While people get ready to spend their time and money to honor a twisted individual who could sing, Michael Jackson, nary a peep comes from most of the country about Obama voting present as Iran cracks down even harder on those wanting a free and fair election.
Guess that’s what should be expected when 52% of this country fall victim to one of the great swindlers of our time.
The Iranian tyrant, Ali Khamenei, told his cluster of top advisers two days ago that it was time to totally shut down the protests, and he ordered that any and all demonstrators, regardless of their status, be arrested (although there is no longer room for new prisoners in Tehran’s jails; they are now using sports arenas as holding areas). He further ordered that all satellite dishes be taken down (good luck with that one; there are probably millions of them in Tehran alone). He ordered that the crackdown be done at night, to avoid all those annoying videos. By Sunday night, hundreds of new arrests had been made, including the regime’s favorite targets: students, intellectuals, and journalists.
His deadline: July 11th. He told his minions that if that were accomplished, the rest of the world would come crawling to him.
He may be right about most of the rest of the world, which has distinguished itself by its fecklessness, but he is certainly not right about his own people, who have sabotaged a major petroleum pipeline in Lurestan, and who are planning to go on strike in the next few days. I don’t know the provenance of the people who hit the pipeline (perhaps the fact that the political desk of the Tehran Times reported it is significant), but calls for strikes, building towards a big demonstration on July 9th, come from Mousavi, Karroubi and Khatami.
Even a group of clerics in the city of Qom have come out and called the election and the “winners” illegitimate.
That’s pretty big news, and signs that a major crack in the earth is opening up and what do we get from the one?
Unfortunately, our own leaders in the United States are not doing all that they could to capitalize on this unprecedented opportunity to deal a lethal blow to radical Islam. The only action the Obama administration is taking is to sell out Honduras to socialist dictatorship. As for Iran, both President Obama and Vice-President Biden declare that they are still seeking an “engagement” with the blood-soaked military junta in Tehran.
In an interview with The New York Times, a day before his scheduled departure for Moscow on Sunday, Mr. Obama said he had “grave concern” about the arrests and intimidation of Iran’s opposition leaders, but insisted, as he has throughout the Iranian crisis, that the repression would not close the door on negotiations with the Iranian government.
Sorry, no other word to describe this other then cowardly. He doesn’t have the balls nor the fortitude to chose the side that only wants their votes heard. He’s proven his inability to lead in Iran and now Honduras. And now we are the laughing stock of the world. A once great power who led the world towards Democracy is now sitting on the sidelines waiting to find out who wins…THEN he will tell the world that he sided with the winner all along, he just didn’t want to be a nuisance you see.
What a coward.
Michael Ledeen again:
Meanwhile, the American Government was sending conflicting signals to Tehran. On the one hand, it seems that Obama will be going to the upcoming G8 conference with a request that there be no new sanctions on Iran. This comes at a time when the Europeans, for the first time, seem inclined to get at least a little bit tougher on the mullahs, and it effectively demolishes the myth that this administration intends to do anything to support the Iranian people in their life and death struggle for freedom (perhaps this should not surprise us; after all, Obama’s 4th of July message did not contain the word “freedom,” but it did talk a lot about his own legislative proposals). At the same time, Vice President Joe Biden three times said the United States would do nothing to prevent an Israeli attack against Iranian nuclear targets.
So apparently we’re prepared to let the Israelis do our dirty work. A real standup sort of policy.
Meanwhile Iran executes dozens:
The state-run Fars news agency reported that 20 people were hanged at the Karaj prison west of the capital on Saturday, and another 14 executions elsewhere in Iran have been reported by state media since Wednesday, including six hangings at Teheran’s Evin Prison. Many of those executed have been described in state media as drug traffickers – a charge often leveled at dissidents.
Iranian police say that about 1,000 people have been detained for involvement in the public protests that erupted after June 12 presidential elections.
But the Iranians continue to fight:
Reza Aslan reports that opposition leaders in Iran are planning a three-day strike to be carried out under the cover of a religious holiday. Now if only Iranians can get the rest of us to care.
But the pedo needs to be buried and honored for….singing. Can’t take time away from that you see. Can’t get Obama to care since he couldn’t take a stand if he had a gun to his head.
What a joke.

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Seven more years of this… gird your loins
The only consolation is that when this administration is history no Democrat will ever get in the White House again. The unfortunate aspect is that a qualified Black candidate in the future may not either.
Brother Bob:”Seven more years of this…”
I surly hope THIS 4 will be enough to drive that idiot from office. For all those who voted for him because they were pissed at the republicans, I sure hope they change their minds for the next election.
Lets face it, the black vote is lost to Obama – historically it is predominantly democratic anyway but add the fact he is black, that many more will vote for him for just that reason alone.
BTW – have any of you watched MachoSauce over at youtube?
Greg:”The only consolation is that when this administration is history no Democrat will ever get in the White House again.”
No. The democrats will take it again. The republicans will regain it with time and then they will do what happen this time. They will lose touch with their base and get arrogant AGAIN.
It will take every one who voted republican to constantly remind those ELECTED OFFICIALS what they cost this country this time around and remind them WHY they are in office.
I am just confused why the Media is being silent on Obama being silent. Why are they and the left in such a damned hurry to turn this into a socialist country? I am sure that in their pea brains they think that once we are there – they are going to be in the elite class. And that will be a rude awakening to them when things are snatched away and they are left wanting – and then it will be too late.
The media is silent, for the simple fact that they are in love with the arrogance (some call it confidence) of this president. I’m ashamed that we have allowed things to go this far. The saddest part is that those even slightly leaning to the left seem to see no flaws with this man. Unfortunately this is just another reminder that he remains on the fence when he is forced to make a choice that the entire world will have a response to. Yet he is shoving legislation down OUR throats that will effectively decimate this country within a decade. Add Pelosi and Reid to the mix with Clinton for good measure and it’s a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately at the end of the day we have ourselves to blame. We have become slaves to the media and the less informed just jumped on the “first african american in office” bandwagon. Never bothering to see if the man had a single qualifcation. I guess I shouldn’t complain, after all they let Carter into office and we recovered from that. Well Mr. President…The world is watching what’s it gonna be? Take a stand for the iranian people are tune into MJ’s memorial and chat with the loser they booted out of honduras. Sadly I think I know the answer already…..
Obama – too young, inexperienced and incompetent to lead. It’s a pity the first black president is shaping up to be a miserable failure. It’s an even greater pity that he could drag us all down with him.
You know, everybody used to say that all Iranians generally hated us. It seems to me that those under thirty didn’t feel that way… until now, and it’s not because of Bush or the War in Iraq. It’s because Obama sold them out to the mullahs. What happened to trying to win the hearts and minds of the Muslim world? Nice one, you big-earred buffoon.
In fairness, I’m sure McCain would’ve done the same thing. Heck, I’m sure Bush kept telling the Israelis in private that we wouldn’t stop them if they bombed Iran. Of course, neither of those guys would’ve dropped the ball so horrifically as Obama has.
Yeah. Obama probably does have the inside edge as he is the incumbent, but his supreme idiocy (and Hillary, I’m sure) may be his downfall.
And I tell ya, I can respect those that voted for Obama because they honestly believed in what he said. But those that voted for him because they didn’t like Bush/Republicans or because they wanted ‘change?’ Sheesh, as far as I’m concerned, anyone that does that kinda thing – regardless of the candidates, issues, etc. – doesn’t deserve the right to vote. As the Founding Fathers (or Eastern Europeans or Iraqis, for that matter) could tell us, voting is a very important thing. It is not to be taken lightly and treated like filling out some meaningless survey.
Exactly. I go to school with people like that – people that are otherwise fairly reasonable. I gladly supported (for instance) Bush and McCain, but I certainly recognized their flaws and criticized them when I disagreed with them.
What really gets me is the way those on the left are so silent when Obama does something they would’ve crucified Bush for. My dad wouldn’t shut up about those eight attorneys, but he could barely muster a “It’s wrong what Obama did to Walpin” line. Go figure.
People don’t think with their brain, even those that have them.
I wonder did Colonel Obama like Jackson “white faced”
The source of your confusion is ODS. It affects the brain in the exact same way as BDS or PDS. If Obama had taken a stance of interference in the Iranian election crisis, your ODS would have you criticizing him for repeating the mistakes of 1953.
There is no known cure for any of the political derangement syndromes. It does not even go away once the object of fixation has served their full term, or in the case of PDS, abruptly ended their term. My advice would be to find a hobby or some other distraction for the next seven years.
@ Fit fit
While I agree that ODS exists just as much as BDS and PDS, you neglected one point. The MSM has BDS and PDS, while they don’t seem to suffer ODS, which in my opinion is just a bunch of BS. So nah.
I suggest you try Fox News. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it. For reading there’s the New York Post or Washington Times. I myself subscribe to The Weekly Standard (just for snits and giggles) a very fine conservative periodical. All of these are relatively easy to access. I don’t think you even need a permit… yet.
Why are we sending our brave soldiers into Afghanistan to force democracy on unwilling tribesman who do not wish it, but refuse to support brave Iranians dying for their freedom? Because Iran has no poppies?
This is a pretty good story:
@ Fit fit –
Yes, I also agree with Aqua that ODS does exist among some conservatives, but nowhere near the prelevance that BDS or PDS existed. A great deal of that is due to the media – yes, you pointed out Fox, the Post & The Times in the same manner that my liberal friends do. You don’t really need me to highlight all of the liberal sources here in the US alone to show you the flaws in your argument, do you?
I have given Obama props on the few things that he has gotten right so far – mainly the campaign promises that he flat out lied about. You know, campaigning for an immediate and unconditional surrender in Iraq, ceasing to detain terrorists and ending programs to listen to terrorists’ phone calls. I also have to reluctantly agree on additional banking regulation – sometimes business and technology develops faster than we understand how to reasonably manage them.
So to my point – Obama is staying silent because he can. Whichever side emerges as victorious will get him hailed by the press for his moderate tone, not meddling, etc. Sadly, if the dissidents finally prevail the new leadership will know not to count on the US as an ally when the chips are down. And yes, I know that we have hung out allies to dry before in history, but the bottom line is that the world is a better place with a strong United States. This is far preferable to the current model of kissing up to the Ahmedenijad, Chavez & Ortega and getting mocked by them anyway. Sadly, our mainstream press is too enamored with Obama and too ignorant to report these failures.
For that matter, back to my original post, this is why we’re in for seven more years. Despite what a near complete failure Obama has been the press continues to cover for him. No matter how bad the economy gets or any other situation, they will still portray him as a solid leader. The only scenarios I see causing Obama to lose in 2012 would be two 9/11-esque attacks (the press will state that after one attack we rallied behind Bush and must do so again), or one catastrophic attack on US soil on the lines of leaving a city uninhabitable. This should go without saying, but of course I hope that neither of these situations comes to pass. And given who we have next in line, we should all pray that our president stays healthy…
Why Brother Bob… what *are* you saying? I have it on good authority from Gaffa that “…being a pundit rarely constitutes any power to change.” And he *must* know, being an foreign citizen who is also an armchair US Constitutional and US law moral authority.
Sarcasm off/