Ice Cream, while Iran Screams


“The reality is that these times bring not only dangers but also opportunities.”
– VP Dick Cheney, August 27, 2002, VFW speech


Father’s Day arrived early for the Obamas:

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The first family was in the mood for something sweet _ something like vanilla custard, fudge and sprinkles.

On a muggy Saturday just before Father’s Day, President Barack Obama took Sasha, 8, and Malia, 10, to The Dairy Godmother, a frozen custard shop just outside Washington.

The president snacked on vanilla custard with hot fudge and toasted almonds in a cup, said the shop’s owner, Liz Davis.

Remember the criticism leveled at President Bush while New Orleans “burned”? Petty partisan politics is a bitch, ain’t it?

I actually don’t begrudge President Obama his vanilla custard with hot fudge (although “toasted almonds” might be carrying it a bit far).

But certainly the time for voting “present” and golden mean fence-straddling is over. Is he hearing “The Voice of Iran“? The world is looking to leadership. Take a firm stand, Mr. President; and Happy Father’s Day!


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This guy is a clueless bean brain.

George Will and Sen. Lugar today:

(WSJ) Conservative columnist George Will, speaking on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, dismissed “foolish criticism” of Mr. Obama’s position, noting that past U.S. efforts to urge uprisings, in Hungary against the Soviet Union and in Iraq against Saddam Hussein, led only to bitterness against, and criticism of, Washington.

Mr. Lugar also backed the White House’s approach, saying Washington must continue to focus on Iran’s nuclear program, not the street protests, even if that means direct negotiations with the Teheran regime.


(NYT) Mr. Obama has won support from across party lines. Henry A. Kissinger, the former secretary of state, said on Fox News: “I think the president has handled this well. Anything that the United States says that puts us totally behind one of the contenders, behind Moussavi, would be a handicap for that person,” he said. Mir Hussein Moussavi is the main challenger to the declared victor, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

…and Peggy Noonan: (WSJ) “A stifling and corrupt religious autocracy has seen its international standing diminished, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is among other things a Holocaust denier, has in effect been rebuked by half his country, and through free speech, that most painful way to lose your reputation, which has broken out on the streets. … To insist the American president, in the first days of the rebellion, insert the American government into the drama was shortsighted and mischievous. … John McCain and others went quite crazy insisting President Obama declare whose side America was on, as if the world doesn’t know whose side America is on.”

Sounds like the GOP is divided over this.

Compare and contrast:

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”


“So, who wants sprinkles?”

-2 on Rasmussen, and falling fast.

Bwa hahahahahhah!

Herman, Partisan hack and Obama Boot Licker…call Your Kenyan Pretender and tell him that Opportunities do not give Him permission for continued acts of irresponsibility.

Accountability is coming and this is not the NFL. Failure to perform gets Him, his Spouse and Kinder and Aunti Zetunia a trip to their Kenya forever in exchange for Jimmy Carters left nut, a Lewinsky flavored cigar for You and my warmest regards.

Patriots of any Nation fight, bleed and die but succeed. Turds like You sit behind keyboards and talk out their backsides. You got your recognition. Go away. Come back when You make sense.

I had knee replacement surgery yesterday and it was resultant from too many parachute jumps to protect obama youth candidates like you. Too many deployments later to keep Failed Foreign Policy viable and You offer snide comments based on nothing.

Have an ice cream, STFU and I will encourage you to go away.
Oh and Happy Fathers Day.


Nothing but DC Obamalama group think. Noonan, Lugar and Will have lost the respect of many conservatives awhile ago, they certainly do not speak for me nor will their words change the minds of those doing their own thinking.

The left hated Kissinger as much as they hate Karl Rove. How amusing that you now find him useful.

France, Germany and Great Britain denounced the fraudulent election and treatment of the Iranian people immediately, Obama sat on his thumbs until he thought he needed to wet his finger, he’s weak, Ahmadinejad and Khomeni know it. Now, unfortunately so do the people of Iran.


Nice read:

Hungary 1956, Iran 2009

President Obama, June 12, 2009
“*We are excited to see what appears to be a robust debate taking place in Iran and obviously, after the speech that I made in Cairo, we tried to send a clear message that we think there’s a possibility of change.

There is more change going on in Iran than President Hope & Change Obama can cope with.

Why would anyone believe the pretender would back freedom and capitalism? His prejudices toward the muslim religion and the culture of islam is more then evident.

Wake up America. Close your eyes, change the name of iran to the United States (when the pretender does his best to complete his agenda of taking over and making us socialistic/communistic) and picture the rioters as American citizens. Yes, this will be our future if the kool aid drinkers don’t educate themselves and base their votes and comments on logic and facts versus emotion.

God Bless America and may she always be free

@herman: Nice little cut and paste job. Where’d you pick all that up? The Huffington Post?

I am so thrilled to see you personally back the views of the Republicans you cited above. I’ll mark down their names and when they criticize Obama in the future I expect you to come here and accept that criticism.

You’ll do that won’t you?

is it me imagining things, or are all of obama’s secret service guys black? mmm, just an observation. obama is an idiot, and his groupies are idiots. we all know that you cannot spend every waking moment in the situation room thinking of how to save the world, but has this guy even been in the room? has he made a concise stance on anything? i am so glad that while most of us are concerned about iran and are trying to have a normal day, he also has the day off and is running around with how many people on the clock to pick up frozen custard for himself the girls and the dog. what a waste of my money.

obamba and his administration don’t know what to do. they have one agenda and that is to socialize america for the people of color. in other words, get whitey. that is what his regime’s plan is simple and plain.

i pray for my country and the iranian people.

It’s 3am, the phone rings, what do you do? You go get ice cream.

If a hurricane hit New Orleans, he’d blame Bush while getting pizza, and (true to his novice, inexperienced, long list of accomplishments) do nothing.

Finally, the American people are realizing this as low approval of his policies is pulling down his popularity/approval rating.

Saw an interesting question Sunday on MTP. Fred Thompson was asked if dbl digit unemployment will hurt dems in midterms. He laughed. I thought to myself, “It probably means that 1:10 voters ain’t gonna vote Dem, and given that Dems took Congress by less than 90k votes in 2006…yeah, it could mean a difference.

Now, now, you know Fathers Day’s always a big holiday in the hood!

The big question I have is why would anyone take anything Henry Kissneger says these days as an informed postion? He failed in his dealings with the Vietnam War and no where has he ever been right in any situation that the news agencies ask him ihs “opinion”.

Old Trooper,

You say, “Patriots of any Nation fight, bleed and die but succeed. Turds like You sit behind keyboards and talk out their backsides.”

And, regardless of whatever you claim to have done in the past, what were you doing when you posted that comment? Fighting, bleeding and dying, or sitting behind your keyboard?

You’ve just succeeded in making a total fool out of yourself, with your jingoistic nonsense.

Personally, I think that would be too great a price to pay, in order to criticize Obama for eating ice cream.

But, whatever is good for you.

Hey hypocrite eagle, he did his part and due to that fact, cannot do it anymore. What have you done other than show what a leftwing douche you are?
Jingoistic? You are such an ass.
He was dead right about posters like you and that is what gets under your skin. You are cowards to the core. You’d get on your knees and beg for mercy before you’d fight. Without guys like him you’d be speaking German.

Asshats like you were bashing Bush about Katrina yet gave Clinton a pass on the heatwave that killed people and obama a pass on the icestorms that also killed people.


Like all opportunists, he sees every crisis as an “opportunity” for personal gain at others’ expense.


I followed that link you gave to “meathead’s” website, and my AVAST anti-virus program (or the Microsoft VISTA security setting?) gave me this warning…

Reported Attack Site!

This web site at has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

Attack sites try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.

Some attack sites intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners.

Needless to say, I prefer to steer clear.

Which of the above leftist cretins, if any, was meathead?

Word, you cannot have a rational debate with someone who did not arrive at their view in a rational manner.

To paraphrase: Don’t bother debating mentally ill leftists.

@Wordsmith: Careful Wsmith! You’re going to lose your reputation as the most reasonable F.A. personality if you keep dishing the moonbats!

Word, thinking is obviously something he isn’t good at or used to doing.

I feel your lack of patience with his kind. They lie, distort, relentlessly attack, bring up the same discredited claims repeatedly, and it gets old. They are clearly very sick people utterly consumed by their derranged hate and desire to remain in their fantasy world where they hide from reality.

They hate us simply because we not only disagree with them, we inject reality into their house of cards which they have so much self worth invested in.


(I didn’t know chickens could golf.)