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Unfortunately, ‘center-right’ in Europe is about like the Democrats here. It’s still a step in the right direction, though. And in Germany, I was pleased to see that the FDP may end up replacing the SDP as coalition partner for the CDU; that would actually be a significant swing.

And the European “center-right” is where the MSM and Democrats want to re-align the measurement scale. Let’s remember that Both Presidents Bush Sr. and Jr. were considered moderates when there respective Republican campaigns. As is was McCain’s. But the moment they were nominated the MSM began propagandizing their reports and opinions to make them appear to be conservatives. Meanwhile, Obama comes from the liberal far-left, and these same reporters and commentators try to tell us he’s a moderate.

Republicans might as well support the more conservative Republicans in future elections, since Republicans will be painted with the same brush in the general elections.

@Mike (Mike you seem to have at least some contact with GOP higher-ups. Please pass the following advice on to them.)

Notes to the GOP leadership (or their aids if you’re reading this blog):

(1) Next time the presidential elections come around, convince two or three moderate Republicans to run in the primaries. This way, a single moderate candidate doesn’t get all the moderate Republican votes while the conservatives Candidates have a fight to split the Conservative vote. (If you have such a balanced primary, it increases the chance of a real conservative winning. I don’t understand why the leadership doesn’t seem to understand this concept, I mean, this is the third time in a row guys.)

(2) While you’re at it call start calling your moderates “liberal” Republicans. (If they get upset, explain to them that you’re simply using the MSM and Democratic party propaganda tactics against them, and you know they aren’t really.)

(3) Stop being week-kneed wusses! Nobody respects you for that. NOBODY! Fight the Sotomayor nomination with all your ability, but with common sense and logic. Show great respect for Hispanics. Give her credit for her accomplishments, make it clear that her sex and race have no bearing on your opposition. Bring up the fact that the Democrats torpedoed an earlier Hispanic nominee simply because he was Hispanic, and assure Sotomayor that you will not do what they did. Absolutely, ask her why she made the statements she made about “old white men” and give her the chance to “clarify” what she was meaning to say by that. Bring up her SCOTUS reversals. Instead of a hostile railing against her, find ways in your questioning to emphasize why her anti-constitutional and unfair (activist) “empathy rulings” concept is dangerous to the courts system and for the Constitution. (Regardless of what the MSM says, replacing a left-wing Justice with an activist Justice does not balance the court.)

(4) Stop treating religious-minded Republicans for granted or as if they are lepers.

(5) Get back in touch with small town American industry, workers and agriculture. Many of these people voted for you until the party started selling them out or treating them like “red-headed step children.” The “American Dream” was built on their backs, but in the search for higher corporate profits and global trade, the small towns and their workforce have been hit hard. (It is incidentally very stupid for our military forces to be dependent on foreign suppliers of systems and parts.)

I don’t understand why the leadership doesn’t seem to understand this concept

You seem to think that the Republican leadership is somehow ‘in charge’ of how many candidates show up to contest the primary. It would be closer to the truth to say that the media is in charge of determining who is considered a contender, or (if you’re less cynical) that it’s determined by how many people bring enough resources to the game to get the necessary petitions signed. But it’s not like the RNC can just determine the slate.

Damn. bbartlog stole my comment.

@ditto: I’m afraid my days of knowing anyone who is “in the loop” are long gone. Though, from my experience on the front lines of past political battles I can tell you how important it is for YOU to voice your concerns directly to your representative, Senators and to also express yourself via your local GOP and by writing letters to the editor of your local newspaper.

I would suggest you choose one issue, like the Sotomayor nomination and focus on that for now. I have a letter on that topic I hope to post this week that I will send to the GOP Senators on the Judiciary Committee as well as my local newspaper.

Write letters, fax, email, call (letters have more impact than the other three) your elected officials. Go to their Town Hall meetings when they have them and try to ask a question. Go to your local GOP meetings and volunteer. Attend a Tea Party on July 4th.

I wish I could say I just passed your comment along to Michael Steele and he’s told me that he’s working on implementing your ideas but it’s not as easy as that.

Each of us can do what may seem like small things in our own way. But I can tell you from experience that these small things do lead to great change. Look at the recent example from our friend Skye, who got tired of just sitting around bitching about all this and went out on her own and did something. She’s got a group of likeminded friends behind her now and who knows where that may lead?

Like the Nike ad says: “Just DO IT!”

@Fit fit: Yeah, but bbartlog said it without being an ass.

How about voting all these liberal morons out of office in our next election? Cannot wait.
Oh, happy to read the results of the European Union Elections. Europa, the old continent, always wise and this time leading the way. Yes and Americans will come back to their senses without those pathetic Liberals.

Maybe you guys will stop associating Europe as somehow being dominated by socialism when in this Europe election the parties on the right INCREASED their numbers and the EPP – REMAIN the largest block in the parliament. However it’s a shame the racist far-right BNP won 2 seats. Seems socialism is more rife in US than in the old continent;) All we need to do now is kick Brown out – who’s own socialist party got hammered coming third – behind the fringe UKIP.

@GaffaUK: You going to be voting Tory next time around?

As for tagging Europe as socialist. It’s still true that there is more socialist malaise in Europe which has become institutionalized. Margaret Thatcher was only able to roll back a portion of it in Britain and you may remember the battles she undertook to do it.

Europe has a long way to go before I would think it is no longer dominated by failed socialist policies. Sadly, the U.S. appears headed in the wrong direction just as Europe heads in the “Right” direction.

@ Mike

@GaffaUK: You going to be voting Tory next time around?

Yes most likely. Although I never joined the Tories and I was too young to vote for Thatcher – I did vote for Major back in 92 which was probably mistake as he was a dud but still better than the next alternative – Kinnock. Since then I swapped my vote to the third party – the Liberal Democrats as I like many Brits was fed up with the Tories after 18 years – they simply after Thatcher has ran out of steam. Labour finally got back in under the very effective Blair. Now Labour is suffering a similar fate – they have ran of steam and have changed leader from a charismatic effective leader to a dud. Meanwhile the Tories have finally got their act back together – probably enough to steal my vote back. Like Labour – Liberals broke their promise on holding a referendum on the European Constitution. Although Cameron is a lefty in a right party – I think he is likely to be a good leader and Brown needs a good kicking. By this time next year there will be a meltdown for Labour.

@GaffaUK: I am SHOCKED you have voted Tory!

Maybe you’re not so far gone after all!

I am relieved to hear it.

It sounds like the Conservatives finally have their act together though I don’t know much about Cameron.

You think Brown can last another year? I don’t see how.

P.S. Of course you know I am a big fan of Thatcher. Saw her at the White House on her last state visit to see President Reagan in 1988 and then quite by chance in 2000 in London.


I think Gordon Brown will most likely last another year because he has survived this weekend. There is no obvious person to replace him. Those that are mentioned like Alan Johnson and Stephen Milliband aren’t actually that good and Brown has locked them into his cabinet. Besides if you were them would you want to take over a doomed ship that will inevitably sink? I bet they have calculated it would better to make a bid for Labour leader in opposition and build up the party after defeat rather than have their ambitions last only a year in the top job.

As for Brown – he is in his bunker. He has craved this job for too many years to give it up. I suspect in his heart of hearts he knows it will be over in a year but for now he can play at being PM for another year and maybe a miracle will happen to reverse his appalling low polls. And the Tories are hoping Brown will stay to make their win into a landslide. Whilst a doubt even the Liberals would want to prop up Brown in any deal.