Can’t pull a fast one over on Code Pink!

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Yes, we still have our troops on the outskirts of Iraq.

So where are the effigies of Obama being burned and hanged?


Kind of obscene for the little girl to be carrying that sign, don’t’cha think?

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The entire Code Pinko movement is obscene.

@Toothfairy: As well as the woman in the pink slip. Combined with the pimping of the child…eeeeewwwwweh. Shameful.

I’m laughing at the “cheesecake” Vargas’esque type drawing on their banner. Then, of course, compare that to the women of Code Pink… can you say “only in your dreams”?? LOL


Wordsmith: And here I was thinking I was the only one that went down that path with the sign’s wording 🙂

attack of the 50ft woman? What is code pink-o hoping they can all grow to be 50 feet and show everyone what they are all about?

I pity the kid. Regardless of what side of the issue you’re on, leave the kids out of it and just let them be kids. The only thing that would make this worse is if that kid weren’t a girl, but a boy instead.

The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 66 This post is a suggested read at,



Was that attack of the fifty foot lesbian?
Aren’t liberals always saying that pulling out never works? If coitus interruptus is an ineffective policy, why isn’t bellus interruptus likewise a foolish policy?