I guess the kidney failure rabt was based on Rush getting hooked on pain killers Provided by a doctor vs O’Dumbo’s years of using street drugs. Who’s most likely to suffer kidney failure. Years of picking them up and delivering them to the ER says the street druggie goes first.
@trizzlor.myopenid.com: This isn’t a “debate on who dishes out more crap.” Democrats win the crap contest hands down and believe me, I have the files to prove it.
It’s about the phony moral equivalence arguments you folks use to enable this hate to continue and spread.
If you can’t register any outrage when Wanda Sykes says this shit then don’t come to me on your high horse next time one of our commenters here says something you find offensive.
@Hard Right: Thanks for that update. Gaffa will believe ANYTHING he reads in Mother Jones Magazine.
That’s why it is SOOOO easy for the left to plant the big lie and keep on telling it over and over and over. The Rush-Chelsea story is based on a column in the Arizona Republic by Molly Ivins. All of these other sites just repeat it again and again.
This page asked for PROOF, something libs constantly demand of us yet aren’t so quick to provide in return:
So far, no lefty has stepped forward with proof. They just keep repeating the lie.
15 years ago
Well we know how dems play. Whats good for the goose isnt good for the gander. Long as its not happening to them, its not happening at all.
15 years ago
@Real American Patriot:
The current epidemic of mental illnesses which cause parents to get a lot of extra money and help, and their kids a lot of extra tuition and time in exams seems odd, does it not?
At a time when we are the healthiest, wealthiest, best educated generation ever we have 1/5th(20%) of our kids in the special needs schools in the UK. It’s most likely to be similar in the US.
Lots of kids are drugged up to the eyeballs with drugs that used to land people in jail (Ritalin isn’t trivial…) and people no longer take time parenting, they use the doctor instead!
It’s easier to claim money and say my kid is a retard, than to admit that not spending time parenting is the real reason, whilst bringing up the next generation of junkies.
A lot of people are aware that there are many imposters scamming — and that those people are also crowding out the folks who ACTUALLY need the help for real.
So, Mr. Savage was bang on the money with his rant.
15 years ago
Hard Right said: “Nice try Moosebrain, but strike one. I saw everything Rush said and it was hardly hate speech. It was humorous. That’s also why you didn’t post a link. Watching you and CRAP lie and spin to justify the hate people like you spew is actually amusing.”
I haven’t labeled anything hate speech, that is the term some others have been using but I haven’t.
It was perhaps humorous, but also very controversial, and I did post a link.
I haven’t lied about anything, just offering my views, and I don’t hate anybody involved in these discussions or the folks the discussions are about. Calling me a liar and claiming I am trying to justify hate that I and people like me spew just shows how sensitive and easily outraged you are. I’m entitled to my views as are you, taking your criticism of my views several notches farther than warranted makes me wonder just where your definition of hate speech begins and an expression of views that you disagree with ends.
Real American Patriot
15 years ago
Oh how could I forget Ann Coulter… another rightie hate purveyor.
And where did she say this??
Ann Coulter, speaking before a standing-room-only crowd, expressed racist views, said she wanted liberal Supreme Court Justices to be killed and explained that she once had a chance to kill President Clinton, but thought that would be a career-stopper.
Democrats are “gutless traitors” and their convention a “Spawn of Satan” gathering. Muslims are “ragheads” and America should “kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”
This woman is still attacking Bush in 2009? What a liberal tool. She probably hates all conservative men. Sounds like she is trying to get back at daddy?
Isn’t this the guy who said Palin kids were off limits? Typical hypocrisy.
As I say the Left and the Right do it. To believe otherwise is fantasy. That’s not excusing Wanda Skyes – I think both sides should stop and draw the line. It’s a good job that Bill Hicks is dead – check out his comments on Limbaugh on Youtube.
Isn’t this the guy who said Palin kids were off limits? Typical hypocrisy.
The man gets a pass because he’s old. You know, lapse in memory…
From your David Corn piece:
The joke did appear in McCain’s hometown paper, the Arizona Republic, and the Associated Press did report the joke in full, so everyone in the press had access to McCain’s words. But by censoring themselves, the Post, the Times and others helped McCain deflect flak and preserved his status as a Republican presidential contender.
OMG! Where were you before, during the Republican primary?!?! Proof positive the press is helping Democrats! The bastards!!!
David Corn can rest easy that in 2000, McCain lost out to Bush, despite the conspiracy of the NYTimes, Maureen Dowd, the LATimes, and WaPo.
And here’s the man you guys wanted as president.
Well that’s a stretch….
15 years ago
15 years ago
Just a quick question for my weird curiosity, folks. Who was the lady sitting between the ‘comedian’ and O’Bama? She looked very uncomfortable, and I thought she actually went pale at one point when the ‘comedian’ just went too far.
Great comments above, Thanks everyone for you insights.
Hard Right
15 years ago
Oh yes, anne colter. She’s been roundly criticized for her other comments by us righties-myself included.
BTW, the “Angry Blacks Are In 30 Year Plot To Train Black Children as Militants” claim is BS. It’s not hate speech either. As for the claim that what Faherty said was hate speech, again it’s anything but.
Oh and CRAP, citing media matters and Crooks and Liars just proves you’ll believe anything. It’s been shown once (now twice more thanks to you) here already how far left sources blatantly lie, but you know that. You’ll do anything to justify you hate and lust for power/control.
@GaffaUK: You repeat some socialist shibboleth about Rush Limbaugh then demand CURT prove his assertion with a level of documentation you yourself are unable to provide? SHAME ON YOU!
@Real American Patriot: So please point to me the times Ann Coulter has hosted this White House event?
Is that you understand the importance of the question I am asking and are ignoring it or that you are too stupid figure out the importance?
@Joanne: Over at the Huffington Post where they are still patting themselves on the back that this dinner went off without a knife fight in the lobby they identified the woman as Jennifer Loven, president of the Correspondents’ Association and a writer for AP.
Real American Patriot
15 years ago
Hard Right…
You are wrong as usual. What it proves is the left has effective watch dogs that you don’t like.
They tell the truth about righties and the corporate media.
@Real American Patriot: If you don’t respond to my question I am going to delete further irrelevant comments from you.
I could sit here alllll the day long and repeat what nasty hateful things Democrats have said about Republicans over the years but that is not the point and you know it.
Either answer my question or prepare for the wrath of Mike.
Hard Right
15 years ago
CRAP, you didn’t prove anything other than you are hate filled bigot and deeply in denial about it.
Mediamatters aka Soros inc. claimed that Faherty had a murder fantasy about Pelosi. Having heard what he said it was nothing of the sort. You know that and are just trying to justify your hypocrisy.
As for what Rush said it wasn’t hate speech. I read what was said. Your claims of hate speech are just hillarious. Try reading before posting the link next time.
Corporate media. Would that be the “right wing controlled” media CRAP? 🙂
Re-read my post again. Firstly I didn’t demand, secondly I didn’t ask him to prove it. That’s what you read into it. I merely asked him where the video was – as I’m curious to see – as context is everything e.g. did Limbaugh laugh or did he immediately realise it was a mistake – if it indeed was a mistake.
btw – still waiting to see what you thought of McCain’s ‘joke’ about Chelsea. Was that beyond the pale?
I haven’t found any notable jibes from recognised right-wing commentators about Sasha & Malia – and let hope it stays that way during the next four years. Did Bush’s daughters get any particular flack from notable left-wingers.
Finally with the post about Pelosi & Reid getting shot – it seems you were the only one who thought that it was inappropriate. Kudos.
Yes I remember that – but I don’t remember Democrat Senators making jokes about in front of rallies. As for McCain – yes I guess you don’t care as that would blow apart the argument that somehow the Right refrains from going over the line. And is the guy you voted for? lol
Limbaugh engages on the issues and the policies, not on a personal, hurtful level.
Yeah right….
Tell me how saying that Michael J Fox “is exaggerating the effects of the disease,” is not personal or hurtful?
Real American Patriot said; “What it proves is the left has effective watch dogs that you don’t like.”
Their watch dogs are anything but effective. The left’s watchdogs claimed there were no Al Qaeda links to Ba’ath members prior to the 2003 Iraq Invasion, they were wrong. Even Harry Reid admitted this after having led investigations in the senate on this matter.
They claimed the Ba’aths didn’t violate any provisions of the Cease Fire Agreement from the first Gulf War, they were wrong. Not allowing inspectors into their facilities and shooting projectiles at neighboring countries and jets enforcing the Cease Fire agreement’s no fly zone policy violated the agreement. The agreement made it clear that the United States, and Britain (France also, before they pulled out of the agreement) can and will take Saddam out if he didn’t cooperate at the time of their choosing.
The Cease Fire was sanctioned by the United Nations making it international law. The U.N. is a treaty based organization, and every country participating signs a treaty agreeing to do it’s part including enforcing Cease Fire agreements which the organization sanctions that country to enforce.
Not enforcing the Cease Fire agreement and failing to remove Saddam from power would be illegal, because in the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Paragraph II) of the Constitution it says; “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”
In short, to not enforce the Cease Fire like the U.N. sanctioned the U.S., and Britain (and back then France) to and not remove Saddam’s Ba’ath party from power when it was violating the agreement would be violating the treaty we have with the U.N., and ultimately the Supremacy Clause. So in addition to the claim that the Ba’ath party didn’t violate Cease Fire agreements being false, it is also false that claiming the removal of Saddam militarily was illegal.
Back to the left’s counterproductive watchdogs.They claimed that people who supported the removal of the Ba’ath party from power in Iraq manipulated intel and ultimately playing with public emotions in regards to this matter, they were wrong. Every investigation and shred of evidence now debunks this notion in; the Congress who investigated this matter, in the Fact Check political organization which is the final arbiter on political matters, and the intel agencies who participated in these Congressional investigations.
These watch dogs of which you speak are not affective. Their watch is about as affective as a water buffalo taking a sip at the water hole when a crocodile is about to make it prey. Sadly, more than half of my beloved countrymen were like this water buffalo in the November 2008 primary elections.
15 years ago
@Curt: I was interested in the “overmedicated” claim and eagerly read your post but now I’m confused:
“The irony is that I was too medicated. I was dyskinesic,” Fox told Couric. “Because the thing about … being symptomatic is that it’s not comfortable. No one wants to be symptomatic; it’s like being hit with a hammer.”
Fox told Couric, “At this point now, if I didn’t take medication I wouldn’t be able to speak.”
This suggests to me that if Fox hadn’t taken the medication he would’ve been in such bad shape to the point of not being able to deliver his lines (with dyskinesia being side effect). How does this at all support Limbaugh’s claim that he was either off his meds or faking?
Trizzlor, baloney…he had spoken at a subcommittee not long before this without medication:
I had made a deliberate choice to appear before the subcommittee without medication. It seemed to me that this occasion demanded that my testimony about the effects of the disease, and the urgency we as a community were feeling, be seen as well as heard. For people who had never observed me in this kind of shape, the transformation must have been startling.
Without medication he would be stiff since the disease freezes the muscles BUT he could still talk. Overmedicated he shakes and has tremors which makes people feel sorry for him. It sucks that he has the disease but to manipulate people as he did in that subcommittee meeting and the commercial is beyond the pale.
GaffaUK said; “So are you saying that Fox purposefully overmedicated to exaggerate the effects of his disease for TV?”
Probably did, this is a great question for discussion now that you ask this. I know this thread is going way off topic, but entertainment companies going to the extreme for good shock value and higher ratings isn’t news.
However, I can’t think of stooping so low as to messing with an ill man’s medicine. Especially if the man’s illness is fatal.
Also, while we’re arguing about which political party made the nastiest personal attacks, I think a question just as good for discussion would be; how? How does proving that one side makes the nastiest personal attacks prove anyone’s point?
Does it prove that if one side makes the nastiest attacks, then the other side is off the hook for trying to stoop down to the opponents level?
Back to the post, I don’t think Obama and Sykes are having the last laugh on this one. Maybe they can get a snicker from Limbaughs ailing kidneys. And I will admit Wanda Sykes can be hilarious. Like in the movie Over the Hedge, hysterically good memories for the entire family. But if there is anything that will fail faster than Limbaugh’s kidneys, it will be Obama’s presidency. I don’t think Obama or Sykes will be laughing then.
@Curt: I see you are picking up some of Mata’s habits.
But don’t sweat it. I think we learned a few things in the extended exchange.
I’ll tackle those lessons first with @GaffaUK who suggests that just because John McCain or some other GOP official made a rude joke that somehow whatever Democrats do is OK.
We’ve all seen this enabling attitude exhibited time and time again it’s getting a bit stale.
And I would remind those who constantly urge civility when GOP types make such comments that it doesn’t help their cause when they sit back and laugh, then excuse, similar or worse behavior.
And yes, Democrats have been MUCH more offensive. As I said, I have the files and I could put up countless examples. Remember DNC Chairman Howard Dean who said he “hates Republicans and everything they stand for” and said we were “evil?”
Then of course there were the slew of personal insults from Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid directed at President Bush.
But somehow the lefties just wink and nod at all that and don’t mind it one bit. But as we learned with the Miss California fracas, if someone on our side says something that the left even disagrees with, they can be tarred and feathered.
And let’s not forget the hypocrisy of the left’s one way fingerpointing over ethics. Remember the “culture of corruption” meant to tar every Republican? And yet Nazi Pelosi is standing in the way of an ethics investigation of Congressman Murtha and Cong. Rangel still chairs the tax writing Ways and Means Committee even though he cheated on his taxes.
If Dems were really serious about ethics reform they would apply the same standard to their own members that they daily demand of Republicans.
The same goes for civility.
That is why I say that the libs flagellating their keyboards on this thread are ENABLERS for the very things they protest if a Republican does it.
In short, you can sum up their attitude in ONE WORD:
@Mike’sA I see you are picking up some of Mata’s habits.
yeah… and I can’t follow a recipe exact either. Guess I don’t take to imposed boundaries well. LOL
15 years ago
I’m sick of hearing the extremely uncalled for vitriolic comments on both sides, (in the media, internet, etc.) and it does not help either side, because it increases the polarization, closes minds, turns off voters and diverts attention away from the real issues, problems, and possible solutions.
I’ll tackle those lessons first with @GaffaUK who suggests that just because John McCain or some other GOP official made a rude joke that somehow whatever Democrats do is OK.
Wow – American English must really been different to Queen’s English (as MataHarley might put it). Mike – how do you claim that I am saying that ‘whatever Democrats do is OK’
Look at my comments again…
Then we shall see who crosses the line in terms of ‘hate speech’ most often in the media and on here. The right & left are both guilty on this.
As I say the Left and the Right do it. To believe otherwise is fantasy. That’s not excusing Wanda Skyes – I think both sides should stop and draw the line.
I didn’t find Skyes comments offensive myself – in the same way I didn’t find McCain comments offensive BUT I think they were both inappropriate and that they could been seen as offensive particularly to the people they were aiming at. Hypocrisy is the holier than thou crap whether it’s spouted by the left or right. BOTH sides use dirty tactics and that doesn’t make it OK. M’okay?
lol – Rush wasn’t talking about Fox’s testimony before Congress. And let’s ‘assume’ for a minute that Rush was honest – does that somehow make his comments NOT personal or hurtful.
By all means pick up some straws in the kitchen – or whenever your bizarre other catchphrase is….;)
@GaffaUK: All you have done is enable more of the same crap. You might not like to hear that, but that’s my well considered conclusion.
@ditto: Your sentiments are no doubt shared by a great many Americans. What would you recommend we do about the problem?
15 years ago
@Mike’s America: This thread is getting long and I think you’re losing sight of the whole debate. You and Mata asked for any example of a prominent Republican making a tasteless joke in a public forum (granted, you asked specifically about the WHCD, but those have only been high-profile since Colbert). Gaffa provided an objectively fitting example: McCain, clearly a prominent Republican (at least last year) makes a tasteless joke about the Clintons and their family, the media covers for him. Your dodge is to claim that you just don’t really like McCain (although enough to vote for him, right?) and then attack a straw-man for “enabling whatever Democrats do”.
The debate wasn’t over who dishes out more (that’s one you claim to have won already) but weather prominent Republicans have dished it out while avoiding flack from the conservative community. But really it’s an impossible one – do we now go crawling through the right blogosphere looking for condemnation or denial of McCain’s joke; do we do the same for the left and Sykes? How many examples before we’re satisfied?
I think Ryan made the strongest point here: “Does it prove that if one side makes the nastiest attacks, then the other side is off the hook for trying to stoop down to the opponents level?“. Mike, in keeping your bean-count “files” and claiming a Republican has never erred, is this not what you’re saying?
@trizzlor.myopenid.com said: “You and Mata asked for any example of a prominent Republican making a tasteless joke in a public forum. ”
Where did I ask that?
And how many times do I have to repeat that it’s NOT THE POINT.
The point here, and the point of the post is that the President of the United States smirks while an entertainer just feet away from him makes jokes about torturing and kidney’s failing.
And as I have ALSO pointed out numerous times, for every example of a Republican saying something offensive I can dig up ten examples of Dems saying much worse.
And I’ll repeat THIS again also, since you don’t seem to be paying any more attention than Gaffa or CRAP: If you are really interested in civility you would be first in line to object to this just as I objected to the bad joke about Pelosi being shot.
If you want ANY credibility here you better start demonstrating some consistency.
We’re at 100 comments now on this thread but I invite my liberal friends to come back and remind me how many times THEY have stated their objections to what Wanda Sykes said.
I’ve heard their moral equivalence argument again and again and again about how they think the GOP is just is bad but I think I am missing their condemnation of Sykes’s and similar Dem statements.
I’ve previously laid out my objections to the bad joke about shooting Nancy Pelosi and I’d just like to give my lib friends one more time to repeat their disapproval of Sykes’s remarks.
Make sure to include the link to your comment as well as a quote.
Perhaps you’ll point out where conservatives have joked in a prominent public forum (like this press club gathering) about wishing for the demise of those with political views they don’t like, CRAP.
While I think McCain’s joke about Chelsea/Reno was tasteless, it was not a death wish. Just an “ugly” joke, in more ways than one.
And speaking of ugly… moose doesn’t equate failed kidney’s with a death wish…. which perhaps shows how little he knows of renal failure. A complete kidney failure is long term, and irreversible. Usually both kidneys are affected, and the demand for organ transplants far outweights the supply. Average life span is 18-47% of their peers. So, moose, it *is* an ugly death wish. And a slow one to boot, filled with most days of the week devoted to living on a machine for hours as it cleanses your blood. My experience with dialysis patients has been up close and personal more times than I care to remember.
But all in all, I hold with the same opinion as I did on another thread about this oh so boring subject. I don’t think Obama was particularly thrilled with Syke’s monologue, and probably somewhat embarrassed. I do not hold him responsible for the bad taste of Sykes personally, and the WHCD organization for selecting her.
But I sure would have like to have seen a simultaneous audience shot to see which WH correspondents found it oh so humorous. They would be more wise to ponder that in the future, “there but by the grace of God…. er, political comediennes… go I”
Hard Right
15 years ago
Ditto, the ones from the right are few and far between. Yet there is an avalanche of such things from the left. The difference is even the right tends to jump on members that say such things. The left, as we see here, defends them no matter what. To paraphrase, you can’t have peace when one side is determined to have war.
Moosebrain, the one grasping at straws is you. To claim kidney failure isn’t a death sentence only proves what was said-you and those like you are hypocrites and liars.
I guess the kidney failure rabt was based on Rush getting hooked on pain killers Provided by a doctor vs O’Dumbo’s years of using street drugs. Who’s most likely to suffer kidney failure. Years of picking them up and delivering them to the ER says the street druggie goes first.
@trizzlor.myopenid.com: This isn’t a “debate on who dishes out more crap.” Democrats win the crap contest hands down and believe me, I have the files to prove it.
It’s about the phony moral equivalence arguments you folks use to enable this hate to continue and spread.
If you can’t register any outrage when Wanda Sykes says this shit then don’t come to me on your high horse next time one of our commenters here says something you find offensive.
@Hard Right: Thanks for that update. Gaffa will believe ANYTHING he reads in Mother Jones Magazine.
That’s why it is SOOOO easy for the left to plant the big lie and keep on telling it over and over and over. The Rush-Chelsea story is based on a column in the Arizona Republic by Molly Ivins. All of these other sites just repeat it again and again.
This page asked for PROOF, something libs constantly demand of us yet aren’t so quick to provide in return:
So far, no lefty has stepped forward with proof. They just keep repeating the lie.
Well we know how dems play. Whats good for the goose isnt good for the gander. Long as its not happening to them, its not happening at all.
@Real American Patriot:
The current epidemic of mental illnesses which cause parents to get a lot of extra money and help, and their kids a lot of extra tuition and time in exams seems odd, does it not?
At a time when we are the healthiest, wealthiest, best educated generation ever we have 1/5th(20%) of our kids in the special needs schools in the UK. It’s most likely to be similar in the US.
Lots of kids are drugged up to the eyeballs with drugs that used to land people in jail (Ritalin isn’t trivial…) and people no longer take time parenting, they use the doctor instead!
It’s easier to claim money and say my kid is a retard, than to admit that not spending time parenting is the real reason, whilst bringing up the next generation of junkies.
A lot of people are aware that there are many imposters scamming — and that those people are also crowding out the folks who ACTUALLY need the help for real.
So, Mr. Savage was bang on the money with his rant.
Hard Right said: “Nice try Moosebrain, but strike one. I saw everything Rush said and it was hardly hate speech. It was humorous. That’s also why you didn’t post a link. Watching you and CRAP lie and spin to justify the hate people like you spew is actually amusing.”
I haven’t labeled anything hate speech, that is the term some others have been using but I haven’t.
It was perhaps humorous, but also very controversial, and I did post a link.
I haven’t lied about anything, just offering my views, and I don’t hate anybody involved in these discussions or the folks the discussions are about. Calling me a liar and claiming I am trying to justify hate that I and people like me spew just shows how sensitive and easily outraged you are. I’m entitled to my views as are you, taking your criticism of my views several notches farther than warranted makes me wonder just where your definition of hate speech begins and an expression of views that you disagree with ends.
Oh how could I forget Ann Coulter… another rightie hate purveyor.
And where did she say this??
Ann Coulter, speaking before a standing-room-only crowd, expressed racist views, said she wanted liberal Supreme Court Justices to be killed and explained that she once had a chance to kill President Clinton, but thought that would be a career-stopper.
Then there is this from her
Democrats are “gutless traitors” and their convention a “Spawn of Satan” gathering. Muslims are “ragheads” and America should “kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”
Then there is the current flap from Davis.. (Rushes fill in) Reading Fehetys comments…
Then for those of you who wanted the hate speech from Rush…
Here is just one of his spews….
Angry Blacks Are In 30 Year Plot To Train Black Children as Militants
This woman is still attacking Bush in 2009? What a liberal tool. She probably hates all conservative men. Sounds like she is trying to get back at daddy?
Where’s the video of this? If it was on TV and if it’s infamous then surely there’s a clip on the net.
And here’s the man you guys wanted as president. Here’s a joke McCain told himself at a Republican fundraiser…
Isn’t this the guy who said Palin kids were off limits? Typical hypocrisy.
As I say the Left and the Right do it. To believe otherwise is fantasy. That’s not excusing Wanda Skyes – I think both sides should stop and draw the line. It’s a good job that Bill Hicks is dead – check out his comments on Limbaugh on Youtube.
@GaffaUK: Read the comment, it’s Aye’s…not mine, just pointing you towards it
Wanda was fantastic! I loved when she made fun of 911. OMG, that was so funny.
[/sarcasm off]
The man gets a pass because he’s old. You know, lapse in memory…
From your David Corn piece:
OMG! Where were you before, during the Republican primary?!?! Proof positive the press is helping Democrats! The bastards!!!
David Corn can rest easy that in 2000, McCain lost out to Bush, despite the conspiracy of the NYTimes, Maureen Dowd, the LATimes, and WaPo.
Well that’s a stretch….
Just a quick question for my weird curiosity, folks. Who was the lady sitting between the ‘comedian’ and O’Bama? She looked very uncomfortable, and I thought she actually went pale at one point when the ‘comedian’ just went too far.
Great comments above, Thanks everyone for you insights.
Oh yes, anne colter. She’s been roundly criticized for her other comments by us righties-myself included.
BTW, the “Angry Blacks Are In 30 Year Plot To Train Black Children as Militants” claim is BS. It’s not hate speech either. As for the claim that what Faherty said was hate speech, again it’s anything but.
Oh and CRAP, citing media matters and Crooks and Liars just proves you’ll believe anything. It’s been shown once (now twice more thanks to you) here already how far left sources blatantly lie, but you know that. You’ll do anything to justify you hate and lust for power/control.
@GaffaUK: You repeat some socialist shibboleth about Rush Limbaugh then demand CURT prove his assertion with a level of documentation you yourself are unable to provide? SHAME ON YOU!
@Real American Patriot: So please point to me the times Ann Coulter has hosted this White House event?
Is that you understand the importance of the question I am asking and are ignoring it or that you are too stupid figure out the importance?
@Joanne: Over at the Huffington Post where they are still patting themselves on the back that this dinner went off without a knife fight in the lobby they identified the woman as Jennifer Loven, president of the Correspondents’ Association and a writer for AP.
Hard Right…
You are wrong as usual. What it proves is the left has effective watch dogs that you don’t like.
They tell the truth about righties and the corporate media.
btw.. I don’t hate.. despite your spew!
@Real American Patriot: If you don’t respond to my question I am going to delete further irrelevant comments from you.
I could sit here alllll the day long and repeat what nasty hateful things Democrats have said about Republicans over the years but that is not the point and you know it.
Either answer my question or prepare for the wrath of Mike.
CRAP, you didn’t prove anything other than you are hate filled bigot and deeply in denial about it.
Mediamatters aka Soros inc. claimed that Faherty had a murder fantasy about Pelosi. Having heard what he said it was nothing of the sort. You know that and are just trying to justify your hypocrisy.
As for what Rush said it wasn’t hate speech. I read what was said. Your claims of hate speech are just hillarious. Try reading before posting the link next time.
Corporate media. Would that be the “right wing controlled” media CRAP? 🙂
Re-read my post again. Firstly I didn’t demand, secondly I didn’t ask him to prove it. That’s what you read into it. I merely asked him where the video was – as I’m curious to see – as context is everything e.g. did Limbaugh laugh or did he immediately realise it was a mistake – if it indeed was a mistake.
btw – still waiting to see what you thought of McCain’s ‘joke’ about Chelsea. Was that beyond the pale?
I haven’t found any notable jibes from recognised right-wing commentators about Sasha & Malia – and let hope it stays that way during the next four years. Did Bush’s daughters get any particular flack from notable left-wingers.
Finally with the post about Pelosi & Reid getting shot – it seems you were the only one who thought that it was inappropriate. Kudos.
@GaffaUK asked “Did Bush’s daughters get any particular flack from notable left-wingers?”
What planet do you live on?
You don’t remember all the crap the Bush girls took over the incident of underage drinking?
I’m surprised you didn’t read about it in Mother Jones Magazine which seems to be your first source of information.
P.S. I could care less what John McCain says or does.
Yes I remember that – but I don’t remember Democrat Senators making jokes about in front of rallies. As for McCain – yes I guess you don’t care as that would blow apart the argument that somehow the Right refrains from going over the line. And is the guy you voted for? lol
Yeah right….
Tell me how saying that Michael J Fox “is exaggerating the effects of the disease,” is not personal or hurtful?
or as you say – thanks for playing;)
Personal and hurtful? Fox admitted to messing with his medication for the spot in question. Can you say shock value?
Gaffa….yes, said so in the post I directed you to as well.
@ Curt
So are you saying that Fox purposefully overmedicated to exaggerate the effects of his disease for TV?
Real American Patriot said; “What it proves is the left has effective watch dogs that you don’t like.”
Their watch dogs are anything but effective. The left’s watchdogs claimed there were no Al Qaeda links to Ba’ath members prior to the 2003 Iraq Invasion, they were wrong. Even Harry Reid admitted this after having led investigations in the senate on this matter.
They claimed the Ba’aths didn’t violate any provisions of the Cease Fire Agreement from the first Gulf War, they were wrong. Not allowing inspectors into their facilities and shooting projectiles at neighboring countries and jets enforcing the Cease Fire agreement’s no fly zone policy violated the agreement. The agreement made it clear that the United States, and Britain (France also, before they pulled out of the agreement) can and will take Saddam out if he didn’t cooperate at the time of their choosing.
The Cease Fire was sanctioned by the United Nations making it international law. The U.N. is a treaty based organization, and every country participating signs a treaty agreeing to do it’s part including enforcing Cease Fire agreements which the organization sanctions that country to enforce.
Not enforcing the Cease Fire agreement and failing to remove Saddam from power would be illegal, because in the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Paragraph II) of the Constitution it says; “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”
In short, to not enforce the Cease Fire like the U.N. sanctioned the U.S., and Britain (and back then France) to and not remove Saddam’s Ba’ath party from power when it was violating the agreement would be violating the treaty we have with the U.N., and ultimately the Supremacy Clause. So in addition to the claim that the Ba’ath party didn’t violate Cease Fire agreements being false, it is also false that claiming the removal of Saddam militarily was illegal.
Back to the left’s counterproductive watchdogs.They claimed that people who supported the removal of the Ba’ath party from power in Iraq manipulated intel and ultimately playing with public emotions in regards to this matter, they were wrong. Every investigation and shred of evidence now debunks this notion in; the Congress who investigated this matter, in the Fact Check political organization which is the final arbiter on political matters, and the intel agencies who participated in these Congressional investigations.
These watch dogs of which you speak are not affective. Their watch is about as affective as a water buffalo taking a sip at the water hole when a crocodile is about to make it prey. Sadly, more than half of my beloved countrymen were like this water buffalo in the November 2008 primary elections.
@Curt: I was interested in the “overmedicated” claim and eagerly read your post but now I’m confused:
This suggests to me that if Fox hadn’t taken the medication he would’ve been in such bad shape to the point of not being able to deliver his lines (with dyskinesia being side effect). How does this at all support Limbaugh’s claim that he was either off his meds or faking?
Trizzlor, baloney…he had spoken at a subcommittee not long before this without medication:
Without medication he would be stiff since the disease freezes the muscles BUT he could still talk. Overmedicated he shakes and has tremors which makes people feel sorry for him. It sucks that he has the disease but to manipulate people as he did in that subcommittee meeting and the commercial is beyond the pale.
GaffaUK said; “So are you saying that Fox purposefully overmedicated to exaggerate the effects of his disease for TV?”
Probably did, this is a great question for discussion now that you ask this. I know this thread is going way off topic, but entertainment companies going to the extreme for good shock value and higher ratings isn’t news.
However, I can’t think of stooping so low as to messing with an ill man’s medicine. Especially if the man’s illness is fatal.
Also, while we’re arguing about which political party made the nastiest personal attacks, I think a question just as good for discussion would be; how? How does proving that one side makes the nastiest personal attacks prove anyone’s point?
Does it prove that if one side makes the nastiest attacks, then the other side is off the hook for trying to stoop down to the opponents level?
Your right and I helped it along….woops, sorry Mike
Back to the post, I don’t think Obama and Sykes are having the last laugh on this one. Maybe they can get a snicker from Limbaughs ailing kidneys. And I will admit Wanda Sykes can be hilarious. Like in the movie Over the Hedge, hysterically good memories for the entire family. But if there is anything that will fail faster than Limbaugh’s kidneys, it will be Obama’s presidency. I don’t think Obama or Sykes will be laughing then.
@Curt: I see you are picking up some of Mata’s habits.
But don’t sweat it. I think we learned a few things in the extended exchange.
I’ll tackle those lessons first with @GaffaUK who suggests that just because John McCain or some other GOP official made a rude joke that somehow whatever Democrats do is OK.
We’ve all seen this enabling attitude exhibited time and time again it’s getting a bit stale.
And I would remind those who constantly urge civility when GOP types make such comments that it doesn’t help their cause when they sit back and laugh, then excuse, similar or worse behavior.
And yes, Democrats have been MUCH more offensive. As I said, I have the files and I could put up countless examples. Remember DNC Chairman Howard Dean who said he “hates Republicans and everything they stand for” and said we were “evil?”
Then of course there were the slew of personal insults from Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid directed at President Bush.
But somehow the lefties just wink and nod at all that and don’t mind it one bit. But as we learned with the Miss California fracas, if someone on our side says something that the left even disagrees with, they can be tarred and feathered.
And let’s not forget the hypocrisy of the left’s one way fingerpointing over ethics. Remember the “culture of corruption” meant to tar every Republican? And yet Nazi Pelosi is standing in the way of an ethics investigation of Congressman Murtha and Cong. Rangel still chairs the tax writing Ways and Means Committee even though he cheated on his taxes.
If Dems were really serious about ethics reform they would apply the same standard to their own members that they daily demand of Republicans.
The same goes for civility.
That is why I say that the libs flagellating their keyboards on this thread are ENABLERS for the very things they protest if a Republican does it.
In short, you can sum up their attitude in ONE WORD:
H Y P O C R I S Y !!!
yeah… and I can’t follow a recipe exact either. Guess I don’t take to imposed boundaries well. LOL
I’m sick of hearing the extremely uncalled for vitriolic comments on both sides, (in the media, internet, etc.) and it does not help either side, because it increases the polarization, closes minds, turns off voters and diverts attention away from the real issues, problems, and possible solutions.
Wow – American English must really been different to Queen’s English (as MataHarley might put it). Mike – how do you claim that I am saying that ‘whatever Democrats do is OK’
Look at my comments again…
I didn’t find Skyes comments offensive myself – in the same way I didn’t find McCain comments offensive BUT I think they were both inappropriate and that they could been seen as offensive particularly to the people they were aiming at. Hypocrisy is the holier than thou crap whether it’s spouted by the left or right. BOTH sides use dirty tactics and that doesn’t make it OK. M’okay?
Ummmm….because it was honest?
As Curt pointed out to you, Fox admitted to tweaking/eliminating his meds to show an exaggerated effect during his testimony before Congress.
So, yeah, thanks for playing.
lol – Rush wasn’t talking about Fox’s testimony before Congress. And let’s ‘assume’ for a minute that Rush was honest – does that somehow make his comments NOT personal or hurtful.
By all means pick up some straws in the kitchen – or whenever your bizarre other catchphrase is….;)
I didn’t say that Rush was speaking of Fox’s testimony before Congress.
I simply pointed out that Fox has a history of tweaking his meds when convenient to produce the desired effect.
If you want to pick nits and find fault with Rush, or anyone else, for telling the truth then you’re simply being silly.
Quite frankly, your silliness is not worth any more of my time in regard to this topic.
@GaffaUK: All you have done is enable more of the same crap. You might not like to hear that, but that’s my well considered conclusion.
@ditto: Your sentiments are no doubt shared by a great many Americans. What would you recommend we do about the problem?
@Mike’s America: This thread is getting long and I think you’re losing sight of the whole debate. You and Mata asked for any example of a prominent Republican making a tasteless joke in a public forum (granted, you asked specifically about the WHCD, but those have only been high-profile since Colbert). Gaffa provided an objectively fitting example: McCain, clearly a prominent Republican (at least last year) makes a tasteless joke about the Clintons and their family, the media covers for him. Your dodge is to claim that you just don’t really like McCain (although enough to vote for him, right?) and then attack a straw-man for “enabling whatever Democrats do”.
The debate wasn’t over who dishes out more (that’s one you claim to have won already) but weather prominent Republicans have dished it out while avoiding flack from the conservative community. But really it’s an impossible one – do we now go crawling through the right blogosphere looking for condemnation or denial of McCain’s joke; do we do the same for the left and Sykes? How many examples before we’re satisfied?
I think Ryan made the strongest point here: “Does it prove that if one side makes the nastiest attacks, then the other side is off the hook for trying to stoop down to the opponents level?“. Mike, in keeping your bean-count “files” and claiming a Republican has never erred, is this not what you’re saying?
@trizzlor.myopenid.com said: “You and Mata asked for any example of a prominent Republican making a tasteless joke in a public forum. ”
Where did I ask that?
And how many times do I have to repeat that it’s NOT THE POINT.
The point here, and the point of the post is that the President of the United States smirks while an entertainer just feet away from him makes jokes about torturing and kidney’s failing.
And as I have ALSO pointed out numerous times, for every example of a Republican saying something offensive I can dig up ten examples of Dems saying much worse.
And I’ll repeat THIS again also, since you don’t seem to be paying any more attention than Gaffa or CRAP: If you are really interested in civility you would be first in line to object to this just as I objected to the bad joke about Pelosi being shot.
If you want ANY credibility here you better start demonstrating some consistency.
We’re at 100 comments now on this thread but I invite my liberal friends to come back and remind me how many times THEY have stated their objections to what Wanda Sykes said.
I’ve heard their moral equivalence argument again and again and again about how they think the GOP is just is bad but I think I am missing their condemnation of Sykes’s and similar Dem statements.
I’ve previously laid out my objections to the bad joke about shooting Nancy Pelosi and I’d just like to give my lib friends one more time to repeat their disapproval of Sykes’s remarks.
Make sure to include the link to your comment as well as a quote.
triz, exactly what I asked was:
While I think McCain’s joke about Chelsea/Reno was tasteless, it was not a death wish. Just an “ugly” joke, in more ways than one.
And speaking of ugly… moose doesn’t equate failed kidney’s with a death wish…. which perhaps shows how little he knows of renal failure. A complete kidney failure is long term, and irreversible. Usually both kidneys are affected, and the demand for organ transplants far outweights the supply. Average life span is 18-47% of their peers. So, moose, it *is* an ugly death wish. And a slow one to boot, filled with most days of the week devoted to living on a machine for hours as it cleanses your blood. My experience with dialysis patients has been up close and personal more times than I care to remember.
But all in all, I hold with the same opinion as I did on another thread about this oh so boring subject. I don’t think Obama was particularly thrilled with Syke’s monologue, and probably somewhat embarrassed. I do not hold him responsible for the bad taste of Sykes personally, and the WHCD organization for selecting her.
But I sure would have like to have seen a simultaneous audience shot to see which WH correspondents found it oh so humorous. They would be more wise to ponder that in the future, “there but by the grace of God…. er, political comediennes… go I”
Ditto, the ones from the right are few and far between. Yet there is an avalanche of such things from the left. The difference is even the right tends to jump on members that say such things. The left, as we see here, defends them no matter what. To paraphrase, you can’t have peace when one side is determined to have war.
Moosebrain, the one grasping at straws is you. To claim kidney failure isn’t a death sentence only proves what was said-you and those like you are hypocrites and liars.
Mataharley, you so nailed it on renal failure.