Iranian Gov’t Thugs Taking Over The Streets? And Liberal Upset With Protesters; Update: Basij’s Marking Homes Of Protesters, Video Of Protester Shot In Head; Update: Video Of New Rally Tonightp; Update: General Strike Announced, IRG To Get Involved, & Obama Wants To Talk To Dictator; Update: Some IRG & Army Refusing To Follow Orders From Khamanei?

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You gotta love it. A liberal is a bit upset that us conservatives would have the gonads to cheer on protesters who attack the men of Basij. You know, the men who shot a innocent young girl in the heart for kicks.

Right wing blogs cheer violence by Iran protesters

Weasel Zippers calls it the “feel good video of the day.”

Gateway Pundit raves that it’s the “best Iran protest video ever.”

Which video is he talking about? The one Fox ran where the protesters beat the living crap out of some Basij:

The libs response?

Personally speaking, I’m appalled that anyone could cheer a mob kicking a guy on the ground, but I guess that’s why I’m just a silly liberal who admires the kind of non-violent protests practiced by Dr. Martin Luther King and Gandhi.

And one commenter said:

That’s why much of the “right” is for torture. They’re not as interested in getting accurate information as just beating somebody up for revenge, or for fun.

Yup, those protesters were just out for revenge. Nothing to do with the fact that they want a new, freely elected government, instead of a dictatorship. Nothing to do with the fact that they are being murdered on the streets by these same Basij thugs.

Meanwhile there was over 100% turnout during the election in “only” 50 cities…..good thing it wasn’t 170 or it would REALLY be fraud:

Iran’s Guardian Council has suggested that the number of votes collected in 50 cities surpass the number of people eligible to cast ballot in those areas.

The council’s Spokesman Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei, who was speaking on the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) Channel 2 on Sunday, made the remarks in response to complaints filed by Mohsen Rezaei — a defeated candidate in the June 12 Presidential election.

“Statistics provided by the candidates, who claim more than 100% of those eligible have cast their ballot in 80-170 cities are not accurate — the incident has happened in only 50 cities,” Kadkhodaei said.

Kadkhodaei further explained that the voter turnout of above 100% in some cities is a normal phenomenon because there is no legal limitation for people to vote for the presidential elections in another city or province to which people often travel or commute.


The Iranian twitterers I follow sound increasingly frightened and paranoid this morning, and with good reason: Between the massive Basij presence in the streets, the new threats from the Revolutionary Guard, and the Journal’s report of how deeply the regime has penetrated Internet communications, there’s danger around every corner, real or virtual. It’s come to this:

One regular protester, 20-year-old student Behrooz, told the BBC that protesters were aware their electronic communications were being monitored.

“We know that some of them are tracking us on our phone,” he said. “When we say certain words… such as ’supreme leader’ or ‘demonstration’ our lines are cut.”


More information is coming out about her (Neda) on Twitter, incidentally, including new photos of her and her grave. And if you thought her story couldn’t get any worse, think again: According to HuffPo, citing a BBC Persia report, she was … engaged.

And finally this is great news, if true:

12:42 pm: A possible split in the IRGC?

According to unconfirmed reports in Balatarin [Farsi] , Gen. Ali Fazli, the head of revolutionary guards in Tehran, has been arrested after refusing to execute Khamenei’s order of using force against demonstrators in Tehran. He is a war veteran who lost an eye during the Iran-Iraq war. (h/t Boushveg)

Some recent tweets:

shannapatel RT @persiankiwi: road blocks controlling movement of people from North to South Tehran to stop ppl joining Sea of Green #Iranelection less than a minute ago

pzyktzle RT @oxfordgirl: Crackdown in Tabriz tonight, many attacks like Saturday in Tehran, gov losing ctrl of NE regions. #iranelection #neda #gr88

shannapatel RT @persiankiwi: Tehran Majlis – Parliment – under heavy guard and road blocks with armed militia – #Iranelection

patrke RT CONFIRMED!!! from Iran: Mousavi announced Tuesday as the general strike day In Iran. Plz RT. #Iranelection #Neda


Feel sorry for these kind of people?

YvetteMerial Basijs are marking homes of protesters with paint & return attacking them at night ~Check yur residence & remove paint

And now there is new video of a young protester shot in the head by Basijs:



Obama still wants to talk to the Iranian regime….Neda nada, who cares I suppose eh?

Gibbs says admin still open to negotiations with ruling Iranian regime on nukes, despite it’s “unjust” acts

And if this is true then this revolution on the streets can really succeed:

CORRECTION & CONFIRM – National Strike announced by Mousavi for TUESDAY (now it is Tuesday in Iran)

But as Ed Morrissey wrote about earlier, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard plans to take matters into their own hands:

The mullahs have given up on the police and Basijis alone. The Friday warning from Ali Khamenei, the prince formerly known as the divine and Supreme Leader, did nothing to stop Iranians from filling the streets this weekend. Increasing brutality from the Basijis and police resulted in hundreds of arrests, dozens of deaths, and one national martyr for the opposition, but no end to the protests. The police and Basijis have failed to put Iranians back in their place as subjects, and the only option left is a military operation to clear the streets.

If the Revolutionary Guard makes good on its threat, the transition to military dictatorship will be complete. The mullahs will have no credibility with the people and will remain completely reliant on its army to maintain power internally. The Revolutionary Guard will understand this well, and will quickly turn Khamenei and his elders into nothing more than puppets for the Guard’s purposes. The question then will be whether the Guard can maintain control over 70 million Iranians who have already lost faith in their theocrats and never assented to rule by military force.


New longer video of the one above…..

And a good question on Twitter:

MARCUSdH #IranElection is anyone else wondering why the US and the UN are standing by idly, while Iranians fight and die alone for freedom…????


Nor confirmed:

rtfromirani My sources, some Generals Rev Guard and Army unwilling to take orders from Khamanei

And the former Crown Prince of Iran speaks:

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Never, ever expect a liberal to care about the struggle for freedom.

What’s happening in Iran right now is of great significance — the beginning of the end of Iran’s experiment with Islamic theocracy.

PLEASE don’t take this idiot’s blog as representative of how Liberal’s are viewing this. My Facebook feed of Liberal friends is filled with messages supporting the fight for freedom, including one very Liberal friend who is first generation Iranian-American. Most of us get it and support the protesters. This guy is just a fool.

Depends on your definition of liberal.

General Ali Fazli, who was recently appointed as a commander of the Revolutionary Guards in the province of Tehran, is reported to have been arrested after he refused to carry out orders from the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei to use force on people protesting the controversial re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

@Hard Right:

Well, if all you see of liberals are the loons on that site, I can understand why you guys feel the way you do about us.

I’m there fighting with my own side! Imagine! It’s like they’ve never read an American history book.

Considering you are rather sane, I’m not sure I’d call you a “liberal” Cary.
The modern definition of liberal tends to be free of sanity.

@Hard Right:

Well, thanks. My political/social views tend to be more liberal, though. Judging by my circle friends, many who consider themselves liberal, I honestly thought that this was one issue both sides agreed on. I wish we could find another word for these wackos.

And a Liberal Democratic majority Congress was one vote short of unanimous support for the protesters: (the one dissenting vote was a Republican)

So where are these airheads coming from?!

Why in the first video are they talking about ISRAEL??


Ron Paul’s vote against this bill is a prime example of why I would never be able to support him for anything.

He’s got some great ideas, but they’re all bogged down and hopelessly entangled with his interminable nuttiness.

What I’m curious to find out is who were the non-voters and why. Did they abstain? Or were they absent from class?

Thanks Cary.

The weasels who voted “Present” should be run out of town on a rail.

The ones not voting should get the same treatment unless they had some valid excuse.

Maybe someone else can post the Senate record, it’s not coming up for me.

@Cary & Hard Right

There are so many “Shades of Grey” when it comes to either side of the political fence.
Politically, I am in the middle and consider myself an independent with more conservative/republican leanings.

The people on that site who are condemning those attacks by the Basij are just nuts.

Here is a posting from one of the above videos over at youtube:
“The gov thugs (Basijis) are ruthless son of the bitches. they are using the same tactics as Gestapoes. The only way to silence them is to take them out. A good Basiji is a dead Basiji.”

So, they are going to come at night in force and attack the families’ houses? I expect more of them to either be killed or beaten with these tactics.

If nothing else – Obama should be asking for UN involvement. Not that *I* respect the UN but at least it would show SOMETHING. He sure as heck shouldn’t be wanting to talk to Immanutjob.

@10 & 12 WTH is ROn Paul’s problem?

Thanks for the link Cary:
What’s up with 5-GA representatives not showing up?


I wish I could tell you what Ron Paul’s problem is. I’m sure it would be a long list.

As to the five GA people not showing up, I don’t know….yet.

Yes, I live in GA.

Yes, I will be calling them.

The guy that actually represents me was there and voted “Yes”. Good on him.

For the rest, a pox on their houses.

Aye Chihuahua:”The weasels who voted “Present” should be run out of town on a rail. The ones not voting should get the same treatment unless they had some valid excuse.”

There should be some mandate where they MUST vote some significant percentage of the votes.
Failing that automatically puts them as ineligible to return to office. If you cross another line, you are automatically recalled and a new election is held at the state level.

“Present” should only be allowed if you are missing a limb from that driving accident you just had and trying to get to the hospital 😉

I bet OH BUMMER is missing his “present” vote right now 🙂

The lib said: ” Personally speaking, I’m appalled that anyone could cheer a mob kicking a guy on the ground, “

This may be the first time any lib has expressed an opinion on the violence in Iran. And typical lib, HE CHOSE THE WRONG SIDE.

Wouldn’t it be nice if Mr. Lib had exercised the same outrage when Neda was shot and lay dying in the street?

But nooooo,…. The lib only gets P.O.’d when some thug in the secret police is getting kicked.

As I have said before, today’s libs care more about appeasing the Mullahs who are behind the violence in Iran than they do about the brave men and women who are fighting for their freedom.

A real-deal mini-hitler is getting his ass kicked and it’s a bad thing?
Now you folks see why I have nothing but venom for kool-aid drinking liberals that post here.

We need to make a distinction between the politburo internal wars of the Guardian Council and the courageous people on the streets of Iran. Nobody cares one whit for the mullahs, who are violent and corrpt to the core, but for Obi and our “cognisenti” to ignore the absolute simplicity of good facing evil on the streets is beyond gutless wrong. Freedom is not free, and today it is the Iranians going in harms way. That Obi is not with them is to his shame.
As to the trolls, remember these are the same as those supporting the Khymer Rouge, Mao and the Stalinist purges and gulag. Note they did not criticise the thugs crimes, only the victims defending themselves. Their bs actually validates that we are on the right side.

Wizbang posted a good scoop on how Obama is still inviting Iranian diplomats to US embassies on 7/4.

@Brother Bob: Thanks for passing that along Bob.

It’s unbelieveable that we would invite Iranian officials to 4th of July parties after the past week.

Obama is sending another green light to the Mullahs to kill protesters in the streets.

Listen closely to what Reza Pahlavi has to say, eunuch in chief…

6:06 minutes: Do *not* let them define what is [unintelligible] for sovereignty…. what is intereference in other’s affairs

When America’s President stands idly by and watches a brutal regime – already on record as hostile, corrupt and oppressive – murder their young, demanding the most base of freedoms, in the streets in the name of “not interfering”, it is no longer my America… the country in which I was raised. It is now Obama’s and his O’faithful’s America. And we are soon all to be wards of his State – isolationists, striking deals with despots, thugs and thieves, awaiting our turn to fall to government control and tyranny.

God and Allah bless those struggling – and in many instances, giving their lives – to achieve what our POTUS is so easily seizing bit by bit, law by law, czar by czar, and bailout by bailout. The Iranians in the streets demonstrate more American values and strength of conviction than the man dwelling in our White House. The protestors have embarrassed the western media… out reporting them on truth and visuals… while the beltway press crowds try to make Obama’s hands off BS seem plausible. The youth of Iran die before the lens of forbidden camera phones, grasping signs in English for a last message to the free world. In the dark of night, they desperately try to use all the new technology to broadcast their plight and pleas for help. Each day, despite the murders and threats, and against a heavily armed and powerful enemy, they still hit the streets for freedom.

And Obama throws BBQs for the Iranian murdering thugs and friends, “touched” by the bloodbaths of the victims in the streets. Simultaneously he works the media adeptly, spinning his lack of leadership by crystal ball predictions of armaggedon if he stands strong on freedom and human rights.

No. Not my America anymore.

And this is why Ron Paul will always be a joke in Washington and never be presdential material.

This is a key point in Iran’s emergance as either a nation of the people or another Muslim country ruled by a religious elite who have no connection with the common man.

Jimmy Carter sat back and watched the old Iran tumble and fall, then blamed everyone but his administration for their inaction. Basically PEBO is going to sit on the sidelines and wait to see how the situation turns out so he can either claim credit or blame others for the eventual outcome.


I totally understand the reasoning in the above links. However, leaders from other countries, the US Congress, and US citizens have all made stronger statements. Surely our voices are being heard in Iran. Let’s hope so. At the very least, a disinvite for the 4th – OUR OWN Independence Day, is in order.

Cary, I am well aware of the WH talking points about why they don’t want to “meddle” or “interfere”, and the puppet press and O’faithful devotees web spinning around the world to justify his eunuch’ness.

And it is all a crock of shit… ‘scuse my language. This is pure failure to lead. Thus the reason the “follower in chief” changed his tune and added a touch more indignation on a Friday night CBS interview. Trouble is, the devoid of emotion Obama delivered it as part of a pat TOTUS moment, and CBS actually missed he slightly changed his tune.

There is no passion in this man for freedom others fight for. How could there be? He is busy taking ours away. Cold, cowardly and ball’less. I’ve disagreed vehemently with this POTUS, and others before. But never… *never* have I felt what I feel today about the man you elected to sit in the Oval Office. I want him gone… and hopefully gone before he destroys the US. I’m with Thomas Sowell on this.


I have no argument for you on this one.

@17-Aye Chihuahua
“As to the five GA people not showing up, I don’t know….yet. Yes, I live in GA. Yes, I will be calling them.”

Same here. I don’t see my representatives listed so that is good but still … e-mails to the appropriate people will be sent.

@Brother Bob:
Thanks for providing that info. We should make sure that everyone we know understands what kind of I(diot)OTUS we have in the white house. I want to see that approval rating drop below Bush’s. (

Iran has blood running in the street and IOTUS and Vice-Idiot are on the golf course … NOT the GULF COAST of Iran….

“I hope that the international community recongises that we need to stand behind peaceful protests and be opposed to violence and repression”

And now that we have VIOLENCE … he is doing what?

Wait for it …. wait for it ….

He is STAYING THE COURSE. All else be damned.
“BAH! So they killed a few people, come on over and celebrate with us mullahs!”

If all hell breaks loose, I full expect that OhBummer will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Well, I take that back sort of. He’d crap his pants and shale a finger at Iran.
“Stop it or I’ll shake my finger again… You don’t know who you are messing with. I am fro Chicago if you know what that means!”

I don’t agree with, but understand why Ron Paul voted against it. It is consistent with his Libertarian perspective, (which for good or ill takes a stance of not getting involved with the internal affairs of other countries). In this case, (as often is the way with Libertarians,) it is taken to the extreme in not getting involved with human rights abuses.

I do however agree with the exiled crown prince, that we have to be very careful with this one, because it could turn around and bite us and hurt the success of the protesters. Granted the tyrants are already making such claims of foreign interferance, but the problem is that without a full all out civil war, afterward there will still be a lot of the same people in the government. Once things settle down again some will take offense at our involvement. that’s why I think the best way to help is with pressure on the UN to take action, rather than the USA acting unilaterally. I would like to see the International Red Cross go in.

For the far-lefties reading this:

This is exactly why we have a Second Amendment. It isn’t about target shooting or hunting. (the later are just other good uses for guns.)