Thanks Aye! Those words from quill and ink, scribed at great risk founded a Nation and are never to be taken lightly.
An America that I fought to defend against All Odds is worth fighting for regardless of risk or despite the current Punk Pretender in Chief endorses as his American Values were not founded by Service or ethics that I could ever embrace.
You know where I stand and I fear my current Government as did the 56 Patriots that signed the Decelaration of Independence must have felt in Philadelphia on that day.
If half of those that were speaking in that Vid ever were called to fight for Freedom, they could be respected. I doubt that they would be up to that tasking. Others were and they were common folks and not Celebrities. My trip to Normandy and deployments with Patriots over the years were full of drama but never less than noticed by Media that feared to go where danger was part of the package.
Happy Birth Day America and Love Your Country but fear those that You elected to Office that serve Themselves and Not the Nation.
By 2010 You won’t recognize it as the one you grew up in. Take it Back!
Thanks Aye! Those words from quill and ink, scribed at great risk founded a Nation and are never to be taken lightly.
An America that I fought to defend against All Odds is worth fighting for regardless of risk or despite the current Punk Pretender in Chief endorses as his American Values were not founded by Service or ethics that I could ever embrace.
You know where I stand and I fear my current Government as did the 56 Patriots that signed the Decelaration of Independence must have felt in Philadelphia on that day.
If half of those that were speaking in that Vid ever were called to fight for Freedom, they could be respected. I doubt that they would be up to that tasking. Others were and they were common folks and not Celebrities. My trip to Normandy and deployments with Patriots over the years were full of drama but never less than noticed by Media that feared to go where danger was part of the package.
Happy Birth Day America and Love Your Country but fear those that You elected to Office that serve Themselves and Not the Nation.
By 2010 You won’t recognize it as the one you grew up in. Take it Back!
Happy 4th of July to all you patriots over here!!
Thanks for that great video !
Have to remember the copyright date is 2002 when this video was made….before some of those reading in this video drank obama’s koolaid.
Here’s the youtube link:
Declaration of Independence
Happy 4th of July Everybody !