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We had an honorable man in charge, a man who saw the big picture and cared about America. A man who respected our armed forces and who fought to right injustice in a very personal way. A man who wasn’t afraid to believe in God and believe in our country. A man who tried very hard to do what he thought was right. A man who put country first and really meant the buck stops here. Our liberal contingent treated him like dirt, like an enemy and betrayed our country by undermining him and supporting Anti American forces. He never lowered himself to personal attacks or petty politics. He healed the dishonor Clinton brought to the presidency and showed us courage, conviction and compassion.

His chief mistakes were in trying to meet the otherside halfway and allowing too much Government spending. I only hope we can find another President with the integrity and determination to protect our country that George Bush showed at home and abroad.

We don’t have a a President now, we have a matinee idol. He is full of hatred toward our country and is bowing and scraping to our enemies to ingratiate himself. The fascists and dictators are the ones he has always admired. He wants to be like them and bring about the changes that will let him rule America like a dictator with no one able to question or resist. Its up to us to resist and remove this corrupt and traitorous administration, to remove the Democratic majority that brought him to power and is letting him flaunt our constitution and due process. An dual citizen from birth whose allegiance to our country is not in evidence in any of his actions he was fraudulently elected and his actions, contribution records, and academic records need to see the light of day.

I’ve only missed President Bush since 1pm on January 20, 2009.

Too bad there is no rewind button.

If there was, we would only have six months left of Obie and the Gang.

After that we could look forward to eight years of Bush.

Does he visit you in your dreams at night?

For all his faults, and there were a few, Geroge Bush made me proud to be an American. He never blamed others for his actions. He never apologized for America trying to make the world a better place to live. He did what he thought was right and he surrounded himself with men of the same calibur. When the country was attacked he took charge and retaliated.

In short he LEAD.


Sorry dude, unlike you we don’t stare longingly at bare chested pictures of our president and hope to one day be alone with him.

@Fit fit:

We’re all still eagerly awaiting your explanations on how the tide hasn’t turned against Obie on the health care reform debacle.

Also, I’d love to hear more of your bleatings on how great the economic recovery is coming along.

Be a sport.

Let us laugh out loud at you. Again.

I am like Aleric….I did not always agree with GWB, but he always made me proud to be an American. With BHO in the WH, I do not feel the same. I am ashamed of what is happening to my country, and I am embarrassed that this man was elected to the presidency because of white guilt. And I started missing GWB at about the same time J Galt did….right after the swearing in of BHO. It is a pity that America committed suicide on 11/4/08. She had such a lovely future

I miss Bush also and truly agreed with all that J. Galt wrote. The only “good” thing that will come out of this abysmal failure is an awakening of the American People. We’ve been apathetic for too long. We just need to keep in our congress critters faces to keep the massive bills that no one reads from becoming law.

We need to pray for our contry!

I can only echo the thoughts of J GALT. Well said, my brother, well said. I have spoken with many people who attended the homecoming tribute for George and Laura in Midland last January. To a person they described the love and respect that West Texans have for the Bush family, and the obvious love that George and Laura have for the region. When the Interloper-in-Chief is returned to Chicago, or Nairobi, or Jonestown, or wherever, I predict the crowd of sycophants will be quite a bit smaller.

Where have the conservative leaders gone?

Bho was raised surrounded by muslims and communists. I doubt he knows the meaning of Freedom, Liberty and capitalism. His flouting the Constitution and laws of the land makes me wonder what he learned in law school. He certainly hasn’t shown any allegiance to America and her citizens . He hasn’t done anything to indicate he will make defending and protecting the country a top priority either.

I hope FedUp is right and Americans wake up. I fear that it may be too late for many who have accepted the liberal propaganda as truth though.


I once was asked what I thought of President G.W. Bush. I responded, “Punks don’t fly jets.”


It was so nice when there was someone in charge that was thinking about what was best for this country and not about his self-absorbed self. I am very grateful to GWB.

While no human is at all perfect, the current socialist-bent, entertainer-in-chief President would be wise to adopt some of W’s leadership attributes — we know BHO is rubber stamping a lot of W’s policies. Policies at which BHO threw excoriating critique from his 3-4 month appearance in the US Senate and from the eternal campaign trail. Additionally, W certainly could have blamed WJC, his predecessor for ALOT (the list is long and distinguished.) Instead, he took the reins and accepted all responsibility and critique — “The buck stops here.”

I suggest that we saw a real profile in courage — when GWB walked into the joint assembly of Senators and Reps to deliver the Jan 2008 State of the Union and push for “the surge.” (No war is fought perfectly — even BHO’s supposed hero Lincoln made many changes and adjustments in prosecuting the Civil War)

A reporter once asked W how he would grade his presidency, he said he wold leave that to the historians as they were still analyzing the first GW…after over 200 hundred years. However, he offered that he sincerely believed these future historians would view him very favorably.

(George Washington was accused of everything including treason by his critics and “The Press”)

Thank you for your service President Bush….now get that first book written!

A reporter once asked W to grade his presidency and he replied that he would leave it to the historians…as the historians were still analyzing the first GW after more than 200 years. W offered that he believed the future historians would view him very favorably.
(George Washington was accused of everything including treason by his critics and The Press)

The new socialist-bent, entertainer-in-chief President BHO could learn a lot of personal virtue from his predecessor …of whom he continues to excoriate… BUT keeps rubber stamping a lot of W’s polices.

I believe it took a lot of personal fortitude and conviction to walk into the joint Congress and deliver the 2008 January State of the Union Address — to push for the surge.

Thank you, President Bush, for keeping us safe for 8 years! Now get that book written and give ’em hell !

@J Galt:
[He healed the dishonor Clinton brought to the presidency and showed us courage, conviction and compassion.]

Double amen to that!! And, now we have to look ahead to elect another great President to restore the lost dignity and trust the current administration is causing.

Mike, I love that you post stuff like this, but now I have to get all emotional…it’s hard on me! I miss President Bush so much and this post doesn’t help at all! But, if the point is to point out what we did have, and don’t have now, and can hope to have again in another President (ahem, Gov. Palin), then keep ’em comin’. 😉

@SoCal Chris: I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Interesting that you had a similar emotional reaction to mine when I watch this video. Looking back on those eventful eight years with all we went through can be a bit wrenching. But in a good way.

Miss him incredibly – miss knowing he is there, guarding the ramparts. I had my differences of opinion with him, but I never ever had to doubt that he loved this country and was proud of it.

YES!! Yes I miss George W Bush. He never whined, threw sissy pitches or made excuses. When he said, “The buck stops with me” there was never a “but”. There was a “period.”

I miss his humanitarian heart and his belief that tax cuts stimulated the economy. I miss the fact that he honored the unborn and faith in America.

The good news (maybe) is that Obama is such a horrible executor that Republicans have taken a 4 point lead in a generic Congressional poll and I think it’s probable we’ll take the House and Senate back in 2010.

So when you hear Obama say he’s rushing health care because “the American people need it now!”, he’s lying. Something W would never do. He’s lying because he knows his days are numbered and as he continues to spit on America, the rest of us are waiting for the next election to throw the bums out.

@Amy Proctor: You’re absolutely right about why Obama says we have to rush these huge changes to nearly every facet of American life.

You’ll recall that with the stimulus bill we couldn’t wait. It had to be done NOW even though it was days after it was passed that Obama bothered to sign it. And, most of the “stimulus” won’t even take place until years from now.

Same with health care “reform.” Rush to get a bill through before the public finds out what is in it. And the plan won’t even take effect for years.

The reason you are seeing the chance in the generic congressional poll is the same reason you are seeing a drop in Obama’s approval rating. Regular folks are seeing that Obama is the big spending liberal we all warned that he was.

Folks who got sucked in with the “hope and change” crapola are now getting their eyes opened.

i love president bush and laura. diginity, class and down to earth, in other words a true american.

what we have now is a very dangerous person for america. i have never felt so uneasy for my country in my 58 years of life.

i also thought that the black leaders of this country had finally gotten past race and were leading black americans to a color blind future, because of all the high positions black america holds, condi rice, collen powell, ect. however, the jeramiah wrights, al sharpton, jesse jackson, etc. have held black america hostage and now with this horrible man, obamba as president, if things don’t change we may be looking at some kind of race war in america, GOD forbid.

what has happened to america? we just have to prevail in 2010 and 2012 or we are done as a nation.

Yet? Dude, I miss his man so much-I didn’t agree with the spending which I believe was Bush’s attempt to reach across the aisle but his optimism, love of country and our military, and no excuse presidency is such a far cry from the pitiful whiner we are subjected to every day and night.

I hope he knows there are so many millions of us who thank the Lord for him, his thick skin and big balls. He stood up for this country despite the whithering fire from the left dominated media and the traitors in Congress. And most of the attacks were personal as is the want of the left.

God bless him and Laura and the Cheneys-we can only hope that adults get control again. And soon.

Made me cry, especially after listening to O push the race card and the blame card again this week.
Now, down to work. Make sure EVERYONE YOU KNOW is registered to vote NOW. We need to start turning this thing around in 2010. There’s no sitting on the sidelines now. The danger is real.

I would like to thank the authors of the site and the commenters for pushing this. As long as the Republicans are unwilling to look at reality, they stand little chance of being reelected.

Obama is a terrible President. But his incompetence PALES in comparison to GWB’s disaster of an administration widely considered the most incompetent administration in our history competing with even Garfield’s. And in fact, most of his errors are simply no undoing the disastrous policies of his predecessor.
” An dual citizen from birth whose allegiance to our country is not in evidence in any of his actions he was fraudulently elected and his actions, contribution records, and academic records need to see the light of day.”
Yes and space aliens are controlling him too. While I don’t believe that, it is as logical as the nonsense from “John Galt” but what can one expect for someone who takes a fascist’s name as his nickname on a blog post.