then there is the possibility that the man may have attacked the wife/girlfriend – so the cops would need to check with the spouse and decide whether the man posed a physical threat to her. Whereas I deplore Gates actions throughout – he was not a physical threat to his wife. Was she even there? Gates was agitated by the cops presence after they responded to a legit concern that he house might be in the process of being burgled. Once they worked out that it was his house – then there was no need for them to arrest Gates – beyond the fact he must of pissed them off with his yelling – which would of stopped as soon as they had gone.


You are aware that “The Root” is owned and operated by Gates right?

It was also quite interesting to discover that he won’t hire anyone except blacks to work there.

I wonder if a white guy could get away with that.

I smell racism!!

No, that’s not racism.

That’s Gaffa’s feet. 🙂

I read Inspectorrudy’s comment and was trying to figure out how we would think that you would make a bad neighbor but I had no luck in connecting those dots.

Perhaps Clouseau will stop by to clarify his remark.


You want me to get him with my grandma paddle? It’s a ping pong paddle with a plump ruffled cushion on one side, doesn’t leave any tell tale marks.

Missy can be in my neighborhood watch program, anytime.

You are aware that “The Root” is owned and operated by Gates right?

Oh, yeah.

I read Inspectorrudy’s comment and was trying to figure out how we would think that you would make a bad neighbor but I had no luck in connecting those dots.

Maybe I confused him earlier with the links to Daily Kos and Black on Campus? I did warn about not thinking jacksmith and I were related, right?

@Aye Chihuahua: I forgot to check the index today. Thanks. I’ll have to updat the graphic which runs above all my comment pages at the home planet.

I wondered why all my moonbats have been rather quiet this week!

Maybe they just miss Wordsmith’s feedings.

Jacksmith obviously doesn’t know jack.

I would like to see an open investigation into the little race baiter Gates. He works at the university. Probably clears $ 200,000 + has speaking engagements. Heard he has a summer place in Martha’s Vineyard. Check out those “charities”. Not bad for someone who is discriminated against. I should be so lucky.

Heard he has a summer place in Martha’s Vineyard.


I am hearing that Mr. Gates is a highly educated man. I sure hope they release all of the radio traffic, not just the 911 call, so that we can hear for ourselves just how intelligent this man is.

More profiling here-Chicago Police dog Bear accused of racial profiling at, http://stopthepresses2.blogspot.com/search/label/Racial%20Profiling

jackspittle, you are an ignorant punk and need to shop elsewhere for a pat on the head. I can give you a virtual size nine boot to your ass though. Take two, because I am in a generous mood. I was out all night and most of today repairing a well pump out in the back 1680, a deep one in summer pasture.

On Gates, he is an arrogant self appointed spokesman for a minority that was never as ill treated as my ancestors that were driven from their land and holy lands by rifle, saber and artillery and they were Native Americans, born here lived free and signed over 140 Treaties that were broken, every f_cking one of them. Gates has profitted from the color of his skin. My ancestors were murdered and survivors werre placed on the worst of places and are still there in living conditions that are atrocious at best.

My Grand Dad, a Sioux, attended Carlysle and got an education, served as a ranch hand and bought land in Montana and gained respect from breaking horses and cowboying better than his peers. No Affirmative Action, just initiative, talent and tough determination and conservative values. My Dad was ranch raised and served 30 years in the Army, jumped into Normandy in France on D-Day and was OCS Commissioned and retired as a Colonel. I served 28 years and have three Wars under my belt and when intervieved for my first Security Clearance some stupid bastard with my file called me Chief. I told him “We are Done Here” and walked out. My clearance was granted. My performance made my career, not any racial quota. I retired as a Colonel and refused promotion to be a quota Star Officer. I am not the poster child for anyone.

Wordsmith, I can come to your defense but my neighbors are different than yours. Ranchers, living miles apart are deserving of action in their favor. I will drive 40 miles to come to their aid.

I am American, All American and do not differentiate. Professional Black Victims are despicable and disgusting. Gates can kiss my All American ass and the Kenyan Pretender can too.
The Kenyan has yet to visit an Indian Reservation. The Indian Health Services are underfunded and children there have gone without Vaccinations for decades. So get in my face on Health Care issues and get my size 9 boot to the head or your ass at my choice.

I contribute 10% of my profits on the ranch to Indian Charities run by Religious groups that live there and know the needs and meet them. So all you lomg suffering Ghetto Punks that were never Slaves need to STFU, All You race Baiters need to STFU. Obama Care? Hell, the IHA is Government administered and is horseshit. Off the soapbox now.

Gaffa, a tune for you. You know about Socialized Medicine.

Ms. Becky McCall, an old classmate of mine, 58 years young and lives 26 miles down the road is coming for dinner with her 82 year old Dad for dinner. He was a Normandy Glider Pilot and a pal of my deceased Dad. I will have steaks on the grill, old scotch on hand and cigars for the old guy. He flew on D-Day, Market Garden and has three purple hearts, two bronze stars and three air medals.

Gates has a charity that needs investigating, an attitude that needs adjusting and the value of an Ivy League Education is trash in my opinion. I was a Professional Soldier, Obama and Gates are Professional Race Baiters and Crooks.

Have a great weekend!

30 Old Trooper, well said.

I made this post on another thread but it is relevant here so pardon the repetition. I concur with the post above that Jacksmith doesn’t know jack. 37th?? The US has the highest survival rates of cancer, diabeties, heart issues. Our breast cancer and prostate cancer survival rates exceed all European countries. I haven’t noticed a flock of Americans taking off for Europe or elsewhere for their medical treatments (except for the quacks in Mexico) but there is a string of hundreds or thousands of clinics along the Canadian border where Canadians are the patients.

Anyway, enough of that, here is the post:

I think we will look back on this Gates episode as the pivot point in the defeat of what is now called Obamacare. It will serve to separate the far left democrats to whom the police are symbolic of the oppressive state from the moderate democrats who enjoy peace, quiet and safety in their neighborhoods. It will alert the independents once again to the mistake they made as they voted for change. It will solidify the Republicans and conservatives who do believe in law and order. Finally, it will give the conservative Democrats the cover they need to vote as their constituents want – against the monstrosity. Here, an ostensibly unrelated incident exposed even more the arrogance of the President and the extent that he is willing to overreach to achieve whatever is the objective de jour. The best indication of this change is the exuberance of the stock market that emerged as it became clearer that Obama was not going to ram his health care monstrosity down our throats. Funny how things work. He is getting tripped up on his attitude which, in turn, raises serious questions about his substance.


Buffalobob, thanks.

Is Lone Star still in the brewing business?

Just asking.

Obviously jacksmith doesn’t know jackshit. And……

It was General George S. Patton that uttered the phrase:

“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way”.

One of the few times that the General didn’t use a profanity to get his point across…..

@ Curt
Yup, that’s exactly right. Who in their right mind will now call the cops to check on a possible break in. And why would the cops even respond? It’s probably just some guy trying to get in their house. Who wants to be accused of racism when you can just go back to watching TV?

Writing that is fact based, relevant, author attributed, etc., regardless of viewpoint, is worthy of repetitive posting into any and all blog communities…

I critiqued Jacks—‘s “seminar blogger” post because it smacked of Dim talking points sent out
over the past four days and are being cut and pasted (in between the emotion-laid rants).

Within the last four days…I have received the following external communication — and therefore noticed same text/ word phrases lifted/infused into Jacks—‘s text/rants.
…I got a “update-on-Dims-making-health-care-reform-for-all” letter from my Dim
Congressman (one of Pelosi’s minions), extolling the virtues of this reform and
how good it will be for all Americans (can’t wait to attend one of his townhalls in Aug)
…Same phrases/text were in a Carville email that just went out —
…Echoed by Pelosi’s 2 emails this weekend
…and one from Axelrod yesterday…..
…and NOW similarly worded rants are appearing at various blog sites (and at usual leftwing
sights in frenetic repetition)
…All Dim communication ended urging all readers to get “the word” out….so I knew what
would be coming to try and persuade all of us — the Republicans are to blame for
…Unfortunately, Pelosi,et al, forgot to explain to their minions what a super majority means
plus having a Dim POTUS — ready to sign at some cleverly staged press-conference
setting — wonder if his handlers are planning a new grey-hair pattern for the event.
(Ever notice how the gray pattern changes — one of the first looked like FDR’s early
stages and the hair pattern on Wednesday looked very similar to Woodrow
Wilson’s gray hair appearance as shown in one portrait)

So, Jacks—, by all means tell your friends to go ahead and vote with the Dim super majorities — what are they waiting for??

@Old Trooper

Gaffa, a tune for you. You know about Socialized Medicine.

lol – What’s Sea of Heartbreak gotta do with Socialized medicine?


The lights in the harbor don’t shine for me
I’m like a lost ship adrift on the sea
[chorus:] SEA OF HEARTBREAK lost love and loneliness
mem’ries of your caress so divine, how I wish
you were mine again my dear; I’m on this sea of tears

Sea of heartbreak

Oh how did I lose you oh where did I fail
Why did you leave me always to sail

[bridge:] Oh what I’d give just to sail back to shore
back to your arms once more

Oh come to my rescue oh come here to me
Take me and keep me away from the sea


Howabout this for the song for the 46 million Americans who don’t have medical insurance?;)

btw. I noticed Mike didn’t tell you off for doing a tangent

Also up are home invasion robberies, whereby the perpetrators force open your doors. The police had no way of knowing what was going on. I’d say that Gates came out of it much luckier than he realizes. Had the police treated it as a possible home invasion, they would not have treated him so easily.