WASHINGTON (CNN) — On April 20, President Obama challenged his Cabinet to cut $100 million in spending over the next 90 days. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says a report on Cabinet spending cuts will be released “in coming days.” The deadline came — and went — without a report from the White House on whether or not that promise was fulfilled. Asked about the spending cuts, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Monday that information still was being compiled. “Those are being reviewed now, and we’ll release something in the coming days,” Gibbs told the daily White House briefing. At time the challenge was announced, critics said $100 million in savings was a small amount on the context of the federal budget.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
See- ONE HUNDRED million dollars cut. That’s more than like FIVE billion. HUNDRED more than FIVE….git it?
Did anybody see me throw that ball at the All Star Game? Shame about the rush limbaugh followers that booed me.
And how ’bout me going to Russia and stuff- did you see how cute my kids were?
Deadlines are for the peons not the Messiah. By the way that 100 million he wants cut would pay the interest for one day on his stimulus package.
not even 1 day. More like 6yrs
Robert Gibbs is such a joke, he never has answers he only has statements and lame excuses. Translation to what he said was that they still havent found a way to skew the numbers to make it look like they cut any money at all and have it look believeable.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — On April 20, President Obama challenged his Cabinet to cut $100 million in spending over the next 90 days.
He can find $100 million to cut?
These guys can’t cut spending – it isn’t in their DNA. Sad that they cannot find $100 million to cut – it ought to be fairly simple. I will gladly volunteer to go through the federal budget and cut wasteful spending!
I read this quote the other day (don’t remember who from) and it stuck with…
“If you were to spend a million dollars a day, going back to the birth of Christ, you still wouldn’t rach 1 Trillion.” and Obama want’s to spend 30 times that amount on health-care and cap&Trade.
This may help you understand some of Our Issues with the Current Regime.
Courtesy of Dennis Prager & Front Page. Very clearly explained and succinct.