Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway


WASHINGTON—Taking advantage of the warm spring weather Monday, Vice President Joe Biden parked his 1981 Trans Am in the White House driveway, removed his undershirt, and spent a leisurely afternoon washing the muscle car and drinking beer.
Vice President Biden ditched a day of presiding over the Senate to “give the twin cannons some sun.”

This baby just needs a little scrub down,” said Biden, addressing a tour group as he tucked the sweat-covered top into the belt loop of his cutoff jean shorts. “Gotta get her looking good so I can impress the chicks when I’m cruising down Pennsylvania [Avenue].”

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And the respect for the US, the Presidency, and all the rest that identifies America to the world goes circling circling down the crapper.

What’s with the prez and vp disrobing in public? Just shows that the class act left with Bush & Cheney!

Kudos to The Onion – the only comedy entity smart enough to take advantage of the most laughable administration since Jimmy Carter.

That is completely AWESOME!!!!! You’ve gotta love good ‘ole Joe!

To Larry Sheldon and FedUp (comments #s 1 and 2).

…oh, never mind (you wouldn’t get it).


Lol, I saw the satire right off.. 😀

Among the myriad things I don’t “get”:

I don’t get why he is wqashing his mcar there–he doesn’t live there.

I don’t get how that car fits into the everybody-gots-to-drive-a-FIAT-electric-shoe to save the planet.

I don’t get how a tattooed old man half dres does any thing for the image of the US governance.

How does your “wouldn’t get it” rank with mine?

Are you a hard up something or other enthralled with any naked male flesh?

You are right. I don’t get it.

I really don’t get it, nor do I want it. There is a certain dignity that should be inherent with the top offices of the US – this ain’t it!

I guess we missed that it was an Onion item.

Dang, if you can'[t depend on blogs for accurate news, who CAN you depend on?

@Larry Sheldon: Don’t feel bad Larry. I had to do a double take and check the link.

Scott likes to play those little jokes on us from time to time. One of these days were going to give him some payback.

Frankly though, I thought it was a real news item because I can see Ole Joe doing just that sort of thing.

Oh c’mon now…I posted it under HUMOR, included a link to The Onion, and used the same title. What more do we need to know it’s a gag? A big ole gubmint “WARNING: Reading this might cause you to think that Vice President Biden is a moron. While his stupidity is not contagious, overexposure can be suggestive, and should be done in moderation. Use care when reading about Vice President Biden while driving heavy machinery, and pregnant women should not be exposed to the Vice President at all as his poor sense of humor has been known to induce vomiting and possibly even premature labor.”

Nah, I’m not ready for those gubmint labels yet. Maybe in the next 100 days.

I’ll give you that the pieces were all there for me to see, and no, I don’t want any gooberment don’t-use-cattlle-prods-in-the-bathtub warnings.

I said I missed it–what else can I say.

I will say that “reasonability check” doesn’t work anymore. “A Reasonability Check” would fail everything that has happened since October.

For you people that just found the internets, anything posted on “The Onion” is satire.

How much lfurther can the bar be lowered in politics. We are already tripping over it with this batch of embarrassments.

Larry : “I guess we missed that it was an Onion item”

The issue here is not that YOU missed that it was The Onion.

The issue IS that people aren’t questioning it because it just really isn’t that fair from the realm of possibility! 🙂

Just another example of how all the global warming crap doesn’t apply to the liberal elite.