Obama Admin Says North Korean No Threat…. (Then Puts Forces On High Alert)

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National security adviser downplays N. Korea threat

“Nothing that the North Koreans did surprised us,” Jones said. “We knew that they were going to do this, they said so, so no reason not to believe them.”

But the Obama administration is in a tough position with regards to North Korea and in the coming weeks administration officials will try to reach a “global consensus” on how to handle North Korea, Jones indicated.

S. Korea, US troops on alert after North’s threats

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – South Korean and U.S. troops raised their alert Thursday to the highest level since 2006 after North Korea renounced its truce with the allied forces and threatened to strike any ships trying to intercept its vessels.

The move was a sign of heightened tensions on the peninsula following the North’s underground nuclear test and its firing of a series of short-range missiles earlier this week.

In response, Seoul decided to join more than 90 nations that have agreed to stop and inspect vessels suspected of transporting banned weapons.

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The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 33 This post is a suggested read at, http://aresay.blogspot.com/

North Korea is but one of an entire myriad of foreign policy failures achieved during the Obama administration’s short tenure. It was laughable that after the DPRK nuclear test, Obama went to Vegas. Then he went to visit His Hollywood friends. Raising money is more important than defending the nation.

The President believes that international problems are to be solved by dialogue and discussion. If the adversary shares that view, the policy has a chance to work. Unfortunately for the country, most adversaries never believe in dialogue and discussion. Obama’s naive world view is only endangering the safety of western civilization.

This President has allowed many international situations to spin out of control. (for a top ten list of these foreign policy failures, you can visit:
http://firstconservative.com/blog/political-humor/foreign-policy-house-of-cards )
By jetting off to give speeches and raise money when a crisis erupts, America’s enemies will only be encouraged.

It’s going to turn into another Bill Clinton Admin, no nothing, sit back and watch thousands being slaughtered, send a few crusie missiles in to blow up worthless buildings, pat themselves on the back for their decisions.

“Nothing that the North Koreans did surprised us,” Jones said. “We knew that they were going to do this, they said so, so no reason not to believe them.”

Interestingly, this statement means North Korea’s word can be taken at face value. . . something the current adminstration can make no claim to.

If he wants to see the real threat to the security and well being of this country he need do no more than look into the nearest mirror.

In other words, if it makes Hussein look bad/weak/incompetent, it’s NO BIG DEAL ANYHOW!! Boy, do I feel better now!

If we can take NK at their word, wouldn’t it be logical to not pick and choose? Or is it an attempt by the current administration to look and seem, all-knowing? I really fail to draw the line between the tactics used by Saddam and that being used by Obama. I am sure everyone still remembers Saddam telling the Iraqi people that the Americans are being driven back, that they were sorely defeated when trying to take the Baghdad airport (even though we practically drove right in and met pockets of resistance.. at best). You get my point. Obama will keep telling America what they /want/ to hear. If he stops doing that now, he will be in a world of hurt.

In this clip, via Newsy, Abraham Denmark, an East Asia expert, states: “Militarily the North Koreans – qualitatively – are very poor. Most of their equipment is very outdated… their soldiers are malnourished and not very well trained. But what they lack qualitatively, they make up for quantitatively. North Korea has over a million soldiers.”

North Korea is an impoverished, seemingly military-obsessed nation.


Let’s drop a White Paint Bomb and paint the entire country white. It will destroy their morale and help save the planet!

North Korea is not a threat? Add this to the list of totally idiotic statements by this administration. North Korea is helping Iran in it’s nuclear weapon program:

