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Superlatives fail me. Anyone who now dares to say our House GOP members aren’t fighting hard enough needs to have their head examined.

For once, our GOP team is speaking with one voice.

I hope it continues!

P.S. Are we going to let these people stand on their own or are we going to help?

Help retake Congress in 2010 by contributing NOW! Or would you rather shell out thousands more for Obama care?

It’s all about the team and not about the country.

@Fit fit:

Actually, it is all about the country.

If your team wasn’t doing such a piss poor job of what they were elected and are currently collecting big fat paychecks to do then our country wouldn’t be experiencing the worst unemployment it has seen in over a quarter of a century.

What was your point again?

Anyone who isn’t outraged by what is going on in Washington, DC is either dead or not paying attention.

@Fit fit:

By the way, we’re all still eagerly awaiting your explanations on how the tide hasn’t turned against Obie on the health care reform debacle.

Also, I’d love to hear more of your bleatings on how great the economic recovery is coming along.

From what I can tell, the jobs *seem* to be in Washington, D.C.

And I don’t think that’s a good thing.

What jobs? Biden has already said the stimulus was never intended to create jobs. This was all a ploy to pay off democrat cronies and donars. This stimulus was a con just like global warming. Both are the biggest scams perpertrated on the American people ever. He said the economy was worse than they knew which is why Fannie and Freddie fell because the dems are so busy robbing the treasury and know nothing about economics period. When a salesman pressures you to buy now, now, now before it is too late and you succumb, you have bought a kettle of worms. How, I ask you, is a million or so allocated to build a dog park in California (which btw is on the verge of bankruptcy) meant to create jobs?

@Aye Chihuahua: Did Nit Wit Fit Fit run away and hide again? Hold his feet to the fire!

MORE, we need MORE of the Republicans to stand up and hold the President and the Dems who voted for the Spending Bill accountable. Not make accusations or threats but simply rub their faces in the crap they forced all of America to pay. This needs to be racked up next year during the elections.

The question ‘Where are the jobs?’ is something Republican politicians are going be asking for a long time.

@DOW 9000:

Hey Richard, why are you wearing a sock today?

You’ve been around long enough to know that we don’t take too kindly to that here at FA.

While you’re still here, please address the false, baseless accusations of racism/bigotry that you leveled at Mike.

I’ve already proven that you are a charlatan and a liar.

Now, you come in wearing a sock, hoping no one will notice.

That fact alone, goes a long way toward proving my observations about you.

I look forward to your response, but I won’t hold my breath.

Hmmmm – I saw that list you have Curt: Stanislav & Dirk were two nyms used at Bare knuckle Politics (when it was around). And we were pretty sure it was the same person then. Interesting that they made it over here. It would be just to co-incidental for those two names to be used there AND here and not be the same person.

We found that out in probably the same manner as you.