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Dr Sanity shows why they have to deflect attention from themselve…

“The American Right-wing (RW) with few exceptions is totally Pacifist. From the NA to neo-Nazis they preach non-violence. They are “educators.” If you already know the score you are no use to them. Their Websites illuminate the problems that Aryans face. Each day new alarms are sounded, adding more fuel to the raging fire. Their sites receive “hit after hit” from patriots, scared old folks asking to help — young folks asking for leadership. Business $$is good. But that’s as far as it goes. Their subscribers, smoldering with rage, ready for action, are told to take a cold-shower — or pray.

“The RW does NOTHING BUT TALK. It offers no Goal, no short or long-term objectives, no plan of action against the well-known enemy. There is no strategy, no tactical advice. Only the warning: DO NOTHING, BREAK NO LAWS, SIT TIGHT (as it has for almost 100-years).

“Exactly the advice Marxists/Liberals/Jews want to hear.

“But not the advice one would expect from Jefferson, Hale, or Patrick Henry. Even a kid in grade school knows when it’s time to get his knuckles bloody.”

He clearly sympathizes with the right, even includes neo-Nazis under the RW label. He just wants to see action instead of words. Also, he clearly calls out his enemies: “Marxist/Liberals/Jews. Take out the Jews part and he sounds like any RWer.

He’s just one crazy, but let’s not pretend he’s a big Bill Maher fan. There are RW atheists.

snrub you ignorant slut troll, there is far more evidence that you have deliberately ignored that proves he was of the left.
On top of that you moron, neo-nazis are socialists–AKA from the left!
Lastly snrub you SFB, Conservatives support the Jews while most of the leftists like you do not.

Now take you mentally ill projection back to the koslims, DUNG, or puffho.

Yonasan, I LOVE Dr. Sanity. She really helped me understand what makes the insane left tick.

Just a matter of time…revoloution is Brewing

Spike, hopefully it is a peaceful revolution.
My fear is that we will not be able to undue what the obomination has done.
It is clear he wants America to be a far left country and will cause it to be such against the people’s will.

It was one of the most brilliant moves of the commies to brand fascists as ‘right wing’ rather than as a competing version of leftwing socialism.

The Dems are in denial of the historical facts that they continually try to revise to suit their agenda.. The white supremest movement has it’s roots in the southern Democratic party; Slavery and the Cival War, the southern political elites who forced segregation and the KKK. All Democrats.

@ditto: Thanks for that reminder. The only elected leader of the KKK serving in the U.S. Senate STILL is a Democrat:



He clearly sympathizes with the right, even includes neo-Nazis under the RW label.

Neither Nazis nor neo-Nazis are “Right Wing.”

For the gezilionth time, THEY ARE LEFTISTS…

@yonason: It doesn’t do any good to keep reminding these brainwashed Obamatons of those facts. They are drinking the Goebbels (NAZI) Kool Aid known as the “BIG LIE” which they simply repeat over and over again until they believe it.