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The way Joe Biden is digging .. seems like he got one of those “Shovel Ready Jobs” 🙂

This claim by Biden calls for a theme song:

They told me that if I voted for McCain for President I would get an idiot for Vice President.

Turns out, they were right.

Here’s the video of Biden:

The American Spectator picked up on a few more comments Biden made in his speech to the seniors in Virginia. After opening with this articulate greeting, “What I want to do today is speak English with y’all” kinda reminds me of when he mentioned that Obama was clean.

He then went on with this gem:……?

“Can we possibly afford to do nothing when health care costs have gone up 57 — if I’m not mistaken — percent just since 2002?” Biden asked rhetorically. “Now folks, if your milk went up 57 percent and no end in sight, guess what? There would be a lot of dead cows. No one buying milk. You can’t afford it.”

And, this:

“The status quo is simply not acceptable — it’s totally unacceptable,” Biden said. “And it’s completely unsustainable. Even if you wanted to keep it the way you have it now, we can’t do it financially. We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation.”

More, go into deeper debt……by adding more citizens and illegals to the high earners and small business’s financial responsibility….. will save us from bankruptcy. Not only will the country go bankrupt, cost shifting the taxes incurred by the above mentioned will take a toll on every income level. I see more personal bankruptcies.

If you don’t agree, you are immoral:

“Not only is it immoral not to provide everybody with decent health care, which is my view, the president’s view, and the administration’s view,” he said. “It is also fiscally irresponsible.”

It would be more fiscally responsible to help the 15-18 million true uninsured to somehow keep them out of the emergency rooms for basic care.

Bit of condescension and smoke and mirrors for the guys that have their number and numbers down pat:

“Then you have these good guys, these accountants kind of, the green eye shade guys, they sit there and say, ‘well how do we score this? How can we prove like we can prove in other savings we’re talking about where we can add up all the nickels and dimes and millions and billions and say we saved that much money?'”

He continued, “So even though we know we’re going to save a lot more money than we’re given credit for that we’re going to save with this health care plan, it isn’t susceptible to being able to prove with a sharp pencil, or now, with a mouse on a computer, exactly how much is going to be saved. So that’s what we mean when we say we’re doing things that we know are going to save you, your grandchildren, billions of dollars over the years and make you healthier. But, we’re not able to prove it yet, because there’s all those studies showing it, it’s not scorable.”

Get that? Even with a sharp pencil, a mouse or a green eye shade guy, nobody knows.

The next comment was based on the 600 billion figure, excluding an additional 20 million beneficiaries that would be added to Medicare:

“If we did nothing, and did what the HELP committee just passed, we wouldn’t have to do a thing, just the Medicare savings alone would cover everything.”


And, Sarah Palin is the one that gets crucified.

Sarah Palin HAH! Didn’t you see the Vice-Presidential debate?? Biden was awesome! Why, he was so fast and detailed with his answers it was as if he knew every question before it was asked!

Oh… wait a minute… hmmm… I wonder…

I love Joe Biden, he’s such a crackup. Open hearted, cheerful, unintentionally funny, and well-meaning, even if he’s as thick as the Hoover Dam and utterly without discretion. I just wish there was an official court jester position, and it wasn’t the Vice Presidency.

Someone tell Joe that if he gets a bad case of sunburn, the cure is to go lay out in the noonday sun for some more….it suits his logic, the windbag.

nell, that was friggin hilarious. I never put him in that light, but man… put a funny hat on him and the guy is a shoe-in for the role.

Come to think of it, he’s “that guy” in your group of friends; everyone likes him because he’s nice. He really tries hard to be funny, and because he’s not funny, he ends up spilling the beans on every secret he knows. If Cathy is fat, and people are telling ‘your mamma is so fat jokes’, guaranteed cathy is going to end up in the mix somehow. Joe will back peddle, Cathy will forgive him because he didn’t /mean/ to do any harm.. Wait have you ever read (or seen) “Of Mice and Men”.. you know where Lenny loves mice/kittens/people so much that he ends up (in his good nature) breaking their necks and getting George in trouble too? Obama is like George and and Biden is like Lenny… eventually Obama will have to shoot him or else someone else will. Kinda like Old Yeller, “he’s my dog ma, I’ll do it”… man… i could keep going with this.

Oh, but the stimulus is working. All their buddies who supported them are getting their cut.

How can people still support obama after all of this?


It’s the Lemmings solidarity club. They’re trapped by their convictions. they have to support him because they told the rest of us how wonderful he was. They can’t recognize that we were right about The Won, because it would show that they were conned by another slick panderer. (remember Bill Clinton.)