While Pakistan Collapses Obama Has No Plan And Does Nothing


The danger for President Obama is that his presidency is, after a few short months, entering its LBJ phase. Faced with a mounting economic crisis at home, there is a real possibility that the Talibanization of Pakistan will force him to deploy U.S. forces amid a population that, to put it mildly, wouldn’t greet their arrival with flowers and chocolates. Obama’s commitment to his domestic reform agenda would be sorely tested by a shooting war in Pakistan, not least because the antiwar left would—very understandably—be in open revolt.

Great article except for the ‘I-love-Obama-and-can’t-stomach-reality’ line at the end:

You can see why President Obama might feel a little bitter about the hand he’s been dealt.

Boofrigginhoo! Pakistan and Afghanistan have been on the verge of collapse for generations, and have collapsed several times. Every President EVERY PRESIDENT has to deal with this. What’s sick and sad is that (as the article so very clearly points out) Obama has no idea what to do, is effectively doing nothing (The Admin can say they are, but in EFFECT…nothing has been done.).

I was particularly impressed when the article described the problem of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, but saddened that it didn’t mention how Obama killed his relationship with the CIA, demoralized, and gutted their abilities with his torture memo release/political distraction gimmick.

Was the gimmick worth it?
Was that leadership or politics?
If an American city (or any city around the globe) is incinerated and millions killed by a Pakistani nuke that the CIA couldn’t trace…will Obama wonder, “Gee, maybe I shouldn’t have used the CIA as a political distraction?”

Elections have consequences, but so does leadership. We’ve seen the first, and I look forward to seeing the second.

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Well, as long a BO apologizes AGAIN and promises not to torture anyone (except us, who have to listen to his garbled rhetoric), then I’m sure the Taliban will lay down their arms and bow to the Won!

This circumstance is something like past history, but with a twist: This is the equivalent to FDR knowing, in the mid-1930s that Hitler was going to round up the Jews and then kill them, and then sat on the far side of the Atlantic, wringing his hands, while the MSM told us daily how the Holocaust was coming, Hitler had said so himself, but was being delayed by some difficulties like contract schedules being being behind in the master plan, for the acquisition of land for the camps…not to mention the barbed wire contractors were moaning about material shortages holding them up.

The difference: That never happened, but the outcome sure did.

Now The One stands in the Oval Office, with full knowledge of the enemy plans, and not only does he not do anything, he facilities the process.

History may well find the President of the United States was directly aiding and comforting, not only the Enemies of the United States, Foreign, but the Enemies of all humanity.

Pardon my belief system, but had he actually read the Bible (since he did go to a Christian Church), I doubt his actions, or inaction, would be as we see. The fact his classmates from Indonesia say he was very religious gives me great concern.

Lets hope the Indians are spinning up their missiles and bombers to fly some how I don’t think the Islamic terrorist with nukes won’t come after the Hindus they hate them more than they hate the Jews. Being what they call polytheist of course this is what they also call Christians.

Bho s bow to well India was there and saw they know where his head is at what do they say about body language


I still haven’t looked up all that wheat that Afghanistan is exporting so the video of the royal beating that man wasn’t over a wheat deal.
Last time I looked Afghanistan was getting in wheat from the USA in aid.
Just because your head is in the sand dose not mean your butt won’t be blown off.

He might “feel a little bitter about the hand he was given”?!?!?!?
Maybe he should call his predesessor Bush and ask him how he felt about his situation when some terrorists decided to ram some planes into some of our buildings and kill 3000 people.
Oh wait Bush was more concerned about the people who died and about preventing futher deaths than about the “hand he was given”.

Not only would the left be in revolt, but with Obama’s trashing of Bush policy I can’t think of too many republicans who would want to stick their necks out for supporting Obama in the face of democrap opposition.

xformed: Pardon my belief system, but had he actually read the Bible (since he did go to a Christian Church), I doubt his actions, or inaction, would be as we see. The fact his classmates from Indonesia say he was very religious gives me great concern

The church may have had Christian in its title but they did not preach Christ. As a Christian I can testify to that. And just because he read the Bible does not make him a Christian. No more than a person who reads the dictionary is a librarian.
His Indonesian roots cause me great concern. True Christians are persecuted in Indonesia which is a Moslem country. Enough said,

oh really Scott.. do you want to see what leadership looks like in this case??

The next two paragraphs taken today from this article via the washington post.

When the three sit down today, Obama will tell Zardari and Karzai that they “have to work together, despite their issues and their history. That’s just what has to be done,” said one of two senior administration officials who briefed reporters at the White House about the visits on the condition of anonymity.

The administration is anxious for Pakistan and Afghanistan, often less than friendly neighbors, to cooperate more on preventing extremists from crossing their joint border. But it has serious, separate issues with each government.

Meanwhile today the pakistan government is moving on the Taliban offensive.

CRAP: Meanwhile today the pakistan government is moving on the Taliban offensive.

Well now, they don’t have much choice, do they? The Taliban is doing what they’ve been doing for years… using a truce in order to advance their territorial hold. They started assailing the government offices, and the Pak Army has no choice but to fight back (especially to rescue their trapped paramilitary), or flee and surrender to the Taliban.

You think this is the first time this has happened? The militant Taliban breaking a truce? Hang no… been happening over and over for years. Only the fool Zardari would believe there could be a different outcome from same methods. Only now they’ve let them seize too much area with the government’s blessing.

And you think Obama can do what about this? Tell the boys to “play nice” with each other? Yeah, that’ll help.

He can do nothing.

His big cowboy talk about going into Pakistan to get Bin Laden is but a faded campaign dream. He’s not even concerned about Bin Laden, but the Taliban now. Funny… using his usual mode of thinking… it wasn’t the Taliban that attacked the US on 911…

Reality’s a bitch, eh?

Real American Patriot
7Reply to this comment

oh really Scott.. do you want to see what leadership looks like in this case??

The next two paragraphs taken today from this article via the washington post.

When the three sit down today, Obama will tell Zardari and Karzai that they “have to work together, despite their issues and their history. That’s just what has to be done,” said one of two senior administration officials who briefed reporters at the White House about the visits on the condition of anonymity.

The administration is anxious for Pakistan and Afghanistan, often less than friendly neighbors, to cooperate more on preventing extremists from crossing their joint border. But it has serious, separate issues with each government.

Meanwhile today the pakistan government is moving on the Taliban offensive.

RAP punk…ever been to Pakistan or Afghanistan? Most likely NOT.
Get off your soapbox now. Within the week, Taliban will have hands on Nukes and that trumps
Diplomacy, Eh?

Nothing personal but after 12 years Service in the middle east and having walked the streets in Kabul, Baghram, Karachi, Peshawar and Islamabad, I reckon that both You and Obama are full of it… so get off it and No, You do not have Need to Know. What are You thinking Real American Punk?

Going off to town on my huge carbon footprint HD Sportster bike to buy some more ammunition and some bourbon that is old enough to vote. Almost as good as a parachute jump not gravity fed.

I Love my Country but Fear the fools that run my Government.
I do not suffer Fools kindly but have earned that Right.

Real American Patriot?

I love the Old Trooper. I really do. But I love RAP as well. For 8yrs Bush met with leaders of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and it went ignored by people like RAP who were ignoring the war in Afghanistan to oppose the war in Iraq (like Obama did), but now that Obama’s the guy trying to leave Iraq in a way that is conditions-based there’s no more opposition, and now that it’s Obama talking to Afghan and Pakistani leaders, it’s not ignored…it’s something brand new and a shining example of leadership. Really man, it doesn’t get more shallow and two-faced. It really doesn’t.

Sorry Scott I was well aware of Bush working with Pakistani and Afghan leaders.. It appears you know nothing on my stance about Iraq too.. so your two faced BS is just that BS!!!

As for Old Trooper.. you are so far away from reality it even surprises me. Your right wing ignorance is showing.

RAP, please tell us then what the difference is between Obama’s meetings w Afghan and Pakistani leaders and Bush’s (as you claim Obama’s is somehow a great example of leadership).

btw, I had no idea you supported the war in Iraq

@Scott Malensek:

He didn’t support the war in Iraq Scott.

He’s just hoping that no one remembers.

Catherine: Just because your head is in the sand dose not mean your butt won’t be blown off.

LOL! Priceless, Catherine….

Real American Patriot
11Reply to this comment

Sorry Scott I was well aware of Bush working with Pakistani and Afghan leaders.. It appears you know nothing on my stance about Iraq too.. so your two faced BS is just that BS!!!

As for Old Trooper.. you are so far away from reality it even surprises me. Your right wing ignorance is showing.
Nope, do not mistake tolerance for ignorance Phony American Patriot.

My reality is having walked the streets of Baghdad, Kabul. Baghram, Peshawar, Mogadishu and a few other places where I was “occupationally relocated” over 28 years in Service and by the way, Jocko, I am a registered Independent, have degrees from UNC Chapel Hill, the War College and was never asked to serve in any State Department position.

I was sent where diplomacy failed while little weasels like you were still being toilet trained. and You still cannot locate those places on a map. Patriotism is not measured by being the loudest voice in the room. I have Campaign Ribbons that are older than You are and more Parachute Jumps than I can remember, have walked away from more bar room brawls than I can recall
but was deployed anywhere in 72 hours at the whim of more Presidents than You ever voted for…folks that get sent to wars never enjoyed them.

Now, if You All will excuse me, I have to take my Dress Blues to the cleaners so I can dance with my Daughter at her Military Ball. She reports to the USAFA on the 28th to keep America and fools like You safe for the next generation.

Traveling music…Patsy Cline…

Oh and Scott, if you fly fish, come up for dinner in Idaho. I can post GPS for you.
Trout are tasty!

Ohhhhhhhh, smoked trout!


mmmm… know nothing of CRAP’s stance on Iraq. Scott suggests CRAP was against it, CRAP retorts Scott is clueless. Does that suggest he was *for* it?

Well, I know public schooling has a new curriculum offering of “revisionist history” instead of American history, but CRAP’s past about a year ago since his appearance first as sky55110 instead of ‘Real American Patriot’ suggests that it’s not Scott guilty of the “BS” flying furiously.

From Apr 20, 2008, CRAP says:

First let’s look at Iraq did Obama Support it from the get go?? NO.. good answer…
GREAT Judgement!!!! That is the Judgement I believe is important.. not who he spoke on a podium with…. not which church he attends..


935 lies from the Bush administration is what really got us into this war… did you forget that??
naw you just choose to ignore it.

“…lies from the Bush administration is what really got us into this war…” yeah, feeling “the support” there. Then he proceeds to run down the DNC mantra of “what lies”… Then followed it up with:

I am not Blaming our military for not finishing the job in Afghanistan… I am Blaming BUSH for taking his eye off the ball!!! namely going after until he had Bin Laden… That was a HUGE mistake on Bushes part! Saying we did exactly what the DNC wanted and the rest of country wanted by putting in a UN international support… that would have been fine AFTER getting Bin Laden…
but NO BUSH wanted to invade Iraq… Someone here suggested that Iraq is a bipartison war. I’m sorry but it’s not.. I hold BUSH accountable for plotting how he would convince (LIE to) congress it was necessary. And for the whole BOTCHED war.

Then a couple of days later:

Leaving saddam in power is exactly what we should have done… He was NO threat to the US as some state he was… He did NOT have a relationship with Al Queda. ( proven by our own FBI )

ouch… considering the Harmony/ISG docs documented Saddams’ working relationship with al Zawahari starting in 1993, that’s gotta be a big crow pie to eat….

Well, at least we know who’s dishing out the crap, CRAP

What is it you say, Aye? “clean up on aisle 5!”


Trooper… looks like you procreated well, and you should take great pride in your daughter! But then, she comes from sturdy stock, yes? You enjoy that military ball.. I wish your daughter well, and send her my thanks. And of course, most definitely to you as well.

Scott and Matta,

Did I ever say I supported the reason the Iraq war was started? NO and i still maintain it was the worst mistake the Bush administration made in it’s 8 years.

I did say all of those things about the IRAQ war i don’t deny them in fact I still stand by ALL of them.

However, Scott was reaching wildly when he said I was ignoring the war in Afghanistan because of the war in Iraq.

My stance on the Iraq war remains.. We do need to end it. However I do realize we can’t just up and leave. It has to be done right.

So who is dishing out the CRAP Matta??? It seems to be you and Scott

Scott, Trooper, what you don’t understand is that Obama is going to be talking to them and telling them how it is. Not some two bit hick from Texas that was our last president. That’s also how a two state system will come to be between Israel and the Palestinians. Obama can make these things happen because he’s Obama. Everyone else that talked to all these nations weren’t Obama. Obama will talk the Taliban nukes right out of the sky.

Trooper, congrats on the daughter entering the Air Force Academy. Great school, great branch of the service, if I do say so myself. I have a son entering high school next year with his sights set on the Academy. Nothing would make me prouder.

RAP, did you support the war in Iraq in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008? I’m not talking the decision to invade, but the decision to stay indefinitely until Iraq is secure enough to ensure that a 3rd invasion isn’t necessary.