Get Over It…We Won.

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History is (re)-Written by the Winners.

Via Caleb Howe @ RedState:

Caleb investigates the mysterious anti-American campaign ads featuring History Channel logos posted on the CLIO advertising awards website. The campaign is entitled “History is Written by the Winner” and featured the following photos:

If peace is priceless, why are those on the left obsessively counting its cost?  We are just starting out in the Age of Obama, this will not be the last assault on America or our recent history. Quite frankly, I believe the behavior  of misleading historical context will be encouraged over the next four years.

Screen capture of the CLIO website with the ads posted – in case the ads mysteriously disappear:

Caleb nails the crux of the issue with these thoughts:

But the greatest blame lies with a media and popular culture in which such blatantly anti-American vitriol has become so commonplace. Who can doubt that Kos and his breed of left-winger would cheer these ads? No doubt there’d be an increased market share for the History Channel in those corners … just look at MSNBC. It is a culture which actively and openly says “yes we can” to propaganda and manipulation. The uncritical eye of the left is swift to embrace any imagery or information which says America is bad, a point touched on by former Vice-President Cheney in his speech this morning.

The “this is why they hate us” crowd are a dangerous bunch. Because, unsatisfied with suggesting to you here at home that our enemies abroad have reason to hate us, they go out into the world, out among our enemies, and they say it to them as well.” You are right to hate us, look at what we have done!”

It’s not mere indictment but incitement of the worst kind. And this time, someone should be made to answer for it.

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When ZERO apologizes for Dresden, it is worth knowing that by the time of the Dresden bombing the concentration camps were known. The total scope may not have been known, that the NAZIs oven-baked 12 million, but what was going on was understood. Yes, the Holocaust was much more than just the 6 million Jews. There were about 5 millions Poles and a lot of dissidents who joined them.

This is why he is called ZERO.

Agreed Bill.

I also note that they ads tout Saddam with Killing 300,000. I wonder if they are counting all the dead in the Iran Iraq war, all the Kuwaiti’s that were killled as well as all the lives lost to the Terrorists his regime helped over the years. I would say the number is much higher than what they have listed in the Propaganda ads above. But then facts are never the Lefts strong point.

“First they came for the Truth,
and I didn’t speak up,
because American Idol was on…”

(apologies to Pastor Neimoller)

Pearl Harbor vs Hiroshima? I guess them bloody four years in between can’t be trifled with.

LANCET must be crunching the numbers, again. But the loon toon lefties don’t care what’s pulled out of whose bvtt, as long as the lying narrative is preserved.

Mohammed births? WTF??

More people have died in leftist causes and aggression than all the right wing coup’s, dictatorships and wars put together. If only they killed their own, it would not bother me.

As long as the Current Admin views terrorism as a “Law Enforcement Problem” and views the Legal System as a line of Defense for terrorist acts ex post facto, America is in danger. With the Speaker of the House attacking the CIA to render it essentially worthless, America is in danger.

Terrorism falls under the venue of the FBI when terrorists are operating on American soil. The thing that Team Obama is missing is that once they get on our soil it is a little late to prevent a disaster. Then Obama can apologize after the fact for failing to defend the Nation because his failed policies enabled the threat. It is now Obama’s responsibility and continued groundless accusations of the Bush Admin just won’t wash. After you take the Oath of Office It is On Your Watch.

The Price of Failure is inexcusable and tragic. Lectures from Our Amateur President on American Values are absolutely shameless and disingenuous. It is time for him to stop campaigning and start governing. You can’t vote Present anymore.

Ogilvy & Mather seems to admit that they were created within one of their shops, but said they were never commercially produced which should have disqualified them from CLIO submission.

Clearly somebody at Ogilvy & Mather suckered the CLIO folks and I’d say both were willing participants.

Boy, goebels did a great job on those commercials.

BTW, anyone else catch the irony of the left telling anyone to “move on” or “get over it” ?
The people who for 8 years rehashed the election they lost by screaming fraud, lying about the reasons we went war, etc., say get over it? My irony meter just melted down and ate thru the floor.

The war related ads are sensationalist bullshit, but the British baby names one is quite good I think. I knew their demographics were changing but not this quickly. It’ll make for some scary times when history is no longer written by the winners but by the birthers.


Tell our contestents what they’ve won, Bob…”

Bob: “A whole lot of NUTHIN!”


We win the real hope for peace and prosperity for Iraq (despite our vicious self-hating Leftists), but we self destruct at home because we can’t keep them in check. They can be beaten, but we have to want it.


The Leftist mindset will change after America gets whacked again. It will happen, sadly so. It will happen before the Pretender serves on term. The 3AM phone call will have Baghdad Bob Gibbs being eaten alive by the Media in a Presser with no real good answers. The cat will be out of the bag then.

Helen Thomas, on life support, will be scribbling questions on a white board and Gibbs will be changing the subject desperately while America will know that enough is indeed enough. Dick Cheyney will be off trout fishing in my neck of the woods, caring less until called and Obama will be in full CYA mode getting hos prompter loaded up with lies.

I wonder if Rahm Emmanuel will come up for Dove Season. Bi Partisan by all means. He had better wear boots, trousers and not bunny slippers and a pink robe. I will loan him a shotgun but not a toothbrush.

Predictable as Spring Rain or Winter Snow.

“I wonder if Rahm Emmanuel will come up for Dove Season.”

As sportsman, or target?

Personally, I think O’Bunku will set him up (and anyone else he needs for same) as a scapegoat, for any applicable CYA. But then, I won’t be too sympathetic with him, after all, he’s a part of what makes O’Blinko what he is.

Have a great weekend.

Why should the US or the UK apologise for Hiroshima or Dresden? Japan & Germany started an viscious, aggressive war without bounds. The West had to fight back for it’s survival.

The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind

Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris

As for more boys being named Mohammed than George – let’s put this into perspective please. For a start where do they get these figures as according to the UK national statistics George was was placed 12th to Mohammed’s 17th. Also why pick on George? Oh – because he’s England’s saint ( along with a few other countries). But George hasn’t been in the top 10 for a long time. England doesn’t really celebrate St.George’s day – it is not a public holiday. And it be interesting to know whether the muslim population chosen less varied names.

Rahm is no Sportsman I live where Men are Men and Ballerinas and Career Politicians are nervous.

Take Care Pardner.

GaffaUK…I celebrate St. Crispins Day, grill half a steer, gather up friends that jumped out of perfectly good aircraft and celebrate friendships from years gone past and consume adult beverages with folks from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and the Old Republic Former Vietnam.

Years of Service to Freedom, just causes and bonding with those that served as Allies is good. They like my place here and are restrained by respect, common sense and shared values.

No Mohammed’s or Abdul’s or Obamas but good fare and a day for renewal and the bard’s tribute to Courage. Rahm would not be welcome but General Petraeus would be. Sec Def Gates would be serving drinks because he is Obama’s Bus Boy and not fit to shine Gen. Tommy Franks boots.

@Old Trooper

And for this BBQ would Bobby Jindal, Colin Powell, John McCain, Michael Steele and David McKeirnan be welcome?

I guess no one from the below would be welcome then?

Nothing wrong with a moslem that doesn’t want to cut off my head. Those people I direct towards the DNC tent…


So you don’t want Muslims in the Republican party. Do you want other non-Christians also to go over to the DNC tent – like Jews, Buddhists, Hindu & Agnostic & Atheists – as well?


I am stunned you are speaking to me – I’m not British or citizen of the Commonwealth.

As you stated in an earlier post, you tend to disassociate yourself from people outside that narrow sphere.

I never said Moslems were not welcome, the RNC tent is a good place for peaceful Moslems. The bloodthirsty, xenophobic ones are more than welcome in the DNC Tent of Intolerance. I believe you guys would get along great!


I am stunned you are speaking to me – I’m not British or citizen of the Commonwealth.

As you stated in an earlier post, you tend to disassociate yourself from people outside that narrow sphere

lol – when did I ever state that?

Also I’m not in the DNC tent.

Also I’m not in the DNC tent.

You simply have your lips surgically attached to the Dem’s Ass…


lol Funny.

Meanwhile – when did I state in an ‘earlier post’, that I tend to disassociate yourself from people outside the narrow sphere of being British or from the commomwealth.

Or is that more BS Skye? Let’s hope the GOP aren’t surgically attached to your lips;)

@Old Trooper:

I’m sure you know about it, but in case you don’t, Victory At Sea is available on the net.

Also, are you aware that the Japanese leadership who got Japan into the war had an ideology similar to the Muslims? They believed in hakkō ichiu, that the 8 corners of the world were destined to come under the rulership of their emperor, a human descendent of the gods, via a holy war with those who were inferiour to the Japanese. Pay close attention from just before the 3:00 minute mark, and for the next 20 or so seconds of this V.A.S. film…

Thankfully, Japan was utterly defeated, and that doctrine was uprooted from their beliefs. The emperor fessed up, and most of them are now sane and decent people, as Muslims can be when they abandon their racism and their lust for world domination.

Fortunately for us, Islam is incapable of Japan’s ability to industrialize and work together. Yet, despite their incompetence at ruling themselves effectively, or being able to produce anything worthwhile, they still have delusions of grandeur. Unfortunately, until they are made painfully aware of how dependent they are on civilized people, they are unlikely to abandon their imperialist dreams.

The Iraqis whom have died under the U.S. Regime? Hysterical, as if the people who hide IEDs in areas where large numbers of people gather aren’t ultimately responsible for the deaths of those Iraqis. Sorry, but I have to disagree with whoever made that photo message. No stretch of the imagination can possibly make this message anything more than it truly is, a complete straw man.