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Just give it a few months until the Taxes hit and a lot of grown up folks may be crying and wondering why that Fools was elected.

It is not a surprise. Obama shows that he is nasty at times and that is a weakness.
A most recent example was shown at the Annapolis graduation. It was nasty for him to say that he will only send our troops for a real cause! As if President Bush never did. What about the 3000 people who were killed in the Twin Towers? Wasn’t that a just cause for President Bush to go to war against these Jihadists!
Underdevelop behavior by a leader is a sign of low self-confidence.

LOL!!!! This POSPOTUS is such a tool!
True colors coming through more and more!!

Haha classic…

And they say Dick Cheney is scary. At least he only makes liberal cry.

Wait a minute – how come the Obama-lovin’ socialist media outlet NBC has reported this?

This did happen under President Bush:

Kids, I feel your pain. Four years ago I had a tour of the White House booked 6 months in advance. My family walked the half mile from our hotel to the White House gate on an incredibly hot and humid July morning and arrived well before our appointed time. We stood and sweated outside the gate.

While we waited a number of well-dressed college kids started showing up. Turns out they were championship NCAA athletes who were going to be honored that day by President Bush. Unfortunately, all tours were canceled because of their event. We didn’t find that out until a particularly brusque White House security guy told us.

It was very disappointing. I didn’t cry, but was tempted. We ended up spending the day at Mount Vernon and the Smithsonian. Not a total loss.

John McClane, I’m not sure I’d put the father who brought his family to Washington DC for an eight day vacation in the same category as a day school outing. It was on Day five they were to visit the WH. They had already had clearance and confirmation. I have to wonder if they could have rescheduled for Days six thru eight, or did they just stick to their prior arranged schedule.

But a single family on an over a week vacation compared to a busload of 5 year kids about 40 miles one way on a school field day outing. Sorry… can’t give the guy that much sympathy. On the other hand, this was a drain on the school system and parents financially.

Per AK Representative Boozman’s site,

Please note that White House tours are completely at the discretion of the White House Visitor’s Office. I will do my best to secure a reservation for you and your party, but again, the White House makes the ultimate decision on tours of the building.

In order for the White House Visitors Office to consider any tour requests I submit, your information needs to be in my office at least one and a half months in advance of the tour. The required security information is Social Security number, date of birth and full name as it appears on ID for all members of your party.

I see other Senators and Representatives have similar webpages requiring you book your WH tours thru them, and must supply info for security clearance.

But it remains impossible to contact every tourist family in the area to alert them of closures… unless they do so via a WH webpage. But it would seem they could contact a busload of kids on a day outing. And perhaps… since these things are arranged via your state elected officials’ offices, it is they who should be be the ones posting the WH closures on their website.

@GaffaUK: Notice the big “4” in the lower right hand corner? It’s the DC affiliate and NOT the network.

Sorry if you were confused.

Did you ever admit what you learned from my last effort to educate you on the power of media?


Why affilate to socialist network, use their logo and called yourself NBCWashington? They are owned by the same company NBC Universal. If it’s all part of the MSM socialist conspiracy then are you saying the parent company and it’s affilates are somehow not part of the conspiracy?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this man, and others in his administration, consistently late for meetings and press conferences … leaving the press pool, media, networks and the American people waiting?

He couldn’t bring those kids in?


As to Pres. Bush … I have no doubts he would have finished the on time greet with the Steelers (we all recall how the man was punctual) , while having the kids and parents tucked comfortably someplace … and then made his cowboy swagger entrance with “apologies” for all as he would have apologized to THEM for having made THEM wait …


Shoulda took them back to play on his daughters’ swings n`nat …

@GaffaUK: What part of “LOCAL” news don’t you understand?

Where did I EVER suggest that NBC, or any other news outlet would never broadcast ANY critical stories about Obama?

I’m still waiting for you to admit that your understanding of the important difference between broadcast and cable was WRONG. Now, I have to explain LOCAL vs. NATIONAL news reporting to you as well?

I can see that all my efforts to educate you are a waste of time. I’ll not bother putting so much effort into future attempts.

I admit if Bush had done this there would be a media feeding frenzy, but really, it sounds like the people just came too late. Obama is the president, and people should arrive on time. He can’t rearrange his whole day. Yeah, it’s a sad story, but Obama didn’t put any guests above them. He allowed both to came, only one group showed up on time.

marble, as I understand it, the kids weren’t meeting the POTUS. They were just taking the WH tour. The Steelers were actually meeting the POTUS.

The kids were busted as part of the common folk that the WH opens the building to for tours… just as the one that John McClane linked to. Different events for the visitors. I would say if the bus was 10 minutes late, they should have explained to the Steelers their event was delayed 10 minutes, or made the tour a little shorter. It wasn’t as if the chosen one had to rearrange his entire day.

It’s just sticking to the “letter of the rules” that they didn’t get in for their tour. Too bad. But frankly, I would think that had Obama actually known about it (and I doubt he was told by those who manage WH tours), he might have tried to accommodate the kids for good press, or to avoid bad press.

kind of makes the liberal whine “its for the children” sound kind of phony, oh wait, They are phony. This character, that was elected, is a selfish elitist. he actually thinks he’s a god. I got news for you Mr. Obama, your no different than any other liberal Democrap, just an average phony.

UK is a little Corn-fused. In happy socialist lingo, the terms “franchise” and “local affiliates” are out of their lexicon.

It’s the classic, “do as I say, not as I do” scenario. How many times has Obama been more than ten minutes late for a speech? Robert Gibbs for a press briefing? Back in 1996 I went to hear Clinton give a speech at a local school (the people I was with wanted to see him, not me, by the way), and he was OVER AND HOUR LATE!! I guess it’s a Liberal Democrat thing? Punctuality is not in their dictionary. If they do reschedule the kids, they’d better darn well pay for their costs in getting there, out of Obama’s own pocket preferably, since it was his choice to make them leave empty handed.


I’m well aware of the difference between Network and Cable as well as National and Local. However they are all part of the media. You know those folks who the right complain are so biased against conservatives.

@GaffaUK: I see that once again you have ignored all the points I made which might undermine the House of Canards you have built.

Thanks for confirming that time spent educating you might be better spent elsewhere.

DC. Never liked the place. Ran in the Army 10 miler in 1997. Spent 8 months at the Pentagon as a staff pogue until I was reassigned back to the “Real Army” at Ft. Bragg, NC.

If I had school age children I would skip DC. Send them to Philly to tour Independence Hall instead, where Real Patriots gathered to write the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights or take them to Walter Reed Medical Center to meet some “Real Heroes” or Arlington to see where “Real American Heroes” rest.

Capitol Hill or the White House are not high on my list. Visiting the Parliament of Whores or the White House is way over rated, unless you like waiting in line or running into Career Politicians/Criminals that feed at the public trough.

Those Kids got short changed but will be more angry later when they bear the burden of Obama’s Deficit Spending Orgy over Their Lifetime and Their Children’s Lifetime if We continue to allow a Democrat Majority in the 2010 election to remain in office.

Just my Old School take on it. DC is a dangerous place after dark anyway and my concealed weapons permit is not good there.

“Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm”


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“Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm”

Actually Baghdad is safer after dark.

@Old Trooper Actually Baghdad is safer after dark.

Isn’t it sad that so much history is wasted on such a hellhole of a place? I’d be absolutely embarrassed to call D.C. home. I was there for the inauguration in 2001, and the only time I felt safe was when I could see the snipers on the roofs around me.

I found Washington an interesting place to visit but it felt is was too monumental and too sterile for a city – like a mausoleum. And you didn’t have to go too far from the mall to feel threatened. Shame the US choose to place their capital in a swamp and left the design to a Frenchman. New York or even Philadelphia would have been better places. Why do some countries feel the need to create artificial cities for their capitals? Like Canberra in Australia, Ottawa in Canada, Brasilia in Brazil etc. Maybe the UK capital should be moved to Milton Keynes?

>>Now, I have to explain LOCAL vs. NATIONAL news reporting to you as well?>>

Heh. Compare the size of Gaffa’s UK to the size of the US. In the UK, “LOCAL” _is_ “NATIONAL”, and vice versa. It’s no wonder he has a problem comprehending it…

Which state is most like the UK in size? I don’t know…


lol. Funny. Just to educate you – of course the UK has local news. With a population of 60 million – then the country is split up into local TV areas. Local TV tends to be very dull – kinda like what I have seen in the States. If the UK was a State then by population – it would the biggest state. It would be about as big as the populations of California and Texas combined.

Notice the big “4” in the lower right hand corner? It’s the DC affiliate and NOT the network

And is NBC Washington an affiliate?

WRC-TV channel 4 is the NBC owned and operated television station in Washington, D.C.

In the broadcasting industry (especially in North America), a network affiliate (or affiliated station) is a local broadcaster which carries some or all of the programme line-up of a television or radio network, but is owned by a company other than the owner of the network. This distinguishes such a station from an owned-and-operated station (O&O), which is owned by its parent network

WABC (ABC), WCBS (CBS), WNBC (NBC), WNYW (Fox) and WWOR-TV (MyNetworkTV) — are O&Os..

Either way – however you choose to define affilate – the channel is owned by NBC Universal – it is not a franchise. So if you believe NBC and MSNBC are pumping out left wing bias stuff in the media – are you saying that the parent group doesn’t have these biases and that these don’t run to other media outlets owned by it.

Either way – however you choose to define affilate – the channel is owned by NBC Universal – it is not a franchise. So if you believe NBC and MSNBC are pumping out left wing bias stuff in the media – are you saying that the parent group doesn’t have these biases and that these don’t run to other media outlets owned by it.

Ah… da Brits… unused to a major network that doesn’t have the power to micromanage affiliates.

What would you say, Gaffa, if you knew that most conservative talk radio is owned by the very liberal/progressive ABC? I’ll be you figured they were owned by FOX News, eh? Nope…. listen to Rush, or ever Michael Savage, and you’ll hear liberal ABC news updates on the hour as the “owner”.

You just need to adjust your thinking from Queens’s land to Colonial… the control over affiliates not the same here as it is in BBC land.

@MataHarley: Gaffa’s just playing his usual game. He’s trying to conflate this one small example by an independent NBC unit of a story that might be seen as critical of Obama into a wider proof that media bias in Obama’s favor is fiction.

Obviously he hasn’t got a more useful contribution to make to this discussion.

As for me, I’m knee deep in John Colville’s wartime diary from #10 Downing Street. See you all later!

@Mike’s America:

I’d like to see Gaffa admit that Fox is not biased based on the fact that in 2000 a Fox affiliate broke the story about the drunk driving conviction of George W. Bush.

If one story can make a network with a left bias “balanced” in Gaffas’ mind then surely one story can make a network with a right bias “balanced” in Gaffas’ mind too.



lol – I didn’t say one story makes a network balanced. I just think that when you have those on the left and right who complain about media being biased they concentrate on news items which back up their claim and ignore the ones that don’t. Is there an organisation which unlike Newsbusters & Media Matters which actually analyses the media objectively?

@GaffaUK: Your problem is that you deny media bias is as prevalent as it is because in most cases the bias suits your own prejudices. The disinformation you willingly swallowed about Sarah Palin is an excellent example.