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1 out of every 5000 checks was that type of mistake. Shocking isn’t it ?

“1 out of every 5000 checks was that type of mistake. Shocking isn’t it ?”

OK, 52 million checks sent according to the article and Social Security is and has been in financial difficulty for decades. Not shocking. Typical Government malfeasance.

With the exception of here in Chicago, the dead are greatly under-represented in government. Given the steep taxation rates individuals experience on obtaining this state demands that their interests be heard. I applaud the Obama administration’s attempts to bring justice to this forgotten minority. Too long the stench from the decay of the body politic has not matched the stench from the decay of these apolitical bodies. The dead’s general disinterest with worldly concerns should not keep us from sacrificing a hand, limb or mother-in-law for their needs. Too long have advocates for the dead such as the tireless documentary director George A. Romero labored to warn us of the dangers of ignoring the needs of the dead. It is good to see Obama heed Mr. Romero’s call and bring swift justice to the not-so-swift.

This is where Voo-Doo economics meets Zombie stimulus 🙂

Hey, I’m dead. Where’s my check? 😉

Did someone say DEMOCRAT ZOMBIES?

I died a long time ago. where’s my check? Wait, I’m not a relative of an ACORN member. Damn the bad luck.

The least we can do if they are going to vote, is to make sure they’re paid. Oh, and this makes it racist to require ID to cash Government checks too.