Rpt: Jobless Claims Rise in June to 627,000; Obama Holds Luau

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I’m not saying the President doesn’t deserve some recreation, but the standard I hold him to is, “What if Bush had done this?”

Similar to President Obama, President Bush took office with a recession leftover from his predecessor (though not as deep a recession). Six months into that recession, President Bush’s tax cuts had almost ended it. Six months into President Obama’s recession, his economic policies have statistically made things worse, and his efforts show absolutely ZERO hint of making things better (per uber-capitalists like Warren Buffet).

In light of all that, I think President Obama’s Luau was not a very tasteful event. His troops are at war. In Iraq-just days before leaving the cities-the enemy is on an offensive. In Afghanistan, the surge of troops has not abated the Taliban offensive. In Pakistan, air strikes against Al Queda are threatening to topple our ally. Tens of millions of Americans are out of work, have BEEN out of work for months, and more are losing their homes (the last I saw only 1 home had been “saved” by his home retention program).

So, what’s a President to do? He could distract with something like a debate on torture that focuses attention on his predecessor-nah, tried that, and it backfired. He cold straight up blame his predecessor-nah, polls show people ain’t buyin’ that anymore. He could topic shift with pipedreams of freebies like free healthcare for everyone-nah, tried that and no one even watched. He could….


[countdown till some brainless, moonbat, nutjob makes excuses for Obama and rails against Bush: 4, 3, 2, 1….]

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Sending this to my liberal friends. If you wait a minute, you’ll hear the shrieks of outrage.

Remember, no incident is intrinsically either good or bad unless it can spun against the Right or in favor of the Left.

Bush would have had a Texas Bar-B Que instead

Help me out here, is an Obama voter dumber than the post or the hole?

I guess we occasionally have to have a poor excuse for a president in the White House, just to show the uninformed how truly badly our country can be led. Maybe next time, we’ll get an American president…

It’s not just the luau – it’s the ice cream trip when iranians were dying, the Fathers’ Day golf outing just after he nagged American fathers about being with their children, the overblown deal about killing a fly, the remark suggesting that old people should just take a pain pill and die…he is detached from anything but his agenda and he has no concept of logic or appearances.

Of course Mossyburger doesn’t care if Obama throws a party. This Administration has had one party after another during the worst of the job loss slide and the press never seems to mention the incongruity of it all. We all know that if a Republican were in the White House the headline would be PRESIDENT PARTIES WHILE COUNTRY SUFFERS.

The truth is that Mossyburger and his ilk don’t give a damn about the unemployed or any of the other groups of victims they corral under their umbrella. Those people are only there to be exploited in order to demand more resources to pay off more Democrats

Another example would be inner city schools. More and more money has hired more and more school staff and yet students still strike out. But the Dems dont’ care as they have achieved their goal of creating permament employement for their supporters even if those people don’t do any work.

Ditto with the auto unions.

I could go on and on but you get the point.

Here’s a nice side dish for the luau:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

I hated it when they did it to Bush, and I hate it when they/we do it to Obama.

After (if) Cap and Trade passes today maybe we will all wish we would have spent more time on things that really matter when the once “average” American family realizes they can no longer afford groceries and electricity?

I DO however agree that the hypocrisy of the left should be pointed out, (not like it would make a difference), but I am just as bothered by it when conservatives do it to Obama for something as benign as taking his kid two blocks down the street for ice cream on Father’s Day (C’mon!).

I’m much more bothered by the endless REPORTING of everything, for the same reason I hate Twitter. Who CARES what we do every freaking minute of our lives; unless of course, one doesn’t have a life.

I will admit to being very bothered by Tony Hawk skateboarding through the White House. Imagine Jackie Kennedy or Barbara Bush allowing such a thing? They come off like a bunch of spoiled brats trashing the white house the same way they are trashing our constitution. But then, why should this come as a surprise from the house of a president who gave the Queen of England an iPod?

And yes, they do seem to be creating a pattern of self indulgent parties. It would be interesting to know how many “parties” other recent presidents had in the White House, although I’m sure none of them involved skate boarding through the hallways.

Are the Obama’s over indulgent in their parties, or is merely that every one of them is REPORTED? Hard to tell when the MSM has been relegated to the likes of a bunch of love sick infatuated teenagers, reporting every Obama move.

“…Obama Holds Luau”

Hey, he’s working. And if Porky Pelosi’s monster comes to life, it will do VASTLY more financial harm than our enemies did on 9/11.


Apart from being a bureaucratic nightmare, it will destroy the personal wealth of average Americans.

The Magic Half Kenyan throws one hell of a party, still campaigning, hasn’t learned to govern but spends tax payer bucks on his Partisan gatherings because nothing is too good for Mama Obama’s little boy.

Did he invite any unemployed folks or wounded Military from Walter Reed or Bethesda?
Hell no. They can’t serve the Agenda or contribute any enough cash.

Self Indulgent pretty much sums it up pdill. At least he hasn’t rented out the Lincoln Bedroom by the hour like a Louisiana cathouse yet…

Buying an ice cream for your kids what Fathers do. Nationalizing Banks, the Auto Industry, killing
Private Health Care, demanding resignation of Private Sector Executives, controlling pay for Private Industry Execs, firing Agency IGs and cutting missile defense is what America hating Socialists do.

Lets make Him unemployed and homeless in 2012. He can party on his tab then.

…. Yes, but he has just figured out that he can’t negotiate with Iranian leadership, so what else is there to do when you’re just, …. hmm…. happy.

Says he, ….. “There is no doubt that any direct dialogue or diplomacy with Iran is going to be affected by the events of the last several weeks.”

This is news to the White House and Hillary’s State Department? They thought they were going to negotiate with thugs?

……… sigh!

“Help me out here, is an Obama voter dumber than the post or the hole?”

Trick question- the obvious answer is neither.

The voter, like the object of his worship, are both dumber than the dirt.

Scott said: “Six months into that recession, President Bush’s tax cuts had almost ended it. Six months into President Obama’s recession, his economic policies have statistically made things worse, and his efforts show absolutely ZERO hint of making things better”

I’ve never heard that before. So the recession was almost coming to an end and when Obama took office it started worsening again? Please give me some clarity. I am sorry if I had misconstrued what you were trying to get across, but this is what I am getting when I read the statement I quoted up above. Thanks.

Technically, Ryan, the housing market for existing homes resales started it’s uptick in January. New construction… a big indicator for housing recovery and growth… is still in the toilet.

When the housing market recovers, the economy also gets it’s boost. Obama had nothing to do with that… it was a natural cycle to occur. Now we wait for the big Congressional/Obama spending to start the inflation, which will trigger rate increases, which will again kill the housing market.

No Ryan. When Bush took office, he “inherited” a recession from Pres Clinton, pushed for tax cuts, and the recession went away. Then there was another recession after the 911 attacks (caused by those attacks), and another recession that started in 2007 when Democrats took Congress and made Bush a lame duck. Hope that helps

Having lived in Hawaii, I know how much those leis cost, at least $35 EACH. I wonder how many of the attendees received one on the taxpayers dime! Of course, that doesn’t include the shipping! My son ordered/paid for one for his friends Sweet 16 b-day luau. The lei was $36.50 and another $17 for Fedex shipping. Nice to see my hard earned dollars at work benefiting the good ‘ol USofA!

Much appreciated Scott.

Really good observation, Mataharley. Thank you, that helped.