Sanctimonious blowhard speaks up and explains why she is a sanctimonious blowhard. Then runs out and hops on daddy’s jet to ride back to broken welfare queen state of kalifornia.
If you needed more proof these people are so full of themselves, this is it.
JS Ruby
15 years ago
Who is the bigger joke Barbara B or Nancy P? Maybe it’s a tie.
15 years ago
The fabulous Emily Latella (sp?) had the best reply: “Oh. Well, never mind, B—-.” (and it wasn’t “B-O-X-E-R”!)
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
And, you know that if she were a male senator, that would NEVER happen. Can you imagine while the General is answering a male senator and uses the word “Sir”, the male senator interrupting saying, “excuse me, General, could you please call me Senator and not Sir?” So, it’s obviously all about gender politics, not qualifications.
Iben Hakenluggis
15 years ago
June 17, 2009
Senator Barbara Boxer
112 HART Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Fax To: 1- 202-224-0454, 1-916-448-2563, 1-202-224-0454, 1-202-224-0454, 1-619-239-5719
Dear Senator Boxer;
Maybe if you worked a little harder at resolving some of the issues outlined below, we the voters might see your comment as something more than self-serving equine feces.
I want to see more of the video. I doubt a male senator would have had any problem with the General using “sir.” – Generally – ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’ are forms of respect in the military.
Does anyone know if she referred to him as anything other than General in the WHOLE exchange?
I mean – HE DID EARN IT. 😉
It’s really hard to defend Senator Boxer on this one. I remember working a party once where I referred to Ed Koch as “Mr. Koch” – and then realizing I’d addressed him improperly. Still, he didn’t seem to care, as I treated him respectfully, as did this General with Senator Boxer. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps her emotions were high,as they were discussing a very important issue – that of the levees in New Orleans, which have not yet been fixed. However, it would have been more effective for her to explain her frustration than to come off as so condescending. After all, Generals and Doctors earn their titles by hard work – politicians earn them by elections.
Ridiculous little gnome. Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein and my rubber stamp Representative Farr, all symptoms of California insanity. In case anyone wonders why we’re in trouble…all these women elected from SF/Marin crazyland.
15 years ago
Shouldn’t that be “Senatress”?
15 years ago
That bitch is so crazy (probably lack of sex) someone is going to have to sacrafice themselves and have ‘three’ bag sex with her. One bag over her head. one over yours and one over the dogs head so he won’t hate you in the morning.
15 years ago
Yes Ma’am, Senator, Ma’am! Or should it be Madam? Miss Senator? Ms. Senator? Mrs. Senator? Yo!, Senator?
Box : “General, …..”
General: “Uh, Ma’am, would you mind calling me Brigadier? I worked very hard to earn it.”
Here’s the answer if Senator Boxer and Feinstein really live up to there liberal rhetoric….
Both believe strongly in diversity quotas so with both of them being white females of the Jewish faith…how does that represent diversity for California in the senate?
I emailed Ms Boxer yesterday and reminded her that the man that stood taller than her insult ALSO worked very hard to get to his rank…then I reminded her of the quotas she and Ms Feinstein profess and asked who wad going to give up their seat to Larry Elder….
As I have told my children, titles are not even worth the paper on which they are printed…ikt is character that matters and her diva performance teaches us all a behavioral example — how NOT to behave….
Military protocol, under the rules of conduct, calls for Superiors to be addressed as “Sir” or “Ma’am”. Equals and subordinates are addressed by title and name.
By demanding the General to address her as “Senator” she placed herself on an equal (or lesser) level as the General.
It is actually disrespectful for a member of the military to address her as “Senator”.
So, in effect, she just told the General to call her a clueless moron…
In addition, while Congress may hold the purse strings, the General works for the President and is under no obligation to show ANY respect for a Senator, other than what common good manners and that person’s personal achievement would dictate.
In Boxer’s case, “hon”, “babe”, “sweetie” (like Obama did to a reporter), “bimbo” or even “hey you” would all be appropriate…
Damn! can you imagine that some uppity woman actually asked that she be addressed in the manner that she has EARNED?
Especially since the Army’s OWN Protocal is that any Senator be referred to as “Senator” with an itililaized line that “Women Senators are to be addressed as ‘Senator'” for emphasis. I guess they didn’t bold that so the General didn’t get it!
And the misgoynists come out with their claws bared!
Can you actually imagine a woman requesting that she be called by her preference or her EARNED title, no matter what that might be? Whether that be Miss, Ms or Mrs. or a PhD actually be called “Doctor” or even a “Doctor” not be called a nurse because she has a white coat on!
This was a request during an adult conversation – which is sadly lacking nowadays – where there was no disrespect intended on either side and the “gentleman” simply agreed to comply with a woman’s preference! Damn her!
15 years ago
The key operative words are “I worked very to become a Senator.” The problem “Senator” Boxer has is the same most of the rest of congress has; BECOMING NOT BEING!
This so beautifully makes the point I made the other day about Glenn Beck; humility! Humility is everything, and until our leaders have it, it’s impossible to relate in any meaningful way, subsequently, to ever be “for the people.”
I’ll take (and be more than accepting), of the quirkiness and patois of the Glenn Becks and Sarah Palins of America any day over the ‘entitled elite’, that BTW, are elected to serve US. The only thing that matters is being “real and for the people”, period: no room for egos!
Boxer’s comment was truly astounding, albeit not surprising. It should be played 24/7 until all of America is awakend to the ego maniacs we have in office destroying this country. I suggest for the 2010 vote out incumbent slogan:
I know how I would address her but I will not post it here.
The Boxers of this nation are not entitled to anything more
than civility. I will address her any way I choose because I
served my Nation and not myself like she has. The term Bitch
is reserved for female dogs in my house. I have other terms
that apply to her but you will not read them here.
She is quite obnoxious and demeaning a Career Soldier is not above her.
I would have stood up and left the room had she tried to scold me like that.
It was a cheap stunt on her part and I would not have dignified it with my presence.
15 years ago
She defies description…. well, printable description… What a silly twit!
15 years ago
I think the term that would best settle this is if we called her, EX-SENATOR.
Anyone who knows anything about Army protocol knows that you address those that are above you on the food chain as “Sir or Ma’am”. Obviously you know very little about the military.
I wonder, in what other areas does your ignorance excel?
Oh yeah, about that e-mail that you sent….we do indeed have the “brass ones” necessary to publish your comment. You’ll note that it’s above, and has been since 4:34am Pacific time.
We also have the “brass ones” necessary to demonstrate your ignorance to everyone who is watching.
Sanctimonious blowhard speaks up and explains why she is a sanctimonious blowhard. Then runs out and hops on daddy’s jet to ride back to broken welfare queen state of kalifornia.
If you needed more proof these people are so full of themselves, this is it.
Who is the bigger joke Barbara B or Nancy P? Maybe it’s a tie.
The fabulous Emily Latella (sp?) had the best reply: “Oh. Well, never mind, B—-.” (and it wasn’t “B-O-X-E-R”!)
And, you know that if she were a male senator, that would NEVER happen. Can you imagine while the General is answering a male senator and uses the word “Sir”, the male senator interrupting saying, “excuse me, General, could you please call me Senator and not Sir?” So, it’s obviously all about gender politics, not qualifications.
June 17, 2009
Senator Barbara Boxer
112 HART Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Fax To: 1- 202-224-0454, 1-916-448-2563, 1-202-224-0454, 1-202-224-0454, 1-619-239-5719
Dear Senator Boxer;
Maybe if you worked a little harder at resolving some of the issues outlined below, we the voters might see your comment as something more than self-serving equine feces.
I want to see more of the video. I doubt a male senator would have had any problem with the General using “sir.” – Generally – ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’ are forms of respect in the military.
Does anyone know if she referred to him as anything other than General in the WHOLE exchange?
I mean – HE DID EARN IT. 😉
It’s really hard to defend Senator Boxer on this one. I remember working a party once where I referred to Ed Koch as “Mr. Koch” – and then realizing I’d addressed him improperly. Still, he didn’t seem to care, as I treated him respectfully, as did this General with Senator Boxer. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps her emotions were high,as they were discussing a very important issue – that of the levees in New Orleans, which have not yet been fixed. However, it would have been more effective for her to explain her frustration than to come off as so condescending. After all, Generals and Doctors earn their titles by hard work – politicians earn them by elections.
Dr. Imhaus: Doctor. Austin Millbarge: Doctor. Dr. Imhaus: Doctor. Emmett Fitz-Hume: Doctor. [Imhaus exits] Dr. Marston: Doctor. Austin Millbarge: Doctor. Dr. Marston: Doctor. Emmett Fitz-Hume: Doctor. [Marston exits] Karen Boyer: Doctor. Austin Millbarge: Doctor. Karen Boyer: Doctor. Emmett Fitz-Hume: [amorously] Doctor! [Boyer exits] Jerry Hadley: Doctor. Austin Millbarge: Doctor. Jerry Hadley: Doctor. Emmett Fitz-Hume: Doctor. [Hadley exits] Austin Millbarge: We’re not doctors!
Ridiculous little gnome. Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein and my rubber stamp Representative Farr, all symptoms of California insanity. In case anyone wonders why we’re in trouble…all these women elected from SF/Marin crazyland.
Shouldn’t that be “Senatress”?
That bitch is so crazy (probably lack of sex) someone is going to have to sacrafice themselves and have ‘three’ bag sex with her. One bag over her head. one over yours and one over the dogs head so he won’t hate you in the morning.
Yes Ma’am, Senator, Ma’am! Or should it be Madam? Miss Senator? Ms. Senator? Mrs. Senator? Yo!, Senator?
Box : “General, …..”
General: “Uh, Ma’am, would you mind calling me Brigadier? I worked very hard to earn it.”
LOL!!!! Nice! Especially,
[General: “Uh, Ma’am, would you mind calling me Brigadier? I worked very hard to earn it.”]
Here’s the answer if Senator Boxer and Feinstein really live up to there liberal rhetoric….
Both believe strongly in diversity quotas so with both of them being white females of the Jewish faith…how does that represent diversity for California in the senate?
I emailed Ms Boxer yesterday and reminded her that the man that stood taller than her insult ALSO worked very hard to get to his rank…then I reminded her of the quotas she and Ms Feinstein profess and asked who wad going to give up their seat to Larry Elder….
As I have told my children, titles are not even worth the paper on which they are printed…ikt is character that matters and her diva performance teaches us all a behavioral example — how NOT to behave….
They took it down on YouTube, but it’s still here:
Military protocol, under the rules of conduct, calls for Superiors to be addressed as “Sir” or “Ma’am”. Equals and subordinates are addressed by title and name.
By demanding the General to address her as “Senator” she placed herself on an equal (or lesser) level as the General.
It is actually disrespectful for a member of the military to address her as “Senator”.
So, in effect, she just told the General to call her a clueless moron…
In addition, while Congress may hold the purse strings, the General works for the President and is under no obligation to show ANY respect for a Senator, other than what common good manners and that person’s personal achievement would dictate.
In Boxer’s case, “hon”, “babe”, “sweetie” (like Obama did to a reporter), “bimbo” or even “hey you” would all be appropriate…
The video has been restored.
Damn! can you imagine that some uppity woman actually asked that she be addressed in the manner that she has EARNED?
Especially since the Army’s OWN Protocal is that any Senator be referred to as “Senator” with an itililaized line that “Women Senators are to be addressed as ‘Senator'” for emphasis. I guess they didn’t bold that so the General didn’t get it!
And the misgoynists come out with their claws bared!
Can you actually imagine a woman requesting that she be called by her preference or her EARNED title, no matter what that might be? Whether that be Miss, Ms or Mrs. or a PhD actually be called “Doctor” or even a “Doctor” not be called a nurse because she has a white coat on!
This was a request during an adult conversation – which is sadly lacking nowadays – where there was no disrespect intended on either side and the “gentleman” simply agreed to comply with a woman’s preference! Damn her!
The key operative words are “I worked very to become a Senator.” The problem “Senator” Boxer has is the same most of the rest of congress has; BECOMING NOT BEING!
This so beautifully makes the point I made the other day about Glenn Beck; humility! Humility is everything, and until our leaders have it, it’s impossible to relate in any meaningful way, subsequently, to ever be “for the people.”
I’ll take (and be more than accepting), of the quirkiness and patois of the Glenn Becks and Sarah Palins of America any day over the ‘entitled elite’, that BTW, are elected to serve US. The only thing that matters is being “real and for the people”, period: no room for egos!
Boxer’s comment was truly astounding, albeit not surprising. It should be played 24/7 until all of America is awakend to the ego maniacs we have in office destroying this country. I suggest for the 2010 vote out incumbent slogan:
Replace Boxers with Bachmanns
What a cunning stunt!
I know how I would address her but I will not post it here.
The Boxers of this nation are not entitled to anything more
than civility. I will address her any way I choose because I
served my Nation and not myself like she has. The term Bitch
is reserved for female dogs in my house. I have other terms
that apply to her but you will not read them here.
She is quite obnoxious and demeaning a Career Soldier is not above her.
I would have stood up and left the room had she tried to scold me like that.
It was a cheap stunt on her part and I would not have dignified it with my presence.
She defies description…. well, printable description… What a silly twit!
I think the term that would best settle this is if we called her, EX-SENATOR.
Really cassie?
Are you sure?
Show me, will you please?
Actually, let me show you what the Army manual says.
Here ya go:
View at
Anyone who knows anything about Army protocol knows that you address those that are above you on the food chain as “Sir or Ma’am”. Obviously you know very little about the military.
I wonder, in what other areas does your ignorance excel?
Oh yeah, about that e-mail that you sent….we do indeed have the “brass ones” necessary to publish your comment. You’ll note that it’s above, and has been since 4:34am Pacific time.
We also have the “brass ones” necessary to demonstrate your ignorance to everyone who is watching.
Ugly,nasty SKANK!
I don’t believe Queen Elizabeth has a problem with Ma’am. Isn’t that considered proper?