The NYTimes:
Top Bush administration officials in 2002 debated testing the Constitution by sending American troops into the suburbs of Buffalo to arrest a group of men suspected of plotting with Al Qaeda, according to former administration officials.
Ooooh…..they “debated“…in 2002….Scary, scary stuff.
Some of the advisers to President George W. Bush, including Vice President Dick Cheney, argued that a president had the power to use the military on domestic soil to sweep up the terrorism suspects, who came to be known as the Lackawanna Six, and declare them enemy combatants.
Mr. Bush ultimately decided against the proposal to use military force.
~~~~~~ Mr. Bush ended up ordering the F.B.I. to make the arrests in Lackawanna, near Buffalo, where the agency had been monitoring a group of Yemeni Americans with suspected Qaeda ties. The five men arrested there in September 2002, and a sixth arrested nearly simultaneously in Bahrain, pleaded guilty to terrorism-related charges.
Like the reportage of the CIA plan that never became operational (imagine…plotting to assassinate those trying to kill Americans- what was Darth Cheney thinking?!), what’s the purpose of the story, here?
Rabid Cheney Derangement Syndrome.
Other related news items of the week:
9/11 Commission Leaders Push for More Action on Security
US citizen captured in Pakistan gives window into Al Qaeda’s world (Also, a post at American Power)
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
“Thinking” in the White House, what a novel idea!
The New York Times has noticed that Obama, the object of their puppy love, has taken a dump in the polls. What is called for is a reminder of the bad old Bush/Cheney days, when we were a mean country that did mean things to inncoent victms, blah, blah blah.
This article could’ve been published at any time during the last 6-7 months. It’s coming out now to prop up St. Barry in his moment of need.
But they aren’t biased. Buwhahahahahahaha!
It’s disturbing how the MSM is the propaganda wing of the dems.
What’s worse is that I keep hearing people who fled communist countries saying this is what it was like there or how it started. My mother is one of those people.
The lefties in the “news” media are desperate to take focus off the failure of Obie “I won”.
You can always tell when Team Obama thinks they are headed for a screw up …
The media leads the news with “The Bush Administration …..” 🙂
The comments here have nailed it. Bush is the deck full of get out of trouble cards for Obama. I think that is what the investigation of the CIA is all about. We haven’t seen the last of this tactic.
Personally, I look forward to hearing about the inside story of Obama on Israel, Honduras, ACORN, HUD, the Stim-u-louse, trial lawyers.
Maybe they’ll be so sleazy that Carville’s wife will let it out.