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That is lovely. Happy Mother’s Day!

I’d like to send this to my mother, Grace Louise, who is no longer with us. I miss her very much, especially on this day.

Happy Mothers Day to the posse and the readers of Flopping Aces.

Happy Mother’s Day, Ladies! 🙂

Happy Mothers Day to the Mother’s out there!

Happy Mother’s Day to all you great moms!! Beautiful picture, Skye!

Skye: Here’s a photo I took in my front garden yesterday:

Malva up front with Digitalis (Foxglove) behind.

It was taken with a cheapee Samsung 10 MP digital. I’m not getting the quality and creative control I did with my Nikon, but I am also not running down to the drugstore to get film developed.

I’m still not ready to plunk down big bucks for a DSLR.

This is a digital point and shoot, you won’t get much flexibility in your shots. What editing software are you using?

Have you checked out the Nikon D90?


Big bucks may not be necessary. With a film Nikon SLR, your lenses may be usable on a Nikon dSLR. I suggest checking out the Nikon D80. My old lenses from the early 1990s work perfectly on my D80.

The D80 is a good camera, and like the Canon your film lenses should be usable on the D80 body.

@Skye: I am finding the limitations of the point and shoot cheapee to be rather frustrating after all these years with the Nikon FE. However, I am able to get some decent photos even with the hardware handicap.

I have checked out the D-90 and it’s still too expensive. It’s hard to justify spending big bucks on a camera that you know will go for half that price in a year or two. Of course in a year or two I will want whatever upgrade has come along.

If you want digital output with more control than a P&S, then ask for a photo CD when you drop off your film. The results allow you to email photos and also make prints at home. Downside is that the output gives you the equivalent of a 1.5MP camera.