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Sadly it sounds as if the recording is heavily edited. Perhaps boring incoherent bits were removed, but I would far rather have the full unmolested clip than something that pops in and out.
I fully agree with the sentements of the tape, but can hardly use it as an illistration to educate my friends on the fence when it is obviously content altered.

Ditto. (such a useful word)

I agree he did an excellent job the main stream media won’t do.

What has happened to our news reporting in this county ?

Thank you so much for the unedited versions. Very good! Those will be on my Facebook page today.

Talk about “circus acts!” That Mike Allen is a few rings short of a big top. He’s more like the clown act, with them all hung over.

I do have to hand it to Mr. Allen, though, he is pretty skilled at evasion, though not as good as some. I wonder, is that a subject in journalizm school? “I got my doctorate in journalizm, with a minor in deception.”

If that interview is not proof that these guys are cannot be trusted, I don’t know what is, especially when you consider that Zeigler said that Allen was one of the better ones. Sheesh!

Thank you Walter Krankheit, and all the traitorous scum like you.

And they won’t change until the American people demand they do, which won’t come until Americans are suffering under Obama’s destructive policies, but by then it will probably be too late.

I like John Ziegler, but I have a hard time believing that he is so naive as to believe Mike Allen is a good journalist.

Mike Allen, in the current political climate, would make a great politician. He cannot answer a straight forward question to save his soul! He is a far left wing nut-job. I don’t automatically believe what is written in Politico because of ‘reporters’ like Allen. He was very brave while on tv, but he certainly would not or could not back it up with Ziegler. What a wuss, a good reporter is not a wuss.


Mike Allen, in the current political climate, would make a great politician.

He probably has to be to keep his job. But if he were “a far left wing nut-job” he would not have just been evasive, he would have been obnoxiously assertive. The fact that he seemed to know he was wrong, and just didn’t want to admit it in public, tells me he’s got a shred of conscience, which would NOT be true if he were a real whack-job. That said, from the quotes he wasn’t admitting to, he’s definitely well on his way to becoming one. It’s just that the transformation isn’t quite complete yet.

I wonder if he could have answered a question at all – it seemed he wanted to deflect everything – I was waiting for him to answer just yea or nay on one question, but the deflection wasn’t even that good – just obvious.

Every answer started with the same line, as if he was reading it from a note pad and couldn’t come up with any other way to reply. I dont see how John kept from telling him to stop giving the same response to each question.

What I find laughable about Mike Allen is that he starts off each answer by blaming Gov. Palin for the bad press coverage. McCain’s campaign and his insiders were doomed from the beginning. Gov. Palin brought a spark of hope to failed effort. Hell I’m surprised the Reps. didn’t run Dole again. Same staffers same old BS.
One other question for the brilliant staffers. How did going after the Hispanic vote work out for you?

Bill Cosby had this bit he used to do in his stage show about one of his kids as a toddler always helping themselves to cookies and getting in trouble for it. So the cookies got put high up on top of the refrigerator.
Cosby stated at that age kids didn’t realize sound traveled. So one time he heard someone rustling with the cookie package in the kitchen while he was watching TV in the other room.

He got up from his chair and went out to find the child had ingeniously pulled the chair over to the fridge and had made their way to the cookies on top. He demanded of the tike, “What do you think you’re doing?”

To which the little one responded, holding out a cookie to dad, “I for want for to getchu a cookie …”

Cosby says, “But I don’t want a cookie.”

The kid looks down at the cookie and replies, “Well, can I have it?”

Probably doesn’t make sense to you in connection with this audio, but it’s what came to my mind in this interview … Mike Allen could NOT bring himself to give the answer Zeigler was trying to pry out of him … That the negative MSM coverage of Gov. Palin is NOT her fault, but that of the vicious and vitriolic news (and entertainment) media who has a simple agenda of just trashing this woman over and over again without substance.

Everything she has done HAS been professionally and tactfully in her official capacity as the governor of a state, a high profile political figure, and a public figure. She has NOT given them grounds for any of the trashing they have done to, and continue to do to, her … Anything outside the ‘official’ responses and public speaking she has done has been in defense, and rightfully so, when the attacks have become overly cheap … or directly assaulting to her children. The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan continues to question who is baby Trig’s mother … She has not brought any of this on herself.

As during the campaign, they got nothing on her. So they continue to spin shit to make it look as if she’s asking for it. Mike Allen KNOWS that about his fellow MSM and just couldn’t do the right thing and admit to it straight out in direct and simple words … he kept digging in the cookie package, Zeigler kept asking him what he was doing, and wasn’t buying the fake offer of a cookie …

As to Zeigler’s assertions that Allen is a good journalist … part of the baiting.

I saw frmr. LA Mayor Willie Brown (D), not a pro-repub by any stretch of the imagination, on Hannity the other night. The man in no uncertain terms solidly stated repeatedly Gov. Palin’s trashing has been unfounded, unfair, and frankly cruel, shameful, and uncalled for.


Please note the last link I give there, where he notes the profound differences in coverage between the MSM’s favorites and the hated REPS.

Many of todays Dems are scum, as are the sewer rats of the MSM who cover for them.

@Tom n:

“What has happened to our news reporting in this county ?”

As I linked to in my post #5, one of the main hero’s of journalism has tought them well…

John Ziegler just got added to my favorites list!