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According to CBS reporter Mark Knoller;
Obama and the girls are back at the WH after their quick outing for frozen custard.
…The Obama outing last 54 minutes. The Secret Service used the SUV instead of the limo for the pres and daughters.
…You’re gonna laff: Obama & the girls actually bought Frozen Puppy pops for Bo: flavors: pumpkin, peanut butter and yogurt…

While the “vigorus debate” in Iran continues.


Please God, let the video at that link go viral!!!

That picture, above: Ariya_melaat. Is that not a woman?
We know where the “O” stands on this. (The weasel)
Interesting that we’ve heard only crickets from Hillary? Was there even a statement? And, the same crickets demonstrate the political neutrality of NOW global feminism:in the aid of their sisters, in Iran.

I hope this isn’t a double post:

You must see these photos:


There is something very important going on here and our President remains on the sidelines.


And our fundamental values demand that America stand with demonstrators opposing a regime that is the antithesis of all we believe.

Remember when we discussed the Bush policy of funding pro democracy groups in Iran last week? After zeroing out the funding, then watching, waiting and standing on the sidelines voting present, we now know why Obama didn’t initially support the people of Iran, they are nothing but a headache for him, he had already cut them loose. All he had to do is sit the mullahs down and talk, he had them, he didn’t need no Bush pro democracy funding. Those silly little Iranians thinking they want their freedom……..messed everything up. Pffft!

the Obama administration also has zeroed out funding for pro-democracy programs inside Iran from the State Department budget for fiscal 2010, just as protests in Iran are ramping up.

Funding for pro-democracy programs began in 2004, when Congress earmarked $1.5 million of the State Department budget for “educational, humanitarian, and non-governmental organizations and individuals inside Iran to support the advancement of democracy and human rights in Iran.”

The funding ramped up dramatically two years later, when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice requested $75 million for pro-democracy programs. More than half of the $66.1 million Congress finally appropriated went to expand U.S. government-funded Persian language broadcasting services at Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

But no money has been earmarked for such programs in the administration’s fiscal 2010 foreign operations budget request. Congressional sources told Newsmax they doubted that a Democrat-controlled Congress would add it when the budget comes before a committee next week.


Once again, conservatives don’t even bother to address the reason behind Obama’s “neutrality” on the Iran issue, preferring instead to stoke their paranoid fantasies about “B. Hussein Obama.” The reason Obama has been so restrained on Iran is not because he craves a partner to discuss nukes. The reason he restrains himself is that intervention would instantly de-legitimize the protesters and turn them into the US stooges that the Mullahs desperately want to paint them as. And, yes, this matters greatly inside Iran, where the memory of the Mossadeq coup of 1953 still holds sway. Lowry would love to impose a different collective memory on Iran, but it won’t work. If the protesters are going to overthrow the regime, they are going to need some internal allies (including self-serving clerics like Rafsanjani) who don’t believe they are being played for Western puppets.

What’s even sillier is that none of these Obama critics suggest what Obama should actually do. Sure, they say he should issue tougher remarks, but is that all this is about? Would a statement from the White House beyond calling for justice and condemning violations of Iranians’ human rights – which he has done already – really help things along? Unless there is the threat of force or some other tangible action, a loud statement from Obama would look buffoonish.

Sounds conservative (staying out of it) to me. Then again, we all know how the tables have turned. New Dems=right-center Repubs=wackos
This has got to be very troubling for many on the “right” who previously went as far as to sing songs about bombing Iran. What a pickle! Hating/fearing Muslims but also having to cry for them.
Keep on spinning!

@Missy: I had wondered if Obie might delete the funds for Iranian democracy. It’s not surprising really. Freedom is a concept that is alien to the socialist mindset Obama represents.

And let’s not forget that Obie is also trying to reign in development of the missile defense just as North Korea threatens to shoot rockets at Hawaii.

The guy is on the wrong side of history and common sense in so many ways.

@Richard: “New Dems?” Sounds to me like it’s just a replay of the same defeatist line we have heard from you moron douchebags for years.

Don’t upset the Soviets you loons used to tell Reagan. They won’t agree to Arms Control. THEY DID.

Don’t make waves in the Middle East by invading Iraq you loons told Bush. It will just cause more terrorism. Terrorism has been on a steady decline ever since.

When are you people EVER going to learn that peace comes from strength, not weakness and appeasement?

You folks simply REFUSE to face reality. And in this case, that means a strong U.S. stand for what is RIGHT!

Well, the 3:00 AM phone rang for seven days. I’m happy that 0bama at least decided to pick the damn phone up.

Hey Mike,

I wonder how much Obie’s spineless response to the Iran situation has to do with this:


For those keeping score at home, yes, this is the worst yet.


That Obama, what a guy:

From the Office of Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi
To the President of the USA, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama:

Dear Mr. President,

In the name of the Iranian people, we want you to know that when you recently made the statement “Achmadinejad or Mousavi? Two of a kind,” we consider this as a grave and deep insult, not just to Mr. Mousavi but especially against the judgment of the Iranian people, against our moral conviction and intelligence, especially those of the young generation that comprises a population of 31 million.

It is a specially grave insult for those who are now fighting for democracy and freedom, and an unwarranted gift and even praise for Mr. Khamenei, whose security forces are now killing peaceful Iranians in the streets of every major city in the country.

Your statement misled the people of the world. It was no doubt inspired by your hope for dialogue with this regime, but you cannot possibly believe in promises from a regime that lies to its own people and then kills them when they demand the promises be kept.

By such statements, your administration and you discourage the Iranian people, who believe and trust in the values of democracy and freedom. We are pleased to see that you have condemned the regime’s murderous violence, and we look forward to stronger support for the rightful struggle of the Iranian people against the actions of a regime that is your enemy as well as ours.


Mike–A 50-year-old calling someone a douchebag? That’s neat. The Iran situation is about democracy and that’s it. It’s a sign that things have changed in Iran and will continue to change, considering that the over half the population is under the age of 30. This is a great thing that we’re seeing.
And you want to invade/use force?
The images/text we’ve seen on the web from Iran works the other way too. They’ve seen/heard McCain’s Beach Boys anthem, Ann Coulter saying bombing Iran would be good for Wall Street, etc etc.
Even your hero Reagan said that resorting to force was a “sad commentary on the human condition.”
Gee, I sound more conservative than you.

@Richard: You left out the “moron” part.

And where did you EVER get the idea that any of us would advocate invading or using force as an answer to this current situation.

Yes, MORON DOUCHEBAG is entirely fitting for you.

As for @Elrod saying: “What’s even sillier is that none of these Obama critics suggest what Obama should actually do. ”

Are you deaf or just a friend of Richards?

Go back and read Reagan’s statement about the Polish crackdown on Solidarity in the 1980’s if you need a clue.

All this vitriol coming from someone who in the past has stated his hatred of Muslims. Too funny.
Are you using fake Kleenexes too?

Obama will do absolutely nothing. He is not neutral. He just is ignorant on Foreign Policy and by doing nothing, he takes no side and avoids responsibility for any outcome. At least he has not apologized again …yet.

Richard, being an astute student of Foreign Policy and most likely a supporter of Carter, Clinton and the Ignorant Kenyan/Indonesian/Hawaiian Pretender in Chief, do You honestly care about the impact of a do nothing Foreign Policy?

Don’t waste insults on me Bud. I spent 12 years in the Middle East and understand the mindset there. Iran laughed at Carter, Clinton and Obama but were respectful of Reagan after he bombed Libya and on Reagan’s Inauguration Day the Embassy Hostages were released after months of being held hostage. Do You remember that?

I deployed under Clinton to lost cause hellholes like Bosnia and Somalia, Kosovo, the Horn of Africa, Macedonia and a few others due to a failed foreign policy and stopped murder, terrorism and mayhem. I am retired now so Your Pal Obama cannot deploy me anywhere when his foreign policy falls on its ass but Soldiers I trained are deployed and will be again and turds like You won’t. You sit comfy at home and safe and offer your tripe here with no idea of what is at risk but I do know. I have seen it, stopped tyranny and restored order on my watch.

Doing nothing offers these folks a grim fate. The Revolutionary Guard and Secret Police are rounding them up in neighborhoods and college dorms right now. They will just disapear. The Press has been expelled so the Mullahs can just have their way.

[courtesy embed by Mike]

A strong American Leader could make a difference but we have None. I am a meddler, I have stopped murder, mayhem and kept the light of Freedom lit for folks that were desperate for it.
Obama is voting present again and You respect that?

You and Elrod need to get off the Kool Aid. Your partisanship may be respected at Daily Kos but you won’t have cred here with me. The cure for ignorance is information. Stupid is as yet incurable. Obama’s America has no credibility with our best Allies under Team Obama and Iranian Dissenters have no Friend in the White House.

Your posts reflect your foreign policies. Anyone who disagrees, eliminate them.
Vietnam remains a huge threat today too, right? Things change.
If this isn’t a site for conservatives, what is it?

@Richard: “Hatred of Muslims?” Provide some proof of that claim or retract it.

And, are you suggesting that leaving Iran as it is would be a good thing?

Yes, MORON, DOUCHEBAG is the perfect description of you.

@Old Trooper: Great video find. Apparently Richard doesn’t support ANY of those values for the Iranian people. Obviously he disagrees and is perfectly content to watch the Mullahs “eliminate them” as he stated above.

Richard, or I should say DICK, your ignorance is your ignorance. Don’t lable others with it. Conservatives don’t want to eliminate people just because they dissagree with them. We want to take on only those who’s dissagreement is manifest in threats and plans to destroy the US and our freedoms. Conservatives are the most likely to defend freedom of belief and freedome of thought. It isn’t our concern what others think or believe. Our concern is what they DO.
For example, you are free to think what ever you want. Your ignorance is your’s to enjoy. But your coming here to make false ignorant and baseless accusations,,, that is an action and so we will respond to your actions by telling you to STFU.


All this vitriol coming from someone who in the past has stated his hatred of Muslims.

Where did Mike state that Richard?

Where? Everything Mike has written here is archived for easy reference. Cite the source of your accusation for me.

Can you prove it Richard, or are you just talkin’ out your azz hoping that nobody would challenge you?

Your credibility is now on the line. The clock is running.

Tick. Tock.

Using Richard’s twisted logic one could argue that HE hates Muslims who yearn for peace and freedom. Ah, but the lefties and Obama do seem to have a soft spot for brutal theocracies.

Via Michael Ledeen

From the Office of Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi
To the President of the USA, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama:

Dear Mr. President,

In the name of the Iranian people, we want you to know that when you recently made the statement “Achmadinejad or Mousavi? Two of a kind,” we consider this as a grave and deep insult, not just to Mr. Mousavi but especially against the judgment of the Iranian people, against our moral conviction and intelligence, especially those of the young generation that comprises a population of 31 million.

It is a specially grave insult for those who are now fighting for democracy and freedom, and an unwarranted gift and even praise for Mr. Khamenei, whose security forces are now killing peaceful Iranians in the streets of every major city in the country.

Your statement misled the people of the world. It was no doubt inspired by your hope for dialogue with this regime, but you cannot possibly believe in promises from a regime that lies to its own people and then kills them when they demand the promises be kept.

By such statements, your administration and you discourage the Iranian people, who believe and trust in the values of democracy and freedom. We are pleased to see that you have condemned the regime’s murderous violence, and we look forward to stronger support for the rightful struggle of the Iranian people against the actions of a regime that is your enemy as well as ours.

The following status message is circulating amongst my friends on Facebook, I assume is applies to all blogs:

If anyone is on Twitter, set your location to Tehran and your time zone to GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location/timezone searches. The more people at this location, the more of a logjam it creates for forces trying to shut Iranians’ access to the internet down. Cut & paste & pass it on.

I just set our Twitter account to Tehran time, location Tehran, Iran. Hope it helps. My prayers are with them.

Mike, I am so sick of statists telling me that I hate black people because I oppose Obama’s policies and ideas, (favorite authors alert: Tom Sowell, Walter Williams, and Larry Elder among others), and hate all Muslims because I think we need to eliminate terrorists and the terrorism they bring. Of course the only “Terrorists’ the Obama admin concerns itself with are religious people who believe that deficit spending is ruinous to our economy and that all human life is worth protecting.

The real terroists get vacation time in Bermuda–go figure!

@Cary: Thanks for that alert. I hope someone is doing some research on the cyberwarfare aspect of this crisis. I hear that the Iranian government is using sock puppets to send out disinformation and help snare the protesters.

@Robin L. in TX: We get the racebaiters dropping in here on a regular basis whenever we dare to say anything sharply critical of their new messiah. It’s a disgusting tactic and I have no tolerance for it. It is actually a racist thing to do.

Hey Richard, here is a thoughtful respons to your observations.

[courtesy embed]

Sound familiar Mike? You wrote it.

“And somehow, WE are supposed to be “sensitive” to THEIR (Muslims) culture and religion?”

“What we are seeing this year with the Muslim demands for this and that is the tip of the iceberg. Take a look at the 20 year plan to dominate America. When I first saw that piece I thought it was crazy talk. But with the passage of time it all seems to be coming true.”

And now we are to believe that you care about these people? Charlatan


I’m someone who’s broken lances with fellow conservatives over Islam and Muslims and the approach to take in dealing with Middle East conflicts of religion and culture. And in all the time I’ve known Mike, I’d never put him in the camp of religious/ethnic bigotry.

I think you are pulling his quotes out of context and/or misunderstanding them.

Heh…kind of like how Bush is paraded around by his haters as some Muslim-hating Crusader, warmongering against Islam when he’s done nothing of the sort and even adopted the PC language of “Islam is a religion of peace” tone.

I’ve adjusted the time zones on my Twitter, YouTube, and Blogspot accounts. Liberals and Conservatives are doing this in solidarity, supporting the fight for freedom.

This should not be reduced to a personal or partisan feud.

This should not be reduced to a personal or partisan feud.

Haha….I found a photo yesterday of a protester sporting a Che t-shirt that made me squirm.


Iranians demonstrate near the Iranian embassy in Paris, Friday June 19, 2009 to protest the outcome of the presidential election in Iran. Iran’s supreme leader sternly warned Friday of a crackdown if protesters continue their massive street rallies, escalating the government’s showdown with demonstrators demanding a new presidential election. The inscriptions on the photo at right reads “No to police violence in Iran”.

Wordsmith–You are one of the reasonable folks here. What I’m confused with is the sudden weeping for Moslems in Iran from the far right. One cannot sing Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran and then suddenly cry for Iran, can they? Well, of course they can (and are), but is that reasonable/rational?
I’d say it’s disingenous and a disgrace. And again, while we see/hear what’s going on there, they see/hear us too. A good example of that was FOX’s botched interview with an Iranian-American in NYC last night. The Iranian-American immediately called out McCain as being a fraud.
Someone expressing their fear of a 20-year Moslem plan to conquer America and then suddenly caring about the “poor invaders to-be?” I find that bizarre thinking to say the least.


Bizarre thinking belongs to you. Do you think there was no difference between Saddam’s Baathist regime and the Iraqis citizens that lived through the torture, rape and murder of their fellow citizens? A Muslim is just a Muslim? Don’t project your short sighted views onto anyone on the right. Conservatives wanted the people freed, and supported the president and the troops while that battle was fought. Where were you?

How about the Ayatollah’s Basij with their bats, knives, guns and chains? Same as the Iranian citizens that are begging for freedom and their lives right now? All the same in your eyes? The majority on the right can tell the difference.

And how about members in our muslim population attempting to twist our laws and fund terror through charities, why do you think they are doing that? Again, a muslim is a muslim they are all the same and it isn’t pc to differentiate?

What a loon!

@Richard: I stand by my comment that you are both a moron and a douchebag. Anyone who reads what I have written knows that the passages you cite REFER TO THE TERRORISTS AND NOT TO MUSLIMS AS A WHOLE.

Only a moron and a douchebag like yourself could get the two confused.

It’s clear you are totally indifferent to the suffering of the people of Iran, Muslim or otherwise. Your only goal is to play cheap, petty word games while people are dying in the streets fighting for freedom.

Like Obama you seem more interested in your narrow personal agenda rather than any consideration for people of Iran.

If you cannot separate out our obvious disgust for the Iranian regime from the natural sympathy we have for the Iranian people who are themselves being held hostage than you are an idiot of the first order.

Following your absurd logic, I would be blasted for damning the people of Eastern Europe because in the past I damned their governments.

Grow a brain Richard. You’re starting to bore me.

Why don’t you and Obama go out and get some more ice cream and let the adults take care of the tough stuff.


Hey Richard,

Nice try at taking a single lines out of context with no sourcing or links and you have the nerve to accuse Mike of being a charlatan.

Well, I did a little research, found the comments you’re citing, and now I take great pleasure in laying you bare for everyone to see.

Everyone can see, from reading all of the words, that there is nothing bigoted or racist there.

Here’s what you quoted:

“And somehow, WE are supposed to be “sensitive” to THEIR (Muslims) culture and religion?”

Here’s the entire comment that Mike made:

View at EasyCaptures.com

What a dramatic difference in meaning….hmmmm….

I wonder why you only quoted part of it.

Here’s the other one you quoted:

“What we are seeing this year with the Muslim demands for this and that is the tip of the iceberg. Take a look at the 20 year plan to dominate America. When I first saw that piece I thought it was crazy talk. But with the passage of time it all seems to be coming true.”

Here’s the entire comment that Mike made:

View at EasyCaptures.com

Exit question:

Have you been carrying these pebbles around in your pocket since 2006 when they were posted or is someone behind the curtain pulling your strings?

Mike’s Internet stalker, the teacher from California…in the form of his latest multiple sock puppet iteration…got booted out of here on his ear again last week.

I wonder, Richard…are you another incarnation of the teacher from Eich? If not, perhaps he is loading your TelePromTer for you?

You’ve lodged a baseless insult against Mike which you are yet to prove or retract. The clock is running on your credibility.

Tick tock Richard.

Tick. Tock.


What I’m confused with is the sudden weeping for Moslems in Iran from the far right. One cannot sing Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran and then suddenly cry for Iran, can they?

Do you think McCain really wants to bomb Iran for the purposes of killing Muslims? Or do you suppose he made a tasteless attempt at humor in response to a veteran’s question to him on the Iran nuclear bomb issue?

I don’t know exactly how you are defining “far right”. The fringe extreme who wish to nuke mecca are simply that: on the fringe. We have ’em to the right and we have ’em to the left of all of us.

But I’d say those on the right and left have been weeping for Iranians for a long time, now. But some of those Iranians are comprised of dangerous Khomeinites who have ushered in an era of militant fundamentalism that represses its people and threatens the non-Islamic world with theocratic oppression.

Israel issues statements of the right to self-defense. They never speak about “wiping Iran off the face of the map”. They don’t threaten to nuke Mecca and Medina. So who hates who? How is it that because we see enemies in the Middle East in the form of Islamic terrorism and a brutal Islamic theocratic regime, that translates as right-wingers hate Muslims? If that’s the case, why should any of us support helping Muslims rebuild their country in Iraq? Why is it left to us to post positive news stories about U.S. and Coalition forces helping and defending ordinary Iraqi citizens and training their security forces? Meanwhile, there are those on the left who only talk about abu Ghraib, Haditha, innocent Iraqis being bombed (basically blaming us and not the ISLAMIC homicide bomber martyring himself with the blood of innocents). So which side hates Muslims?

while we see/hear what’s going on there, they see/hear us too.

Richard, one of the things that bothers me about the “fight them over there, so we won’t have to fight them here” mantra, is that to an Iraqi, it comes across as rather cold and insensitive to the suffering of the Iraqi people at the hands of insurgents and foreign fighters who supposedly poured into Iraq to engage us there, instead of plotting to kill us here. No one wants their backyard chosen as the warzone. Not us. Not Iraqis. Certainly, I’d rather fight the enemy overseas and keep them on the defensive and away from my homeland. But making it a mantra comes across rather badly on the PR front of winning hearts and minds.

A good example of that was FOX’s botched interview with an Iranian-American in NYC last night. The Iranian-American immediately called out McCain as being a fraud.

Was the Iranian-American a staunch Republican? Sounds not a wit different than most of the conservatives on this site. 😉

Seriously, though: How does capturing that Iranian-American’s statement a “botched” interview? Was it Hannity or a straight news interview? You do recall that a Pew Research study during the ’08 Election coverage found FOX was very harsh on McCain in their coverage, right?

coverage of McCain was still more negative than positive on Fox News by a factor of roughly 2 to 1.

When it came to McCain, 40% of stories studied on Fox about the Republican nominee were clearly negative (compared with 57% in the press generally). Meanwhile, 22% of stories were positive, compared with 14% in the press generally.


Someone expressing their fear of a 20-year Moslem plan to conquer America and then suddenly caring about the “poor invaders to-be?” I find that bizarre thinking to say the least.

As pointed out so politely by others here, there’s a difference between opposing the theocratic shia belief in bringing about the coming of the 12th imam and wiping Israel off the map and the desire to see Iran restored to a non-theocratic form of government that embraces modernity, women’s rights, and democracy.

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.


Regardless of what the MSM may have told you, John McCain is neither Far-Right or Conservative.

So Richard, it looks like your beloved leader is leaving you in the dustbin of history…

“Obama: Iran protesters will be ‘on the right side of history’

Barack Obama condemned for the first time the violence in Iran today saying he was appalled and outraged by Tehran’s crackdown on protesters.”


Obama is clearly a follower, not a leader…

I hope that leftwingers and PaleoConservatives stop giving the Iranian regime more credibility than it deserves and start to support the victims of the Iranian regime, instead of looking for reasons not to. After all, they are on the ‘right side of history’.

Iran is involved in creating instability in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq. Their regime has oppressed its own people for 30 years. I wish these freedom fighters well and hope that their Islamist supremacist masters are defeated. Islam needs moderate Muslims not theocratic terrorists…